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2/23/2009 2:36:06 PM Remembering the Ex  

Hesperia, CA
age: 31 online now!

I don't think it is a bad thing. After the end of the relationship everyone is hurt, and human nature is to only think of the bad sub-conscientiously trying to justify what happened. Once you come to the point where you can remember the pleasant and fun, it makes you feel much better. My ex left, and moved to Kansas, and at the time, I could only think of the negativity. I still converse with her, as I am raising our daughters, and she calls a couple times a week to talk to them. She is engaged now, and I am happy for her. Looking back, we were just not made for each other emotionally. She is wired different than I. I think now our break-up is the best thing that ever happened to me, as before I was always working to make ends meet. Now I have a relationship with my girls that I never knew before could exist. I for one will never go back. But this ex, gave me the two most precious gifts anyone could have ever given me. I can't fault her in giving me perfect kids

2/23/2009 5:44:46 PM Remembering the Ex  

Mesquite, TX
age: 52

I'm glad you got your kids...must of had a better attorney than mine.

Sometimes I just think it would be easier to renew the relationship, when in my most logical thinking all indicators point to that would be a huge mistake, or would it?

Time heals...thanks for all the advice.

2/23/2009 5:50:49 PM Remembering the Ex  

Iowa City, IA
age: 37

I am still going through my divorce and I am so confused by where and how it is going... My ex lost our kids to the state when I had to leave them with him to go out of town for 2 months... it took him a year to get them back and DHS got involved and because they were taken from him and I didnt know about it till after they were taken I was not allowed to get them so now he has them living with him and I get to visit them when I want but he want s to be an a** about it and we are due in court in a few weeks but my attorney is a moron and that he sides with their dad... I have a good home and good job and dont have men in and out of my house.. his ex gf was there after they dated for 3 weeks and she did crack around them.. hence them being taken.. now his ne gf has been daing for 2 months and moved in after 3 weeks.. I dont get this whole thing but Im not going to start crap with him so that my kids suffer so i try to keep it civil until court...he treats me like I have murdered his mother and talks about me infront of or kids and so when they come over to stay they try to bad mouth him and I wont allow them to ...hes still their dad and deserves respect for that.. I dont know how to become indifferent to this person so he doesnt get to me but its difficult my kids nor half of DHS doesnt understand why he has them except I was told its more paper work to move them with me and not place them where they were taken... he told them I just left not that I left for training for a job

[Edited 2/23/2009 5:52:32 PM PST]

2/24/2009 6:09:49 AM Remembering the Ex  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,807)
Port Saint Lucie, FL
age: 61

Rebel, my heart goes out to you. Your soon-to-be ex really knows how to play the judicial system. The minute you walked away, for whatever reason, he couldn't wait to file abandonment papers on you. see...he can't manage your children alone. He needs help; therefore, the girlfriends coming and going. I can't say things will get easier because you are still in the midst of the divorce proceedings with children and DHS involved. Are the children of age to make their own decision?

Just take deep breaths, find another lawyer who is on your side, and fight for the right to have your children with you.

2/25/2009 7:06:13 AM Remembering the Ex  

Over 2,000 Posts (3,206)
College Station, TX
age: 40

Quote from okaydude:
I'm glad you got your kids...must of had a better attorney than mine.

Sometimes I just think it would be easier to renew the relationship, when in my most logical thinking all indicators point to that would be a huge mistake, or would it?

Time heals...thanks for all the advice.

i beg to differ.... it's not time that heals.. it's love that heals imo...

yes, i think of the ex all the time but like what was stated earlier, he's my ex for a reason.. (numerous reasons)
i love him, but i'm not "in love" with him and that's just how it is.

2/25/2009 7:10:56 AM Remembering the Ex  

Nicholasville, KY
age: 58

I met a what I thought was a very nice guy on this site thought he was the love of my life but it didnt work out he was looking for marriage and pushed that idea too hard after only dating for a month I broke it off and he immeditely got back on this site and even tried to contact a good friend of mine who is also on the site He likes plus size woman cause I think he thinks we will believe his lines because we have low self images LOL WRONG

2/25/2009 9:34:09 AM Remembering the Ex  

Milwaukee, WI
age: 43

Screw him.....My Ex is in the past. He isn't worthy of me wasting my time thinking of him. Maybe next time I crap....cuz he is a piece of shit...cheater!

