9/12/2013 11:12:47 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |
Chahar Deh ye GhowrbandAuckland
New Zealand
66, joined Sep. 2013
who is a confirmed animal lover/dog lover?
I am for one
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9/12/2013 6:53:29 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Sparta, TN
49, joined Jan. 2013
I love my dogs I have two and two cats
9/12/2013 9:07:14 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |
Chahar Deh ye GhowrbandAuckland
New Zealand
66, joined Sep. 2013
thanks for the post and i hope more animal lovers come here to post
9/14/2013 1:35:09 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |
Kent, WA
32, joined Aug. 2013
I love my kitties 
9/14/2013 11:58:25 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |
Chahar Deh ye GhowrbandAuckland
New Zealand
66, joined Sep. 2013
my samoyed runs this place
9/14/2013 11:42:00 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |
Chahar Deh ye GhowrbandAuckland
New Zealand
66, joined Sep. 2013
and what kind of dogs are they?I have two furkids
9/15/2013 3:14:19 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Northridge, CA
37, joined Jan. 2013
my chocolate lab. She turns 13 in December!
9/15/2013 3:41:35 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |
Chahar Deh ye GhowrbandAuckland
New Zealand
66, joined Sep. 2013
wow,that is a good age
10/31/2013 9:24:23 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Mays Landing, NJ
58, joined Dec. 2009
definitely a dog lover labs/jack russels
10/31/2013 8:46:28 PM |
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Nora Springs, IA
65, joined Sep. 2013
If I had my way and had a farm I would love to take in all strays. I go to the Humane Society often and when i see them shaking or wanting so bad to be held or wanting to lick my hand my heart dies inside....I see some that were put there from their master dying and then no one to care for the animal or a person had to move and needs to find a home. There are just too many excuses that don't make any sense to me. It is a family member. Would you put your daughter or your son in a shelter?
Anyway I have an irish setter and she is my pride and joy...If I die I will take her with me to the grave for nobody can I trust to take care of her and love her like I do. She will be with me forever.
11/30/2013 7:42:12 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
43 puppies?WHY????
11/30/2013 8:27:24 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Cicero, IL
42, joined Nov. 2012
43 puppies?WHY????
Did somebody say "puppy mill"? She probably needed the money. Sad.
11/30/2013 4:32:24 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Kansas City, MO
63, joined Oct. 2013
Yes, very much.
I've had lots of dogs in my lifetime many of whom were no longer puppies, most of whom came from animal shelters. They were all special in their own way but there is one I miss more than anything.
I wrote something about her and what happened and how special she was:
I'm looking for one special little dog. My search is inspired by the memory of a little black dog I had decades ago. I've had a lot of really great dogs but she was the best I ever had. Heidi was just a simple little "pound puppy" who happened to be on death row when I found her. From that very first day she captured my heart and blended into my life seamlessly. I believe that's because our time was meant to be.
How can I describe her? She really didn't need any training. She never cried at night and never once peed on the floor. She liked to have fun and was content to play while I worked outside planting flowers and stuff like that but then she'd say "enough of that". She'd come and lay her ball close to my hand so I could reach it. "Let's play" she'd say with her little black eyes shining. She selected a bedroom slipper of mine to be her favorite toy. It was just that one so I couldn't say "no" and I hardly wore it anyway. She liked it when I carried here in my arms just like she was my baby; In fact in many ways she was.
Some people thought she was ugly but not me. I always thought she was the most beautiful dog that ever was. Some people saw a scraggly little black dog. They didn't see, like me, inside her tiny body beat a heart pure & sweet as honey.
But then someone very cruel and evil stole her from me and in all the years since I've never gotten over losing her. I know who stole her and I know why but I don't know how she died. Not knowing where her precious body lays is hard because sometimes my mind conjures up things I really rather not consider.
Now I'm retired and except for my pets I live alone. One of the few things I imagine doing that would be a good thing is finding a special little dog like Heidi again.
Is there anyone out there who could help me find that ONE again?
So far I'm not having much luck on my own so anybody who could help me out would have my gratitude forever.
Some people say if memories are painful then just don't think about them. But I don't want to forget Heidi I just want to find a way to remember her and how much love could be inside such a tiny little girl.
