8/28/2015 11:11:23 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter?

This secret could DESTROY Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign.
Another skeleton in Hillary’s closet is coming back to haunt her… It appears Chelsea Clinton’s real father is Webster Hubbell, the former Mayor of Little Rock, Arkansas. Hubbell was a law partner at Rose Law Firm with Hillary, and became one of the most important Clinton-insiders.
Then-Governor Clinton appointed Hubbell as Chief Justice of the Arkansas State Supreme Court, but 10 years later he resigned before pleading guilty to federal mail fraud and tax evasion for overbilling clients. Hubbell served 15 months in prison.
The New Yorker reported on rumors that Hillary Clinton’s affair was first noticed in 1984 at the Governor’s Mansion during Bill’s second term, but had started long before.
Apparently, Bill Clinton is infertile. This raises serious character questions about Hillary Clinton… If she was elected, this type of sex scandal could open her up to blackmail.
Robert Morrow claimed:
“His exact words were, ‘I shoot blanks.’ Stunned by what I’d just heard, I asked him, ‘Then what about Chelsea?’ And he said, ‘Oh, Webb (Hubbell) sired her.’”
As the National Enquirer reported (the same tabloid which broke the John Edwards sex scandal), the accusation was being made by former Clinton aide Larry Nichols.
“According to well-respected author Edward Klein’s (2005) book, The Truth about Hillary, Bill discovered his wife was pregnant by reading it in the ‘Arkansas Gazette.’”
“It’s unfortunate, sad really, that Chelsea has no real relationship with Hubbell – who I believe to be her real biological father – when he’s alive and kicking and living in North Carolina.
“But it could be she’s in denial, despite overwhelming proof that Webb is her real dad.”
“Whatever Chelsea does or doesn’t know about her paternity, I’m sure she considers Bill her real dad — despite there being no blood ties,” Nichols said. “I saw firsthand what a doting, loving father he was to his little girl.
“He always treated her as if she was his own – which in his heart, I believe she’s always been – from day one.”
And, as an update, the National Enquirer attempted a DNA test and Hubble was NOT excluded as the possible father:
The ENQUIRER approached Webb, 67, at a book signing in Durham, N.C., on July 18, 2014. He was promoting his political thriller ironically titled, “When Men Betray.”
Webb arrived to a crowd of about 10 people in attendance – including an ENQUIRER reporter posing as a fan.
Our reporter presented a brand new Sharpie pen and a pristine copy of the book. Webb signed his name in the book – and even agreed to place both the book and the Sharpie pen in a protective bag.
“Webb was more than accommodating. He just thought I was some kind of super fan,” said the reporter, who also retrieved a large Starbucks drink that Webb had been drinking from – which was later tested for additional saliva and DNA!
Chelsea’s DNA was much more difficult to acquire. As a former First Daughter, she’s constantly guarded by Secret Service agents or an entourage from her dad’s Clinton Foundation – where she serves as Vice Chairwoman.
On April 9, however, The ENQUIRER was there as Chelsea spoke about public health initiatives at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.
The undercover ENQUIRER reporter posed as a high school student visiting Harvard on a college tour. As Chelsea exited the auditorium, the teenager followed with a new Sharpie and a clean copy of Hillary’s authorized biography, “Living History.”
“Chelsea, I admire you so much! Can you sign your mother’s book for me?” the teen gushed.
Eager to please, Chelsea signed the book for the teenager – who quickly returned it, along with the Sharpie pen tucked inside, to an ENQUIRER reporter.
The samples were taken to a genetics lab in the Southeastern United States – which agreed to do the testing on the agreement that The ENQUIRER not publish its name.
The forensic examination of the samples could not disprove that Webb was Chelsea’s father – with the official result being “inconclusive.”
Here are some striking photos which show how similar Hubble and Chelsea Clinton look.

