10/13/2015 11:19:17 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

As long as, my rose specks, ain' broke
Ann there's smoke leff, fer a nother, toke
The world is beautiful
No need ta be rooter full
Ann my horn, has plenty eggs, double yolk

Ann some cycle delick mush rooms...
Life is good...
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

10/13/2015 11:35:08 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Happiness is...
More days, with beginnings, ann end
Some sleep, fer my dog self, ta mend
As I dream a tomorrow
More time I'll borrow
Father Time, fer my life's, perfect blend

10/13/2015 2:34:48 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
We know not the time
Nor the depth of believing
Until joy is born.
10/14/2015 8:28:11 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Gonna do, wat I ain' dun, in a while
Gonna sen', snail mail, o're a mile
Had no need ta use it
'Bill Pay' has a bused it
Ten yeer old stamps, won' stick, in d'nile
Didn' even know
How much postage is taday
Bot supplemental

Didn' know ya wasn' s'posed ta lick em.... 
[Edited 10/14/2015 8:30:53 AM ]
10/14/2015 10:50:55 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Got a package to mail to a young one too
Magic is his name so a bag of tricks will do
Sweet child with a smile so enchanting
His magic is oh so enhancing
Running late with the gift as so often I do.

10/15/2015 9:34:45 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

^^^^ Color a the sky this mornin'...
Red in the mornin', sailor's warnin' 
Ominous warnin'... 
A red sky in the mornin'...
Normal a roun' hear...
No red sky has kilt me yet
On this one I'll make a bet
We mite gitta storm
Butt I'll stay warm
Nother shrimp on the bar-b no sweat
[Edited 10/15/2015 9:35:43 AM ]
10/16/2015 10:41:47 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Should white cats, dress up like, black cats
Fer Halloween, an they wanna wear, top hats
They say it'll be spooky
I say it'll be kooky
Butt it's OK, long as they wear, some spats
Go trick or treatin'
Bring me candy, not eaten
Butt, kin I trust em????
No way hose a... 
10/17/2015 10:32:52 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Have you yet, had your very, first frost
Not 'till then, will the leaves, be embossed
With the colors of Fall
That's the rule after all
Jack Frost, on his way, might be lost
High 60's again taday... I'm good with that...
10/17/2015 10:55:51 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Halloween is coming nearer each day
Are you going out to play
With the witches and goblins and black cats
Or sit at home with your hands in your lap
Young at heart keeps one young to stay..

10/18/2015 10:44:25 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Said Donald, “I may seem a loon,
An orange-haired, loudmouthed buffoon.
But it’s clear women’s moods
Swing much more than a dude’s
And depend on the phase of the moon.”

10/18/2015 11:07:16 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Cain't seem, ta gitta good, day's nap
Wen little, I use ta sleep, on yer lap
Now wen I close my eyes
I'm in fer a s'prise
Ann I cain't, run away, what the kraap?

Poor my lil self... 
10/19/2015 8:23:12 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
A sneeze and sniffle, a hot drink or two
will make one feel better and if you do
get back to relaxing and smiling again
nothing ever stays the same my friend
keep smiling no good comes from being blue.
Water off a duck
Opinions can sometimes suck
Never be a schmuk.

10/19/2015 9:37:01 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
I was doin' so good with my diet
I'm goin' ta the store so ta buy it
Lotsa chips an dip
Cuz I lost my grip
Anna few sides a bacon, I'll fry it
SeaHawks lost again
Thet's four forth quarter losses
D'pression's set in
10/20/2015 10:25:14 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
A week from this sun day it's over
No more day lite days in the clover
Stock upon vitermin E
Some manuka honey
Join the candy a the week club by stover

Day lite saving time
Is over, November 1st
Dark days are a head

10/21/2015 9:36:35 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Once there was a dandy man
Lived over in candy land
Chocolate was his muse
Eveyday he used
Got so fat he couldn't stand.. 
10/21/2015 11:07:18 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
So, I wen' out an bot me a blenda
Ta blend me some drinks my agenda
Perhaps frozen daiquiri
Lemon/lime so it's smackery
Closed eyes, in Mexico, I'll preten' ta
I'll keep my eyes closed
Usin' my blenda non stop
So, hoo gives a dammm
A bout Winter...

[Edited 10/21/2015 11:08:21 AM ]
10/22/2015 10:00:40 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
It's startin' out brite an sun shiny
Thet's Fall at the coast by the briny
It's never too cold
An thet don' git old
So, this shaggy old dog don' git whiny
D'ruther got to Hawaii
I don' wanna go a lone
Airfare is way down
$387 r/t
10/23/2015 10:47:53 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
If I dress reel warm as I should
I wood ride all over this hood
Perched atop my
Harley, not tri
Butt be four I'd shine it reel good

Put on my leathers
Good in all kines a weather
BUTT not in the rain
10/23/2015 10:51:47 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Leather in the rain
Is like a slow moving train
It gets kinda sweaky
Rubs against your tweaky..
Can you say it's a pain?

