8/14/2015 9:58:58 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
a sneeze if ya please
haiku keeps on coming back
replace what you lack.

There once was a shaggyoledog...
who barked at the moon in the fog
he was heard by the neighbors far and wide
they closed their windows and ran inside
like tadpoles that didn't like frogs.

Everyone needs to grow. 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

8/14/2015 10:23:06 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Stuart, FL
62, joined Dec. 2009
Wisley and Freely...
This New Haiku will go on....
Thrilled to be a part..
Thank You so much alicia!  
8/14/2015 10:54:24 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
A Haiku in time
Like them their stitches a nine
Saves... I fergit what...

We thank the lil gurl from Kentucky
Glad she ain't some one whose yukky
Like (censored no name)
Some one with out fame
This is kewl, limb ricky, ann ducky

8/14/2015 6:14:35 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014
Laughter and kindness
The heart shows what is within
Smile, life is good.

8/15/2015 8:22:43 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Preseason Hawks football has started
Hawks lost but I ain't brokenhearted
Still early, RELAX
Don't git heart attacks
Pro football ain't fer the fainthearted
Lass nite was the firss
Preseason game a the yeer
My daughter brews beer
So, I'm set...
8/15/2015 11:08:20 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Interlochen, MI
65, joined Dec. 2012

Sounds just like Red Buttons at a Dean Martin roast
Little Red was so deadly and his targets were toast
Very similar jokes
And the cadence he spoke
But Red was quite humble - he never would boast
8/16/2015 9:14:50 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Definition a witch, is...
Undershorts too tight

There once was a dog at the shore
Whose cats wood all ways implore
Please stop yer dog snorin'
Butt the dog wood ignore em
Cuz I whistle kewl toons as I snore

8/16/2015 9:47:45 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
There once was a cat named Ali
Who played too often in dilly dally
She ran to and fro..
with no where to go..
in the end there was little to tally.

Mark your days with care
kindness, devotion, withstand
tribulation of mind.

8/16/2015 4:32:03 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Interlochen, MI
65, joined Dec. 2012
It's a muddled up maddening maze
Winding with wide weaving ways
You might make one false step
And you've transformed your trip
Wand'ring wond'ring for all of your days
8/17/2015 9:32:32 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
There is no, other day, like Monday
Although, I think perhaps, that one day
When true love was found
By this shaggy old hound
'Twas the cherry on top of a sundae
Very unlikely
Lives within haiku

8/18/2015 10:11:55 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Here is a story of a tiny little mouse
he lived in a crack in a tiny little house
a little old lady fed him little pieces of cheese
he watched as she folded and pressed upon her knees
all the little dreams she tucked safely into her blouse.

Fold the summer days
Softly they flow into night
Press each memory.
8/18/2015 10:32:54 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Sounds much like the story of a frog
Whom lived inna house not under a log
Inventor, poet, philosopher, logician
Even tried his hand one time as magician
He ate lightning bugs in order to lose weight... logical, right? 
He was the first to philosophicate ... 'Never follow a parked car'...
He invented Hang gliding while flying his kite at the beach...
Little known fact... He introduce Dr Seuss to the magical world of rhyme...
Believe it or not
Hay, I don' make this stuff up
An I never lie

8/19/2015 9:28:11 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Nineteenth of August
Autumn is the foggiest
Invert yer layer

Before it's too late
Because ya cain't roller skate
If it's too foggy

8/19/2015 9:37:58 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
There once was a frog whom got soggy
So, he turned himself inta a doggy
He liked kung fu fighting
The kine with out biting
Ann he lernt ta wax cars from Miyagi

8/20/2015 9:19:28 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Grass hopper, I'm not
Nor, not ever have I bin
Butt, Frugal T Frog?
I confess...
There once was a frog at the ocean
Whom rote pomes with out no reel notion
Not many made sense
Some thot he was dense
Butt, one or two were filled with emotion
May be knot...

