3/4/2009 11:17:56 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
What would it be and why? More than one is okay, but the general idea is what is something obvious that NO one should do?
I have a few choice words:
Men should never wear a Speedo....EVER!!
A man should not carry anything that remotely resembles a ladies purse and try to get away with it by saying it's their "carry all" or their "kinda back pack". It's a purse. It's a pocketbook. It's a handbag. 
"Average" built men with man boobs from smoking to much marijuana and girths that resemble a woman in her third trimester should not wear tight jersy knit turtle neck shirts. 
OK OK I hope you see the humor in this but some things can be serious so run with this let each other know what advice you can share... it just might save someones relationship!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/5/2009 12:46:34 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |


Nicholasville, KY
45, joined Oct. 2008
ladies dont pre-judge some1 based on a label society likes them to wear i.e.cheater- ive been on this ite for months and befriended a few ppl the truth of the matter is most wont talk to me because i use the label "married" its clearly what it says in my profile F.Y.I. being friends with ppl on-line doesnt make me a cheater yes i have made advances on a couple of ladies here on the site. however its important for me to say i dont say hi to anyone here without my wifes knowing. im not hear for a lover but to make friends i prefer to have women friendsso my advice ladies is dont discard or distrust someone whos married you might be missing out on bein friends with a really great person like me
3/5/2009 8:41:05 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
Bill that is all in good truth and we can have friends. I have met good friends on here and have good friends on here. HEy but when I read married I read DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA and truth to me I don't want to come to a dating site to find a man thats going to talk about his wife. I want it all to be about me. I do so appreciate my married friends but I would tend to talk to other married people not to singles. I think its only because its a red flag saying if he can talk on here .. then hey something must be wrong somewhere else. I just want to find that person for me and then I wont have time for sitting at this computor.
OK this topic was meant for fun .. good advise you gave for the opposite sex thanks. I just dont want this to turn into a bashing session.
COME ON EVERYONE BE PLAYFUL now for another piece of advice.
Wearing sweat pants without undies in public is not sexy letting it air out at home might be... 
3/5/2009 11:03:51 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |


Nicholasville, KY
45, joined Oct. 2008
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
3/5/2009 2:59:35 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
59, joined Mar. 2008
My advice would be to not complain about what you aren't getting from the opposite sex if you are turning it down when it is offered. This doesn't just refer to sex.
3/5/2009 5:22:38 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |


Erlanger, KY
62, joined Feb. 2009
Treat me the way you would like to be treated... To get respect you must give respect..
3/5/2009 7:19:11 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |

Shelbyville, KY
60, joined Nov. 2007
Never ever run naked through the rose garden? 
Never say "hold my beer and watch this sh!t"?
OK - so I am not in a serious mood tonight!
3/5/2009 8:02:21 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
57, joined Oct. 2008
Always carry chap stick.
3/5/2009 9:43:46 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |


Erlanger, KY
62, joined Feb. 2009
Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night..
3/6/2009 12:58:38 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
NEVER get A toupee . Seriously, we know. it's ok. Shave your head and age gracefully. I actually think bald is sexy. SO leave the rug on the floor before coming Knockin at my door. 
3/6/2009 8:51:38 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
57, joined Dec. 2008
I love you freebird. CSE: Now how many times have you said hey watch this shit?
3/6/2009 9:03:08 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
Woodie is one sexy bald man .. proof Bald is beautiful!
3/6/2009 11:19:59 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |

Louisville, KY
55, joined Feb. 2008
There are men out there who REALLY need to keep their hair...some however they look great with it or without it.
Speaking of that...don't do a combover, either face the fact you're losing your hair or shave. Men CAN look good without hair.
3/7/2009 8:50:34 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |

Shelbyville, KY
60, joined Nov. 2007
I love you freebird.  CSE: Now how many times have you said hey watch this shit?
Woodu...exactly! That usually means I am about to do something really stupid 
3/7/2009 6:16:37 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
ON to the next one to discuss .....
Get rid of those forest fires waiting to happen in and around your nose and ears . You think you don't have this yet 'cause you're only 28? Re-think that.
3/7/2009 8:26:48 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |


Erlanger, KY
62, joined Feb. 2009
If you hate something don't you do it too....
3/10/2009 11:59:36 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |

Louisville, KY
55, joined Feb. 2008
hehe, freebird.
They could always braid it...braids coming out of your noses and ears....
3/10/2009 12:51:04 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
A sense of humor trumps looks,"If you're really funny and you look like George Costanza, we can let it slide. There are very few qualities that trump looks, but humor is one of them."
3/11/2009 1:19:32 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |

Louisville, KY
55, joined Feb. 2008
You got that one right, freebird, sense of humor is sexy. So is personality.
I forgot where on here I said that the more I am attracted to someone the better looking he is to me...one guy posted if all women thought like that he'd look like a god 
3/14/2009 4:13:56 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
TODAYS TOPIC .. eating the hottest flavor of hot wings available does not make u a man
(especially when u are crying like a baby the next morning on the toilet!) GRUNT GRUNT went the wild man ... Leave it to us women to add heat to your lips and satisfiy your desire for spice in your life.
3/14/2009 5:53:37 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
65, joined Feb. 2009
Darn, now all I can think of is Freebird wings with a side of hot lips! 
One piece of advice would be to start with open, honest information when starting a new relationship. However, don't divulge anything voluntarily that will provide that new relationship with gasoline for any fires that may be started in the near future. Proceed slowly! If that person cares about you they will be patient and wait till you are ready to provide more information. 
3/15/2009 2:27:19 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
3/15/2009 9:41:50 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Columbia, KY
61, joined Jan. 2009
Uh......."Blow is just an expression"?
3/15/2009 12:49:28 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
WELCOME BACK INTO THE GAME goodwithwood.... have missed your comments.. hope all is well with you.

