10/1/2008 9:16:17 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Jul. 2008

Myspace Funny Hello Comments
Let's keep this chat thing going.........I've already conversed with some of you.
Say Good Morning everyday, and we will all keep in touch.     
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

10/1/2008 10:00:45 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Winfield, AB
63, joined Sep. 2008
Hi from the NW.
10/1/2008 4:19:01 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
After 3 pm and I am just now checking my emails. I usually check first thing in the morning, and last thing at night, unless I'm watching something on tv during the day (not often). I have spent too much time on here sometimes, and my personal stuff, like paperwork and cleaning, gets months behind. Hope all had a good day, ladies.
10/1/2008 10:36:57 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Munchkins, Saint, & Rose! It has been a lovely day. I was up in the Red Deer area at the Bird Sanctuary/Nature Centre. 198 pictures (not all mine since Len's battery died), exhaustion from 5 hrs of tromping around in the bush with the Bushman, & over 3 hrs of driving. A wonderful day! 
10/2/2008 8:11:07 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Jul. 2008

Click Here For More Funny Pictures
 Good Morning everyone, just getting my day started......STILL, have a lot of unpacking to do, job hunting, if I don't wash the van, all the dead bugs on it will come to life and fly it away. LOL Have a great day everyone.  
10/2/2008 12:32:53 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
G'morning, Munchkins! Ah! A sense of humour! Great! Sounds like your day is filled & I don't envy you the unpacking or job search. I'm not sure I even want to be reminded I should get busy on the jobsearch thing! lol But summer is over so perhaps now I'll think about it.
Enjoy the day, everyone. It looks like it'll be another beautiful one.

10/2/2008 9:29:30 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Morinville, AB
56, joined Mar. 2008
Too pooped to do any thing else...
10/2/2008 9:36:09 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Calgary, AB
54, joined Apr. 2008
Hello Everyone!
I haven't had time to be on here much lately. I will try to be better about popping in to say hi! A great big huge hello to my 2 special friends 2bluiz and forestrose!!
Hope you are all enjoying the beautiful days and gorgeous evenings.
10/3/2008 8:27:04 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Jul. 2008

Good Morning Graphic Comments
Up and at 'em, everyone. The day is awasting. Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!
10/3/2008 9:44:11 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Hi, HHG! hello to all friends new and old (figuratively speaking).
Yesterday my daughter made me walk, and I thought I would die. I don't know how she managed to find a route that I swear was uphill all the way. She also made me walk down a hill backwards, some nonsense about it being an easy way to stretch the calves. Well, her definition of easy is certainly different than mine. I was in pain and then she called me a drama queen when I checked to see if I had my Alberta Health care card with me. She also didn't think I should go to a buffet lunch afterwards, so I had dumplings and shrimp. Apparently dumplings are not as healthy as my tummy thinks they are. Hey, I didn't put chocolate sauce on them, so wtf.
Today I am going to stay on the couch, where it is painless, and whine about yesterday. The kid is home today, so he can be my go-fer.
Hope all have a great day, and enjoy the weather, thanks to global warming; a little cooler next week.
10/5/2008 10:24:01 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Jul. 2008

Myspace Hello Comments & Graphics
I have been remiss..................I want to keep this going. BUT, I have been settling in the 'Hat (Still have boxes to unpack LOL). 
10/5/2008 3:50:32 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Jul. 2008

Spicecomments.com - Hi Hey Hello Comments
10/5/2008 4:08:23 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Calgary, AB
54, joined Apr. 2008
Happy Sunday Everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
10/5/2008 5:22:04 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Hi, HHG. I see Munchkin, you have discovered the joy of posting glitzy baubles of glitter!
Sunday is my day to sit around, do nothing, and not feel guilty.
I do the same thing every other day, except I feel guilty!
10/6/2008 8:55:36 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Morinville, AB
56, joined Mar. 2008
I hate Mondays!!! tue's,Wed, Thur's, & friday Bite too... 
10/7/2008 9:12:14 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Jul. 2008
Not a very lively/chatty bunch in the Alberta Chatroom, never mind I found that in Saskatchewan too. Us Canadians are real shy. I met up yesterday with an online friend I have on facebook and I am glad I did. What a sweetheart she is!!!!!!!!

