5/10/2014 4:00:20 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Boston, MA
46, joined Mar. 2014
My friend just told me yesterday she had well I wouldn't call it a affair but a tryout with this guy yesterday who we've been friends with for a few months. He can be a great guy sometimes & he's cute as hell BUT one he's married to a witch but still married & two he does Meth or whatever he can get.
She said all she did was make out, s**k his d**k for a couple of minutes. & had s e x for like 1.5 minutes because he was buzzed & afraid of being caught. SMH
Now she wants to put some black magic "Break Up Marriage" spell & "Love Spell" on him.
She is on this site & I'm not gonna call her out but PLEASE WAKE HER UP BACK INTO REALITY PLEASE !!!!!!!!
I've tryed to tell her he's wrong big-time for what he did & even if they broke up & they got together how does she know he wouldn't do it to her. Not to mention catching a S T D.
She just called me & said she ordered $125.00 worth of "Black Magic" stuff on the internet so she can get it started. SMH
Girlfriend I only posted this thread so you can wake up !!!!!!!!! Listen to what these people have to say. I don't want to see you hurt by a j e r k again.
[Edited 5/10/2014 4:03:06 PM ]
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

5/10/2014 4:05:11 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Tallassee, AL
65, joined Jun. 2009
Run Forrest Run!!!!
tell her to run away and do not look back!!!
5/10/2014 4:25:18 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Oceanside, CA
55, joined Mar. 2014
I don't care if his wife is the biggest hitch in the world. Never ever mess with another woman man! Get your own and he is probably telling lies about his wife so he can sex on the side.There are two sides to every story.On that note, don't be the other women in a broken marriage. He isn't going to leave her. It's cheaper to keep her. Trust me I know, been there done that and I gave him is walking paper to go to that slut!
5/10/2014 4:31:13 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Boston, MA
46, joined Mar. 2014
Trust me she's a witch but I 100% agree with you. I know them both & the girl who sleep with the guy & it sucks she told me. I feel like the monkey in the middle even though I can't stand the wife. It would be better for them to divorce but hey it's their choice not mine but they are still married and said vows before GOD. Hopefully this girl will wake up & smell the coffee. You don't mess around with witchcraft. It will come back 3x fold.
[Edited 5/10/2014 4:32:43 PM ]
5/10/2014 4:32:54 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Litchfield, OH
65, joined Jul. 2010
5/10/2014 6:15:53 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Mobile, AL
52, joined Feb. 2014
married and a meth addict too? there is no helping her now...this kind of drama will make her wet 24 hours a day....this is what women are drawn too and is the reason that the hottest women I have ever seen was on visiting day at the local county jail
5/10/2014 6:17:40 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Belleville, ON
48, joined Sep. 2010
WOW..i think i'd get new friends...
5/10/2014 6:22:53 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Green Bay, WI
51, joined Jul. 2013
Very wrong, even the meth man getting some on the side
5/10/2014 6:25:52 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Chaska, MN
97, joined Jan. 2014
WOW..i think i'd get new friends... 
5/10/2014 6:40:14 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Boston, MA
46, joined Mar. 2014
Ok let me refrase that. She's a acquaintance. I met her when I moved here to Arizona 3 months ago. I volunteered for her dad who needed a housekeeper & had little income. They lived next door till he passed 1 month ago God rest his soul. He was a great guy. Nothing like her.
5/10/2014 6:42:33 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Conway, AR
33, joined Nov. 2012
She sounds dumb
5/10/2014 8:04:56 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
Op says.."I tryed to tell her he's wrong big-time for what he did & even if they broke up & they got together how does she "
yes he is.. ..but so is your friend.. .so lets cut laying all the blame on the man here.
he's wrong for cheating, she is wrong for being with a cheater.. .they are equally as bad, and for all we know, she is his first.. .and maybe he would have had seconds thoughts if she had not come along.
and now, she wants to break up the guys marriage to be with him.. ..all after a little sex with him?
More of the faults and blames are shifting towards her for that one.
and tell you the truth,.. ..I'm beginning to thing this is just a made up troll thread.
5/10/2014 8:16:39 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
she is as bad as he is ..I think worse.
Getting with a cheater is contributing to cheating and cheating his wife too...and its just wrong.
