same here ,,,,and sometimes im at the middle of 2 big rocks which will crush me any time ,,,
2/15/2015 4:11:18 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
what do you think is the biggest problem here at the forums ? and what do you think people should do about it ?
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!

2/15/2015 4:12:26 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
2/15/2015 4:14:03 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Sioux Falls, SD
58, joined Mar. 2014
No one, including me, takes them seriously. The women I'd consider dating are either in a relationship or too far away for dating. The rest are just clowns.
2/15/2015 4:14:27 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Sioux Falls, SD
58, joined Mar. 2014
dammit lickz! 
2/15/2015 4:15:55 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


Frederick, MD
39, joined Oct. 2010
All talk no skin
2/15/2015 4:16:18 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
I gotchya on this one op.. ppl dont know how to be their own individual. ..but its nothing more than a mirror image of who they are daily in their personal must test your friends on here to see if they stick thru thick&thin in order to know what ya got. .as you do in the real world. pretty good at testing folkz....
Some say racist,but thats not dh's biggest problem. .
2/15/2015 4:17:00 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
dammit lickz!  soon as I seen miss G..I knew it was good bro..
2/15/2015 4:19:13 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |
Fruitvale, TX
98, joined Dec. 2014
what do you think is the biggest problem here at the forums ? and what do you think people should do about it ?
You being a bald man and catfishing
Sitting on your hands might help
[Edited 2/15/2015 4:19:59 AM ]
2/15/2015 4:20:31 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Williamsburg, OH
53, joined Oct. 2013
Problems...trolls,flaggers,hate stirrers...unfortunately nothing you can do.
2/15/2015 4:26:45 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
Miss wing,I dont know if you can get flagged out for nothing anymore. ..seems like they are nit letting that happen like they used to,im still here and I know I got plenty of haterz... I just block trolls,so I don't even see all that like I used experience is actually pleasant now,unless I just feel like engaging. ....I think ppl feel like they owe folks something by not blockn what they dont want to hear or see,I no longer feel that way cause im here for me..don't care what ppl jyst my own man,but I always have been,I don't follow nobody. .
2/15/2015 4:27:43 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
We'll find out in a couple of weeks or so.
If that meatsauce site actually did shut down.
2/15/2015 4:31:20 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |
Fruitvale, TX
98, joined Dec. 2014
We'll find out in a couple of weeks or so.
If that meatsauce site actually did shut down.
I think it did.
There was only ONE thread on that site ever removed ask around who was named on that thread lol
Hint. "Shiny surface that Reflects light"
[Edited 2/15/2015 4:32:01 AM ]
2/15/2015 4:33:55 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Sioux Falls, SD
58, joined Mar. 2014
soon as I seen miss G..I knew it was good bro.. 
yeah, you just got to your "enter" key before me. 
2/15/2015 4:33:59 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
Many folks here need to learn to think for themselves. ..jealousy is like a disease. ....
2/15/2015 4:34:26 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
2/15/2015 4:41:16 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
@ jos are you pertaining in general ,,,or those people you have communicate with ?
2/15/2015 4:45:08 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


Chilhowie, VA
38, joined Jan. 2015
I know I'm going to make someone mad but... some people think that everyone should be like them and the forums should only be for them.

2/15/2015 4:48:10 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
Ive met good women close to me on here,one had to many kids for me,the other would have been a liability,and the others I will agree are at a distance,but I can bridge gap in time,just not rght now,but to me,that gives me more time to get to know them if it is meant to be...but there are awesome self sufficient strong women in here...I have friends that are great women,so they are definitely on just takes more patience than I think some folks have..
2/15/2015 4:48:46 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
I know I'm going to make someone mad but... some people think that everyone should be like them and the forums should only be for them.
2/15/2015 4:48:54 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
@ captain ...youve got a point there ,,,and yes you are right ,,,you have to test people if they were real friends or not ,,,which incidentally ive done it already ,,and unfortunately..i was condemned ,,,,i was already waiting for my crucifixion ,,,,thanks god not all people have small brains ....   
2/15/2015 4:50:07 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
@ renee ,,,i also noticed that ,,,
2/15/2015 4:58:56 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