10/23/2015 10:55:21 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Ya kin say 'it's a pain'
Buttcha cain' say 'tweaky'

10/23/2015 10:58:29 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Censor the kitty
Oh no you didn't.. you dog
All bark and no bite..

10/23/2015 11:08:17 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Said he was a Doc
I loss my bark at the vet
A masked man stole it
Now they call me Knute Rockless...

10/23/2015 11:17:07 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
No bark and no bite
Neutered and sadly contrite
But you can still smile.

Have a great day Shaggy.. 
10/24/2015 10:13:15 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
What's the price a havin' too cats
Some times they'll have too cat spats
Don' all ways gitta long
Fitin' ta witch I be long
I try ta sooth em by singin' like Fats

Works every time. They preten' like there sleepin' so I'll stop...

10/26/2015 10:40:32 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
A rainy day in Kentucky
we still gotta feel lucky
it could be a tornado or a flood
or a shotgun wedding (oh no! no blood!)
It a wonderful day for being plucky!!

10/26/2015 11:00:29 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Sometimes Mom's get chased during rut
Her babies look around wondering WHAT?
What happened to Mom
Gonna get me a bomb
And shove it up that dang ole stag's (rhymes with rut)

Had a yearling hanging out in the yard yesterday, waiting for Mom to come back...
Cotton was on her princess pillow watching out the slider window...
The yearling, having been here many times with Mom, knows the girls...
For the longest time, the yearling and Cotton had a stare down...
Nubbins on the top of his head. He'll get his horns next year...
He wanted to play. He'd bound off a short way, stop, turn around, peak out around the brush... as if to say... c'mon, chase me...
This went on for a while, 'till... Cotton got bored, (yawn) as cats will do, and decided to go elsewhere...
Mom showed up later...
10/27/2015 11:52:07 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Don't eatcha no weenies be cuz
Who knew human DNA in them was
We're out sourcin' jobs
Ta roberto not Bobs
Ya kin all ways do what I does
ONLY buy KOSHER ALL BEEF sausage meats...

10/27/2015 10:37:17 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Woe be to the world
where is safe food or water
or clean air to breathe..

10/28/2015 9:54:20 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
At 12:00:01 in the mornin'
Weather happins with out any warnin'
The same time each day
Mother Nature will say
Taday will be Fall with adorning

Has any one tole
Mother Nature ta fall back
This Sun day at 2

10/30/2015 10:20:19 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Too days and October is over
The yeer's all most gone moreover
I needs a yung lady
Her name mite be Sadie
Go some wear it's warm in the clover
White cliffs a Dover
They sound like a good place, butt
Do they have clover?

10/30/2015 10:59:26 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Melancholy days
Fleeting colorful autumn
Spans infinity..
All who wander are not lost
Tie those memories at all cost
Good ones bad ones they all make us see
A moment in time for you and for me
The heart grows warmer with evening frost.

[Edited 10/30/2015 10:59:48 AM ]
10/31/2015 10:57:25 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Some days wen I wake ann it's borin'
I go out on the snow for some jorin'
If ya e'er wanna go
Ya'll need ya some snow
It beets stayin' in bed still snorin'
10/31/2015 11:18:21 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Rustling leaves chill of night
Sunny days of warming delight
Cast no shadow on the happy heart
All things magic will never depart
Nature holds such wondrous sight..

11/4/2015 9:04:29 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
It's gittin' a lot colder at nite
The sun ain' so warm, butt it's brite
Thank GAWD fer 'lectricity
Blood's got no viscosity
'lectric mattress pads chase them bed mites
How many bites could
A bed mite bite, iffa bed
Mite could bite at nite

11/4/2015 9:27:25 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Them Holidays, an I'm feelin' a bit rusty?
An the cook book's kine a dirty an dusty
Butt thet is OK
Don' need it no way
Punkin' pie cake what ain' got no crusty
One white cake mix.... any kine a cake mix will do juss fine...
Two eggs...
One canna punkin' pie fillin'... 20 ounces...
Mix all thet tagether... Put it inna pan... Bake it a cordin' ta them distructions on the cake mix box...
Let it cool, if ya can... Serve with 'REAL' whippin' cream on top...
It's so eezzee ya kin even make it with a snoot full...
[Edited 11/4/2015 9:27:46 AM ]
11/4/2015 11:14:44 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
If I could have one wish I could not decide
Would it be for warm weather or a place to hide
From the cold of winter and chills of the mind
Or open a lost soul to never be blind
To simple things like uncrusted pumpkin pie...

11/5/2015 9:11:22 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
All tho I am rusty an crusty
Don' move like I dun so I'm dusty
Juss like the tin man
I know I 'still' can
If there's a still on the hill... trust me
11/6/2015 9:17:53 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
I once hadda speedo I wore
Snorkelin' onna far Maui shore
'Twas a tiny scull cap
Meant ta cover the gap
Where the hare on my head was no more

11/6/2015 9:37:42 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
IF... the answers to all questions, I knew
There'd be no need to ask anyone I thought who
Might know something about
Brown speckled lake trout
Or the where we could catch quite a few

11/6/2015 10:35:38 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
A hunting we must go
In autumn before the snow
for a great big turkey bird
gobble gobble is the word
fish for dinner, no no no!