8/20/2015 5:45:30 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
It's easy to say I'ma this or a that
so many people don't want to know who you at!
I rather be a cat or a dog even a little birdie at times
scratchin' at fleas, chewin' on bones or singin' a rhyme
somber is fine but I prefer that big ole laughter mat!
Birthdays come and go
So another year passes
dawn a glow till dusk

8/21/2015 9:16:50 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
If you looked at me
I could easily pass for
Eighty or Ninety
Tho my profile says 69... 
If ya don't wanna never git older
On yer profile, ya gotta git bolder
My advice thet is sage
Click the button fer age
Strut an never look over yer shoulder
8/22/2015 11:27:03 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
This Summer, juss keeps, goin' on
So dry, I cain't tractor, my lawn
It has stopped growin'
Juss brown stubble showin'
Still they come, a mother, an fawn
But they like apples
I always keep some on hand
Cuz, they were here first
I'm juss a Shaggy come lately...

8/22/2015 1:10:01 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Interlochen, MI
65, joined Dec. 2012
Like Quick Draw McGraw
What order the sequence came
Ready... Fire... Aim!!!
No sense getting angry or mad
Over flubs or false starts that I've had
Though I may look inept
And quite far from adept
I am doing the best that I can 
8/22/2015 8:41:24 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Stuart, FL
62, joined Dec. 2009

Knowing who you are.....
Sometimes it's impossible...
When a bad days..bad...
8/22/2015 8:45:21 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014
My friend--Days are what you make them to be.
I choose to smile....
8/23/2015 9:27:44 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
What good are two cats
My girls ain't good fer nuttin'
They don't chase no mice
No bed bugs or lice
BUTT, eat, sleep an poop all day
An boss me a roun'
If, I don' git ta my recliner firss
They're there with a look thet is worse
They gimme a glare
Anna evil cat stare
BACK OFF, putcher butt in reverse!!

8/23/2015 10:18:50 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Once I saw a catdog
Sittin' upon a mossy log
One pulled this way, one pulled that
Neither got far so there they sat
No sunlight in a damp dark fog.
Looking within is..
light and shadow in blending
softly becomes peace.
8/23/2015 10:44:53 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Don' want juss a peace
A peace wood not be enuff
I want the hole thing

8/24/2015 10:17:42 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Reality, shows, thet they stage
All scripted, from page, ta page
C'mon television
Git better vision
Yer shows are all dyin' from age
Good guys finish first
Not from what I seen lass nite
It's all bollixed up
8/25/2015 10:33:41 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Dancing with the stars
My favrites are always girls
One is a judge now
Me thinks they are scrapin' the barrel
No Felix or Garfield, butt some feral
Like Ma Kettle an Grampa
Ya kin bring back Hee Haw
Or thet Sea Hawk's head coach, Pete Carrol

8/25/2015 5:19:36 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
I saw a little cloud in the sky today
Puffy and soft what more can I say
Sunbeams for whiskers and eyes like the stars
Mimicked the wind as it floated to mars
Oh why oh why does one not go out to play?
Share a smile today
Wrinkle nose, crinkle the eye
Sigh contentment sigh.

8/26/2015 9:29:24 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
It's the middle a the week an thet day
It has ups an has downs, dare I say
What particular day it is
Like thet Adams an his griz
It's a big humpy mountain kine a day
Taday is hump day
It comes a roun' once a week
Juvenates the weak

8/27/2015 11:04:11 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Juss a nother day
Thurs days git loss in the weak
A weak end's sneek peek
We should all take a trip ta the stars
Pass the moon, way out be yon Mars
We'd need mason jars
We wooden need cars
Ta bring back lotsa moon beams in jars

8/28/2015 6:25:35 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Those Friday night blues
Walk the floor kick off my shoes
Music and red wine.
There was a night not long ago
the moon shown bright with a rosy glow
waltzing in the sky as lovers do
dipping deeply kissing the bloom of you
sweet summer pause the turbulent flow..
8/30/2015 10:49:19 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Interlochen, MI
65, joined Dec. 2012
Is it President Trump on the stump?
Or some chump dumping linguistic lumps?
Though he's suave, great and rich
Some positions have switched
And he may wind up back in the clump 
8/30/2015 10:51:34 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
I once knew a guy named Noah
Mean as the snake called Boa
Loved him still
Wasn't God's will
Sent him back to Samoa.

