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11/4/2007 4:36:20 AM Single ? Married ? or Seperated ?  

Auburn, GA
age: 43

Your seperated. Your married until you get a divorce but if not living together it is called seperated legaly or not. If you put single you are not being honest. People should be able to make their own choice if they want to date someone who is married or seperated and by putting single you would not be giving them that choice and that is deception.
If you are staying together because of religon well you should not date. Both ways you are breaking the religous belief. Go ahead and get divorced.
I would not stay married to anyone for finacial reasons, if you are living apart it is time to do it on your own and get divorced. Break the ties.
If a person is honest I dont understand why this question would be asked. You know what you are regardles of how long you are "Seperated".
Single is not attached in anyway (marriage license is attached)

11/4/2007 6:02:44 AM Single ? Married ? or Seperated ?  

Murrayville, GA
age: 49

I think in todays world you are best served by "asking" each person for more details about their status.

Single: meaning no legal or emotional encumberments. This means NOT in a relationship. Some people are not truthful. They may have a significant other but are shopping for the next candidate before severing ties.

Separated: You are married in the eyes of the law. If someone has been maintaining a separate household I find it difficult to understand why they don't complete the process. Sometimes it can take time to iron out financial or childcare arrangements but 6 years is a bit of a stretch. I don't "buy" the fact that they haven't divorced for religous reasons. If that were true why is it they can have an adulterous relationship and thats OK with their religion.?

Married: No explanation needed here. Of course some people lie about this too.

It's important to take a bit of time to know enough about a person BEFORE you get so emotionally involved you get caught up in the moment and keep accepting lame excuses from your partner. All this does is waste your time and prevent you from meeting someone who is able to love and committ to you without a host of problems. I think this is even more prevalent when you are meeting people from out of state and only see them periodically. It's much easier for them to hide their status. If you feel an interest developing there is nothing wrong with doing a basic background check to make certain the person is available and not a criminal.

11/5/2007 6:28:38 PM Single ? Married ? or Seperated ?  

Land O' Lakes, FL
age: 49 online now!

My 2 cents worth I could lie and say I'm divorced But I'm not I'm separated It's been almost 2 years I have no kids I've caught her cheating 4 times she moved out over a year ago and theres no way in hell I would go back But it's time for me to move on but I want to honest about myself to anyone who might be interested in me For the record I have a court date in jan. I think people should try and see the whole picture some of us are not taking a break but trying to move on with our lives.

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