2/16/2015 6:57:38 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |


Acworth, GA
50, joined Oct. 2008
(To all my friends....please bear with me while I vent...)
Family are not always blood related. During the most difficult time of my life, I lost support of my sisters, and almost my mom and dad. My sisters have not contacted my daughter in any way, shape or form to ask her how she is doing or if they can do anything for her? My sisters are so angry and blame me for the pain that was inflicted on my daughter, that they have disowned me. That's okay. I have to be strong for my baby bear. Our only support, right now, is my love, Ray McCall and his family and all our DH friends.
My last grandfather (mom's dad) passed this Christmas season at the ripe age of 89. RIP Granddad. Our beloved little ferret, Penelope, passed last night 02/15/15. And my little baby bear had her childhood ripped from her since she was 13. (You will get yours, you bastard!)
Katy, I and my mom are seeing therapists, but I know the lack of family support hurts Katy. I will always blame myself for allowing that monster in our lives. I feel so naive and blind. Why didn't I see anything or have some motherly bell go off? Why am I so trusting? I know, I know. But "Mama Bear" has feelings too. I am so angry. At him and at myself.
Don't get me wrong, my family has the right to feel their feelings. But isn't Kaitlyn the one we should all be helping first? The one we should be there for first?
Thank you Ray McCall and your family and all our friends for being there for us! We appreciate and love you all! 
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2/16/2015 7:05:02 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |


Bethlehem, GA
48, joined Jul. 2008
Love you Tami. This whole situation sickens me.
You had no way of knowing what happened. He made sure of that! The monster (who needs his d*ck cut off) is the only person at fault here. You were both victims of his evil behavior! Shame on the family that isn't supporting you.
Praying for all of you but especially for your daughter! Hoping she can work thru this horrible issue!
2/16/2015 8:07:48 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |

Danielsville, GA
52, joined Jul. 2014
You're aces with me Tammela! We've known one another only peripherally these past 4 years. Until recently that is. So sorry for all the ills you and your daughter have been suffering lately... When it rains, it pours. By the oceanful it seems sometimes.
Trying not to speak in banal platitudes. It's difficult not to sound that way no matter how well intended the words and wishes... However. This is a public forum and I truly hope you can read between the lines.
Ray? Meh. He's okay if you like those smart, kind, caring and gentlemanly types I guess. Truth is... you're both winners and I hope only the best for you all for now and in the future. 
That somewhat-tipsy-yet-somehow-still-dashing-and-debonair tooth fairy fella

[Edited 2/16/2015 8:09:03 PM ]
2/16/2015 8:24:26 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |

Marietta, GA
54, joined Apr. 2014
We don't know each other well, but when the unspeakable happens it is to the people that support you that you can turn to for strength. People here speak highly of you and I am sorry for what you and your daughter have been through. May God and those around you help you and your daughter through this dark time.
God bless.
2/16/2015 8:37:28 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |


Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
You are all strong and will come out of it stronger.
Your circle is your family, some are in ,some out ,and it sounds like you have a good circle, especially with Ray ,
We can only move forward, ,,,
2/16/2015 10:46:23 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |


Lawrenceville, GA
50, joined Jun. 2011
So sorry, Tammy and Katy.
Adults that mess with children are sick!!!!!!! They will get theirs in the end.
2/17/2015 4:14:52 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |

Suwanee, GA
51, joined Sep. 2014
.... ...... ... I'm sorry for your pain...but please know that many have suffered from the hands of a loved one...Often times by someone you'd least expect...I think many of us have had a lesson in maturing before our time due to an adult with not the best of intentions....some regrettably more advanced mis-treatment...You 2 are not alone ...your daughter might have a little trouble with relationships for a while but she will be just fine..maybe find a calling to help others with the same traumas...
You are a good person and you will forever be a guardian angel for your daughter....Give yourself a break and heal... No room for regretts, what if's, I should have's....Be the lovin Tammi Ive witnessed and joy will fill all your lifes..
2/18/2015 3:46:36 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |

Sharpsburg, GA
43, joined Nov. 2010
Ok to answer you yes blood can hurt a lot mor then TRUE friends.
We had somthing like this go on in our life and her own grandparints brow beet her for her actions.
That sent her to my arms (her stepfather) even her own mother still shuns her after 3 years. Yes great for biulding our relationship but with working thou and gidens she has rose up from the ashese like a fenicks. I'm so proud of her.
You will be to.
Just being there is a big help
2/18/2015 8:03:23 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |


Acworth, GA
50, joined Oct. 2008
Thank you everyone for your kind and supportive words! We love all of you! 
2/19/2015 5:51:11 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |


Villa Rica, GA
46, joined Oct. 2011
Both of my girls know it's not thier fault. On a logical level. Still doesn't chase away the guilt they both seem to feel. One too scared to say, the other not told.
He has been in jail since December. Grand jury met today. He should spend the rest of his good years locked up. He's safer in there, anyway.
Many of you know him. Some liked him. He was friendly enough. Some of you witnessed bad things he did towards other DHers at parties. Some never said anything. Looked the other way. "None of my business". Human nature. We would have never known if some didn't say something later. If there is a lesson for DH, I would think it is to watch out for each other. If you see something wrong, don't turn your back. If a person would do wrong to a casual friend or stranger at a party, they could do wrong to those in thier own household. While most of us are normal good folks, there is always the chance that some are not. So never turn your back.
It's never par for the course for a person to be taken advantage of. Any time, even a Dh party. Even if they're drunk. Especially, if they're drunk. And ladies watch your drinks. Always. He was not the only one. There is another. Things come around though. Hide and watch.
2/19/2015 6:10:45 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |


Acworth, GA
50, joined Oct. 2008
I do love this man! Wheelchair and all! 
2/19/2015 6:30:21 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |

Danielsville, GA
52, joined Jul. 2014
Ya'll are a great pair! And Ray would've won the Mr. DH pageant if he had only shaved his bikini zone a little more closely. America just isn't that European yet...
<--- Smart ass. C'est moi. 
May the scales balance properly in ya'lls lives and soon. The nice folks like you three deserve it! 
2/21/2015 6:45:57 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |


Death Valley, CA
50, joined Apr. 2014
Both of my girls know it's not thier fault. On a logical level. Still doesn't chase away the guilt they both seem to feel. One too scared to say, the other not told.
He has been in jail since December. Grand jury met today. He should spend the rest of his good years locked up. He's safer in there, anyway.
Many of you know him. Some liked him. He was friendly enough. Some of you witnessed bad things he did towards other DHers at parties. Some never said anything. Looked the other way. "None of my business". Human nature. We would have never known if some didn't say something later. If there is a lesson for DH, I would think it is to watch out for each other. If you see something wrong, don't turn your back. If a person would do wrong to a casual friend or stranger at a party, they could do wrong to those in thier own household. While most of us are normal good folks, there is always the chance that some are not. So never turn your back.
It's never par for the course for a person to be taken advantage of. Any time, even a Dh party. Even if they're drunk. Especially, if they're drunk. And ladies watch your drinks. Always. He was not the only one. There is another. Things come around though. Hide and watch.
the first time I heard the rumor was from someone who refused to go to the wedding (something he did to another dh'er at a party) and I didn't want to believe it. I was so wrong and I am so sorry about it.
ray, pull them in and hug them close 
2/23/2015 7:13:00 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |


Acworth, GA
50, joined Oct. 2008
Grand Jury indicted him on all 4 counts! 
2/23/2015 7:40:51 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |

Danielsville, GA
52, joined Jul. 2014
I hope this helps in your daughter's healing. I really do... 
2/23/2015 7:51:07 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |


Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
Making progress.  
Keep on keeping on ,,,,,
2/23/2015 9:18:01 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |


Lawrenceville, GA
50, joined Jun. 2011
Grand Jury indicted him on all 4 counts! 
I hear child molesters don't do too well in prison. Something about what the other prisoners do to them. I don't know how true it is.
2/23/2015 9:18:45 PM |
Family are not always blood related! |


Lawrenceville, GA
50, joined Jun. 2011
I hope this helps in your daughter's healing. I really do... 