But according to your story.. .a little sex and she is ready to destroy his family, steal him from his wife.
even though he is a cheater... . a woman who would try to steal a man, no matter from his wife.. .is worse than a cheater.
and here you are laying it all on him.. ..as if she deserves a good guy.. ..she doesn't and I hope for any good guys sake, they don't end up with her.
.. .she is a cheater too, stealer with no feelings for anyone but herself..and a JERK OR B*TCH.. .whatever you want to call her.
they are both losers and she is low for getting with him in the first place and thinking of stealing him away.
the fact you don't acknowledge is why I think its a troll thread.
because that should cause adverse reactions from most people.
If its not a troll thread and because you don't see things this way.
I'll say this much.. ..its bad advertizing.
[Edited 5/10/2014 8:18:04 PM ]
5/10/2014 8:17:38 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Chapel Hill, NC
61, joined Feb. 2007
My friend just told me yesterday she had well I wouldn't call it a affair but a tryout with this guy yesterday who we've been friends with for a few months. He can be a great guy sometimes & he's cute as hell BUT one he's married to a witch but still married & two he does Meth or whatever he can get.
She said all she did was make out, s**k his d**k for a couple of minutes. & had s e x for like 1.5 minutes because he was buzzed & afraid of being caught. SMH
Now she wants to put some black magic "Break Up Marriage" spell & "Love Spell" on him.
She is on this site & I'm not gonna call her out but PLEASE WAKE HER UP BACK INTO REALITY PLEASE !!!!!!!!
I've tryed to tell her he's wrong big-time for what he did & even if they broke up & they got together how does she know he wouldn't do it to her. Not to mention catching a S T D.
She just called me & said she ordered $125.00 worth of "Black Magic" stuff on the internet so she can get it started. SMH
Girlfriend I only posted this thread so you can wake up !!!!!!!!! Listen to what these people have to say. I don't want to see you hurt by a j e r k again.
He does meth...
and his wife is a b*tch?
whats wrong with this story is...the wife has put up with his crap..and shes sick and tired of him..

WIFE...THANK THE HARLOT for taking him off your hands like I did my ex's mistress....AND LET that pos boy/man GO.....
If this gal wants to date a POS like that...well...all I can say is this
Women who date married men are theives.
Read the bible..Learn how to have a better life that screwing a married meth doper..geesh..what in the hell are you thinking girl..geeeshhh..now Im frustrated..
[Edited 5/10/2014 8:18:54 PM ]
5/10/2014 8:20:37 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Orleans, IN
28, joined Apr. 2014
Wow messing with a married meth head sounds like a good way to get knifed or shot. She must not be very smart period. SMH on the things people will do anymore. No morals at all.
5/10/2014 8:31:12 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Pittsburgh, PA
62, joined Feb. 2014
On the other side Married Men will take alot of crap before they bail. Much more crap then any single guy would. I played this sometime back and you think to yourself, I would never take this shit if I wasn't married to someone else. I really don't need the trouble so I will just take it and just maybe the sex will be good tonight.
[Edited 5/10/2014 8:31:46 PM ]
5/10/2014 9:00:54 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Boston, MA
46, joined Mar. 2014
Op says.."I tryed to tell her he's wrong big-time for what he did & even if they broke up & they got together how does she "
yes he is.. ..but so is your friend.. .so lets cut laying all the blame on the man here.
he's wrong for cheating, she is wrong for being with a cheater.. .they are equally as bad, and for all we know, she is his first.. .and maybe he would have had seconds thoughts if she had not come along.
and now, she wants to break up the guys marriage to be with him.. ..all after a little sex with him?
More of the faults and blames are shifting towards her for that one.
and tell you the truth,.. ..I'm beginning to thing this is just a made up troll thread.
Bumblebee of all the people I know or heard on here I have the most respect for you because you always tell it like it like it is whether they llike it or not buttttttttttt I'm sorry I have to disagree on what you said about me making this thread up. I don't lie or make up threads for attention like some.
You are right though they both are wrong, your 100% correct. Actually about 20 minutes ago she called me regarding this thread worried that I would call her name out & I blew up on her then called him & went off cause I'm sick of being the monkey in the middle.
We've chatted before a couple of times about petty stuff a few months back & you were really nice & respectful to me, one of your nice qualitys so please don't judge me unless you really know me bumblebee or at least try to remember the nice chats we had.