8/30/2015 11:56:34 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Sundays are the best days fer news
Face the Nation, Meet the Press, all amuse
Depending the station
Or yer generation
Butt of course it's all meant ta confuse

What the world needs now
What we ain't got too much a
The answer is LOVE...
fer the guys
 fer the gals

8/30/2015 11:03:04 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
There once was a not so lucky duck
Who did nothing but cluck cluck cluck
He thought he was a chicken
And he became finger licken'
Colonel Sanders done made a buck!

8/31/2015 6:08:51 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
There once was this guy named Stan
Who had some trouble being a man
He wore a dress and high heels
And drove a Chevrolet with pink wheels
And soon Stan became a tran

8/31/2015 10:59:13 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Fer supper I'll have me some left overs
The envy a them other dogs named Rover
A hot roast beef sammich
I'll no longer be fammich
An chocolates from my fren' Russell Stover
Cain't think of a time
I've ever had too many
These, after supper

9/1/2015 9:03:40 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
It's the firss, so I got more, in the bank
Thet's good, cuz all my booze. I dun drank
I kin go ta the store
An buy me some more
I'm happy, I got my entitle mints, ta thank
DOW has all most sank
Due to manipulators
Thet dammmm one percent

9/1/2015 1:36:54 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Interlochen, MI
65, joined Dec. 2012
It's like Chinese Checkers and Risk and Parcheesi
That 3-Level Chess which is none too easy
Just dance close by the fire
As the flames flicker higher
Drinking wine with a gal plump and squeezy 
9/2/2015 8:14:47 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Compromise yourself
Live and learn to feel regret
Never take that step.
9/2/2015 8:20:00 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Once there lived a wise man
He thought he had a great plan
Advice he gave
Became a slave
To all the races he ran.
9/2/2015 8:51:51 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
There once lived a woman with eyes
Whom at Christmas turned her eyes ta the skies
For planes droppin' chutes
Perhaps some new boots
Butt all there was in the sky were some pies

Never trust a man
With a name like say... ... Marty
Marty's a smarty

9/3/2015 11:51:49 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Taday ain't no day ta lose focus
A the market with it's hocus pocus
Taday mite be up
Tamorrow mite be down
Them manipulators kin stick it in there tocus
Buy short an sell short
An beat em at there own game
Butt, pay attention
Or shoot the damm bull
An hi bear nate fer a while
China ain't dead yet
9/4/2015 11:42:00 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Not all countries are helping to slow
Global warming witch melts all the snow
The russians have claimed
NorthEast passage, a shame
They can't wait for the ice flow to go

Let's take putin OUT!
Looks like china is shaken
korea, iran

^^^ stealthy covert opps...

9/5/2015 9:42:22 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Them SeaHawks dun reel good lass nite
An them Raiders were sleepin' all nite
Not much of a game
Won't make hall a fame
BJ Daniels play was way outta site
Played wide receiver
Quarterback anna gunner
An kick returner
9/6/2015 9:09:37 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Don' go check yer mail
Tomorrow is Labor Day
Check it on Tuesday
Butt, only fer those whom worked HARD fer yer money...
The rest of you... Go check yer mail... 
Day after tamarrow is Fall
Or so it is said I recall
Butt really it ain't
So, show some restraint
September 23 ends base ball
Butt only fer nteams like them damm Mariners... 
9/7/2015 7:23:59 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
There was an enchanting young bride
Who ate many green apples and died.
The apples fermented
inside the lamented
and made cider inside her inside.

9/8/2015 5:16:24 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
There once was a willow tree
Swaying in a breeze by the sea
The sand made it grow
The sun gave it glow
But the salt was the knowledge key.
Glow in the sunlight
Valleys are there for the shade
Mountains for climbing.

