9/25/2008 2:28:20 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Aug. 2008
1. yes, definitely |
2. yes |
3. well... somewhat |
4. ??? not sure |
5. not really... |
6. not at all. |
please give reasons as to why or why not. All opinions welcome but there is 1 rule which applies to everyone *(myself included)*: constructive criticism ONLY
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9/25/2008 4:56:47 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Aug. 2008
my answer is yes... i can't say definitely because there are simply too many issues to solve in our nation and although i would rather live in Canada than the US i feel that our country is somewhat of a puppet on the world stage. and the US is pulling the strings. we first need to start distinguishing ourselves from our neighbor before anyone will take us seriously. then we can start to really address our problems
9/25/2008 7:07:33 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Thunder Bay, ON
64, joined Mar. 2008
We do live in a beautiful country. Every province has a special beauty. I am proud to be Canadian. We rely to heavily on outside countries. I ALWAYS look for Local and then "Canadian first" products, whether it be bedding, furniture , food etc.. It is not an easy task. More jobs, more manufacturing in our country, less poverty, less money spent on other Government agencies. The family "unit" is suffering and yet we continue to buy from Malasia, China, Thailand etc.. Cheaper yes...for now. How many children's back's break because of this. Yes, Martha Stewart too. If we as a country had to actually take care of ourselves without outside help could we? Of course we could. We are a strong nation. I would sure like to see this in my lifetime.
9/25/2008 10:37:38 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Palmerston, ON
39, joined Feb. 2008
it is a peace full country but when we need to we do take a stand and come out on top  
9/25/2008 11:51:33 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Thunder Bay, ON
64, joined Mar. 2008
I agree farmall...by the way I "ticked" yes, definitely...absolutely and happily definitely!
9/29/2008 9:49:38 AM |
Do you love ur country? |
Thornhill, ON
35, joined Feb. 2008
Canada is a great country for Non canadiens. I would like it a lot more if we as canadiens would do more for ourselves. Lets forget helping others for a while and bring our country into the prominence that it needs to have. Not to say we should not help others entirly but why as canadiens should we give all our tax dollars to some nation in some far off land when we wont do enough for the ones who live here and now. Let's make this country what it should be a home for candaiens here and not so much abroad until we get our shit in order. Come on CANADA rise up and CLAIM what is yours.
9/29/2008 4:32:21 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Keene, ON
56, joined Sep. 2008
its a great country is there more to be said???
[Edited 9/29/2008 4:32:57 PM ]
9/29/2008 6:00:24 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Aug. 2008
yes there is much needed to be said... i believe its our duty as citizens of this country to criticise our nation and those who run it... it is not a simple issue at all. Canada isn't the nation we think it is. we should be proud of many things for sure but we should also be aware of the stories which cast doubt on the identity our government would have us believe
9/29/2008 6:02:22 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Aug. 2008
Canada is a great country for Non canadiens. I would like it a lot more if we as canadiens would do more for ourselves. Lets forget helping others for a while and bring our country into the prominence that it needs to have. Not to say we should not help others entirly but why as canadiens should we give all our tax dollars to some nation in some far off land when we wont do enough for the ones who live here and now. Let's make this country what it should be a home for candaiens here and not so much abroad until we get our shit in order. Come on CANADA rise up and CLAIM what is yours.
good point, but what is your definition of a canadian? not an easy question...
[Edited 9/29/2008 6:05:46 PM ]
10/11/2008 8:25:27 AM |
Do you love ur country? |
Cobourg, ON
57, joined Oct. 2008
Sure do! This is one of (if not THE best) countries in the world..such a beautiful variety of landscapes..and peaceful. 
10/22/2008 2:48:56 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Waterloo, ON
31, joined Oct. 2008
I do, and if yo do, you may take interest in this. According to Alex
Jones' doc' 'Endgame' Canada's prim minister, Harper, has signed Canadian sovereignty towards the Council on Foriegn Relations initiative 'Trilatteral Commission'... Goodbye Canada! will miss you.
10/25/2008 12:25:35 PM |
Do you love ur country? |

Clairmont, AB
60, joined Feb. 2008
at 1 time i think were the best country in the world with everything but as i heard someone say a couple of years ago we have to stop looking back &resting on our laurels .I think we can be the best again but govt has to make some unpopular decisions, about at home decisions & & world affairs decesions specialy with artic soverently coming into play {immigration issues & nafta ,wasting tax dollars to appease minorties lining own pockets &start thinking what is best for whole country not just own riding &just my opinion
10/25/2008 1:43:15 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Aug. 2008
all very good points to be sure and i cannot disagree with any of them. the point about canadian sovereignty is very disconcerting however it is not Canada's problem alone: the Rockafellers have been pulling the wool over the world's eyes for decades. through the meitgeist they are attempting to establish a world government without any concern for the people this oppression will crush. the US and Mexico will also be affected... Canada US and Mexico will no longer exist; however, since we can vote out those conservative bastards not all hope is lost >>>> JUST STOP VOTING FOR THEM!!! they don't care bout our country or the world just their temples of syrinx and free mason bullshit. when the baby boomers are no longer among us the conservatives will have no power so don't give up yet us kids really do care

