
Oyster Bay, NY
28, joined May. 2007
This year the New Moon in Leo falls on a total solar eclipse which is talking a decidedly northern path, best seen from China. However, no matter where you are, NASA is setting up a live webcam broadcast of the eclipse! Here is the link to the NASA eclipse homepage for all the info:
Astrologically, this eclipse is a metaphor for the personal ego at it’s most selfish, greedy and narcissistic, overshadowing the critical needs of the many. This is a New Moon to look deeply at the nature of desire and how it feeds the most destructive aspects of human life. So before we launch into the most negative aspects of Leo, let’s first relish in the positive.
Leo carries an inner vision sourced in a deep desire to powerfully express personal creativity. More than any other sign, Leo rules creative actualization of the self; the ego. Ego is the self, knowing and creatively actualizing itself, in all its complexity and beauty… yes, complexity and beauty. The more we know about who we are the more complex our view of self becomes and consequently we begin to become more adept at skillfully dealing with a wider rage of experience. This is what I call creative mindfulness: opening awareness to a deeper, yet broader experience of the ramifications of action.
This New Moon is conjunct Sun/Mercury/Venus/South Node in Leo. So almost all of the personal planets rest in the sign that rules personal power. In our world wielding personal power has meant a kind of power-over, which expresses itself in everything from caring only about personal gain and exerting excessive influence over others, to war mongering, exploitation and land grabbing. With Mars and Saturn in Virgo, the healer/humanitarian, this is the New Moon to redefine personal power as a means to engender communal empowerment, coexistence and upliftment; in other words, true leadership. Leo’s most evolved form is the inspirational, full-hearted teacher/leader.
Especially with the eclipse, this is the perfect New Moon to look deeply at how much of what you say and do, is done to appease an inner need for attention and recognition of specialness, rather than a selfless, heartfelt, compassionate desire to heal. True self-esteem is built by developing a calm center from which all decisions are made and all actions are undertaken. A real leader feels a tremendous responsibility to share their talent in an effort to make life better for everyone around us. Use this New Moon to look at how much of your time you share your talents to help others in need.
All the planets in Leo make this an especially good New Moon for artists. If there ever was a New Moon in Leo to deepen your artistic vision and increase your creativity, this is it. The New Moon in Leo is all about discovering your personal aesthetic and finding the right modus operandi for expressing it. Artists can use this New Moon to start a new project or initiate a new direction, build a stronger belief in your own vision, or bolster the ability to handle the vast amount of rejection most artists face at one time or another. The Venus/Mercury/Moon/Sun conjunction in Leo along with energetic, yet analytical and practical Mars/Saturn in Virgo, allow creativity and reality to feed upon each other making it easier to bring creative ideas to fruition. And by the way, creativity is freed up tremendously when the mind is calm and focused.
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