Til now I could never say I wanted to find someone like her again. I felt like it would be a betrayal of her. But instead, I want it to be a tribute to how very special she was and to remember how she could fill a room with love.
I was blessed to know her. It's because of her that I learned not to take love for granted but to protect and cherish it instead.
And, finally, I think Heidi wants me to know its okay to love that way again.
One thing I PROMISE, THOUGH, no matter what:
and NO ONE will ever take YOUR PLACE.
11/30/2013 4:43:10 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Kansas City, MO
63, joined Oct. 2013
I'm the biggest pitbull lover Well all dogs I have a 14 year old female named carma Who has had 43 puppies and her lifetime Her husband of 13 years is buried in our backyard his name was sapp She visits his grave every day now I have to move don't know what to do I don't want to leave him
Pit bulls constitute the majority of dogs that end up being put down after they are picked up by animal control. They get a bad rap. For the few who have bitten or might bite someone its because the idiots who had them encouraged bad behavior. These dogs never knew love. Then there were the little ones used as bait in training these dogs to fight.
Disgusting human beings are responsible but the dogs pay the price.
I know some very sweet precious pit bulls. I'd trust them far more than a lot of the humans I've known. So many irresponsible people causing so much suffering.

12/1/2013 12:40:26 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tulsa, OK
59, joined Oct. 2013
dog lover here. Right now, I have six, five rescues and a 14 year old bluetick hound whose dam I owned. I live near a high kill shelter, and it breaks my heart to see how many are brought in. 
12/5/2013 12:54:48 AM |
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Berlin, MD
66, joined Aug. 2012
Actually, verat there's a connection between YOU & TRASH!!!!!!!!!
12/5/2013 2:12:26 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Fort Worth, TX
40, joined Mar. 2013

12/18/2013 8:33:25 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
 dog lover here. Right now, I have six, five rescues and a 14 year old bluetick hound whose dam I owned. I live near a high kill shelter, and it breaks my heart to see how many are brought in. 
I have 6 rescued special needs dogs from the SPCA, and a rescued cat with 4 newborn kittens. Our local shelter is also a high kill shelter.
12/18/2013 8:41:52 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Proudly ,I have adopted my Dad's pitbull.She is and will remain a family member.
12/18/2013 3:13:37 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
I do not agree with people who keep wildlife as pets. Wildlife belongs in the wild, not in cages. Keeping animals/birds in cages are not pets, they are prisoners. I'd rather fishes swimming free in their natural habitat, not in fish tanks. 
12/18/2013 3:59:04 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
^^^ Thank you for your opinion. May I ask why you think my opinion is wrong?
12/18/2013 4:46:29 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
No, I'm not here to argue with people or teach them anything.
I am a responsible pet owner.
I'm here to express my love for animals and pets.
I doubt if you can teach me anything. I am an animal activist who rescues and fights for wildlife around the world. I am not talking about domesticated animals (there is a huge difference). In a way I am glad that you are being such a gentleman and do not want to have a debate regarding my comment. Kudos to you for that. To be honest, I think this a subject that needs to be discussed in private.
I love people who love their cats and dogs. It's just that I'd rather see wildlife (not domesticated pets) in their natural habitat. Seeing c*ckatoos and parrots flying in flocks in the wild when I go home to Australia, makes me happy. Snorkeling here in the South Pacific Ocean and admiring fish in their natural habitat make me happy. Seeing snakes (and reptiles) free to slither/climb up trees instead of living solitaire lives in fishtanks saddens me. Just because we humans can bring a caged animal/bird out of its cage daily and kiss them and say "I love you," does not justify keeping wildlife prisoners. They are pack animals, they were not put on this planet as entertainment for humans.
Wild animals were supposed to be with their own kind, not here for human entertainment and interaction.
I truly appreciate your gentleman manner and not wanting to argue. I am only doing my job as an animal activist and not to tread on your toes in hope of a huge debate. I hope you get my point.
Best wishes. 
12/18/2013 9:52:41 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
I adore parrots. I have rescued and I have raised babies of rescues.
I have studied parrots in depth and am not an extremist.
