9/28/2013 8:12:54 AM |
~~ A thread for POSTERS ~~ |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/28/2013 8:14:45 AM |
~~ A thread for POSTERS ~~ |

Marshalltown, IA
61, joined Jul. 2011
Hey!!! I resemble that! Or were you referring to a two bagger? 

[Edited 9/28/2013 8:16:33 AM ]
9/28/2013 8:19:07 AM |
~~ A thread for POSTERS ~~ |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
9/28/2013 8:21:56 AM |
~~ A thread for POSTERS ~~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
wow a thread for posters.. thought that what these ALL were 
but guess you mean as opposed to lurkers... scary when I understand what youre saying  

9/28/2013 8:25:02 AM |
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Marshalltown, IA
61, joined Jul. 2011
I don't know Cupo, you worry me sometimes girl. But each to their own. 
Hey while I have your attention? Why do some of you folks feel the need to constantly start threads? No offense meant. I have just been curious about that one.
9/28/2013 8:37:07 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
LMAOROTF .... Fishy UNDERSTOOD me!!!!!!! .... WOW ... will miracles never cease????? 
@ Blues ~~~ 'cause I can? 
'Sides ... it breaks up the dull monotony!!!!

9/28/2013 8:43:29 AM |
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Marshalltown, IA
61, joined Jul. 2011
Well for one, I can't see Miss Fishys posts. I pissed her off a couple of years back and she doesn't forget. And for another, you have way too much time on your hands. But what do I know? I am just another poster. 
9/28/2013 8:55:02 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Well, Blues ---- One thing always leads to another ....

...I have posted with many ... I have been blocked by many (some for years) ... I have blocked many ... I have unblocked many ... some have unblocked me ... I really don't care who is blocked or unblocked .... who has me blocked or unblocked .... I am on the site to enjoy my leisure time ... not instigate or whine about the features that the site offers members to use as they wish ... now if you would like me to ask Fishy if she will unblock you then she can read this post because I don't run interference for other members ... I have fun posting wherever I post ... if some don't like me or my humor that is their choice ... I can't change their overall opinions about me or anyone else ... I do know for a fact that it is difficult to dislike anyone whom you have never met ... and that is one of my main consternations* ... but ... hey ... oh well ... life on DH goes on
BTW Blues -- I am a consummate hand washer, dear --- and have concern for your own 'time spent' doing what you enjoy ... I do what I dayum well please.
9/28/2013 9:06:22 AM |
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Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
not even sure who youre talking about cup.
some never posted with me so why would they care now?
9/28/2013 9:13:41 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Fishy --- Ain't no skin off my back I have been blocked by members before they even posted their first posts on the site so perhaps when you had your blocks in place you inadvertently blocked someone and never let them back out of jail. But, hey ... as I have always said --- the choice to block another member, or not, is the sole decision of each individual member.
You have had me blocked before, Fishy ... and I have had you blocked before ... but that doesn't mean we aren't adult enough to post with each other now --- even if we decide to block each other in the future.
Don't let it bother you any, Fishy --- just keep on keepin' on .. this is only DH after all ... not real life.

9/28/2013 9:21:29 AM |
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Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
oh I aint bothered in the least .. theres a reason why I block, its cus I dont want to read what they have to say obviously... nor do I have another account or read offline, despite what someone said. 
I just come here for the cheap entertainment 
you being unblocked was a fluke by DH not me, but thought, let bygones be bygones an see how it goes. 
some others will never be unblocked........ period! 

9/28/2013 9:29:38 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Fishy ~~ Fluke you, too. ... I don't remember unblocking you, either. ... but then I do have part-timers.LMAOROTF

9/28/2013 9:30:29 AM |
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Marshalltown, IA
61, joined Jul. 2011
I think you miss my point Cup. I wasn't whining like many do, I was just saying that I didn't see Fishies post. You can "consternate" all you like but as for myself I don't have to actually meet someone in person to confirmate that I don't like them. And as for their opinion of me..... I think I have said it a few times..... I could care less. Yep, life goes on. 

9/28/2013 9:34:05 AM |
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West Palm Beach, FL
61, joined Aug. 2011
I think we are all turning into Maxine! It would be great if some of the guys would take on a more Floyd-like outlook in many situations!

