
Lucerne, CA
64, joined Oct. 2010
Dear Senator McGuire:
Just yesterday I called your Sacramento office and Buck answered the phone. As I started talking to him about the subject matter and I did the courtesy of making identification to my self so he knows he is talking to one of the people who not only votes for you, but pays your wages (and his wages) he wanted to ship me off to the Lake County office. He did not think I was there to talk about Legislative business as the subject was about gun law and his mind was working so quickly on a subject matter that was such a difficult one for him.
I brought up the irrefutable prima facia facts that in the Stockton Bank Robbery of a few months ago and the San Bernardino slaughter in a State Government building a score of days ago that the perpetrators in this case Mexican and Muslin had 'illegal' to possess assault weapons and 30 round magazines.
He told me that they would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
There was much more to the conversation and if your phone system has a recording machine it has this conversation in total for you to listen your self.
I wanted to have you put your 'thinking cap' on and come to release that the laws put in place by the previous legislature are NOT working and to change the laws back to something that helps all of us.
I say this as in Lake County we only have two cops for the whole piece of dirt we live on and it takes 30 to 60 minutes to get a Sheriff Deputy on scene where a mass murder is happening. We do not have 300 cop cars to show up in a few minutes not that it did any good to have that kind of resource. In Lake County to stop a sort of Muslin Terrorist attack or a Bank Robbery by Mexican illegals it would be a slaughter as this is 'easy pickings' up here for that kind of incident. The people who are my neighbors would have to get their own guns out if they had them and stop the murder them selves since there are no cops around for quite some time.
Now the reason why I am writing you is because of Buck (and by inference it is also about you).
He is a very smart guy, and somewhat learned, I would think he is a college graduate at some sophomoric level.
To be clear he is not insane, or an idiot but just stuck in his Toddler Tantrum mentality and still thinks like a child despite being an educated person.
He will constantly justify him self in the ignorance of the facts, invalidate any suggestion that is contrary to his magical thinking that he knows is 'Right'.
Buck did not want to hear it and wanted me to talk to your Lake County office and told me 'sure sure' at the end the conversation in talking down to me as he considers me to less then he is as he knows more about the law and society then I do.
What I want to say to Buck and to you since he thinks the Gun Laws do WORK !!!
Is go down to the Morgue and arrest those two Muslin terrorists, put them in front of a jury and get a slam dunk conviction for them having 30 round magazines.
Toss those dead bodies in jail ... and prove what a good job he is doing as a Prosecutor and making California safer to "the fullest extent of the law".
That will show the next Muslins not to mess with California or make another Terror attack.
I hope you can see how misplace, odious and a clear example of poor judgment which is coming from Buck that is really the clever thinking of a child.
There is nothing wrong with Buck, he suffers from the Duck Disease all humans have.
In another country he would be in worship of the Volcano God and when it blows its top in anger he would insist the virgins his parents tossed in were bad and more virgins are needed to fix the problem ... invalidating any facts and making justifications he is right.
There is a fix for this problem that human beings have in being just like their parents and that is another conversation.
I am here talking to you about law and since you are the new guy in town you have to fix those laws.
From my conversation with Buck I am starting to bad mouth you to all my neighbors and friends ... knowing, not just thinking, that you also have the same problem as Buck since you hired him to speak for you.
That being said please accept my very warmest regards.
Also .. my best Holiday wishes for you and your loved ones ... hope you keep safe and well protected as these Muslins are targeting State employees and I would be extrapolating the fact pattern that they are working their way up the ladder. To note these San Bernardino terrorist were working in the State Government like Col Abu Nidal was working in the Federal Government.
Which is also misplaced of the Muslins to do but likewise they suffer from their Duck Disease and their Stone Age God they are brain washed with.
I used to be a police officer and then became a Psychologist (California University, class of 83) so I purport to be rather good at behavioural analysis.
If there is a Muslin in your building I recommend you keep a gun in your office since you will not fix the problem other wise; some kind of gun that will give you a chance against a full auto 30 round magazine since they know how to get around security and care not about the law.
Alan Mac Farlane
707 274 9742
P.S. we did meet in person during the open house party for your Lake County office. I gave you a drink of lemonaid as it was a hot day for working the crowd and mentioned some pressing legislative needs that needed to be addressed. Like Buck .. you did not like hearing about.
I hope you can hear it here .. when it is in writing and you can read it again and again until it starts to sink in a bit and eventually hit bottom.
It is difficult to do.
This grasping of facts that are contrary to ones cherished beliefs.
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