9/8/2015 11:44:23 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
There once, was a, poet tree
Over there, buzzed around, by a bee
So I dare not go near
Bein' stung I do fear
It's close, an I can, still see
Haiku does not rhyme
Or, at least not all the time
To rhyme is sublime
Or not...
9/9/2015 10:49:21 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Save yer lungs, ride a cowboy
See what I'm sayin'?
Between the lines ya muss read
An listen ta the message an heed
Ya better stop smokin'
An gitcherself cow pokin'
An don' be rollin' yer own weed

9/10/2015 10:11:09 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Ta nite is the start a 'THAT' season
I hope them Pittsburgers'll be pleasin'
Them fans with pumped balls
Not the ones with flat balls
tom's innocent.... is WAAAAAAAAAAAY beyon' reason
SeaHawks beat them Rams
With out free safety named Kam
He wants more millions

9/10/2015 1:43:49 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
There was a man from Leek
Who instead of a nose had a beak.
It grew quite absurd, till he looked like a bird
He migrates at the end of next week.

(not mine I cheated).. 
9/11/2015 10:57:37 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Fourteen years ago
I remember where I was
What were you doing?
Would have been grounded (all flights were grounded)
But we chose to drive that year
Twin Falls Idaho
Please Remember...
9/11/2015 8:42:20 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Pass your memory,
Through the flame of compassion,
To know the heart’s will.
Mattie Stepanek was 11 years old when he wrote this poem on the day of 9-11.
Mattie J.T. Stepanek ©?September 11, 2001
For Our World
by Mattie Stepanek
We need to stop.?Just stop.?Stop for a moment.
Before anybody
?Says or does anything? That may hurt anyone else.?
We need to be silent.? Just silent.? Silent for a moment.
?Before we forever lose?
The blessing of songs? That grow in our hearts.
?We need to notice.? Just notice.? Notice for a moment.
Before the future slips away
?Into ashes and dust of humility.? Stop, be silent, and notice.
?In so many ways, we are the same.
?Our differences are unique treasures.? We have, we are, a mosaic of gifts?.
To nurture, to offer, to accept. ?We need to be. ?Just be.? Be for a moment.
?Kind and gentle, innocent and trusting,
Like children and lambs, ?Never judging or vengeful.
?Like the judging and vengeful.?.And now,
Let us pray,
Differently, yet together,? Before there is no earth, no life, ?No chance for peace.
[Edited 9/11/2015 8:42:50 PM ]
9/12/2015 10:47:50 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Oh, what should I do
Juss a nother Saturday
Do a happy dance?
There once was a dog thet was twerkin'
All a roun' him were certainly smirkin'
He looked back ta see
An continued with glee
Then remembered he had to go lurkin'

9/14/2015 7:56:59 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
An oyster from Kalamazoo
Confessed he was feeling quite blue.
For he said, "As a rule, When the weather turns cool, I invariably get in a stew."

9/14/2015 10:09:15 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
There was a man from Leek
Who instead of a nose had a beak.
It grew quite absurd, till he looked like a bird
He migrates at the end of next week.
(not mine I cheated).. 
In limericks, t'ain't no such thing, as cheatin'
T'ain't no con test, in witch some one, is beatin'
Kine a like thet haiku
Juss rhyme whatcha do
Ann ta rhyme it over, a gain, is repeatin'
The pentameter
Kaiku is juss weird...

9/14/2015 10:51:31 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
So you say I can't cheat
Unlike you I don't think well on my feet
I falter and stumble
Often I bumble..
Don't drive too well on a swivel seat..

Yes it is Monday
First day of the week
Blessing the poor working stiff...

9/14/2015 12:03:11 PM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
You kin copy, all thetcha, mite wanna
All day long, ann all thru, thet manana
It ain't called cheatin'
When you are repeatin'
Even if yer, all nekked, inna sauna
I ain't gonna sneak
Ann I promise I won't peak
Butt... I lie a lot

9/15/2015 10:00:48 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
I make my own cheese ball concoction
It smells ann it stinks ta obnoxxion
It has Limburger innit
My nose I close pinnit
An my cats wanna sell me at auction
Perhaps I should make
My own beer ta go withit
What'll I callit???
You should callit... 'cheap beer'... cuz yer so cheap...
Thet rite their hurts my lil feelers...
9/16/2015 11:46:42 AM |
Achoo, Haiku or Limerick.. choose wisely grasshopper. |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
I rote me a note where I noted
I want me a gurl whose devoted
Whom is juss 5'2"
An with eyes a blue
On the bottum this's wat I dun roted
Shezza Lady
It's all mose thet time
Ta keep the doctor a way
Rite haiku's each day