Parrots do not belong solo in a cage. Parrots do not belong in cages at all. They need the open space.
Even more than the open space they need they bonded mate. Parrots a lot like humans bond and maintain family units. They need this just like humans need it.
If you want a parrot please do Not buy one.
Rescue two.
I would be more than glad to rescue a few myself. I do miss their personalities.
Rescue Do Not Buy and Do Not have just one.
I am not uneducated on this topic by any means.
Thank you.
I've rescued parrots before too. You are wonderful.
The ones that have no hope of ever going back to the wild stay in an avery with a partner. They are not solitary creatures that can be put in a cage just so a human can bop up and down and say "I love you" and kiss them and make people laugh to show off.
It really angers me that people cut their feathers so they can't fly away. ----- And they call that a PET????
Kudos to you for speaking up. 
12/18/2013 10:18:29 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
Once again we are at square one. The fact that you are an animal activist has no merit on this topic.
You don't need to restate your wrong opinion to me and think it has any more validity just because you said you're an animal activist. Just stop it. Let it go. I don't want to talk to you.
To each his own. Go watch the discovery channel or something or get into a debate with your husband . I'm not interested.
Deal!!! I can't get through to and ignorant moron. There are too many ignorant idiots like you in the world. I don't need to watch any TV channels, I study animal welfare. Dumb people like you only go by what you watch on TV --- heavily sponsored by the Pet Food industry.
Please don't talk to me either. Your profile pic looks like a fake news anchor.. Fake profile.  
I'm on a dating site because I'm a single woman. Why would you tell me to go argue with my husband??
12/19/2013 8:35:40 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
No it doesn't. Actually its very happy and healthy. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You don't know my situation and yet you make assumption. You're pretty lame. Sweetheart there us nothing you can teach me about parrots. Trust me. Sheeesh 
Parrots ARE very social animals in need of constant companionship.Sorry Hon,YOU are the one mistaken.If your bird isn't imprinted with humans,it still needs companionship of some kind.Otherwise the animal will get depressed,destructive and do things like pluck his own feathers to the point of scaration,etc..And make a LOT more noise.Like screeming.A parrot requires a lot more attention than even a dog.
12/19/2013 9:00:57 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
I doubt if you can teach me anything. I am an animal activist who rescues and fights for wildlife around the world. I am not talking about domesticated animals (there is a huge difference). In a way I am glad that you are being such a gentleman and do not want to have a debate regarding my comment. Kudos to you for that. To be honest, I think this a subject that needs to be discussed in private.
I love people who love their cats and dogs. It's just that I'd rather see wildlife (not domesticated pets) in their natural habitat. Seeing c*ckatoos and parrots flying in flocks in the wild when I go home to Australia, makes me happy. Snorkeling here in the South Pacific Ocean and admiring fish in their natural habitat make me happy. Seeing snakes (and reptiles) free to slither/climb up trees instead of living solitaire lives in fishtanks saddens me. Just because we humans can bring a caged animal/bird out of its cage daily and kiss them and say "I love you," does not justify keeping wildlife prisoners. They are pack animals, they were not put on this planet as entertainment for humans.
Wild animals were supposed to be with their own kind, not here for human entertainment and interaction.
I truly appreciate your gentleman manner and not wanting to argue. I am only doing my job as an animal activist and not to tread on your toes in hope of a huge debate. I hope you get my point.
Best wishes. 
That was a BEAUTIFUL post.You and I disagree on many many things,we also agree on a lot...but this post and personal expression was deliverd BEAUTIFULLY.Thank you.It was a pleasure to read....My wolves just began singing as if on que.Which reminds me...I gotta get more straw today for their imitation cave{large enclosure} before I leave for state...gotta get more wet cat food,too.And print out the detailed instructions for my caretaker while Im gone.Especially the med charts.Ive trained them but this is their 1st time actually being left responsible with my furfolk.Im taking my alpha male with me.I wish you could see how happy these animals are and how much this animal enjoys his jobs.I'll be posting videos soon as I learn how and have time.I cherish my ambassaors.Take pride in giving them quality of life.Until he came to me,he was chained,starved{nearly to death} and SEVERELY beaten.The untrained eye would never recognize him as the same animal.You know,when I agreed to rescue and foster him,yeah,I did save him,but far more than that,he saved me.He now acts as a service animal for me as well as does educational programs and assists 3-6 year olds in their summer water safety/swimming lessons.He is a hit at every powwow and a rock star whereever he goes.His only fluke is his passion for boat rides.