2/25/2009 10:14:26 AM Remembering the Ex  

Livingston, MT
age: 36


Here is what i think

2/25/2009 6:14:11 PM Remembering the Ex  

Mesquite, TX
age: 52

Quote from luv2bum:
Screw him.....My Ex is in the past. He isn't worthy of me wasting my time thinking of him. Maybe next time I crap....cuz he is a piece of shit...cheater!

You convinced me

2/26/2009 11:39:52 PM Remembering the Ex  

Syracuse, NY
age: 38

I don't want to remember my ex..He is abusive and he thrives on seeing me cry and is over joyed by it. He is a piece of shit that needs to grow up and be a man and not a BOY!

2/26/2009 11:45:38 PM Remembering the Ex  

Sedona, AZ
age: 45

Nope, not at all.

Funny i got an email from an ex girlfriend saying that she was sorry that i could not get over her. i had not talk to or seen her in months. I am currently dating someone, so I laughed and thought WOW, she is pretty full of herself and moved on.


2/27/2009 1:05:10 AM Remembering the Ex  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,816)
Nacogdoches, TX
age: 62

I was married to the mother of my chilren for 20 yr. she cheated an left with all she could take , I have forgivin her for every thing but one thing ,that is she told my children when they were 11 and 13 that they did not have to love thier dad .she didn't LOve her dad had no respect for him.and look at her perfect mom at that age befor the age of reason they believe everything a parent says the might not like it of are confused but they believe it. what does Not loving mean to a 11 an 13 yr old? that they do not have to respect Men , tell the truth to and father is and outsider and does not love them
It sure has made a mess out of there lives years later i wrote her a letter with out contempt as to how I felt she had taught them something wrong. she said why should she she has them in her life and I don't
that dismissed any foolish thought and allow me to go on
there is a time we have to tell our selve when the thoughts come to say ,not going there and find a distraction do something, but not keep replaying it
when Love Is gone it is only the (memory of the love we had) .the love no longer exist just lets you know you have the capacity to love.

2/27/2009 12:26:54 PM Remembering the Ex  

Rockford, IL
age: 35

I think its normal to think of an ex from time to time especially if there are kids involved. Some you try to totally block out of your mind cause they were THAT BAD and others you just remember. It is what it is. I do feel however that you have to forgive eventually otherwise it festers inside of you and you hinder yourself from moving on completely. I read this somewhere on here and it struck a chord in me...

Forgiveness is me giving up the right to hurt you for hurting me.

2/27/2009 2:25:53 PM Remembering the Ex  

Cambridge, MN
age: 32

This is what I think about my Ex-husband.. I was with him for 16 years got 2 beautiful young girls out of the deal. But the minute I decided to go back to school to do something with my life. He couldn't handle me making more money then him. I am in school for my Bachelors in Information Technology and I will be making serious cash when I am done. He was cheating on me and lie'in not to mention he cleared out my business account I am a full time alpaca breeder and I just sold an animal to pay for my school and he took the 30,000+ that was in my business account. "Do I think of him sure like this!!!!!! Will I ever do it NO... But we have been divorced for over 2 years and life goes on. I just left it all to start a new life. I do my best when I get pissed off I will be graduating in June.

""""He is an ex for many reasons""""

Ok but now my ex Boyfriends.. Funny I am on facebook so we all talk not a huge deal we just broke up no big deal. We are all friends No hard feelings would I go out with them. Probably since it was so long ago we all have grown up and have a life never know we might hit it off.

But I know I will have a hard time finding someone that wants a farmchic... I operate an alpaca farm in MN and have a huge herd that I care for daily and they are my income right now. I wont sell all of them for a man. I will sell some to pay my school loans and pay my mortgage but that is it.

2/27/2009 2:32:35 PM Remembering the Ex  

New York, NY
age: 33

You are only human!!! Emotion kept you together when you were and that does not change
so simply!!! Even when it storms!!! Its the "norm." I know what You are talking about!