Chilhowie, VA
38, joined Jan. 2015
@ renee ,,,i also noticed that ,,,
I didn't won't to say anything but I'm glad you asked. 
Most everyone likes to joke and have fun but at times some take it to heart,gets all serious and boom! Your not sure how to respond without getting your head chopped off.
2/15/2015 5:04:19 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
@ renee well you are right there ...and as if youve step on another shoes innocently ,,,then you will be surprised on how some people reacted on what you say ,,,even in a simplest form...
2/15/2015 5:08:29 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
[ from geleen217:[/]@ captain ...youve got a point there ,,,and yes you are right ,,,you have to test people if they were real friends or not ,,,which incidentally ive done it already ,,and unfortunately..i was condemned ,,,,i was already waiting for my crucifixion ,,,,thanks god not all people have small brains ....   [/ ]
Ppl will try to tell you who to talk to,who to like,whos bad etc.....I get rid of way more than I keep on here..I recently started blockn and ppl think its wrong to block even though they don't know shit ive been through on here
..but i showed them quick I didn't need them...I joined this site alone,and friends are optional cause this is a dating site. .....nobody pays my bills... its best to find out who is on your side so you dont waist your time on ppl that dont have your best interest at hand miss G..
2/15/2015 5:09:17 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


Chilhowie, VA
38, joined Jan. 2015
True but I still don't get mad life is to short to live that way, well I'm off to work now y'all have a good day 
2/15/2015 5:11:31 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
I love joking,but it has to be funny,same short jokes or pictures of someone less fortunate african just dont make me laugh. ..I like spontaneous jokes.. that are funny of course. .
2/15/2015 5:12:38 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
Be safe..Enjoy your day dear.... 
2/15/2015 5:21:53 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
True but I still don't get mad  life is to short to live that way, well I'm off to work now y'all have a good day 
thanks for your input ,,,i really appreciate it 
2/15/2015 5:27:06 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Sacramento, CA
49, joined Aug. 2013
Not enough variety too many of the same posts.
2/15/2015 5:29:31 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Isle Of Man
United Kingdom
20, joined Apr. 2012
shitty management
2/15/2015 5:37:36 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Atlanta, GA
41, joined Nov. 2014
People thinking this is Comedy Central
[Edited 2/15/2015 5:38:55 AM ]
2/15/2015 5:38:07 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
^^^^yeh, the nerve huh?
2/15/2015 5:42:49 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


Nashville, TN
59, joined Aug. 2013
The very immature and juvenile men here who act like teenagers and the unintelligent ones who can't have a discussion beyond the third grade level.
2/15/2015 5:59:58 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Sioux Falls, SD
58, joined Mar. 2014
lickz. I'm not jealous. Well, maybe a little. 
2/15/2015 6:02:21 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
Im no threat harmless sir... some just fear my block button. . 
Them are numb nuts though. .
2/15/2015 6:04:10 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
Ppl will try to tell you who to talk to,who to like,whos bad etc.....I get rid of way more than I keep on here..I recently started blockn and ppl think its wrong to block even though they don't know shit ive been through on here
..but i showed them quick I didn't need them...I joined this site alone,and friends are optional cause this is a dating site. .....nobody pays my bills... its best to find out who is on your side so you dont waist your time on ppl that dont have your best interest at hand miss G.. |
2/15/2015 6:05:00 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Lake Waccamaw, NC
49, joined Jun. 2014
dh itself is a problem.
2/15/2015 6:05:02 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
Not enough variety too many of the same posts.
i guess so
2/15/2015 6:05:29 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
@ jester ,,,,perhaps you are right about that ,,,,
2/15/2015 6:09:28 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
[ from geleen217:[/]Ppl will try to tell you who to talk to,who to like,whos bad etc.....I get rid of way more than I keep on here..I recently started blockn and ppl think its wrong to block even though they don't know shit ive been through on here
..but i showed them quick I didn't need them...I joined this site alone,and friends are optional cause this is a dating site. .....nobody pays my bills... its best to find out who is on your side so you dont waist your time on ppl that dont have your best interest at hand miss G.. [/]
same here ,,,,and sometimes im at the middle of 2 big rocks which will crush me any time ,,,[/ ]
Stand can see you better and you dont have to worry bout nobody getn in your way if the shit hits the fan.... 
2/15/2015 6:13:16 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Sioux Falls, SD
58, joined Mar. 2014
I've been told it's not nice to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man. Fortunately, you don't qualify.
2/15/2015 6:19:30 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
@ captain thanks for your advice ,,,i really do appreciate it ,,,,and may i add for me as long as my conscience is clean then i dont have to worry about any thing ,,,and i really dont care about what others will tell me ,,,, any way as the saying goes ,,,,we cannot please everybody ,,,,
2/15/2015 6:21:16 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
Op....this place is tame, and nothing compared to what it was starting nearly two years ago.....up until recently.
2/15/2015 6:21:56 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
@ beautiful ,,,wow now i know that there are children here also lol 
2/15/2015 6:23:56 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
Op....this place is tame, and nothing compared to what it was starting nearly two years ago.....up until recently.
thanks for the info ,,,,i hope this place will be like what youve said 2 years ago ....can we put that back again ? do you have any suggestions ,,,,
2/15/2015 6:26:12 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