And here is Larry Nichols describing how he knows Bill Clinton is NOT Chelsea’s father.
What does this revelation say about Hillary Clinton?
The likeness between Web Hubbell and Chelsea was a lot more obvious before Chelsea "had some work done". And it's been known that Web was her real father sine the 1990s. Normally, I don't do stories that harm the children for the crimes of the parents, but Chelsea is an adult, entering public life, and the nation should know about Hillary's real behaviors, which not only include the affair with Hubbell, but also the much-rumored affair with fellow Rose Law Firm partner (and suicided White House Deputy Council) Vincent Foster.

[Edited 8/28/2015 11:14:29 PM ]
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8/28/2015 11:23:53 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Bellaire, OH
53, joined Apr. 2008
The Trouble with Hubbell.     
8/28/2015 11:26:23 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Boulder, CO
96, joined Jun. 2008
look again at the pic of Hillary and foster at the bottom of the OP.
her head definitely looks photoshopped onto somebody else's neck/shoulders.
his looks a bit superimposed, too, but hers is really obvious!
as for Chelsea and Hubbell, that extra full lower lip on both does seem to stick out....in more ways than one. 

8/28/2015 11:44:42 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

New Hope, PA
75, joined Feb. 2008
Much more like diarrhea of your overactive bullshit mind.
8/28/2015 11:50:57 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Albuquerque, NM
60, joined Jan. 2013
Huge scandal, you ought to here what Larry Nichols had to say about the Clintons on the Hagamann and Hagamann Report.com listen free on the internet....a couple of days ago.
8/28/2015 11:51:40 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from layla22:
look again at the pic of Hillary and foster at the bottom of the OP.
her head definitely looks photoshopped onto somebody else's neck/shoulders.
his looks a bit superimposed, too, but hers is really obvious!
as for Chelsea and Hubbell, that extra full lower lip on both does seem to stick out....in more ways than one. 
Reviewing the article, again, I think the facial comparisons are interesting.
I would like to see a facial comparison of Chelsea at age 8 with Vince at age 25.
In addition to being a father to Chelsea, I wonder if Bill Clinton has ever done anything else that was loving and decent ?
8/28/2015 11:54:14 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Back then, the information was widely discussed as a consequence of Vince´s corpse having been discovered in the DC park. The discussion was, did he or she have him assassinated to prevent parental claims, etc, which might interfere with the political plans of the blank-shooter.
Which, tends to answer the sire question, since Hubbel remained alive, disqualifying him. Meanwhile, a similar question, as to why Bill Clinton´s affairs have produced no babies, was bounced off the walls, with no responses.
This does not surprise me; I often wondered why Hillary was not too upset when her husband had the affair with Monica Lewinsky. He figured if she could do it, so could he. There is no morality among liberals; it’s even worse now.
8/29/2015 12:09:22 AM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
Idiot. These, and more, were all thrown against Hillary many times before, years ago. They didn't even slow her down. If these proven failures are the best that you can dig up, then YOU are shooting blanks, and Hillary will roll on to Victory.
8/29/2015 12:10:38 AM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
Of course she had him assassinated. I did it for her. Bill gave us both Presidential Pardons, so there is nothing that you can do about it.
8/29/2015 12:29:04 AM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from amusicluvr:
Idiot. These, and more, were all thrown against Hillary many times before, years ago. They didn't even slow her down. If these proven failures are the best that you can dig up, then YOU are shooting blanks, and Hillary will roll on to Victory
Oh for heavens sake open your eyes and do some research. If you’re a millenial then I don’t expect you to know much. But we who experienced the Clinton era and their creepy tactics, not to say you just have to look at Hubbell and one can use that rumor as confirmation.
8/29/2015 12:30:31 AM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from amusicluvr:
Of course she had him assassinated. I did it for her. Bill gave us both Presidential Pardons, so there is nothing that you can do about it.
So is there anything real about this couple ? They are prima facie evidence that certain people are protected from exposure no matter what they do. From Mena to Whitewater to Barry Seal to Paula Jones, et al to Ft Marcy Park to Interns under the Resolute desk to Benghazi to Erased computer hard drives to American uranium sold to Russia to missing emails to 150,000,000 in fees.
Yet nothing ever sticks as they are covered in WD-40 with a complicit JMSM.
8/29/2015 1:02:02 AM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
Chelsea do NOT look like Bill ...
and her resemblance to Billary is not that good.
However ... the Webster Look ...
yup ...
that is working to my eye.
Especially the lips .. not Bills lips .. Not Billary lips.
Bill f**ks around .. Billary f**ks around.
No condoms .. and no babies.
Has cum stains on Lewinsky dress but not right type for baby making.
No wonder they only had one child ..
8/29/2015 1:16:28 AM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Albuquerque, NM
60, joined Jan. 2013
Ever heard of Hale Boggs, Congressman on the Warren Commission and outspoken critic of their findings. He had threatened to re-open the JFK case. He disappeared over Alaska and the Plane was ever found. Guess who drove Old Boggs to the airport.....a young Bill Clinton.
8/29/2015 1:17:08 AM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Well, you know what they say cub....The NUT doesn’t fall far from the tree!
8/29/2015 1:20:22 AM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from markjetson:
Ever heard of Hale Boggs, Congressman on the Warren Commission and outspoken critic of their findings. He had threatened to re-open the JFK case. He disappeared over Alaska and the Plane was ever found. Guess who drove Old Boggs to the airport.....a young Bill Clinton.
And they made him Governor as a reward ? Hmmm...
I think Hillary and Bill are two of the most despicable crooks in the U.S. and I think Chelsea is following in their footsteps. After all, that is all she has ever known.
8/29/2015 5:51:43 AM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Baltimore, MD
53, joined Dec. 2007