Thanks. God Bless Starbrena
5/10/2014 9:05:59 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Cleveland, OH
37, joined Apr. 2014
Trust me she's a witch but I 100% agree with you. I know them both & the girl who sleep with the guy & it sucks she told me. I feel like the monkey in the middle even though I can't stand the wife. It would be better for them to divorce but hey it's their choice not mine but they are still married and said vows before GOD. Hopefully this girl will wake up & smell the coffee. You don't mess around with witchcraft. It will come back 3x fold.
The wife's a witch because he's a drug addict cheater!
5/10/2014 9:10:02 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Urbandale, IA
47, joined Jun. 2013
What is bLack magic?
I don't think I should know what this is, but what is it?
Are you sure your friend isn't doing meth along with this man?
Is that what black magic is?
Plus, it don't matter if his wife is a b I t c h, he knew what he was doing or else he wouldn't have been nervous....
Plus, why wouldn't your friend find someone for or self that is available?
And last.. What type of friend do you have, let alone would call her a friend knowing this.
Me..I would back far from her..
And for her, she needs to wake her azz up...but if she's doing meth or any other drugs....there ain't( excuse my langue) a damn thing you or anyone else can do for her.
5/10/2014 9:13:41 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Boston, MA
46, joined Mar. 2014
Black Magic is Witchcraft 
5/10/2014 9:21:39 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Urbandale, IA
47, joined Jun. 2013
Black Magic is Witchcraft 
Oh...ok well I thank God I don't believe nor entertain those things.
5/10/2014 10:29:55 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


McKeesport, PA
56, joined Jul. 2007
No one knows what really goes on behind the doors of the marriage, it takes two to make or break and whether she thinks the wife is a witch or not, he is not a great guy either for cheating behind her back. I would tell your friend to stay away from him but seems she has already done the deed,....why do people want to be with someone who is already taken. Jeez. So many wrongs here on every level.
5/10/2014 10:41:17 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

El Paso, TX
41, joined Feb. 2014
I was unhappily married and I did something about it. I moved out.
5/10/2014 10:54:49 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Boston, MA
46, joined Mar. 2014
I could never cheat. I was in a 10 year abusive relationship & for 8 years we didn't have sex. He did with other girls but I stayed faithful. Anyways I finally got the balls up to leave. Cheating is wrong whether it's a kiss, bj or just feely feely. Not to mention it's dangerous in today's society with all the std's today.
5/11/2014 4:34:08 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
The only reason I said that is because it appeared you didn't see the wrong in what she was doing....and we've had a slew of people trying for shock value to the forums lately.
So sometimes I throw out something to get a reaction.. ..and then gauge that reaction.
So at this point.. .with the added info.
I guess its just how you wrote the question.
People post things sometimes and don't realise the reader will only take it in how its written, not what you meant.
to me it hit me like, he is the only wrong do'er and you hate to see her get with another jerk.
Whan she is being no better than he is by just co conspirating to this cheating.. ..and worse by thinking about stealing him away.
If she is this type, then she lives by the sword and will die by it... .or at least suffer the eventual consequences of her actions.
In that, she can only blame herself.
5/11/2014 4:43:00 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Mobile, AL
52, joined Feb. 2014
I could never cheat. I was in a 10 year abusive relationship & for 8 years we didn't have sex. He did with other girls but I stayed faithful. Anyways I finally got the balls up to leave. Cheating is wrong whether it's a kiss, bj or just feely feely. Not to mention it's dangerous in today's society with all the std's today.
This is why men bang their heads against the wall in frustration. I have seen your situation played out over and over and over again. Why do women tolerate some form of abuse for 10,15,20,etc years with a jerk but dump a nice caring guy in 3 months? This is the question every guy wants answered before he dies.
5/11/2014 5:48:55 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Philadelphia, PA
54, joined Sep. 2011
I don't give two f**ks if his wife is the meanest b*tch to ever grace planet earth. It still iisn't QNexcuse for him to cheat. If his wife is as bad as you claim and if you were really his friend you would be giving him encouragementto pack his things and get out not trying to justify his being a ccheating sack of whit by claiming the wife is a total b*tch.
I don't care what his wife did. It still doesn't justify him sticking his coxk in someone else's snatch while he is still with her. Case closed.
5/11/2014 7:12:28 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Danbury, CT
63, joined Nov. 2011
The only married man that should be messed with is the one married to you!! No negotiations on cheating. He's done!! She is no better, she "messes" with this married man and then wants to break up his marriage with Black Magic????? Really????? Is she crazy??? Or just plain STUPID!!!! Let him go!!!! He doesn't belong to her and never will!!!!!     It's best to be alone, for that crap!!   