United Kingdom
43, joined Jan. 2014
Misery loves company.
The constant negativity.
2/15/2015 6:26:43 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Hayward, CA
40, joined Apr. 2014
There is no problem and
it's nothing that can be done about it either.
2/15/2015 6:27:22 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |
Fruitvale, TX
98, joined Dec. 2014
I Have a suggestion
Someone date gelleen. Ask her for contact details off site and see if she can call or text you without a masculine tone. 
2/15/2015 6:27:39 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
Rifle.^^^^^^the site does seem to attract enough like that.
and with that, you get issues, with that you get confrontations, that really don't need to be.
[Edited 2/15/2015 6:28:01 AM ]
2/15/2015 6:29:03 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
I Have a suggestion
Someone date gelleen. Ask her for contact details off site and see if she can call or text you without a masculine tone. 
i love you for that ,,,do you think ill be affected by what youre saying ? lol sorry youre barking on a wrong tree lol   
2/15/2015 6:30:29 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |
Fruitvale, TX
98, joined Dec. 2014
You must have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit geleen DUDE.
If you are real you wont have any problems with calls and i helped you with your dating 
[Edited 2/15/2015 6:31:34 AM ]
2/15/2015 6:31:07 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
lol i really love you lol    
2/15/2015 6:31:13 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |
Waterdown, ON
58, joined Jul. 2014
So many hoity toity ... can't or refuse to have fun, are boring to the point that their posts get scrolled by most the time.
And of course are too chick to unblock and talk, post, banter like real adults.
2/15/2015 6:32:44 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
i see ....thanks for your input  
2/15/2015 6:33:10 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |
Fruitvale, TX
98, joined Dec. 2014
As always boy  
[Edited 2/15/2015 6:33:43 AM ]
2/15/2015 6:34:05 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |
Waterdown, ON
58, joined Jul. 2014
I know I'm going to make someone mad but... some people think that everyone should be like them and the forums should only be for them.

Yep I agree with this. Which makes them think their shyt doesn't stink, and they are ABOVE most other posters.
They think of themselves as QUEEN like. Their DRAMA is the only drama. 
[Edited 2/15/2015 6:34:27 AM ]
2/15/2015 6:35:56 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |


57, joined Sep. 2014
oh now i know that there is a queen at the forums also ...i thought it was only a king 
2/15/2015 6:38:15 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Hayward, CA
40, joined Apr. 2014
Deal, cope, fix, solve, are tell yourself everything is whatever you think it is
2/15/2015 6:39:33 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |
Waterdown, ON
58, joined Jul. 2014
oh now i know that there is a queen at the forums also ...i thought it was only a king 
""THINKS"" she is the queen. 
2/15/2015 6:40:33 AM |
What do you think is the biggest problem ? |

Louisville, KY
39, joined Dec. 2014
[from josfsd06:[/]I've been told it's not nice to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man. Fortunately, you don't qualify.[/ ]
Im definitely stupid....  