12/10/2008 1:45:45 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Hamilton, ON
54, joined Dec. 2008
Canada is a Zionist run breeder colony for Israeli wars.
Talmudic bankers dictate to our whoring political class how to betray the nation and the Zionist, war mongering, Mass Media dumbs down the population into a politically correct herd of cowards.
Sure Canada is a beautiful nation, it's just that the inhabitants are sick, cowardly stupefied cattle.
The problem is the entire western world is not much different.
However, take heart..., depression II will drive people out of their politically correct comatose states and confront the reality that has become Canada under Kikes.
Constructive criticism is not welcome if it tells the truth about Bankster Jews who have stolen our nation. We are only allowed to quibble on the fringes without ever attacking the root.
Let the name calling begin, but god forbid, never debate what i have said...
12/15/2008 1:09:05 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Aug. 2008
while i don't respect the anti-semetic and racist attitude- ur point is valid. the capitalist and consumer society we have built is ultimately self-defeating eventually the greedy pigs will no longer be able to dominate the lower classes... is it time for history to repeat itself.... CAN U HEAR THE ECHOES OF THE CENTURY? power isn't all that money buys
1/1/2009 2:11:05 PM |
Do you love ur country? |


Las Vegas, NV
48, joined Dec. 2008
1/14/2009 11:03:23 AM |
Do you love ur country? |

Morrisburg, ON
45, joined Dec. 2007
I sure do I served in the army for 15 years
1/28/2009 4:40:40 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Aug. 2008
i respect that- u seem like a man of moral character cheers
1/29/2009 8:20:35 AM |
Do you love ur country? |

Morrisburg, ON
45, joined Dec. 2007
thanks man there are many who do not share your feelings
1/31/2009 8:59:52 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Barrie, ON
63, joined Jan. 2009
The more I travel and see other countries the more I love my own. Could we improve? Sure but there is not a person or place that does not have room to improve.
Alkv26 - thanks for your service. There is a very special place in my heart for all our service men and women. Bless you all.
2/5/2009 3:35:20 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Aug. 2008
i just wish we didn't have to kill each other... when will it stop?
2/28/2009 2:43:04 PM |
Do you love ur country? |

Minneapolis, MN
37, joined Oct. 2008
While the US is arguably the most powerful nation. It is one of the last nations to join the 21st century example- the pass of proposition 8 (gay marriage ban) in california. I am so disgusted and tired of my brothers and sisters being treated like second class citizens we pay first class taxes, i mean come on. Denying people their basic rights is wrong and you cant justify it no matter how much hate and ignorance you use. Completely unacceptable, so i am moving to toronto i am not running away i am just going where people accept me and my kind for who we are and the amazing things we have to offer. Hopefully the US will wake up one day but by that time i will be a canadian
3/2/2009 3:34:24 AM |
Do you love ur country? |

Hamilton, ON
45, joined Sep. 2008
Sure I Love Canada. As diverse as the World with many freedoms and choices. Of course there's always room for improvement as with anything, but on the whole, I think we're doing ok.
On a deeper level, I feel borders are silly. Imaginary lines drawn in the sand which are supposed to make us all feel separate from each other.
It's all the same place, man!
One Love;
One Heart;
One bloody dollar!
And an infinite amount of unique views on the Whole.
Yes I know... Maybe later.
3/6/2009 7:24:48 AM |
Do you love ur country? |
Mississauga, ON
57, joined Jan. 2009
How can you not? We have a medical system , we can go back to school at any age, we have the love of land in us as well as allowing us the freedom of speech. One thing that is missing for the definite yes, is I wish we can begin to see each others similarities instead of the differences for a more peaceful life and a stronger community base.
The best is yet to come.
3/11/2009 9:04:47 AM |
Do you love ur country? |
Windsor, ON
59, joined Dec. 2008
I love Canada. Would not live anywhere else.
3/17/2009 5:17:39 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Mississauga, ON
61, joined Nov. 2006
This is a great country but do not agree to the welfare/refugee system. Tax dollars can be better used if care is given to its citizens really living here. Care for your home before others should be the policy.The big problem with our politicians, it does not matter which party. Politician are screwing each other for their own benefit and not for the better of the country and people, so its hard for any party to bring in unpopular immigration rules. Sorry no offence meant to anyone.
3/18/2009 8:35:35 AM |
Do you love ur country? |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Aug. 2008
its difficult to say that without offending anyone- because our welfare nation is still quite active and will only increase as more ppl lose their jobs. moreover, this nation is founded by immigration- we opened the box- so how can we complain now that it won't close? unless u are native canadian- ur an immigrant- simple as that. so we are hypocrites for attacking new ones
3/22/2009 1:02:10 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Huntsville, ON
78, joined Feb. 2009
Yes, without a doubt, beautiful country, four seasons, peace loving (almost too much so at times.) we are respected thruout the free world, proud of our dedicated servicemen who volunteer and yes, give their lives for our freedom and on an entirely different level, have a passion for hockey and Don Cherry who with no hesitation shows his love for our troops..best country in the whole wide world!! (of course not everyone agrees with Don 
3/22/2009 3:49:28 PM |
Do you love ur country? |

Windsor, ON
43, joined Mar. 2009
I live in canada but was born in the USA.
IMO, US citizens are somewhat stupid, no offense but you did vote in George Bush! lmao
There are only 2 good things that came out of Bush.....and their names are Barb and Jenna! lmao
Let the war end.
3/27/2009 11:26:54 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Kitchener, ON
42, joined Mar. 2009
I love my country so much that I sign reciepts when I do cash work, I pay my very honest tax guy and I spend the bit thats left locally on food for my family so they can grow up to be good, healthy citizens too.
I also won't help someone cheat on taxes or child support.
(beer is taxed too so I'm helping out all I can!)
6/2/2009 8:10:33 PM |
Do you love ur country? |
Keswick, ON
59, joined May. 2009

6/10/2009 10:19:28 AM |
Do you love ur country? |
Peterborough, ON
30, joined Aug. 2008
wow- the response was better than i expected... thankyou to all who participated in my little survey of nationalism. ur all very intelligent people and i appreiate your input cheers 