5/11/2014 7:14:51 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Pittsburgh, PA
63, joined Dec. 2013
Are you saying they didnt have sex because it was just oral or it only lasted a minute or two. WOW. Anyway thanks for the black magic tip. Think I'll head out to get a couple candles and some hen eggs. I could use the 125 bucks and this looks like a good business to go in. If you sleep with a married man and go in for black magic I'm here for you.
5/11/2014 7:46:04 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Waterford, MI
56, joined Nov. 2008
I just turned 17 when I went out with a man 10 years my senior, he always came around making it seem like he was single but he was the first and last "liar, cheater, and fool I went out with, when I went to a friends party and met his beautiful wife - he wasn't unhappy - I became friends with his wife, and SHE told me that they were sweethearts since they were 12 and she knew he was messing around - though I never told her he messed around with me.
She was an a very good house wife, and three years later after she told me she knew her husband was a (dog) - she had a child with him - and 30 years later I ran into his brother who told me that he was in prison for raping a teenager.
I don't care if men are happy or unhappy, if I have to live alone due (thoughts of or actual betrayal) - men should too I never went out with another married man since, but I've been tempted a few times and almost took the bait, but I hate being mislead and taken unfair advantage of. Most men unhappily married will not leave their wives - if they can have their cake and eat it too.
And I've heard some tails that wives have sued mistresses who had not a sexual affair but an on going emotional affair with married men because him being out with her (all the time even when their was not sex between them) took him away from his wife and children, and it caused the family emotional, psychological and financial turmoil - and I was WOW! I tell you in my time I've been approached and propositioned by (fatal attractions) but had to say "OH HELL NO!" And sometimes I beat myself up for not saying YES! But hey, I'm the women at the well, I'm not wh*re, prostitute, home wrecker and I certainly don't want to be (the other women) just waiting by the phone waiting for him to call - when you know damn well he's going to spend the holidays, and go on vacation with his family.
Nope - if he's unhappy, tell him or her to separate from their spouse - or live in partner - have him or her live alone for awhile and then see how true she or he will be to you.
Just sit back and watch a week of Montel or Judge Judy and that will cure your temptations - do you know what crush means?
: to press or squeeze (something) so hard that it breaks or loses its shape
: to break (something) into a powder or very small pieces by pressing, pounding, or grinding it
: to defeat (a person or group that opposes you) by using a lot of force
Full Definition of CRUSH
transitive verb
a : to squeeze or force by pressure so as to alter or destroy structure
b : to squeeze together into a mass
: hug, embrace
: to reduce to particles by pounding or grinding
a : to suppress or overwhelm as if by pressure or weight
b : to oppress or burden grievously
c : to subdue completely
: crowd, push
archaic : drink
intransitive verb
obsolete : crash
: to become crushed
: to advance with or as if with crushing
— crush·able adjective
— crush·er noun
— crush·ing·ly adverb
See crush defined for English-language learners »
See crush defined for kids »
Examples of CRUSH
Unfortunately some of the flowers got crushed when we were moving them.
The bicycle was crushed under the truck's tires.
The machine crushes the cans so that they can be stored until they are recycled.
Her arm was crushed in the accident.
Crush the nuts and sprinkle them on top of the cake.
The rocks were crushed into dust.
Origin of CRUSH
Middle English crusshen, from Anglo-French croissir, croistre, of Germanic origin; akin to Middle Low German krossen to crush
First Known Use: 15th century
Related to CRUSH
mash, pulp, squash
Related Words
press, squeeze; beat, pound, powder, pulverize
Near Antonyms
abet, aid, assist, back, help, prop up, support; foment, incite, instigate, provoke, stir, whip (up); advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nourish, nurture, promote
Rhymes with CRUSH
blush, brush, Cush, flush, gush, hush, lush, mush, plush, rush, shush, slush, thrush, tush
: a strong feeling of romantic love for someone that is usually not expressed and does not last a long time
: the person on whom you have a crush
: a crowd of people who are pressed close together
Full Definition of CRUSH
: an act of crushing
: the quantity of material crushed
a : a crowding together (as of people)
b : crowd, mob; especially : a crowd of people pressing against one another
: an intense and usually passing infatuation ; also : the object of infatuation
— crush·proof adjective
See crush defined for English-language learners »
Examples of CRUSH
Yesterday I saw my old high school crush for the first time in five years.
