Muskogee, OK
age: 35
i do look at it but all can be changed its a part of life all things change

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51 online now!
God never changes . Mankind does

Columbia, TN
age: 50
Right Way.. and I stand firmly to my beliefs as I would expect anyone to do

Picayune, MS
age: 46
My personal relationship with God is an integral part of my life. I just can't see myself with someone who doesn't believe in God.

Storm Lake, IA
age: 36
well i won't force my religon on to any one else, yes i do look at that part of there profile it is the first thing i look at if they have not i move on and say a prayer for them. doesn't mean i won't talk to them or any thing like that because i'll talk to any one. now if they ask i'll tell them where i stand on my own beliefs because that is who i am and i'm not ashamed of it.
[Edited 10/11/2007 7:14:24 PM]

Fall River, MA
age: 49 online now!
Hi guys,
Gonna' get creamed here, but I can't help myself...
1st. Why does anyone in the 21 century need any religous dogma? Can't they see the damage that religion has done to civilization, in general? Perhaps at one time there was a purpouse to beliveing that there was some sort of entity that caused the rain to fall and the sun to shine, but those days are long gone. Humanities infintile attempts should not have come through the fire of the "Rennasaicence".
2nd. The theory that Darwin came up with is the only one that fits the evidence that we have. Unless you belive that the Earth is 6000 yrs. old, that the dinosaurs walked with men, that Noah hearded "two of every kind" onto an Ark, and that a bearded old man sits up in the clouds and watches everything that we do. If you do, then can you tell me why you don't belive in Wodin, Thor,and Loki. Because it's the same thing. Or the Greeco/Roman gods for that matter. Or Vishnu.
3rd. Please don't tell me that without religion, we(humans) wouldn't have any basis for morality. The morality that most religions expouse'is, for the most part an anacronizim
and un-nesscary in the 21 century. Lets face it, the three major Western religions were hachted in the early Bronze Age for for the purpose of controling women and childern. Morality, a humane type of morality, would still be based on the basic premise's of not killing your nehibor, stealing his property, chasing his wife, and being true to your family(read Tribe). But those ideas did not necessarliy come from any of the "Big Three", exclusively.
4th. and this is the best one, I, being an Atheist,(How I hate that term), don't look at the persons religous preference, and wouldn't care what any woman I chatted with, with the potential of getting involved, belived. And just listen to the terms that your using to describe what some consider a prerequizite for a potential partner "Yolked" together?
Don't they do that to oxen? And I guess all that talk about "love thy enemey as thy self"
must be just that, eh? But I will say one thing. If I told you that I belived in the "Flying Spagatti Monster" or Centuar's, or Faires', would you take me seriously?
So, by what logic do you defend your religious faith?...
ps. please forgive the spelling...

Benton Harbor, MI
age: 23
I like a woman who actually read and Understand tha Bible,not one who let a preacher interpret it for her

El Reno, OK
age: 40
I have my own and what it means to me..I don't feel I need anyone shoving theirs upon others..Just live life the best and most honest way you can is enough for me.

Benton Harbor, MI
age: 23
Why Muslims gotta be "ragheads"? That rag is serving as a constant reminder that God is with us.Tha Bible say a woman is to obey her Man and tha same thang applies to both Books that tha Man must Honor her as himself.

Benton Harbor, MI
age: 23
Tha only difference btwn views on Jesus is Messenger and Messiah.Both texts Testify to his Virginal Birth

Columbia, TN
age: 50
LOL Lordy.. I'm not gonna cream ya for what you believe. If that is good enough for you.. than it is good enough for ya. Good night all Trish