6/22/2015 3:56:41 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
I been knowing this for awhile but I tried so hard to change that with trying to befriend various women on the internet all these years. None I still talk to this day. All have turned their back on me. I must accept that Im never going to be like everyone else....never gonna have a gf or wife never gonna have kids never gonna have a social circle never gonna have a life due to the fact im bitter angry bipolar, manic depressive ADHD. I just gotta try to live with myself and not give into feelings of weakness if you know what I mean. Oh well, I deleted all my social media/dating accounts and Im going to change my number. I must begin my life of solitude.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/22/2015 4:04:46 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
the only woman that's gonna give a shit about me is mother. I should just leave it at that...that should be good enough but its not I want more why must I be greedy???
6/22/2015 10:29:31 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Woodlyn, PA
62, joined Dec. 2010
You're certainly not going to find anyone unless you change your attitude and how you present yourself. We have someone else on here who pretty much presents themselves the same way and he hasn't found anyone either. The best thing you can do is present the positive things about yourself. I'm learning that myself.
Welcome to our group! I hope it helps you.
6/22/2015 12:25:34 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Winfield, IL
54, joined Feb. 2008
Our lives are never as we plan.
Why is it that you are focused only on having an idealized life? This can be symptom of your bipolar.
Until we can live with ourselves, neither can anyone else.
My life is certainly not what is typical, but I have good friends and fun.
6/22/2015 12:50:36 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
^well good for you
I have zilch
[Edited 6/22/2015 12:50:51 PM ]
6/22/2015 1:12:21 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Round Lake, IL
36, joined Mar. 2013
Not with that negative attitude
6/22/2015 1:28:09 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
^i always have a negative attitude I'm not changing that. No one will accept. Misery loves company but company won't accept it. So be it. I'm done for now.
6/22/2015 5:01:31 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Winfield, IL
54, joined Feb. 2008
Good luck with that.
That is why your life is what it is.
6/22/2015 5:04:45 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
^no shit wide load. Mind telling me something about myself Idk
6/22/2015 10:06:58 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Mount Victoria, MD
84, joined May. 2015
So what's is the point of this thread ? You said you have a negative attitude, and you have no intention on changing that...Is this thread your way of broadcasting your miserable existence? I'd say I feel sorry for you but I don't..
6/22/2015 10:43:00 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
^never said I needed sympathy...just understanding as usual ain't gonna get it
6/22/2015 10:52:02 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Mount Victoria, MD
84, joined May. 2015
yeah I didn't say anything about you wanting sympathy either, no idea where you got that from...I just wanted to know the point of your thread..So the point of it is for understanding?
6/22/2015 11:01:07 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
Nowhere else to express myself, ballbuster
6/23/2015 2:37:51 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Mount Victoria, MD
84, joined May. 2015
Honestly I just was curious what your deal was...I've had to deal with some similar issues maybe not to that degree.. when my doctors told me I wouldn't walk again that was pretty depressing, and my fiance left me after we found out that I may never walk again was also really depressing. We all that stuff that we have to deal with, not putting in work or not willing to change... you shouldn't expect anything different then what you been getting..
6/23/2015 9:55:07 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Crown Point, IN
68, joined Jan. 2009
people do need to have a positive attitude but disabilities can negatively affect one's social life and the individual may find it difficult to impossible to do anything about it.
6/23/2015 10:15:18 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
^it is all my life nothing but failed relationship after failed relationship so I'm throwing in the towel for now
6/23/2015 1:05:59 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Mount Victoria, MD
84, joined May. 2015
been there...and there's nothing wrong with that,it'll give you some awhile to find yourself and what you really want...Not saying you don't already know but sometimes you need time to put thinge into perspective..so just know you're not the only on who deals with some of the same crap,but most of us change for the better to reach our ultimate goals.. you should give making some changes some serious thought...imo 
6/24/2015 4:50:37 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

South San Francisco, CA
48, joined Sep. 2014
OP, I'm sorry that you feel as you do and have experienced what you have. I wish I had answers for you so that you could find happiness. All I can do is keep you in my prayers.