8/29/2015 9:16:10 AM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Las Vegas, NV
60, joined Mar. 2011
She really does look like him.
Reminds me of the story that famous Satanist Alistair Crowley is the father of Barbara Bush.
8/29/2015 9:41:41 AM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
She really does look like him.
Reminds me of the story that famous Satanist Alistair Crowley is the father of Barbara Bush.
Well that would make him the Uncle of Bush the First ...
as Barbara and Georgie are cousins kissing it up like Adolf Hitler and his cousin Eva Braum.
8/29/2015 3:48:58 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from reginamc:
She really does look like him.
Reminds me of the story that famous Satanist Alistair Crowley is the father of Barbara Bush.
This was probably why Hillary did’t mind too much about Bill’s philandering ways… She knew that he knew Chelsea wasn't his kid. Or, to put it another way, she knew that Bill was raising Chelsea as a step father would.
8/29/2015 4:05:38 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
As much as I would love to see Hillary's campaign tank, how would THIS hurt it?
We're in an anything goes society. The more obscure the better. If anything, having an affair would be 'normal' considering which side of the fence she sits on.
The left loves anything that tramples on tradition.
8/29/2015 4:23:12 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from fearless8841:
As much as I would love to see Hillary's campaign tank, how would THIS hurt it?
We're in an anything goes society. The more obscure the better. If anything, having an affair would be 'normal' considering which side of the fence she sits on.
The left loves anything that tramples on tradition.
It's just another nail in the coffin of her eroded credibility, fearless. It's another log on the fire. You're right. The low information voters who commit adultery willy nilly might feel that this gives them more in common with Hillary than before.
8/29/2015 7:12:30 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
No one-including Bill Clinton-cares who Hillary sleeps with, gets pregnant by, etc. They have an open marriage in which both are free to play around. Since they don't care about what each does, no one else has any reason to care...except butthurt Tea Baggers who really want to have sex with either Hillary, or Bill, and are angry that the Clintons are doing everyone but them.
Sex outside of marriage is older-and thus more traditional-than marriage, or sex in marriage. Try again loser.
[Edited 8/29/2015 7:13:29 PM ]
8/29/2015 7:23:56 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
The left loves anything that tramples on tradition.
Her mom licked taco sauce off the swartzn**ger ...
she licks taco sauce off the swartzn**ger ...
her daughter licks taco sauce off the swartzn**ger.
So what if it be the same swartzn**ger.
It is the very same thing that the Virgin Mary would do.
STAND BY YOUR MANnnnnnnnnnnn !!!
C*ck suckers have the GAY vote ...
[Edited 8/29/2015 7:24:19 PM ]
8/29/2015 7:33:41 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from amusicluvr:
