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Forums: Groups: Virginia Chat: OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |
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10/22/2008 6:11:38 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
dam, I take one step forward, and three stepas back when I speak the truth. maybe I should lie more. they do say nice guys finish last, and I'm starting to believe it. 
I have been coming to this little town since 1999 when I purchased my first boat. sale of the boat, and 2 lengthy relationships later, I found I liked this place and missed owning a boat, so I bought my princess, and she became my " summer love". after living in Culpeper, I decided to rent the home and move out here. lived on the boat for a while, and well, then found a place here. I'm a cityboy turn country sort of. just like my quiet time, and if I need some dancing or loud car noises, I run into Fredericksburg, or northern Virginia. My work takes me everywhere within the day. woodbrideg, Reston, sterling, manassas. you know, this conversation is getting far too serious, I'm ruening my reputation. I'm a comic remember.
what brought you to where you are, and why a double wide in Ocean City? or was that a joke I missed? I am slow at times, and don't know when peopla are talking serously or joking around.
10/23/2008 3:43:28 AM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Leesburg, VA
age: 56
Your reputation is still intact.  For OC that is where I plan to move to, and the doublewide is probably all I'll be able to afford by the time the economy is done with US. Now you kids play nice, I have to go to work, yuck  
10/23/2008 3:58:18 AM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
well somenes got to pay for that double wide......................
10/23/2008 9:31:11 AM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Ashburn, VA
age: 58
oh hey you two i was just teasin, i may talk at times like a truck driver but no you don't want me deliverin those potatoes, they would be rotted by the time i got there!!!! ocean knows what i do , i am a smiles doc wants to come on the 6th , you need to talk ocean into playing hooky and joe. por favor oh beautiful day enjoy everyone.
10/23/2008 3:01:25 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |


Strasburg, VA
age: 48
So it's 10 am @ the bowling alley in Culpeper?
Can someone give me the address or name of it so I can map quest it?
10/23/2008 3:03:26 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |


Richmond, VA
age: 40
No need to mapquest it, Culpepper is a two road town! 
Seriously, I don't know the address, sorry. Smiles can tell you.
10/23/2008 3:36:55 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |


Colonial Heights, VA
age: 48
I'm still willing if someone will drive and split the gas. My tires may blow out if I drive that far. Tried to get hold of Zumba to see if she wants to. You guys will love her. Cute and a blast to hang out with.
10/23/2008 3:56:40 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |


Strasburg, VA
age: 48
I'd gladly commute with you doc but we are too far apart!
I know how to get to Culpeper it's about an hour or so away from me depending on how I go. I will probably take the scenic route (Rt. 522 through Sperryville)unless I am in a hurry then I will take 66 to Warrenton and get on 17.
What I want to know is where the bowling alley is once I get there.
10/23/2008 3:57:08 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Harrisonburg, VA
age: 47
Anybody going thats from the south of VA?
10/23/2008 8:16:55 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
So it's 10 am @ the bowling alley in Culpeper?
Can someone give me the address or name of it so I can map quest it?
from your neck of the woods it is best to come down 522 into Culpeper. now 522 runs inot 211 and there you Must go west on 211. 522 will turn left after about 8 toi 10 miles on 211 in Sperriville. follow 522 down to culpeper then and when you get to Main street, make a left, and about 1/10 of a mile the road will split, you go right at the split and follow signs to route 29, and the bowling alley is 1/10 of a mile on your right in shopping center where Food Lion is.
It is easy to get to. if you have any probelms simply email me and I'll find you the address. actually it is: it is called
Mountain Run Bowling Center
584 Culpeper Town Sq
Culpeper, VA 22701
10/24/2008 5:10:49 AM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |


Strasburg, VA
age: 48
Wow, just as and you shall receive. Thank you smiles.
10/24/2008 5:14:03 AM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
de nada...............just make sure you're there this time around. no excuses........     
it's going to be lots of fun. we're actually starting to gain some bodies here.
now if we can only find a ride for 2 or 3 we'd have a football party too....
Let us pray.................  
10/24/2008 12:28:27 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |


Colonial Heights, VA
age: 48
I'll come if doc dog is there , name the place and time
Oh, the pressure, lol. OK, I will scrape up enough money to get tires, somehow. I need them anyway.
And I don't have any Dr. appts that day, yeehaa!!!
Count me in. Still willing to carpool, though, and I do smoke.
10/24/2008 3:59:23 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Colonial Beach, VA
age: 52
ok can we get a head count? if you are coming stand up and yell, HAY!
10/24/2008 4:30:38 PM |
OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |

Ashburn, VA
age: 58
Forums: Groups: Virginia Chat: OK Virginia! how about a meet up? |
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