12/19/2013 9:05:06 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
When they clip feathers on a large bird it does not take away their ability to fly. It does however stop them from going as fast or as high as they are possible of. If a rescue needs to be limited for safety reasons that's when. They do it. We did it with out blue from which bonded to a yellow nape. Batty the blue front would fly upside down. When he did it he would literally bounce off the walls. So it was a safety thing.
I wonder if this bird may have had an inner ear problem.Poor guy!
12/19/2013 2:37:12 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
That was a BEAUTIFUL post.You and I disagree on many many things,we also agree on a lot...but this post and personal expression was deliverd BEAUTIFULLY.Thank you.It was a pleasure to read....My wolves just began singing as if on que.Which reminds me...I gotta get more straw today for their imitation cave{large enclosure} before I leave for state...gotta get more wet cat food,too.And print out the detailed instructions for my caretaker while Im gone.Especially the med charts.Ive trained them but this is their 1st time actually being left responsible with my furfolk.Im taking my alpha male with me.I wish you could see how happy these animals are and how much this animal enjoys his jobs.I'll be posting videos soon as I learn how and have time.I cherish my ambassaors.Take pride in giving them quality of life.Until he came to me,he was chained,starved{nearly to death} and SEVERELY beaten.The untrained eye would never recognize him as the same animal.You know,when I agreed to rescue and foster him,yeah,I did save him,but far more than that,he saved me.He now acts as a service animal for me as well as does educational programs and assists 3-6 year olds in their summer water safety/swimming lessons.He is a hit at every powwow and a rock star whereever he goes.His only fluke is his passion for boat rides.
Thank you for the kind words.
Parrots are very social and that's why I love seeing the flying free in the skies and chirping in trees with their own kind.
You sound like you know what you are talking about and I appreciate that.
I love what you mentioned about wolves, believe it not, they are better off with you since they are being hunted during hunting season in the US. Sports and trophy hunting is my pet peeve. You are very kind to take them in, the horiric pics (attachted to petitions) are brutal. Wolves being killed for the thrill of he kill.
I myself, have a wolf named Mr. Wolf, he is severly epileptic but I love him to bits. The SPCA here in the Fiji Islands asked me to take him on and care for him. I am glad I do. The only time I hear him howl is during a seizure. Mr. Wolf was brought to Fiji by an American who could not afford to take him back to the US and so he was dumped at the SPCA. A wolf has no business being in a South Pacific Island with temps over 100 degrees and humidity around 100%.
We have fought with a slogan "Friends do not Chain Friends" in WA and CA for years but it's a sad case.
I am on the board of Chimpanzees, and the Great Apes are my first and foremost passion.
I've rescued a c*ckatoo named Charlie in Papua New Guinea, I never caged him and as soon as his feathers grew back he was free to come and go. We had fun and games with Charlie, he'd dance (bop) and wolf whislte and strangers. He'd disappear for the day but come back at night to sleep on a beam in my home. About 3 years later he flew away and never came back. I guess he found himself a girlfriend of joined a flock.
I also resuced a baby crow that fell out of his nest, as soon as he could fly he was off on his way too. This crow (Freddy) came back and visited me on my balcony daily in Tacoma, WA.
Thank you.
12/19/2013 2:40:08 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
I sure wonder why you're single. 
I am single because I choose to be single. Am enjoying single life and I would never marry again. If you read my profile it will explain why I am on DH.
I am not looking for a husband or relationship.
12/19/2013 2:51:23 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
^^^^Sorry but I don't think anyone really cares about reading your profile. It may as well be empty.
Ditto. You're the one who brought up the subject of "little wonder why I'm still single" I was just responding.
So, before you go around assuming why people might be single at least use you brain and check first. Just goes to show, everything you say is based on guessing.
WoooWeee what a nut.  