Myspace Compliment Comments & Graphics
10/7/2008 2:14:51 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
G'afternoon, Munchkins! Isn't it weird about how we Canadians don't seem to participate in tne forums? Its not just AB Chat or Sask Chat. I noticed the same thing on the main one, too. Lots of American, few Canadian.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day ... if the ones in Calgary haven't been blown away by the strong winds!
10/8/2008 9:35:19 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Jul. 2008

Spicecomments.com - Wednesday Comments
Good morning everyone.........2bluiz - where did you go?????? You are now reduced to a little box with an X in it. LOL
10/9/2008 9:45:55 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Medicine Hat, AB
62, joined Oct. 2008
Goodmorning everyone... Hope you all have an awesome day....
10/9/2008 11:59:53 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Jul. 2008

Spicecomments.com - Messages Comments
Good morning everyone 
Miss Kootenay...........Welcome to DH land. 
10/10/2008 10:12:20 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Jul. 2008

Myspace Good Morning Graphics
Good morning everyone, up and at 'em. It's a wonderful day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10/16/2008 2:04:53 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Well, it's past morning but I reserve the right to say Howdy! to everyone. 

Also to say how happy I am to hear Munchkins great news!
[Edited 10/16/2008 2:07:19 PM ]
12/15/2008 7:51:57 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
gggood morning all from the frozen north. I am Sierra. Make it a great day no matter what you do. Even if it's holding down the couch so no one will take it away!
Cheers and such
12/28/2008 9:03:12 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Nov. 2008

Spicecomments.com - Good Morning Comments
1/24/2009 1:47:54 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Nov. 2008

Spicecomments.com - Saturday Comments
So What's everybody doing today. I need to get my @#$%@#$% in gear and do something constructive. Been in front of this 'puter to long and the work is not done. 
1/24/2009 1:58:01 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Nov. 2008
Okay, DH won't let me post anymore......to get any dialogue going. So, someone else start one, please.
2/25/2009 9:55:19 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
A frosty GM to all today. It's -31 can't remember if that's with the wind chill or not.
Brrrr. A good day to stay inside.
What are you doing today?

3/4/2009 12:35:37 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Hey, Iam, why is it DH powers that be won't let you post. Since you posted that you couldn't, I suspect you meant you couldn't start new threads. Why?
3/4/2009 12:55:40 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
You've been quiet for a few days, Sierra & Iam. Sure hope you're both well .... not like 'Rose with her silly cold. Guess that season is upon us.

Hope you're soon back to normal, 'Rose (whatever THAT is!)
3/4/2009 8:39:30 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Nov. 2008
Yep, I am here....just busy working, I moved this last weekend so am unpacking and trying to find a place for everything (from a 2 bedroom suite to a 1 bedroom suite). And if I can't find a place to put something, out it goes......LOL, I have been downsizing for the last 8 years. Everytime I move I get rid of something else.
This time it is going to be xmas decorations and craft supplies. I also work two jobs and I think I am going to have to give up the part timer. I get so tired that sometimes I just don't come to DH, I go to bed instead LOL
(I'm surprised this thread is still up and running. I understood that if no one posted for a long time, the thread gets locked up and goes into the archives?????)
3/5/2009 9:56:31 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
At least you are able to part with stuff. That is my big problem, and I have read the declutter books, and the pop psychology as to why people won't part with stuff, and still the stuff stays! LOL
I think for me, things are tied to validation of worth. That, plus several times I have given something away because nobody needed it for 5 years, then a week later, someone says "hey, don't we have a ..."
Another block for me is that it's been paid for! Not sure why this part bothers me, because I often buy cheap, at least whenever I can, exceptions being beds (unless gotten from a friend) and electronics.
3/5/2009 11:37:25 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
G'morning, Girls (& guys ... if you really exist). That wind sure has been blowing all night. I think I'll stay inside.
I've found discarding Christmas decorations difficult. About 15 yrs ago went thr' them & got rid of things like lights, garlands, & tinsel. The run of the mill balls, too. But what is left is all the sentimental ornaments. That's the hard part!
3/5/2009 1:59:52 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
For the past few years I lived in my car. At first, I would buy stuff that I "could" use, but had no where to put it. During that time, my thinking changed. Kind of like a dog's philosphy on life: if you can't eat it or screw it, then piss on it.
As I too unpack stuff, I find myself shaking my head at what importance these trinkets are. My daughter's cradle I sold. I loved that cradle. Pictures were taken so I have the visual to go on. Stuff. It does nothing. Might as well get rid of it. I hear FR's point of view tho. It's Murphy's law that when you delete something from your pile, days later someone will want/need to use it. FR have you a "getting rid of" pile? That gives the others in the house to either claim it or bless its departure? ...just a thought. My way of organizing changes with every new day. Right now I have a box that holds my 'garage sale' items. I also have stuff of previous tenants that need to be returned to them and have created a space in the hall for that. When the bag/box becomes full, into the car it goes and to that person or charity... there was a family of 4 living here before me. There is too much stuff for even me. Tell you what FR, I will clean out your place and you can clean out my place, K? And yea, sometimes I think that place has frozen over!
yes, I am still here - forget now who asked where I was. No one seemed to be answering or chatting...
3/5/2009 5:45:31 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Hello, Sierra - yes, I have a giveaway box in the living room all the time, for the stuff that will go!
I am the only one who picks through it, "just in case" to the point where my (adult) son & daughter won't let me look at their giveaway stuff because sure as heck I pull something of interest out!
Anybody want two crystal tealight candle holders? Still in the box. Never used. 2bluiz?
3/6/2009 11:38:20 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
...candle holders??? Sure hope 2bluiz takes them.... I love candles.
3/6/2009 7:32:31 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Sierra can have the candle holders. I, too, love candles but use tapers & other large ones. Thanks for the thought, 'Rose.