11/7/2015 8:45:49 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
We lived, inna place with, wild turkeys
They'd poop, in the yard, them jerkies
One shot brot one down
Gotta sharp shooter crown
Wasn' me, butt a tomboy, whom was perky
I got her a pump
Pellet pistol fer Christmas
Who knew she was Annie
11/8/2015 5:34:26 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Stuart, FL
62, joined Dec. 2009
Salt air and a pole....
Feet in the sand, waiting tide...
11/8/2015 8:56:09 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
With an extra hour fer contemplation
Gives rise ta the thot a time deflation
With so few days left
So, I'll not be bereft
There's juss forty-four days, the duration
Only 44 more days, till thet shortess day. After thet, days start ta git lighter later again...
Oh happy day!
11/9/2015 10:40:53 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
When I run outta things I must do
Much later I'll remember a few
Butt I'm down with that
I'll put em inta the hat
Butt then it goes missin' an I'm blew
11/9/2015 11:07:15 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Monday, Monday, rain and cold
Seasons change out with the old
Make your own sunshine
Refrain from a whine
Be bright, be fun, and be bold!

11/10/2015 10:14:58 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
They're predictin' a storm like Ernesto
So ya better bored up, not buy pesto
It was Hanukkah Eve
2006 ... I believe
Thet's the US weather bureau manifesto
Hay, I don' make this stuff up an I never ever lie... 
11/11/2015 9:25:15 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
I thunk wen I went ta the store
Them apples are higher en be four
So I dun some come pear
A the price of a pair
Then bot several, like I dun once be fore
Apples... $1.29 lb... cheepess...
Pairs... .69c lb... on sale...
A no brainer...

11/12/2015 8:54:57 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Them leafs on the groun' say it's Fall
An every now an then, there's a squall
Won' dampen my endeavor
An I'll try ta be clever
An fine a blue eyed blon' not too tall
Hay, it could happin'... 
11/13/2015 8:52:22 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Taday's the thirteenth annit's Friday
An Friday is all so a good bye day
It's the enna the weak
Things don' look so bleek
Stay home, do nuttin', don' fly a way ... 
Run a way... Run a way...

11/14/2015 9:51:37 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
My gurls, shirley do not, like Winter
They wish, it'd go by, like a sprinter
An this is be cuz
The stuff thet it does
Things go bump, in the nite, HELP TIMBER!
An then the damm power goes out.... AGAIN!
An thet's why we drink...
11/15/2015 11:17:26 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
During the dark of Winter I get SAD
Butt the low rising sun makes me mad
Shines in thru my window
When I'm watching a show
I'm so mad when I should be so glad
I'm so confused!!!
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you're like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody.

11/15/2015 3:38:36 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Oh those Winter time blues
Sometimes we all kinda loose
Track of time and days go by
Sniffles and a little cry
No time to pout and snooze!
Thank you so much Shaggy for keeping this going.. 
11/17/2015 8:44:14 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
If'n I know'd ya was sick, I wooda
If'n I know'd ya was sick, I shoulda
Dropped ya a line
Ta see if yer fine
I ain't gotcher number, how could I?
Git gooder reel soon, now, ya hear?

11/17/2015 12:33:18 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Ridin' my bike an
Seen a Spotted Wolf Canyon
Kin ya see the wolf?
11/18/2015 7:52:21 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Yesterday was BLOWN outta proportion
Ocean waves were BLOWN ta contortion
I don't mind the rain
Butt high winds are a pain
Ocean Shores was BLOWN ta distortion

11/18/2015 8:01:04 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
I am gonna STOP cookin' with pans
Cuzzit messes with all a my plans
Like... don't wash NO dishes
Thet's one a my wishes
And... if I cain't microwave it, it's sans

11/18/2015 10:11:35 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
three days into life
sunrise sunset the between
breaths too quickly pass.

11/19/2015 9:15:18 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Not a limerick or a haiku, juss calm after the storm...
Two days ago, I made it threw the first storm a Winter, butt... Lass nite the power wen' out... 
The worse part a power outages is...
Havin' ta change all my clocks back ta the rite time... 
Juss dun thet fer day lite savin's time... AARRGGHH!!!
Butt I gotter done! 'Cept still need ta go out an change the clock in my truck too...

11/20/2015 11:45:21 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
I woke ta the first frost a the season
Turned the heat on so I wooden be sneazin'
Wish Summer wood hurry
With out no snow flurry
I'm good all under an the coffee is pleasin'
'Cept in them mountains, so's we don' run outta water nex' year...
Ann If'n I wanna go skiin'... Juss in case I fine a snowbunny... 
11/23/2015 10:26:48 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. | Page 3 |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Remember wen yer Mom made stewed chicken
Butt no more, cuzzit's all finger lickin'
Them chickens went away
Wen the Colonel come ta play
Me thinks, we the public's bin tricken

Who knew?? 