
Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
Love hearing childhood stories.
This was always a great day for us as children. My Dad (Korean conflict) would take us up to the local school yard where we had a Memorial day ceremony and got our poppy flowers to pin on our shirts.

The prayer by our local Minister and the 21 gun salute and the horn that played taps.

The volunteer firehouse would lead the parade with our veterans marching behind. The honour guards were so memorable with those great big flags. The police were all MPs from the service so they all joined in too.
Then all would be outside of our homes lining the streets with flags and cheers as the parade continued down the neighbourhood .
The most fun part for us as kids was the huge picnic we all had, my mom's potato salad was the best! Yummy!

My dad would grill up the hot dogs and burgers. We were allowed to have potato chips that day, a treat back in the 60's with 5 kids. I liked the crispy burnt hot dogs my dad would over cook. Ha ha.....
All the kids got on the slip-n-slide with the garden hose running, woo hoo!.

We had watermelon with seeds in them and contests to see which kid could spit the seeds the furthest. Yep, times were good then as a child.

Thank you for my Freedom
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
For several years I would make the trip to Neah Bay Wa and spend the weekend scuba diving.Now I keep close to home and ride my 4 Wheeler around the mountain trails.
Semper Fi !!!