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Forums: Groups: Virginia Chat: OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |
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10/22/2008 1:30:26 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Leesburg, VA
age: 56
that's ok it's not about bowling actually, it's about having fun and killing an hour or so with a laugh to make it easy to break the ice with some folks. standing around talking is not an easy thing to do for some, least with an activity, there is also something to talk about afterwards. not all are social butterfiles as yourself..........or ocean for that matter........ 
Hey did I hear my name mentioned, lol

10/22/2008 1:31:48 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
gosh.nothing gets by you, does it? yes your name was a nice way.....
10/22/2008 1:54:33 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Leesburg, VA
age: 56
I know, I was napping, and I thought did I hear Ocean???  
10/22/2008 1:55:48 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
light sleeper, hey! I'll remember that next time I'm talking bout you, I'll use morse code. 
10/22/2008 2:35:23 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Ashburn, VA
age: 58
smiles , see if you can convince the other butterfly into going.
10/22/2008 2:45:18 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
I tried, she has to work and can't play hookie because some idiot at her job, decided to lie, and say it was their birthday and took the week off, so if she calls in sick, ( hint hint) the doc might have a heart attack because he'd have to answer the phones. give shots, put on bandaids, and all that kind of doctor stuff which is done by yours truly, MISS THING!.......    
10/22/2008 2:55:17 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Leesburg, VA
age: 56
hint hint, she doesn't have any sick leave left at this time. You have to understand I work for a Dr. they are the cheapest and nastiest people to work for and oh yeah, did I mention his wife is the OM and she's the BOSS, yeah you heard right. It really is the co-worker's birthday and she takes it off every year.
You Smiles will just have to come over and play in funny and my backyard sometime, lol
10/22/2008 3:29:18 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
dam you do sleep lightly! wouldn't mind that one bit. it would be nice to meet a doctors employee, and well, I have not idea where funny works, if at all. 
But that's not important.
could be a great deal of laughs with you all. let me check with my secratary to see If I can spare some time.......................
yeah that sounds good for one of these weekends. what do you ladies normally do for fun? what's in the intinerary in other words. BINGO? or BUNKO?  
10/22/2008 3:37:13 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Leesburg, VA
age: 56
you are
hysterical, how come no one has snatched you up????  
Seriously, how far exactly is Colonial Beach from civilization   
When I make my move out of here and I get my "doublewide" in OC, MD, wahoooo, I will have a HUGE back yard, well it will be in an inground "swimming hole".
You are such a funny person. I really enjoy a good sense of humor.
I really wasn't  I have no clue how grown people take naps, unless of course you 80  
Play on children  
10/22/2008 3:44:24 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Ashburn, VA
age: 58
hey i work!!!!!! heck this is work no really i do i will tell you when i meet you, oh ok i'm a truckdriver i think ocean could find us some fun places!!!
10/22/2008 3:58:07 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
ocean.............Colonial beach is 38 miles southeast of Fredericksburg. it sits along the Potomac River, and actually is a small peninsula. water on 3 sides. most civilization here is, let me see I counted them last week! OH YEAH! about 3000, but in the summer it grows to about 300 million.....
nice and quiet, just as I like it, and the seniors here all enjoy my comedy. yeap! I'm the hit at the bingo hall, and I do perform at the AA meetings from time to time, as my volunteer work. I'm a community activist as you can see.
now why am I single and not snatched up? well maybe because everyone here is full of _ _ _ _, and most people can't handle someone who gets attention by being funny. sad sad world out there, so I work and play here, and work more, so I can then play harder when it gets warmer.
so why are you both not snatched up?
Funny? so you drive a truck? hhmmmmmm interesting. who's driving the day you call in sick?
someone's got to get the potatoes to Safeway! 
10/22/2008 5:08:13 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Leesburg, VA
age: 56
I may just change my plans and move to Colonial Beach, oh wait, you did say river.........oops, I hate SNAKES. I have never been there, I have a lot of friends who have been there and feel really tied to it.
Hey wait, funny is a truck driver, hey when did she get that job????
I bet you are the hit there, and by the way............aren't you a senior, exactly what age is the "dreaded senior"?
10/22/2008 5:24:16 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
oh silly there are snakes everywhere you look. there are snakes right here in cybercity.
this litle town is mostly a retirement city, and when I say seniors, I am speaking of those folks over 60 mind you. something that I still have the privelige of saying I am no where near, YET!
the river here is about 4 miles wide and there is Sooooooooooooooooooooo much fun to be had in it during warm weather, it would blow your mind. little restaurants along the Maryland shoreline with great music, good food, and cold drinks, and friendly people. all boaters are friendly people, until they get drunk, and you need help, them they don't know you. I like it here, but during the winter it can become a ghost town. there is absolutely NO nightlife if you are into the night.
nice place to visit though. ok, class geography lesson is over for the day. pop quiz tomorrow about where Colonial Beach is located in Virginia............
OH! and one more thing.....YOU are more a SENIOR than I.............  
[Edited 10/22/2008 5:25:10 PM]
10/22/2008 5:59:07 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Leesburg, VA
age: 56
Oh you are not a nice person, I take points off for that one, and I thought you looked "hot", of course this is "grammy" speaking.
What the hell are you doing there???? You are waaaayyyyyy too young for that, no?
10/22/2008 6:10:42 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Leesburg, VA
age: 56
Night Night, I'm signing off
Forums: Groups: Virginia Chat: OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |
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