3/12/2014 11:13:26 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |
Aurora, CO
34, joined Apr. 2009
About your religion...
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/19/2014 8:18:57 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |


Lillian, AL
70, joined Dec. 2012
Someday I will be a Nutritionally balanced diet for an Army of worms.    
3/19/2014 11:21:15 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |


Kingman, AZ
74, joined Sep. 2010
About your religion...
The Urantia Book. Have you read it?
The Urantia Book
[Edited 3/19/2014 11:22:11 PM ]
3/20/2014 12:01:05 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |


Fredericksburg, VA
50, joined May. 2012
Happy Ostara and Vernal Equinox to all! Now THAT is beautiful. 
Blessed Be
3/20/2014 12:59:47 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |


Chandler, AZ
42, joined Jan. 2014
Happy Ostara and Vernal Equinox to all! Now THAT is beautiful.
Blessed Be
If I knew what it means I guess it could be beautiful.
3/21/2014 7:09:34 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |


Fredericksburg, VA
50, joined May. 2012
If I knew what it means I guess it could be beautiful.
The Vernal Equinox is the first day of Spring. And there are equal hours of day and night. This also happens on the first day of Autumn. Ostara is the Pagan sabbat, or holy day, also called Eostre, which is where the word Easter come from. Ostara celebrated the rebirth part of the circle of the year. Spring brings renewal, and new beginnings. Plants start to flower, and trees start budding and growing their leaves again. And of course, many animals give birth in Spring too.
Ostara is about awakening fro the long slumber of Winter, and a great time to start thing anew. Spring cleaning, getting rid of old and un-needed things, and a great time to quit old or bad habits, and look towards the future with new and refreshed enthusiasm.
I personally look forward to starting my gardens, by digging up the earth and thinking about what to plant for the coming year. Also looking forward to Easter, even though we are not Christian, it's still a lot of fun to decorate baskets and dye eggs. They are also a symbol of rebirth and renewal, and were a Pagan symbol long before Christianity even existed. Incidentally, the early church made Easter around the same time as Ostara to make it a little easier for Pagans to convert...
But regardless of your beliefs, it's a great time of year, and my favorite season!
3/22/2014 4:43:32 AM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
We each share 1 fate!
While none of us know exactly what that fate is we have all come to our own conclusions. Each of us faces that fate in our own way, in our own time.
3/28/2014 5:16:03 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |

Bridgeport, CT
49, joined Nov. 2013
Love is the only law to obey
4/16/2014 3:28:50 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |
Traverse City, MI
68, joined Nov. 2013
Enough said!
4/18/2014 11:55:44 AM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |

Kansas City, MO
23, joined Jan. 2014
buddah was always smiling cause he was stoned, buddah my a** a false demon god worship him and your doomed to hell
4/18/2014 9:37:55 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |

Sanbornton, NH
62, joined Jul. 2012
buddah was always smiling cause he was stoned, buddah my a** a false demon god worship him and your doomed to hell
This is the "other religion" group. Please promulgate Christian charity and good will in the Christian Group.
4/18/2014 9:52:02 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |

Sanbornton, NH
62, joined Jul. 2012
To contribute to the OP.....
Christ existed before Jesus, and the Christ power has come into the world, the word made flesh, on many, many occasions and in many times and cultures.
Each of these human manifestations had , and still has , the ability to give an inner connection to a seeker, The same connection that Jesus gave to his disciples.
According to the Bible, "the kingdom of God is Within you"
"If thine eye be single thy whole body will be filled with light."
Divinity can be found simply by meditation at the single eye focus, Within the confines of your own body.
Sant Mat Is the path that all the great religions are founded upon, and it is still alive and available .
Life comes from life, and spiritual gifts do not come from dead scripture, they come from other living humans who have attained enlightenment.
The door is open.
4/19/2014 1:29:10 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |
Mansfield, OH
53, joined Oct. 2010
Pantheism comes from the Greek root words of Pan meaning 'all' and Theos meaning 'god' or the concept "all is a part of the body of god". The idea is that in the beginning, if there was nothing but god, then god used a part of Itself to create the universe and thus we are not lost but god is already with us as a part of us.
4/20/2014 5:50:10 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |
Traverse City, MI
68, joined Nov. 2013
Pantheism comes from the Greek root words of Pan meaning 'all' and Theos meaning 'god' or the concept "all is a part of the body of god". The idea is that in the beginning, if there was nothing but god, then god used a part of Itself to create the universe and thus we are not lost but god is already with us as a part of us.
Close; but, Pandeists don't believe there's a separate divinity. That the entire Universe is Divine. That we're all a part of the whole. Takes a Supreme Being out of the picture and cleans up all the lose ends.
4/20/2014 9:22:38 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |


Fredericksburg, VA
50, joined May. 2012
I just took the time to read an entire thread (this one had 10 pages)in the Christian group, and I was actually shocked. Perhaps naively so, but still...I kind of expected people using different snippets of scriptures wielded as weapons, but I wasn't prepared for the meanness, the calling of names, the finger pointing, the accusations. The list could go on and on...If breaking one of the seven so called "deadly" sins really did cause God to condemn one to hell for eternity then many in that group would be doomed. Reading that thread today made me so grateful that my spiritual path lead me far away from the pettiness and just general ugliness of what some people call faith and what they believe their God is.
The beautiful part is that (with relatively few exceptions) in the "other" religions group, there is much, much less real nastiness, and honestly, a lot of the finger pointing is brought in by (so called) Christians, who seem to relish telling Pagans and others we will be going to hell in that proverbial hand-basket. The thing is, I do not see how a truly omnipotent and also all merciful being would be so full of the human emotions of hate, jealousy and anger, as these are all very human foibles. God (and in my faith Goddess too) are LOVE. for EVERYONE which I think is very BEAUTIFUL.
And even if either the DH staff or Christians will not let us post in the Christian group, I am very happy to let them post in ours if they wish because inclusion is a lot more God-like that exclusion, don't you think? 
4/20/2014 11:04:41 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
Phoebe Cates there's nothing more beautiful.
of course, she's probably old and saggy by now, but the beauty can't fade.
4/21/2014 2:16:27 AM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |


Bean Station, TN
48, joined May. 2012
First of all,i want to say Japanese women are beautiful,followed by Chinese in my opinion
I thi nk i know the thread you're talking about in the christian forum.
Even if you can't post over there,i'm proud of you for at least calling them out over here.
I'm part of that forum,and i posted an easter and peace greeting in that thread,but didn't get a thank you,even by friends that played part in the arguing.
Everybody kept carrying on,as if i didn't exhist.
I can't remember the name of the thread right off,but the one i'm thinking of had a lot to do with this casheyes and a photo of her in an 1800s style old west bar girl outfit,along with her daughter.
If that's the one you're referring to,yea,that thread is a mess,along with many others i've seen over there in time,and to me,it actually is a little more peaceful over here.
5/1/2014 5:08:21 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |

Redding, CA
47, joined Sep. 2012
I ate a bug. My dog ate two.
5/4/2014 2:04:43 AM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |
Aurora, CO
34, joined Apr. 2009
I haven't had time to reply to anyone specifically, but I'm glad to see this thread started getting responses.
I would specifically love to hear what you think is something immensely beautiful about your religion (or spirituality or perspective on meaning of life) without comparing it to other religions. The other forums full of hell, let's fill this one with beauty.
I'll start with one of many beautiful things about mine: Heaven is here and now, in each step I take, in each breath. It is everywhere, and it is akin to feeling orgasmic. The wind blowing back my hair, the music pulsing through my soul, the premium coffee exciting my taste buds, the love flowing around everywhere and flowing up and down, connecting me to earth and sky. So much beauty, I could go on and on. I'm blessed even in this moment. It is heaven to feel so much gratitude, appreciation, and love.
Stories, beliefs, experiences, perspectives, what do you find beautiful?
5/4/2014 3:47:27 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |


Hemet, CA
49, joined Apr. 2013
Ahh the mysteries of the universe
5/7/2014 11:24:19 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
I haven't had time to reply to anyone specifically, but I'm glad to see this thread started getting responses.
I would specifically love to hear what you think is something immensely beautiful about your religion (or spirituality or perspective on meaning of life) without comparing it to other religions. The other forums full of hell, let's fill this one with beauty.
I'll start with one of many beautiful things about mine: Heaven is here and now, in each step I take, in each breath. It is everywhere, and it is akin to feeling orgasmic. The wind blowing back my hair, the music pulsing through my soul, the premium coffee exciting my taste buds, the love flowing around everywhere and flowing up and down, connecting me to earth and sky. So much beauty, I could go on and on. I'm blessed even in this moment. It is heaven to feel so much gratitude, appreciation, and love.
Stories, beliefs, experiences, perspectives, what do you find beautiful?
You remind me of someone I work with. I can start my shift in the worst mood ...all she has to do is smile and say hello and I feel better! While I don't share you're outlook I will say if more people felt like you we would have Heaven on Earth.
5/8/2014 7:09:22 PM |
Tell Us Something Beautiful... |


Baton Rouge, LA
36, joined May. 2013