No one-including Bill Clinton-cares who Hillary sleeps with, gets pregnant by, etc. They have an open marriage in which both are free to play around. Since they don't care about what each does, no one else has any reason to care...except butthurt Tea Baggers who really want to have sex with either Hillary, or Bill, and are angry that the Clintons are doing everyone but them.
Sex outside of marriage is older-and thus more traditional-than marriage, or sex in marriage. Try again loser.
And when did Hillary and/or Bill EVER ADMIT ANY OF THIS TO THE PUBLIC?
Oh wait...they didn't.
Yes, sex outside the marriage is common....among cheaters, & dishonest people in general. The sort of people who have no business being president. Small wonder given the amount of damage Billy boy did to America. Nothing would surprise me about the Clintons. America’s dysfunctional family.
Here's TODAY'S Hillary scandal.
HildaBeast's Nightmare Has Arrived!! Too Good to be True! James O'Keefe Reveals his Hillary Expose is the First of Many!!
Twitchy has just revealed an interview with James O'Keefe who is telling us that his video this week exposing the corruption of the Shillary campaign, IS JUST THE FIRST OF A LONG SERIES OF VIDEOS THAT WILL EXPOSE HOW THE CLINTON CRIME SYNDICATE IS EITHER SKIRTING OR BREAKING ELECTION LAWS AROUND THE NATION!!
HOW GREAT IS THIS?!! The constant drip-drip of undercover videos showing Hillary and her criminal conspirators breaking federal laws everywhere. Reportedly the HildaBeast campaign is starting to put together that they have been discovered and are SCARED SH*TLESS!!
Could this be true? Could this be the end to the worst criminal family in US History? Am I just dreaming? If I am dreaming, please do not wake me up!
Get your popcorn ready!
#CheckYourEmail’ Hillary: James O’Keefe posts undercover video of Clinton campaign workers in Iowa
Remember last week when we told you that team Hillary was flipping out over reports that James O’Keefe and his undercover photojournalists might have been targeting her campaign offices for some new sting video?
Turns out she was right to be worried.
O’Keefe posted what he says will be the first in a series of videos exposing how Clinton’s campaign is either skirting or outright breaking election law. In this first video, we see a Clinton volunteer instructing Project Veritas’ undercover reporter on how to avoid registering voters who aren’t Hillary Supporters, which according to O’Keefe is a violation of Iowa law:
PVeritas Action @PVeritas_Action
BREAKING @JamesOKeefeIII VID: Calling out @HillaryClinton for lying to @TIME re #Iowa election laws https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgHEClMxnpg … #CheckYourEmail
O'Keefe Undercover Video Shows Hillary Campaign Skirting Election Laws
Published on Aug 26, 2015
New James O’Keefe undercover video shows Clinton campaign playing fast and loose with Iowa election laws, directly contradicting their previous statement to Time Magazine. Hillary campaign organizer Sarah Sterner was captured on hidden camera stating: “We don’t want to make our focus voter registration because then we have to like register everyone regardless of whether they’re supporters or not.”
The Clinton campaign “maintains that its policy is to register all voters, regardless of their preference in candidates.” Yet paid organizer Sarah Sterner was caught instructing staffers to ask potential supporters “Hey are you a Hillary supporter? And then if not, then like great move on, you know?”