[Edited 12/19/2013 2:51:55 PM ]
12/19/2013 3:30:34 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
No Batty just enjoyed being upside down. Had the best avian vet check him out. Apparently it's common with blue fronts. They are nuts!!
Porky always seemed to have to turn upside down to call someone a mf'er.But he could stand upright and screem "RAPE!" at the top of his lungs...no problem.He seemed to understand the word,too as once he started screeming it{after several "ahhht ahht ahhts...like your'e warning a kid you see getting ready to do a naughty} and when we ran to see who was tormenting or otherwise bothering him we found a stray cat swatting his tail feathers...guess he felt he was being molested.He learned that word from my mom watching lifetime tv.
12/19/2013 4:42:23 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Porky would see you eating and say"""Ummmm!Porky?...Porky?....Pork pork porky!"One time he was panhandling our booking agent ,a very heavy man ,very self concious of his weight and having thanksgiving dinner with us...I noticed he kept giving porky these horrible scathing looks...then i realized...he didn't know the bird's name!
12/20/2013 9:02:35 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Wow, and you call us bitter and hateful. You are a right jerk there.
And you are the one who first stated you had no time for a dog but had a parrot without explaining right then that some one watched the parrot all day, so yes we are going to judge based on the info you give. If you aren't going to give all the details don't say anything at all. Or don't be an asshat when people judge based on what limit info you tell them.
And thank you...had to second your prev. post though.Obviously he didn't understand why we responeded as we had.
big sigh...Romeo still sounds like Darth Vader...hope his antibiotics kick in soon.
12/20/2013 9:57:20 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
Porky always seemed to have to turn upside down to call someone a mf'er.But he could stand upright and screem "RAPE!" at the top of his lungs...no problem.He seemed to understand the word,too as once he started screeming it{after several "ahhht ahht ahhts...like your'e warning a kid you see getting ready to do a naughty} and when we ran to see who was tormenting or otherwise bothering him we found a stray cat swatting his tail feathers...guess he felt he was being molested.He learned that word from my mom watching lifetime tv.
LOL that's so funny and cute.  
Charlie, the c*ckatoo I rescued loved to wolf whistle at people walking by our home and the construction workers across the road. I was 8 months pregnant and Charlie would whistle at the workmen when they knocked off. Nobody could see the bird, all they could see was me and my huge stomach sitting on my balcony whenever they'd hear Charlie's loud wolf whistles. I'd yell out to the men and tell them it was the bird that whistled at them but they doubted it because they could not see Charlie, all the could see was me and big stomach. Embarrassing!! Most embarrassing was when he would whistle at women and they'd think it was me!
12/20/2013 11:21:32 AM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
I know exactly why you responded that way. Its because you're simple minded and lame. Once again, when somebody tells you something take it for what it is. Don't make your own conclusions you psycho. 
Why are you talking autumnsmile like that? There's no need to be jumping on everyone. She has a right to comment like everyone else. You are such a negative and argumentative person.
Go argue with some men and leave us women alone. How dare you call autumn a psycho.
Stay on topic please. We're talking about pets right now.
You're not going to embarrass anyone so give it up. Nobody is interested in your snide, critical and nasty replies.
Grow up and get a life.
12/20/2013 2:35:19 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
Blah blah blah.... who cares?  
12/20/2013 2:38:00 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
Wow, and you call us bitter and hateful. You are a right jerk there.
And you are the one who first stated you had no time for a dog but had a parrot without explaining right then that some one watched the parrot all day, so yes we are going to judge based on the info you give. If you aren't going to give all the details don't say anything at all. Or don't be an asshat when people judge based on what limit info you tell them.
 You nailed it perfectly. Well said.
12/20/2013 6:57:37 PM |
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Miami, FL
98, joined Jun. 2013

12/24/2013 2:14:27 PM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Didnt see that post but thank you.Ladies the best way to deal w a troll is not to feed it by responding to anything it says.
As for me being a psycho...well,truth be told I am crying at the drop of a hat and I know its not hormonal.I guess Anyone who's gone and going through all I have and am would be abnormal not to have some issues.I've never claimed to be wrapped in quite the same manner as other people.The difference between THIS "psycho"and that one is that I happen to like myself and the person I see when I look in the mirror.My skin is pretty comfortable to live in.I have good people in my life and am a productive member of society.I require no victim to make myself feel better.So pray for the poor creature.Merry Christmas,Verat./ pplact.May you find the love and healing you so desperately need.