6/24/2015 1:29:13 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
2% of the population is bi polar. It is hard for people without the understanding of the symptoms and prognoses to relate. As far as relationships go rarely are long term relationships formed over the internet. Too much is taken away when texting that is better said in person. Take your meds and report manic episodes to your mental health care nurse. Also see if there is a group for people who are bi polar that you can join. If not start one.
[Edited 6/24/2015 1:30:31 PM ]
6/25/2015 7:53:11 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Winfield, IL
54, joined Feb. 2008
He doesn't want understanding. He just wants excuses.
6/25/2015 9:58:15 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Mount Victoria, MD
84, joined May. 2015
^never said I needed sympathy...just understanding as usual ain't gonna get it
he said all he wants is understanding,did you read any of the other post b4 you commented OT?
6/26/2015 9:17:37 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
2% of the population is bi polar. It is hard for people without the understanding of the symptoms and prognoses to relate. As far as relationships go rarely are long term relationships formed over the internet. Too much is taken away when texting that is better said in person. Take your meds and report manic episodes to your mental health care nurse. Also see if there is a group for people who are bi polar that you can join. If not start one.
Mental health system is a joke. Trying to get help is a joke. Been Trying to call up shrinks and they either say they call me back which they don't do or tell me I need some paperwork or They trying to committ despite me being sound mind and body. I can see why folks just off themselves than deal with the constant bs hassle. I been trying to find a group again but no go the hospital that gave me a sheet full of numbers for help, either the numbers were disconnected or the person that answered the phone didn't know wtf I was talking about. As usual I'm dealing with this shit on my own
6/26/2015 9:59:15 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
When I became ill I went through a lot of red tape. I found the most assistance in the least likely places after thinking I exhausted all. The YMCA and the Salvation Army were two of them. I also contacted a behavioral clinic in my health group I was familiar with. I am a senior citizen but they have a family center there and offer consoling. Wish you luck and keep trying. Nothing happens sitting still.
6/26/2015 10:53:13 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
^im not sitting im working
6/26/2015 11:25:23 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Winfield, IL
54, joined Feb. 2008
The mental health system is not existant if you have no insurance or a good income. Assistance is a run arround. It takes up to six months to get an appointment with a health care provider.
A friend of mine who is bipolar was told to go directly to the hospital so she could get directly in the system and get meds. She was treated badly.
I became her advacate.
I noticed that being extra nice and willing to jump the hoops helped alot. She now is getting the help she needs.
Is a slow complicated fustratating process
We have found that breathing exercises help focus and anger management.
6/26/2015 11:40:25 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
^you just Proved my point how much of a hassle it is
6/26/2015 1:02:40 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Winfield, IL
54, joined Feb. 2008
It is hassle but be persistent.
6/26/2015 2:22:38 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Winfield, IL
54, joined Feb. 2008
BTW instead of insulting me as a "wide load" when you didn't like what I first said maybe you should have been more understanding to me as well. My ankles were blown out 30 years ago when I was dragged by a car. I am limited by doctors orders on exercises.
You never know when someone else might help out.
A smile has been my best friend.
6/28/2015 9:04:15 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
^help out? Your just words on a screen. You can't help me out.
6/28/2015 10:51:34 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Indiana, PA
45, joined May. 2014
I don't think that you are screwed at all and I do understand. I have the issues that you are dealing with but mine are under control. If you can't make yourself happy you are not going to find anyone else that can either. Take time to enjoy the little things and There is a time and a place for everything. This is your time to take care of you.
Check out this website it is in your area www.dbsahouston.org It offers free help for depression and bipolar disorder
6/28/2015 10:59:03 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Indiana, PA
45, joined May. 2014
Some of the things that I do when I am depressed or feel like crap is listen to upbeat music and dance and I can't LOL but I call it shaking off the blues.