8/30/2015 3:44:46 AM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
Why should they admit anything to anyone? It is no one's business. They do not need anyone's permission to have the sort of marriage they want.
You are just jealous because Bill is doing Monica types rather than you.
8/30/2015 2:10:02 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from amusicluvr:
Why should they admit anything to anyone? It is no one's business. They do not need anyone's permission to have the sort of marriage they want.
You are just jealous because Bill is doing Monica types rather than you.
Monica the fat Mossad agent? You're kidding me, right? 
The Hillary Clinton email scandal just got ‘extremely’ serious

The “extremely serious” investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she served as secretary of state is being led by an FBI “A-team,” an intelligence source told Fox News.
The source said the investigation is “extremely serious” and is centered around 18 US Code 793, a section of the Espionage Act related to gathering and transmitting national-defense information.
Two emails reportedly found on Clinton’s server from 2009 and 2011 contained information regarded as “Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information,” one of the highest levels of classification.
The two emails were drawn out of a batch of 40 randomly selected from about 30,000 “work-related” emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department from her time as secretary of state, from 2009 to 2013.
Some of the information — such as communications intercepted via satellite or drone — is protected under the law 18USC798, which means they have tighter rules and higher penalties.
Massimo Calabresi of Time recently noted that the law “makes it a crime not just to knowingly mishandle such secrets, but also to use them ‘in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States.'”
8/30/2015 2:53:56 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
shortbooby - You want Bill sexually, and hate Hillary because she has him instead of you. We know it. You know it. We know you know it. You know that we know that you know it.
8/30/2015 5:20:41 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
US history is full of examples where the government would admit to a minor crime in order to keep the greater crimes hidden. I think the email scandal is one such case. All focus is being put onto the server itself, while left in the dark are the possibilities or US Government gun-running to the very terrorists we are told are our enemies, and the highest level spy ring in US history, run by the Secretary of State herself!

8/30/2015 5:25:46 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Boulder, CO
96, joined Jun. 2008
shortbooby - You want Bill sexually, and hate Hillary because she has him instead of you.
We know it. You know it. We know you know it. You know that we know that you know it.
all respect, music , but that right there is a bit of a stretch.

8/30/2015 6:18:11 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Omaha, NE
62, joined Nov. 2014
The Washington-based newspaper, Roll Call, which reports on Capitol Hill, found information through the Freedom of Information Act that two FBI telexes had come in from the FBI office in Los Angeles, indicating that someone had contacted the FBI and that they had knowledge of the whereabouts of the plane and that two people were still living at the site and they gave the coordinates. This was followed up by another telex two days later in which the FBI said that they had verified the authenticity of the source and established their credibility. The source was working in surveillance technologies for an undisclosed firm and they had located the plane.
8/30/2015 7:11:44 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
BREMMER: A senior administration official told me, 'If I did what Hillary did, I think I'd be in jail'
The scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server for work-related correspondences while she served as secretary of state has turned off some of her supporters in the White House, geopolitical expert Ian Bremmer told Business Insider.
"Most of the senior administration officials I know think she'd be an extremely competent president but have a hard time squaring that with her believing she's above the law," Bremmer said, referring to the possibility that Clinton skirted the law by having classified information on her private server.
"The latest facts around this email scandal hits the bullseye on that issue, and it's not going to go away," Bremmer said in an email to Business Insider.
On Thursday, a federal judge opened the door for the FBI to try to recover any emails Clinton may have deleted from her private server, expanding the agency's investigation into whether sensitive information ever passed through her private inbox while she served as secretary of state.
The judge said that Clinton did not comply with government policies surrounding the use of a private email server, which require that "federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency record-keeping system," The New York Times reported.
Clinton reportedly sent emails to at least four of her aides on their private email accounts, according to The Times, meaning that any correspondence they had was not captured on government servers.
And a bombshell Reuters report on Friday detailed how some of the information Clinton shared with colleagues was inherently classified.
"Clinton and her senior staff routinely sent foreign government information among themselves on unsecured networks several times a month, if the State Department's markings are correct," Reuters' Jonathan Allen reported. "Within the 30 email threads reviewed by Reuters, Clinton herself sent at least 17 emails that contained this sort of information."
That could lead to trouble for Clinton's team.
"Anybody who knowingly emailed classified material to Clinton or her top aides when she was secretary of state could face criminal prosecution, according to current and former U.S. national security officials," Bloomberg reported. "Those who inadvertently send or receive classified data could be prosecuted for gross negligence."
One administration official speaking to Bremmer recently put it succinctly: "If I did what Hillary did, I think I'd be in jail," Bremmer said the official told him.
Clinton's unusual email system was originally set up by a staffer during Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign. It replaced another private server used by her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
The new server was run by Bryan Pagliano, who had worked as the IT director on Hillary Clinton's campaign before joining the State Department in May 2009. In 2013 — the same year she left the State Department — Clinton hired a small Denver-based IT firm named Platte River Networks to oversee the system.
Investigators also want to know if any sensitive information was stored on the server after she handed it over to Platte River, which is "not cleared" to have access to classified material.
Last week, Platte River's attorney said the server was "blank" when it was transferred to federal agents, according to The Washington Post, but did not clarify how that process took place.
In any case, the FBI is reportedly confident it can recover at least some of the deleted files.
8/30/2015 7:49:54 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
all respect, music  , but that right there is a bit of a stretch.

