8/3/2014 4:45:01 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |

Verbena, AL
35, joined Jul. 2014
In my relationships men act like there in a competition with my children like they are jealous if I spend time with my kids weird but true what's up with that?
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8/3/2014 4:59:52 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |

Covington, GA
32, joined Sep. 2011
Sounds like if a "man" is trying to compete with a child, the he is not mature enough to be in a relationship. A significant others should know that kids will come first. Always, no exceptions. And furthermore, this should go without saying. I have a rule that no one meets my kids until the relationship has reached the six month mark. I have only has one girlfriend that has had an issue with my rule. And let me say that relationship didnt not make it to the four week point. Good luck in your searching, and never settle for someone that makes your life harder.
8/4/2014 8:45:51 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |


Wood River, NE
55, joined Jan. 2014
Sounds like if a "man" is trying to compete with a child, the he is not mature enough to be in a relationship. A significant others should know that kids will come first. Always, no exceptions. And furthermore, this should go without saying. I have a rule that no one meets my kids until the relationship has reached the six month mark. I have only has one girlfriend that has had an issue with my rule. And let me say that relationship didnt not make it to the four week point. Good luck in your searching, and never settle for someone that makes your life harder.
Me too, just my last GF's kids were likeable, just lazy, this ended the relationship.
8/4/2014 1:59:07 PM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |

Boone, NC
49, joined Jan. 2012
In my relationships men act like there in a competition with my children like they are jealous if I spend time with my kids weird but true what's up with that?
I've dated that type and I've dated men who had a kid or two and expected to bring "their" kids everywhere with us, even on the first date! I have also dated men who ignored their own kids and only watched them if they were forced to by their ex. I can't stand men who are not REAL when it comes to their children and that type of man is so few and far between that it's truly sad and I'm over 40 already!
8/5/2014 1:29:42 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |

Redding, CA
61, joined Jun. 2012
I was very fortunate when I married my late husband. Although he had been married once before marrying me, he didn't have kids..he raised my two girls as if they were his own..he was the best daddy ever..he was always fair and put them first before anything..he never felt jealous....
8/5/2014 4:56:54 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |
Gonzales, LA
48, joined Jul. 2014
hey kids are first then play later

8/5/2014 8:19:30 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |

Oklahoma City, OK
40, joined Dec. 2013
It's very hard. Someone out there will accept you all as a package deal At least that is what I keep telling myself.
8/5/2014 8:47:02 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |
Belcamp, MD
51, joined Apr. 2014
8/5/2014 11:29:47 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |
Westwego, LA
40, joined May. 2014
Sounds like if a "man" is trying to compete with a child, the he is not mature enough to be in a relationship. A significant others should know that kids will come first. Always, no exceptions. And furthermore, this should go without saying. I have a rule that no one meets my kids until the relationship has reached the six month mark. I have only has one girlfriend that has had an issue with my rule. And let me say that relationship didnt not make it to the four week point. Good luck in your searching, and never settle for someone that makes your life harder.
Your kids will always come first because it's not guaranteed a man will stay. If he's competing with your kids for attention he's not mature nor is he ready for a relationship. It's a sign of jealousy and dysfunction. Keep walking and don't look back. There's a right man for you and will come along. Not to mention it maybe something else. There's two sides to everything.
8/5/2014 2:09:16 PM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |


Cedar Grove, WV
74, joined Mar. 2008
your new man, or woman is not accepted by your kids at first, sometimes never, it takes awhile for new person, and kids to at least accept each other. and kids will surely compete with the new person for all of your attention. take your time, take a good look, and evaluate the situation. don't be in too big a hurry to write your new mate off, give it some time. JMO
8/5/2014 7:09:03 PM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |

Columbus, OH
65, joined Mar. 2008
Each woman is different, each man is different and the kids, well we just have no idea about them. But seriously, that is what you may percieve is going on, but a couple thoughts, not related to you since we have no real factual circumstances.
First of all, a lot of guys arent very bright, so they may be just as you described, competing with the kids. So lets talk about the rest of us. My biggest concern when dating a woman who had younger kids was that she would have enough time and energy left to properly deal with a relationship. Quite often that was not the case and it was time to move on.
And yes, young kids need your time and attention. But when a woman's world revolves around the kids to such an extent that the guy is treated like the furniture, then you start to probably see those reactions that you dont like. If someone acts in a jealous manner, you need to determine if he it out of his mind, and then trade him in on someone else, or perhaps he has a point? The answer may be that you shouldnt be dating or in a relationship since you cant bring your best to it.
Yes, kids get sick, babysitters fail to show up, etc. etc. etc. But in general, if things are working, there should be time for two adults to act like, well, two adults. No kids around, dont have to "be quiet" or we will wake the kids, etc. Or go to a movie that is always a cartoon or a restaurant that has clowns, games and pizza.
If you have solved those issues, its his problem. If not, you gize need to communicate. If I was contemplating an exclusive relationship with someone who had kids way back when I was younger, I would want to go out as adults one weekday evening a week, go out with the kids another weekday evening and have some time each weekend and then assuming the kids go to the ex (I would hope, but no guarantee) some weekends to do things together without kids.
By the way, my ex complained I spent too much time with my son.
Your mileage of course, may vary.
8/5/2014 8:39:01 PM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |

Baton Rouge, LA
48, joined Nov. 2013
I understand how you feel. I've never introduced any man to my kids. I don't know if I ever will.
8/6/2014 2:19:56 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |

Enid, OK
58, joined Feb. 2010
In my relationships men act like there in a competition with my children like they are jealous if I spend time with my kids weird but true what's up with that?
The trick is to find a man that your children will accept. Most children will get jealous of their mothers new boyfriend and try to get you to spend all your time with them, closing out any time you might spend with the new man.
8/7/2014 11:01:51 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |
San Antonio, TX
44, joined Jul. 2014
So tired of single women complaining about their children .
You have a pass boho.
How are you going to start this new relationship with this person .
1 going to say my kids come first
2 excuse your children of all bad behavior because of your pass and what they went tru
3 treat your new partner as a second class person .
4 ect,,,,,ect,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
When you treat your partner as a second class person
You wil raise your children to treat them this way also
and in time the end of it was your fault not cause you had children .
8/7/2014 11:34:37 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |


Converse, TX
52, joined Dec. 2009
past not pass*
Try being a parent of an Adult special needs child.
Most men don't want to be involved in a relationship with that type of situation.
8/7/2014 12:30:59 PM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |
Spokane, WA
53, joined Dec. 2011
Heck, most gals in my age group find out that I have young kids. Usually turn around and run for the hills.
8/7/2014 12:38:55 PM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |


Converse, TX
52, joined Dec. 2009
I would think it would be easier if they were real young. They would be able to accept a new person better vs an older child.
8/8/2014 3:26:38 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |

United Kingdom
28, joined Jul. 2014
Men are very cruel when it comes to creating time for my kids from another father.
8/16/2014 12:41:17 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |

Mauston, WI
50, joined Jan. 2012
If a guy does not see that it is a package deal, he is not respecting you.
10/25/2014 11:36:09 AM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |
Marrero, LA
46, joined Aug. 2014
Why u have to ask ur kids come first don't care if you love him are not they come first n if they that dum to try to compete with a child is he really worth it?...
10/26/2014 7:56:03 PM |
It's hard to find someone who will accept my kids |


Pinon Hills, CA
46, joined Sep. 2011
Stop going for the immature boys.