4/21/2015 8:07:24 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |


Keller, TX
58, joined Oct. 2010
No I have not been to Canada, but I want to.
HYE been to Magic Mountain Six Flags in California and rode the coasters?
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4/21/2015 9:01:18 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
HYE set up your coffee maker for the next morning and then forgot to turn on the timer. 
4/21/2015 11:00:06 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

San Antonio, TX
50, joined Dec. 2014
HYE had a relative knock on your front door while you were sleeping & not stop knocking until you answered?
[Edited 4/21/2015 11:00:40 AM ]
4/21/2015 1:55:51 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
No and it's a good thing! Lol
HYE broken a bone?
4/22/2015 2:25:22 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |


Pleasanton, TX
39, joined Mar. 2014
YES more then i think i can count. Lol. Have you ever had cooking that smelled so good it made your mouth water, but when you ate it, it taste like shit
5/4/2015 6:36:23 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
Yes....(to my utter dismay )
Got a bit too 'smart' attitude toward a teacher
5/4/2015 6:40:25 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
yes,allways,i live to be a wise a** every day.
5/4/2015 9:35:26 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Oh yes. And I paid the price and learned a lesson.
HYE danced in the rain
5/4/2015 4:01:40 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
5/4/2015 5:59:42 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |


Keller, TX
58, joined Oct. 2010
Oh yes. And I paid the price and learned a lesson.
HYE danced in the rain
HYE stayed up more than 48 hours for work?
5/7/2015 3:55:16 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
HYE had a long-distance relationship
5/9/2015 9:08:53 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |


Keller, TX
58, joined Oct. 2010
Yes, engaged to a girl in Corpus Christi. Wild ride, and wouldn't change it, but DANG that was one heckuva drive.
HYE been snow skiing?
5/13/2015 8:53:59 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Fort Worth, TX
46, joined Jul. 2014
...wrote a post here on Dh that you regretted later 
5/13/2015 9:13:01 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
...wrote a post here on Dh that you regretted later 
HYE been on hold so long that it becomes a quest to wait it out
5/14/2015 7:44:03 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |


Grapevine, TX
38, joined Sep. 2013
HYE, told a lie to cover up for someone else?
5/29/2015 11:26:22 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |


Keller, TX
58, joined Oct. 2010
HYE been to the Grand Canyon?
5/29/2015 2:11:24 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |


Grapevine, TX
38, joined Sep. 2013
No but want to go.
HYE been arrested?
5/29/2015 2:27:05 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Denton, TX
98, joined Jan. 2012
No Comment.........
HYE just wished you could live back in the early days out on the prairie and made friends with Indians and live their lifestyle? Like in "Dances with Wolves"?
6/8/2015 12:44:03 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |


Pleasanton, TX
39, joined Mar. 2014
Every day ! Have you ever seen a reenactment?
8/2/2015 7:44:14 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |


Lewisville, TX
69, joined Feb. 2008
yes, it was a bank robbery in small town.
Ran out of gas?
8/6/2015 12:39:32 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |


McAllen, TX
33, joined May. 2013
Hye stopped to help a stranger stranded along the road.
8/16/2015 3:33:46 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
Yes I have a few times but sad to say a few other times I was too scared to stop....
HYE had road rage?
8/16/2015 10:41:32 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
I drive in Dallas. It's practically required.
HYE dove more than 15 feet high into water?
8/20/2015 7:51:07 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
No... I'm a SHALLOW woman
HYE placed an order at the drive thru but had to drive off when you couldn't find your $$$/credit card
8/22/2015 2:39:51 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
No. NEVER go through the drive-through!!!
HYE chop/seeded hot peppers and rubbed your eye? 
8/22/2015 6:31:44 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
Several times
HYE forgot to change house shoes/ flip flops before leaving to work?
8/23/2015 12:27:26 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
To work? noooo!
HYE run in a 5K or longer.
8/23/2015 7:30:38 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
Many many years ago... High school cross country race...
HYE ran into someone you knew but couldn't reminder their name?
8/23/2015 9:14:41 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Yes. Seems to be happening with greater frequency, too. 
HYE Started talking to someone you thought you knew but it turned out to be a total stranger?
8/23/2015 12:58:46 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
Yes I have & done to me if often... I've got a twin I don't know about
HYE gotten car sick on a road trip?
8/23/2015 6:08:44 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
No. Just sick of driving. 
HYE taken a train trip of more than two hours?
8/26/2015 11:21:30 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
Never been on train boat nor plane...
HYE rode on a bicycle over 5 miles?
8/27/2015 10:08:31 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012