Wait until you get to now shortbooby a bit better.
8/30/2015 8:02:01 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Clinton has made an effort to downplay the scandal, shrugging it off as "usual" partisan politics that is being overblown by the media and her political rivals. She has joked twice about the controversy — saying she has "love" for Snapchat because of its disappearing messages last week, then quipping about wiping the server clean "with a cloth."
But her ostensibly lackadaisical attitude toward the controversy has unnerved some watching from the White House.
"There's definitely a widely held belief [among administration officials] that different rules apply to the Clintons," Bremmer said. "This email issue, and the way she's handled it/shrugged/laughed it off presses everybody's buttons."
Republicans have been quick to condemn the new developments. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) chided Clinton's "jokes" about the controversy.
"She should just provide the information come clean with the American people and deal with it,” Bush said in Nevada on Thursday. "But instead it's always a joke, or a vast right wing conspiracy, or someone else's fault.”
Republicans were quick to condemn Clinton's press conference, with a spokeswoman from the Republican National Committee openly wondering, "How long until Joe Biden announces?
Bremmer, too, thinks the scandal has influenced Biden's outlook on a 2016 presidential run.
On balance, I now think Biden is going to enter the race," Bremmer said. "And this is a big piece of the reason why."
And Democrats have started to openly worry about the political ramifications for the presumed front-runner for their party's nomination. Sen. Bill Nelson, of the key swing state of Florida, told The Associated Press on Friday that he doesn't think her campaign has handled the controversy well.
"I think the advice to her of making a joke out of it — I think that was not good advice," Nelson said.
Meanwhile, Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Kentucky) said in an interview with a local TV station that there is a chance that "this could upend her campaign."
"I just never feel like I have a grasp of what the facts are," Yarmuth said Wednesday. "Clearly she has handled it poorly from the first day. And there's the appearance of dishonesty, if it's not dishonest."
There have been clear signs that Clinton's standing is slipping, both with Democrats and the general electorate. Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent running for the Democratic nomination, leads her in one poll in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire.
And a Quinnipiac University poll of three key swing states — Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio — revealed abysmal scores for Clinton on favorability and on whether she is viewed as "honest and trustworthy."
Right now it looks like the only people that trust Hillary are those who are paid to, ....the jewist online ZioShills. 
8/30/2015 8:03:25 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Chapel Hill, NC
61, joined Feb. 2007
Its obvious these people ..can get away with murder in the JEWDICIAL JUST-US SYSTEM AS PER THE PROTCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION...they knew the time was coming when Jewish crimes were going to be more exposed..
Perhaps we can get revenge on the career politicians
8/30/2015 8:08:29 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Chapel Hill, NC
61, joined Feb. 2007
Wait until you get to now shortbooby a bit better.
She will be impressed..and you will begin to look like a duffuss know nothing..