The crush in the train station is at its worst during the afternoon rush hour.
Outside the hotel stood a crush of reporters waiting for her arrival.
First Known Use of CRUSH
Related to CRUSH
infatuation, mash, passion
Related Words
fixation, obsession; affection, devotion, fondness, love; craze, fad, rage, vogue
5/11/2014 7:47:45 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Cleveland, OH
37, joined Apr. 2014
So the only man she can get is a married methhead? She still has to use black magic to get him? I thought about it and this story sounds fake!
Girl inlove with methhead!? How low is that!
[Edited 5/11/2014 7:48:10 AM ]
5/11/2014 11:30:26 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Pittsburgh, PA
62, joined Feb. 2014
The only problem with all this is married women don't take the same view on this. More so if they get seperated from what they think is a real a**hole. They think I will teach him and have sex with every guy that comes around for the next 6 months right arter I move out of the house or he moves out of the house.
Married women believe they are not married anymore if they sleep someplace else other then their husbands bed.
Most states, it take more then a year to finish all the paperwork. Most women who get sex from a bad marrage once a month can't go for more the several months into the seperation without sex and since they are into a**holes, another guy a**hole will do just fine. This is far shorter then the courts can work.
The women most against married men having extra? Seperated ladies not getting any. News Flash ladies, if your seperated, your still married.
[Edited 5/11/2014 11:31:34 AM ]
5/11/2014 12:21:05 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Gilbert, AZ
34, joined Jul. 2012
That's wrong on so many levels! If someone's going to cheat, why get or stay married?
5/11/2014 1:55:45 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Barrow, AK
45, joined Sep. 2011
She said all she did was make out, s**k his d**k for a couple of minutes. & had s e x for like 1.5 minutes because he was buzzed & afraid of being caught.
Boy he sounds like such a romantic guy. Why do people bring on unnecessary drama into their lives and then complain about it afterwards. Life to short to keep
f ucking up!
[Edited 5/11/2014 1:57:10 PM ]
5/11/2014 4:21:42 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Nottingham, MD
40, joined Sep. 2013
I would tell her to leave him alone because he made a vow and if he is cheating on his wife dont think he wont cheat on her.
5/11/2014 4:24:49 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Mauston, WI
49, joined Jan. 2012
Yeah, I have a few friends with no morals too.
5/11/2014 7:06:21 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Brooklyn, MD
45, joined Aug. 2011
Lets see he cheats on his wife...does meth and any other drug he can get?...Cant have sex longer then 1.5 mins cuz hes too dam high?...Yeah he sounds like GREAT guy alrght lol
5/11/2014 7:39:00 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Crestline, CA
57, joined Jan. 2013
Regardles of how long. IT WAS STILL AN AFFAIR. Down down play it cause it makes you feel better. Talk to him after he's filed for divorce. Or better yet, after he's gotten out of rehab.
Make better choices!
This shouldn't have even been a post, common sense kind of thing.
Really? You have to ask?(smh)
5/11/2014 8:29:35 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Anderson, SC
24, joined Nov. 2013
My friend just told me yesterday she had well I wouldn't call it a affair but a tryout with this guy yesterday who we've been friends with for a few months. He can be a great guy sometimes & he's cute as hell BUT one he's married to a witch but still married & two he does Meth or whatever he can get.
She said all she did was make out, s**k his d**k for a couple of minutes. & had s e x for like 1.5 minutes because he was buzzed & afraid of being caught. SMH
Now she wants to put some black magic "Break Up Marriage" spell & "Love Spell" on him.
She is on this site & I'm not gonna call her out but PLEASE WAKE HER UP BACK INTO REALITY PLEASE !!!!!!!!
I've tryed to tell her he's wrong big-time for what he did & even if they broke up & they got together how does she know he wouldn't do it to her. Not to mention catching a S T D.
She just called me & said she ordered $125.00 worth of "Black Magic" stuff on the internet so she can get it started. SMH
Girlfriend I only posted this thread so you can wake up !!!!!!!!! Listen to what these people have to say. I don't want to see you hurt by a j e r k again.
So let's sum it up. He's extremely cute, does method and/or whatever he can get his hands on, and he's married. Your friend should get as far away from him as possible. That's a horrible thing to do to yourself. Being the other woman. She's worth more.