3/6/2009 9:48:44 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
SEE WHAT I MEAN? I just gave away a bunch of tapers!!! GRRRR
3/7/2009 2:02:42 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
Tell you what FR, I will clean out your place and you can clean out my place, K?
Noticed you side-stepped that one FR!
I couldn't let u do that to my house anyways....
3/8/2009 11:14:07 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Sierra: it is a lot easier to do someone else's house because none of the things mean a darn thing emotionally or psychologically.
I just obtained my 3rd doll carriage - and one, whoops, two - more dolls. Looking around, make that three.....I can just imagine how little sense that makes to you - or anyone else!
My basement is looking pretty good though, not too much left to do. finally got a double futon though, and think it has to go - too big for anywhere in my little place. Totally takes over the living room.
3/9/2009 2:25:35 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
don't be so hastey until u have explored all options...besides where will I sleep>??
3/9/2009 9:48:30 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
don't be so hastey until u have explored all options...besides where will I sleep>??
Ah, the ulterior motive! Actually I had you in mind when I got it, so you have something other than my couch to crash on, but I also have a spare single bed now. Still needing a mattress for it though, so don't come down too soon! LOL
3/10/2009 8:32:16 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Hey 'Rose, what was that about getting 2 more dolls? It doesn't seem that long ago when you were giving some away that night at Marlborough. lol
3/12/2009 4:05:48 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
41 responses. That's great!
We - the post - was started October 1, 2008. WOW. This is speeding right along here. In - credible!
So, like, when all you Albertans get together it sure must be quite a time!
Will you guys agree to a get-together when I come down for a visit?
c u then....
[Edited 3/12/2009 4:07:07 PM ]
3/12/2009 6:52:44 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Will you guys agree to a get-together when I come down for a visit?
c u then....
I find mixing friends always ends up badly. If you piss off one, they can all end up mad at you, because of course they talk amongst themselves. I like grouping my friends according to personalities and/or associations. Oh, I know it sounds complicated, but too much mixing has just not worked for me.
What I would like to plan is an Alberta get-together. Not sure how far people will travel - I think it has been discussed on here before, and some would, some wouldn't, some have children. I'm thinking maybe a saturday afternoon barbeque at Bowness Park, or North Glenmore, or whereever. Someplace with a park for those who may have young children they wish to bring. I would also travel to someplace else, if warranted.
But yes, I will introduce you to 2bluiz.
3/12/2009 6:53:47 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Hey 'Rose, what was that about getting 2 more dolls? It doesn't seem that long ago when you were giving some away that night at Marlborough. lol
I'm not sure what it was that you "saw", but I "needed" two new ones. And a carriage. And another new one.
Are you trying to suggest I have a PROBLEM with buying dolls???
[Edited 3/12/2009 6:55:11 PM ]
3/13/2009 12:10:51 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
if I knew how to make the font at least and inch hi, then YES you have a 'problem' buying dolls!
Why do you buy them? What do you see in them? What do they do? Cook? Clean? Run errands? ah, collect dust.
Why did you need 2 new (brand new?) carriages?
As I unpack stuff, Forestrose, I shake my head as to why I thought I had to have stuff that just sits there. A porcelain carousel horse, two miniature clocks about 2" big. And other stuff.
Sorry I am so hard on you, but after what I have been thru in the past 5 years, my thinking has changed quite a bit.
Stay away from the places that sell this kind of stuff. 
But said with love in my heart
3/13/2009 7:30:50 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Nov. 2008
Hi everyone, I am still in the process of "cleaning house". It is hard to part with "THINGS". Some of them seem to define who I am, but I really get tired of hauling them around with me.
Who knows if I am going to stay where I am forever and ever, amen. Everytime I move I do not look forward to all the packing and unpacking. My arms ache just thinking about it.