9/28/2013 9:35:15 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
......O M G I just wet my panties 
I am soooooooooo consternated*

[Edited 9/28/2013 9:36:32 AM ]
9/28/2013 9:41:31 AM |
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Marshalltown, IA
61, joined Jul. 2011
Just a little inside info for you Miss Kitty..... I have always been a poster child of Maxine. We both have the same way of thinking. 

9/28/2013 9:44:57 AM |
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Marshalltown, IA
61, joined Jul. 2011
Time for me to go to bed. Had a date last night and haven't been to sleep yet. Consternated I am. Or maybe thats constipated. I'll get back to ya on that one. 

9/28/2013 9:47:56 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

9/28/2013 10:47:52 AM |
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Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

9/28/2013 12:27:50 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I love that pencil post canopy .... mine has no canopy but it is rice carved! 
9/28/2013 2:05:09 PM |
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Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008

9/28/2013 2:58:04 PM |
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Stuart, FL
62, joined Dec. 2009
mr u made these for me.....

Now I could use a crutch!
9/28/2013 7:48:06 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Who is Mr. U?
10/2/2013 10:07:03 PM |
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Ocala, FL
59, joined Jul. 2013
10/3/2013 8:46:14 AM |
~~ A thread for POSTERS ~~ |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
(How many MEN in the United States, alone, will develop BREAST CANCER within the next year and die from this disease?)
10/6/2013 3:19:00 PM |
~~ A thread for POSTERS ~~ |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

10/11/2013 12:28:13 AM |
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Ocala, FL
59, joined Jul. 2013

10/11/2013 12:35:53 AM |
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Leechburg, PA
57, joined Aug. 2011

10/11/2013 11:38:40 PM |
~~ A thread for POSTERS ~~ |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Forget Me Not
Forget me not as I find myself
Blind to the lies, my knowledge is my own true wealth
Dreams that I lay upon Orion's belt
Your heart is ice cold, passion will make it melt
Forget me not as I walk blind
Right part of the road, wrong side of the lines
Mother nature caresses me faithfully as I feel the wrath of Father Time
I search for clarity, but I cannot find
Squashed grapes on the ground of lies told through the life's grapevine
Forget me not as my heart endures life's maze
Guide me, Lord, through this very day
Spring my faith, like the gentle flowers of May
Tomorrow isn't promised, so all we can do is pray.
James Davis
10/12/2013 12:56:53 AM |
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Victorville, CA
59, joined Dec. 2010

10/13/2013 4:13:55 PM |
~~ A thread for POSTERS ~~ |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
...so a blind man and his seeing-eye-dog walked into a bar and the blind man ordered a drink
the bartender brought the blind man his drink and the blind man tossed it down his throat in one gulp ... leaned over and grabbed his dog by the tail and swung the dog in the air over his head
the blind man ordered another drink ... tossed it down ... grabbed the dog and swung him in the air over his head
when the blind man ordered his third drink the bartender asked the blind man "why do you drink your drink and then swing your dog in circles over your head?"
The blind man responded, "Just looking around."
[Edited 10/13/2013 4:14:38 PM ]
10/16/2013 2:00:01 PM |
~~ A thread for POSTERS ~~ |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
...... tsk tsk tsk that may be seen as animal cruelty
...... ... that is not animal cruelty
....... What do you mean --- NOT!?!
....... That's what I'm talking about!

10/19/2013 7:00:33 AM |
~~ A thread for POSTERS ~~ |


Stuart, FL
62, joined Dec. 2009

Who is who???  
10/20/2013 10:35:28 PM |
~~ A thread for POSTERS ~~ |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
10/21/2013 9:46:46 AM |
~~ A thread for POSTERS ~~ |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
...... Pathetic!
...... Why you say pathetic?
...... Because I can.
...... What is pathetic?
...... You!
...... Why you say that?
...... Talking to yourself.
...... Ha! Now that's pathetic!
...... Is not!
...... Is, too!
...... Why you say that?
...... Because I can.
...... Of course, you can.
...... Well! Thank you for seeing things my way.
...... I wasn't talking about seeing.
...... You weren't?
...... No. You dweeb.
..... Why are you calling me names?
...... I am just stating facts.
...... No you aren't.
...... Yes I am.
...... You called me a dweeb.
...... So what?
...... I am not a dweeb so stop calling me that.
...... Stop calling you what?
...... Dweeb! I am a dweeb.
...... As I was saying.