5/11/2014 11:06:17 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

40, joined Jul. 2011
Some people have constant DRAMA revolving around their life, and actually wonder why...
5/11/2014 11:10:04 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Opa Locka, FL
35, joined Jan. 2014
Crazy shit
5/11/2014 11:14:30 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Nampa, ID
41, joined Aug. 2013
Will you be making a follow up thread when she contracts an std from said knight in shining armor?
5/12/2014 1:42:57 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Boston, MA
46, joined Mar. 2014
This is why men bang their heads against the wall in frustration. I have seen your situation played out over and over and over again. Why do women tolerate some form of abuse for 10,15,20,etc years with a jerk but dump a nice caring guy in 3 months? This is the question every guy wants answered before he dies.
I can't give you a good reason except I was scared. Maybe scared to be alone cause my self esteem at that time was so low but now let some gut try to hit me, I dare the.
5/12/2014 1:44:23 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Pulaski, NY
50, joined Apr. 2013
So the only man she can get is a married methhead? She still has to use black magic to get him?  I thought about it and this story sounds fake!
Girl inlove with methhead!? How low is that!
I thought the same.
Hysterical...sucking d*ck of married meth head and sex for 1.5 minutes and she wants to work a black magic spell! She should see a shrink!
5/12/2014 6:37:26 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
AñatuyaNew South Wales
66, joined Apr. 2014
Crazy shit
Yeah! Totally!! 
I thought low life stuff like this only happen in 'C' grade movies. Chit!
5/12/2014 7:28:36 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Bronx, NY
56, joined Aug. 2013
This is so wrong in so many level. OP calls this cheating
meth and everything he can get his hands on jerks wife a
witch, Who was the one that spend $125 on black magic stuff
my dear your friend is the witch here. I say I hope that shite
works for her cause cheating meth dude and home breaker disserve
each other. They would be making a favor for the wife. 
5/12/2014 10:34:58 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Alhambra, CA
32, joined May. 2013
There's no such thing as a great guy sometimes OP, and shame in your gf for being a hoe.
[Edited 5/12/2014 10:35:25 PM ]
5/13/2014 1:02:48 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Kermit, TX
40, joined Apr. 2013
This is why men bang their heads against the wall in frustration. I have seen your situation played out over and over and over again. Why do women tolerate some form of abuse for 10,15,20,etc years with a jerk but dump a nice caring guy in 3 months? This is the question every guy wants answered before he dies.
because after 10, 15,20 yrs the women has lost value in themselves whether they know it or not and IT does affect them and the next guy. fear and the what-if-it-really-was-my-fault- soo they run scared from someone. the not good enough for a good man. and why taint a good mans life?
i was like that for along time, especially the why ruin this awesome guys life with my exs' repeated crap he dumps in my life? its not fair to a man who wants love n a normal life to come home n find his stuff torn up cuz the ex is insane.
ive waited along long time for the ex to settle his sht down--before venturing out on a date.
then theres the good guys who turn bad cuz "oh well she is use to it" sooo your back to being treated like sht again--at least he had the guts to tell me, cuz i was use to it so he figured he could too.
no one wants to be hurt in anyway, and its harder when it happens over n over by dif guys--makes one think theres really is something wrong with one.
OP. you should be talking to your friend--and yes you should distance yourself--whats to keep her off your man? you said the wife n her are friends? n whats to keep her black magic off of you? are you a christian? yup you need to distance yourself.
dudes a meth head--is his wife? is your friend? i hope the wife dont find out you know about this--these posts are printable. dont get sucked into this triangle--it wont end good for you.
they know its wrong but dont care sooo you say u know all three--do they care about you? they dont care about themselves so how can tjey care about you? wife dont care hubby is meth head cheater, hubby dont care meth is killing him , yo friend is witchcrafting n messing with married man therefore dont care about herself---sooo i wud ditch all three n pray for safety.
find friends who care enouhh about you not to include you in their soul destroying life indangering nasty acts.
oh n i wud tell the wife just so she wouldnt come after you for knowing n not saying anything.
sounds like wife is the only one doing right here soooo be her friend n do the right thing cuz wifey deserves the truth.
5/13/2014 8:19:19 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Madison Heights, MI
59, joined Jan. 2014

I've got to take issue with this ^^^^^
OK, I know it's more a joke than anything else, but still, the idea that all women are angels is the kind of thing that causes so many problems. So many men get caught up in this BS, media/cultural LIE.