Now, that the days are longer and the deep freeze seems to be over, this weekend will be spent going through more boxes and totes, looking for stuff that is useless to me.
That's my story and I am sticking to it 
3/13/2009 9:48:35 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
Hi Iama...
I know what you mean. Although I chastised FR for her dolls, I too find it difficult to part with what I have. And she does have some nice dolls. I am waiting for a decent day to get in the back yard and burn some stuff. My dining room is getting rather crowded with it - not good enough for anything else but burning. I already have the marshmallows!
Right now I am placing everything where it should go. Then I will start the thinning process. I have clothes older than my daughter! They are garage sale stuff. Argh! I guess we can lament in our soup bowls about our state. (I don't drink beer so I cant cry in my beer).
We should have a goal to have this all done by the time the warmer weather arrives. Deal?
3/13/2009 10:41:48 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Nov. 2008
Deal, starting this weekend........Okay?
I will have a problem with the closet though, I have enough clothes to fill a 10 foot wide closet and 2 dressers. This new place I have moved into has a 3 foot closet and I gave my brother one of the dressers. (I am including jackets and parkas in this inventory). So, I am going to double tier the closet to double the hanging space.
The moving totes come out and ransacked. Then I can put them inside each other to lessen the space they take up, but I will have the totes for when I move (If I move) again.
When I have done all this, my van should be full to go to Value Village on Monday. Sunday is family dinner day with my brother and neice, I'll let them go through it all first and give them first choice. What they don't want, will be given away.
Didn't sleep worth a @#$%@#$% last night so am going to bed now, gotta get rested up for purging tomorrow LOL. 
3/14/2009 9:33:44 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
this is the best way to get work you know. Now I have a month-long assignment ahead of me....
Then I come home and tackle the house.
[Edited 3/14/2009 9:34:44 PM ]
3/15/2009 9:34:37 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
RE: collecting stuff. I guess I was right out there and probably considered rude by my last email about FR's dolls. ...and I have been guilty by giving her some dolls also. 'nuf said.
My weakness is candle sticks. And I have a lot of them. So I am going to make a point to thin out my collection. This will hurt big time.
I usually say what is on my mind. That gets me into trouble. So maybe I will just back out for a while.
Take care and yes iama I still will do my best to clean up my house by ... I'm not sure if we set an actual date but I am thinking June 1st.
Cheers and such
[Edited 3/15/2009 9:35:44 PM ]
3/16/2009 12:09:23 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
I have some old dining room chairs, circa 1950's, which I don't really want to part with for little money.
Any ideas how to creatively store chairs in the basement? I was thinking of hanging them from the rafters.
Or how to stack them well? Two can stack, but then the third one doesn't work.
Sold 2 catbeds today. Gave away a small box of odds & ends, nice woman took all of it!
3/24/2009 12:02:27 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
Hi all and FR,
The more stuff you can store off the floor, the cleaner it looks. I need some chairs.... A round wooden table was left behind and now I need some chairs to go with it.
Ima... Emptying a box a day now... by the year 2020 I should have gone thru them all. I am such a pak-rat!
3/24/2009 6:06:31 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Nov. 2008
Hey, got ya beat LOL
I've already taken a couple loads to Value Village. Culled all I want to right now but I do have a box that I add to when I come across something that I don't want anymore. I emptied about 4 totes, keeping the totes though LOL.
3/31/2009 6:57:05 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Medicine Hat, AB
66, joined Nov. 2008
Good morning everyone, time to rise and shine!!!!!!!
4/20/2009 9:19:59 PM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008
G'day everyone!
It's the 20th today. In 10 days I must have that 3rd bedroom all cleaned out and painted and the "office" stuff placed in there. I think I am getting a boarder. For cheaper rent, he will be helping out around the house "fixing" things around here.
How is every one else doing?
4/21/2009 9:47:13 AM |
Good Morning Everyone!! |

Grande Prairie, AB
62, joined Dec. 2008