I draw, color, paint, scream, cry, journal, Try to put my negative energy into a positive and productive energy. and I smile, get dressed up and go set in the park or go grab lunch.
Yes these things may sound stupid but I am alone too and what ever works for you do it. whether it is a run or lifting weights or what ever you like to do
6/28/2015 11:16:24 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Indiana, PA
45, joined May. 2014
I must accept that Im never going to be like everyone else....never gonna have a gf or wife never gonna have kids never gonna have a social circle never gonna have a life due to the fact im bitter angry bipolar, manic depressive ADHD. I just gotta try to live with myself.
You are never going to be like everyone else because you are not everyone else you are unique and different the way God intended you to be. If everyone was the same that would be very boring because we would already know everything about everyone else and we wouldn't have anything to talk about. It would actually be like being alone. least that How I see it.
I can also see how you can be in a room full of people and feel alone.
you may have these illnesses but these illnesses should not define who you are and they don't have to have you KEEP ON KEEPING ON
6/29/2015 12:05:30 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
I don't think that you are screwed at all and I do understand. I have the issues that you are dealing with but mine are under control. If you can't make yourself happy you are not going to find anyone else that can either. Take time to enjoy the little things and There is a time and a place for everything. This is your time to take care of you.
Check out this website it is in your area www.dbsahouston.org It offers free help for depression and bipolar disorder
^i been checking that out for years..its usually filled with wrong numbers and people who answer the phone don't know wtf you r talking about or the group is for the Spanish speaking crowd. It's another waste of time
6/29/2015 4:15:36 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Indiana, PA
45, joined May. 2014
What have you tried to do for yourself on your own? Knowing this would help others to maybe come up with other ideas that may help you?
6/29/2015 8:18:58 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Indiana, PA
45, joined May. 2014
Have you researched each of you illnesses and therapy that you can do at home to help or any supplements/vitamins
Talked to your PCP about how you are feeling?
7/6/2015 9:07:48 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
^i did the same shit and attracted a bunch of women got their numbers and ran them off in less than week period...I...f**king....suck....I love my life
7/9/2015 12:32:27 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Picher, OK
47, joined Sep. 2011
Find the right therapist. Understanding what you have and how to deal with it, really deal with it, will let you cope with life a bit better. You can be happy. Good luck.
7/9/2015 12:33:05 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Picher, OK
47, joined Sep. 2011
Oh and do not forget to breathe.
7/10/2015 1:48:10 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
^wtf that supposed to mean
7/10/2015 9:04:35 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Dayton, OH
33, joined Apr. 2015
online now!
You may think this is crazy, but maybe you should check out some churchs. You may find support there.
7/11/2015 5:31:27 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |

Weatherford, TX
29, joined Feb. 2014
I just happen to be bored and was on this website. I too am screwed it seems like things won't get better. I had an accident on my motorcycle that caused a traumatic brain injury. I have body tremors on my right side. When I try and do something. We can only hope for a better tomorrow man and I feel you on your situation to.
7/11/2015 11:55:39 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Houston, TX
32, joined Jul. 2013
You may think this is crazy, but maybe you should check out some churchs. You may find support there.
7/12/2015 3:56:41 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |
Myrtle Beach, SC
44, joined May. 2014
A razor blade in a hot bath will solve all your problems.
7/13/2015 11:02:34 PM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Mishawaka, IN
66, joined Dec. 2010
I've been on Prozac for 22 years for clinical depression and adderall for ADHD. Both are treatable and one can live a normal life. Pay a visit to your primary care physician.
7/14/2015 1:19:10 AM |
I'm screwed and I must accept that. |


Woodlyn, PA
62, joined Dec. 2010
A razor blade in a hot bath will solve all your problems.
Real helpful... I just love using flags on people like you.
