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10/8/2007 6:33:27 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Mountain Grove, MO
age: 56

i brought my marbles & i`m leaveing with my marbles ,,,

10/8/2007 6:34:15 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Longview, WA
age: 59

10/8/2007 6:35:01 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!

lol so.. is there a prob wiff a gurl wanting to play with your marbles? I mean.. do we need a written agreement on how long I can play wiff em and exactly what I can and can't do with em?

10/8/2007 6:37:01 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Mountain Grove, MO
age: 56

yes the last time she left,, that`s all she left hanging around here

10/8/2007 6:41:33 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!

But I wud return ur marbles in good shape.. promise

10/8/2007 6:44:12 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Mountain Grove, MO
age: 56

uh go ahead and take them, i haven`t used them in years and don`t plan on playing with them by myself!!!!!!!!!

10/8/2007 6:44:27 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Coronado, CA
age: 26

I will have a pre-nup, no matter what the case. It protects my assets & income, it does not mean I do not trust. If I trust people are not going to change for the better or worse, then I am only fooling myself. I will never act like a blind man when I can see just fine, and never allow emotions to control my choices.

[Edited 10/8/2007 6:45:30 PM]

10/8/2007 6:46:10 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Longview, WA
age: 59

tru....... i won alot of trophys with my marbles....i do not want them soiled..........................

10/8/2007 6:47:07 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!

Navy.. I hear ya.. and you guys have given me food for thought. As I said at the start, I'd have no prob signing a prenup.. but I have a clearer picture as to why. Thanks!

iam. naw, not gonna take your marbles iffn you want them that bad lol

10/8/2007 6:47:54 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!

sunny.. marbles is a.... sport? lol like bowling?

10/8/2007 6:49:59 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Longview, WA
age: 59

yes.....missy...i know.....they drive me crazy.....

10/8/2007 6:51:02 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!

LOL wow you must have some mighty special marbles then

10/8/2007 6:51:03 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Mountain Grove, MO
age: 56

tru thanks, i`m out of here before she changes her mind {you know the women}
you guy`s better grab your marbles and run too!!!!!!!!!!!

10/8/2007 6:51:18 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Coronado, CA
age: 26

I am glad you are a lady that sees fine trublu.

10/8/2007 6:53:58 PM Prenuptial Agreement  

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!

thanks for the laffs iam!

Navy... one of the greatest things about debates is that you learn alot from them. You guys have changed my way of thinking on this subject. That is of great value to me

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