We learn this stupid rhyme as a kid:
"Sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what girls are made of,
Snips and snails and puppy-dog tails, that's what boys are made of."
Women are not all angels, but so many men have been raised to believe that bullshit. Women, and even little girls, are as capable of evil, as much as any man.
Your friend, supposedly about to use WITCHCRAFT to split up a marriage - no matter how miserable that marriage may be - she is not attempting it as a way to save the poor, abused, unappreciated BASTARD. She's doing it because, for some strange reason (the dude's a METH-HEAD!!! who would WANT that???), SHE WANTS THIS A**HOLE FOR HERSELF! THAT is EVIL at work. If she's an angel, she's one of the fallen.
Would an angel do something like that? Really???
5/13/2014 9:46:25 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Aurora, CO
32, joined Apr. 2009
1. The drug use is the worst part of this. If she abuses too, I'd say, OP, not to be her friend or try to help her if she sees this as a non issue.
2. This girl knows nothing about real Witchcraft, and she's making it look like something crass, evil, and dumb. She wasted her money on this "black magic" kit.
3. The married and cheating thing is wrong of course. She shouldn't try to force him against his will. It's his choice to stay married and cheat. It's her choice to be involved in such a situation. Having a choice does not mean having the right. But she can't change his choice.
5/13/2014 11:19:57 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Struthers, OH
31, joined Nov. 2012
OP you sound like you're looking for someone to say "it's absolutely fine what she is doing"
5/13/2014 11:57:59 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Austin, TX
32, joined May. 2013
I used to have relationships with women who were married. Now I find myself seriously doubting the concept of marriage. Not because they had to go home to their husbands when we were done, but because they didn't.
I don't f**k with Meth though... drugs are badd!!
5/14/2014 2:42:36 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

New Orleans, LA
40, joined Nov. 2010
She needs to distance herself from him , he may break into her home to support his habbit , besides she should know better than to sleep with a Married Man .
She has to have since enough to leave that situaton .
[Edited 5/14/2014 2:43:24 AM ]
5/14/2014 2:57:30 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |


Port Saint Lucie, FL
52, joined Oct. 2011
First of all, I don't believe in magic or black magic at all! I don't think it works!
Second, love seems to be always blind, so your friend needs to face reality and wake up before she gets dragged to all his misfortunes!
Not only is the guy married, but is using horrible drugs!
Besides, even if he decides to file for divorce, the process is a long procedure and costly! And having children from the marriage would only mean child support if the kids are underage! So what will she get from him! NOTHING!
She has to wake up and face reality! Only her can make the change!
5/14/2014 3:16:02 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Finleyville, PA
61, joined Mar. 2014
Married men are clever will tell you there divorced wife went to another state.Most of the time they have more than 1 on the side.Your just a horny friend to them.Someone to talk to and be a convenience .They can't call on phone see you at night or weekends.Are always late for a date.And believe they won't leave there wife.They would rather put up with her and have there fun.TO much at stake to divorce.Kids grandkids friends family.Easier to hid. I wouldn't have the balls to do it. They also get there stories mixed up.Never think your special to a married man.Your not because commitment is not in there vocabulary .
5/14/2014 3:23:11 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Finleyville, PA
61, joined Mar. 2014
I can tell married men never leave the wife. They got it made.All the sex on side they want.Some of these guys been married 20 40 . They know what strings to pull with a woman.commitment and everything that goes with it. Someone who will go the distance. Someone who make me go weak in the knees.
5/16/2014 11:48:13 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |
Irving, TX
29, joined Dec. 2012
Your friend will have to see for herself. God will not give you someone else's man. It is down right deadly to steal someone's man.
5/16/2014 11:56:40 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Neenah, WI
41, joined Mar. 2008
It's women like this that is the reason why I'm glad to be single. Apparently treating women with love and respect is the way to stay single because they're more interested in someone who treats them like dirt.
5/16/2014 11:59:40 PM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

Neenah, WI
41, joined Mar. 2008
She should have found a decent man and spent the 125 on some sexy lingerie for him. haha
5/17/2014 5:54:24 AM |
Affair With A Unhappy Married Man |

New South Wales
97, joined Jan. 2010
I hope you didn't let her sip tea from your fine china.