1/1/2014 1:17:43 PM |
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Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
^^^^ OT miss, that little Tico is adorable. What a gorgeous face!!!
1/1/2014 10:41:41 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |

Tacoma, WA
52, joined Jun. 2013
He is rotten.
Ha ha ha the upper photo changed. It was a pic of don king
Ahhhh.. I could smooch his cute face endlessly. You are so luck to have such a cutie pie.  
1/4/2014 11:11:13 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |
Fresh Meadows, NY
24, joined Dec. 2013
Me!! Love my two cats & two dogs 
1/5/2014 7:17:55 PM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Since having my two k9 kids.
I often wonder "who rescued who". Obviously, I rescued them physically by getting them and giving them a safe loving home but, they have rescued me psychologically by being here.
I'm sure some wouldn't understand but, many would.[/quot
5 minutes ago my pack stampeded through my house on their way out to play in the falling snow.Sholoh and Zen are having a full on celebration.Oooh!I JUST KNOW this is gonna be the year Willow and Shamuk see thier 1st snow!Shamuk,Sholoh and Zen are in their full winter wolf coat glory and ready...Guage,Liberty and Willow will be asking to come in soon...their coats by far do not compair.
I quoted you because I know full on who rescued who....those animals...without them I would not have healed as well as I have nor have the freedom I do.My service animal came in starved beyond belief,been chained starved and beaten all of his life.He didn't even know what a flushing toilet was and promtly "killed"mine...the growling monster did afterall have "The Momma"{They do call me Momma...verbally}1/2 in it's mouth already, you know!}  Standing by with video camera waiting on some accumilation.You've not seen happy until you've seen a wolf's 1st snow!
1/10/2014 11:57:37 AM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Watch out...they are plotting some caper requiring the cooperation of two.Which means they already are anticipating your efforts to thwart their success.
1/10/2014 12:28:56 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Hey...mine even lie and tattle on one another.
1/10/2014 12:53:24 PM |
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Stoughton, MA
68, joined May. 2011
I have a maltese called miss daisy, she is my best friend, and always has my back 
1/10/2014 7:13:50 PM |
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Henderson, TX
51, joined Mar. 2011
Animal lover here, I have a male Border Collie Taz that's 2yrs old, got him from a Border collie rescue when he was 6months old. I'm always teaching him new things...his brain is ALWAYS ticking on something new. Last nite I taught him in bout 5-10min to bring my house shoes to me. All his toys have names & he will get the one you ask him for, loves fetching anything, loves to go with me places, well mannered, not destructive at all
Then I have a black/white female cat, her name is Banshee but she's called the Hellcat mainly...lol very moody & odd cat. Won't let me hold her but she will lay on my feet or legs. Sometimes she'll let out this crazy reooowww sound and zips thru the house like she's posessed...its funny
Both are fixed, I'm a BIG believer in spaying/neutering
1/10/2014 7:32:23 PM |
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Henderson, TX
51, joined Mar. 2011
And Taz Loves to watch tv...especially animal shows, he'll sometimes run to the tv barking or grunting otherwise he'll lay there with his front legs crossed & intently watches it. Even if its a cartoon or animation animal he can tell its still another animal. But if its just people...ho hum he doesn't care. But if he hears a carhorn in a movie he'll run to the tv and bark at it few seconds.
Something new he is obsessed with is an old duckcall my dad gave me, everytime I pick it up or honk it he starts barking & tryin to get it, but if I offer it to him he just pushes it back in my hand...its a game to him
Every Border collie I've had have some funny quirks
1/10/2014 8:40:48 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |
Orleans, VT
33, joined Nov. 2013
i have a cat named Cheyanne.a man drove by my house and threw her out the car window about 7 years ago.i tried to find her another home but it did not take long for my whole family to fall in love with her.i'm lucky she found me.
1/13/2014 1:15:23 PM |
Animal lovers/dog lovers in here |


Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Luckily she wasn't road rashed and broken to peices like so many others Ive rescued after that kind of abuse.