HYE Played badminton
8/29/2015 9:22:32 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
No just watched was cool
HYE been in a Pool Tournament?
8/29/2015 9:51:15 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
HYE Left an ATM without your money
8/29/2015 9:53:39 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
HYE left the store without getting your change back?
8/29/2015 12:07:21 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Have you ever been given too much change? (And did you give it back?)
8/30/2015 9:29:20 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
Yes & yes.... Two twenty dollars bills were stuck together... if I had left the store and not notice till I got home I might not have went back
HYE been short changed?
8/30/2015 10:27:58 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
HYE gotten to the checkout at a grocery store and realized you didn't have your wallet?
8/31/2015 5:09:58 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
Yes forgot to put in my new purse
HYE just wanted to get away without telling anyone where you were going or when you'd be back??
8/31/2015 7:56:09 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Yup. Used to do that a lot.
HYE Done that? 
9/1/2015 3:34:09 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
Yes I wanted to just got scared when I checked into Hotel so I ended up calling my sisters to let them know where I was crazy Hope!
HYE forgotten to pay a bill & talked the representative into dismissing the late fee?
9/1/2015 11:28:41 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
No, I've used it as a learning experience. Don't forget! 
HYE slept in your or someone else's car?
9/2/2015 11:09:19 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
Not all night but couple hours waiting on my sister
HYE started a movie but had to leave before you got to see the ending ?
9/3/2015 12:18:36 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
MANY times
HYE had a reptile as a pet
9/3/2015 5:21:15 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
Not me.... MySon had several through the years
HYE forgot to put coffee grounds in coffee filter & ended up with just HOT WATER
[Edited 9/3/2015 5:21:45 AM ]
9/3/2015 8:17:47 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
HYE pulled out of your driveway, then right back in because you forgot something ... TWICE?
9/3/2015 3:22:14 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
^^^did that this morning forgot frig. food then had to run back in forgot Child Evaluation Packet!
HYE picked up the wrong drink but didn't realize it until after you took a sip at party or get together ? 
9/4/2015 12:07:46 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
I may have but didn't realize it. 
HYE eaten or drank something so foul you spit it out ... in public?
9/4/2015 5:47:59 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
HYE let the person behind you at the grocery store go ahead of you when you see they have one or two items & you have several???
9/4/2015 11:29:00 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
I have to have more than several! 
But yes ...
HYE Sent what turned out to be a very embarrassing text/message/email to the wrong person?
9/4/2015 11:38:26 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
One too many times
HYE had an embarrassing text/messages/email sent to you by mistake?
9/4/2015 11:50:03 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Oh yes
HYE done that to a family member? 
9/4/2015 11:59:46 PM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
Yep but my sister just laughs
HYE been "flashed" while driving on highway?
9/5/2015 12:01:00 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
No, but while pumping gas ...
HYE Flashed someone?
9/5/2015 12:11:31 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
365 days of the year
HYE given out beads during Mardi Gras
9/5/2015 12:16:06 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012

Oh yes! And not during Mardi Gras!
HYE "earned" beads?
9/5/2015 12:18:57 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
I have a room full
HYE hung up on a person who wouldn't stop talking and let you get a word in at all?
9/5/2015 12:23:10 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
No. But I've cut them off!
HYE Crashed a car
9/5/2015 12:32:03 AM |
Have You Ever - Part 2 |

Pasadena, TX
44, joined Jun. 2015
No thank God
HYE been a witness to a car accident ?