[Edited 8/30/2015 8:09:19 PM ]
8/30/2015 10:55:09 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
This is the story being presented to the American people. And it is a bad one.
Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, violated US Government policy and recklessly placed classified information at risk, including TOP SECRET/SCI/SI/TK/NOFORN, meaning the stuff spies have wet-dreams about! Hillary's evasions and outright lies have eroded public trust in her, and her polls are dropping. Hillary is thinking about the scandal as a lawyer, but politics is perception and the public perception of Hillary is in free fall! Already the Democrats are looking at a backup plan, with attention focused on a Joe Biden/Elizabeth Warren ticket as a replacement for Hillary's failing candidacy.
What if, behind the public story we are being told is the focus of the scandal, there lies some deeper and darker secrets that must, under no circumstances, be allowed to escape. Secrets that could destroy, not just a candidate, but an entire government?
With clues provided by some obvious gaps ion the public story, here is what is being hidden behind the limited hangout of the server!
Dark Secret 1: Gun running from Libya through Benghazi to Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria.
Americans are living through the 14th year of a declared War on Terror, with the declared enemies being Al Qaeda, and more recently ISIS. Conveniently for US expansionism, Al Qaeda and ISIS seem to pop-up in nations the United States would like to invade to bring about regime change, but which have not actually done anything the US can use to justify the conquest.
That Al Qaeda and ISIS might be a created fake enemy will be a familiar concept to those who have read George Orwell's "1984", in which the dictatorship of Oceania has created a fake enemy, Emmanual Goldstein, with which to keep the public terrified and dependent on the government, to justify continued poverty and tyranny.
There is compelling evidence that Al Qaeda is a manufactured propaganda hoax! The same is true with ISIS.

Adam Gadahn, the "American Al Qaeda", real name Adam Pearlman, the grandson of a ADL board member.
8/30/2015 11:00:16 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
Hillary will win in 2016, and Chelsea will follow soon.
8/30/2015 11:29:27 PM |
HUGE Scandal – Chelsea isn’t Bill Clinton’s Daughter? |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Following the invasion of Libya and killing of Gaddafi over the Gold Dinar, the US installed the usual puppet regime and weapons that had been used against Gaddafi began to appear in the hands of Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria, aimed at Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whom the United States has been trying to replace for almost four years.
Propaganda efforts to trick Americans into support for an invasion of Syria, based on a claim that Assad had used Sarin gas on his own people, failed miserably, in part because the claims were easily discredited and because Americans remember how Saddam Hussein did not really have nuclear weapons!
So the United States fell back on an old trick, one going back to just after WW2, of creating a fake "popular rebellion" with a mercenary army, then pouring in weapons and supplies, all in the name of "humanitarian intervention." This is what the United States did in Iran in 1953, Chile in 1973, Iran again in 1993, Yemen in 2013, Libya in 2011, and so forth.
But many of the hired mercenaries playing "rebel" in Syria are the same people presented to Americans as "Al Qaeda" and "ISIS." The US Government is using the presence if ISIS as justifications to bomb Syrian infrastructure as part of the "War on Terror", given that Syria itself has not done anything to the United States that justifies war. Yet reports from inside Syria agree that US strikes avoid ISIS and hit Syrian economic assets. In addition, US aircraft have been repeatedly seen dropping weapons and supplies to ISIS!
As a side note, the US is using the specter of ISIS in both Yemen and Iraq to justify military action in those nations. But the reality is that the people of both of those nations are trying to kick out their installed US puppet rulers, as Iran did in 1979. But reports from Iraq also confirm the US is actually supporting the ISIS forces, to use them as an excuse for what is really military punishment of those nations for refusing foreign rule. The US claims that all these air drops of weapons and supplies to what we are told is the enemy are just "accidents."

US weapons delivered to ISIS in Syria
[Edited 8/30/2015 11:30:05 PM ]