blowing you a kiss sweety .. is that what you were thinking??? LOL
3/17/2009 11:30:49 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |


Louisville, KY
49, joined Nov. 2008
chicken. Eat lots and lots of chicken.
3/18/2009 7:40:30 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
Todays Advice.. go with it ... Flirt offline as soon as possible
When you've decided you're really interested in somebody, there's no reason to keep the relationship in the dark – i.e. on the Internet. No matter how much you think you know them, you'll only foster idealistic fantasies and develop unrealistic expectations if you keep your interaction on the web and refuse to take it into the daylight.    
3/18/2009 10:22:35 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |

Louisville, KY
65, joined Dec. 2008
I think the biggest mistake we make on these single sites is setting our sites on finding THE one. We set the bar and have high expectations only to find that those expectations can't be met most of the time. I've really worked on trying to get to know people on here from the inside out instead of the outside in. The least that can happen is that we make a new friend. The best that can happen is unlimited. So....the best advice I would give men is to take the time to get to know us as friends instead of throwing us to the wolves before you even know who we are. And the same works for women as well......Above everything else, be honest with who you are.
3/19/2009 9:44:19 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
AMEN BASSENGAL >>> well said .. I liked it .. HIGH FIVE   
3/20/2009 7:20:28 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Columbia, KY
61, joined Jan. 2009
Thankee, thankee ver' much- working out of town this month and home on weekends- on orders at our Academy doing Admin stuff ( office things!) WEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Can't access this site on gu'ment computers. Hope all is well with you and look forward to hearing from you all.
3/20/2009 8:15:14 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
WELL GOODWITHWOOD .. just know you have been missed .. hurry back to the easy access internet world where you can share your thoughtful and witty self.  
3/20/2009 8:25:13 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008

3/25/2009 11:42:26 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |

Louisville, KY
55, joined Feb. 2008
amen on that one, sister!
My dad has a little figurine that I love, it's a kid in a devils costume with the saying underneath
"Smile, it makes the world wonder what you're up too"
3/26/2009 6:39:47 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
1. Ignorance. The best way to appear smart when you feel dumb is to ask intelligent questions. Cluelessness is only a temporary condition.
2. Fake orgasms. Think of them as an early warning that a communication breakdown is coming. Ignore the creaking of the deck long enough and the whole ship could go down.
3. Ghosts. Haunted by something spooky lurking in your past? We read this above a urinal in a dive bar we respect: Morons drink spirits. Smart guys exorcise.
4. Clowns. Befriend anyone you find strange or creepy or just a little off. Friends are friends, after all. And the next time you're in for a fight, a Volkswagen will pull up, 27 of your closest carny buddies will pour out, and baby, it'll be go time.
5. Mirrors. Enjoy the man you are instead of lamenting the one you aren't. Then get back under that barbell.
6. The intrusive Dr. Jellyfingers. Look at a physical this way: You seek steady streams of information to make yourself a better employee, athlete, investor, lover, and Halo 3 player. Why cut off the one source of information that'll keep you healthy enough to do all those things?
7. Positivity. Cynicism's easy, because it requires no effort. People who keep trying, who push, who block for others will beat cynicism every time. There is no such thing as a cynical offensive lineman.
8. Fiber. Nature's statin is the digestive equivalent of FedEx Express overnight versus FedEx Ground. Supplements too much hassle? Sub in beans for taters at mealtime.
9. The Devil. His ruse goes something like this: "Dude! Vegas! Let's go--tonight!" Sure, your soul can be rejuvenated by such an occasion. But allow him to subdue the angel on your shoulder and he'll invite torment from a more fearsome beast waiting at home.
10. Loss. A few simple truths: Dads and dogs die. Opponents win. Beloved teams fail. We profit from these losses by remembering that if your bet's in your pocket, you're not playing the game.
11. Vampires. Not the undead kind. We're talking moochers here, the kind of bloodsuckers who feed on green, not red. So if you have one of these creatures dug into your monetary jugular, dial back the dole. To modern bloodsuckers, an outlay of their own cash is the new sunlight.
12. Poopy diapers. We know a couple of old-fashioned dads who wouldn't be caught dead helping in a kitchen, bathroom, or laundry room. No wonder their wives play dead in the bedroom.
13. Strong-willed women. Opinions and stiletto heels are not mutually exclusive. In fact, locking horns in conversation often means that tangling limbs later will be that much hotter.
14. Jealousy. It's natural for those you pass on your way to the top to perceive you as shallow, greedy, and selfish. It's either that or confess to themselves that they're lazy, shiftless, and stupid.
15. Failure. A failure is a man who gave it his best and was still beaten down and stripped of his material goods. The fight's not over, though. If he's smart, he'll realize he's left with his most valuable possessions--his brain, a couple of balls, and a useful philosophical paraphrase: That which does not kill you makes you Rambo.
3/26/2009 10:27:36 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Oak Grove, KY
37, joined Mar. 2009
i got one..
if you didnt like the conversation that we had then say something.. dont just blow me off because it didnt go the way you wanted it too..
also if you want me to sit and listen on how your day went then be prepared when i start ranting about the bs that went on during my day
3/28/2009 11:48:03 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Columbia, KY
61, joined Jan. 2009
WELL GOODWITHWOOD .. just know you have been missed .. hurry back to the easy access internet world where you can share your thoughtful and witty self.   I R back and will be back for a while, Freebird.
3/29/2009 2:15:10 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
3/29/2009 5:38:12 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |

Louisville, KY
68, joined Mar. 2008
Dress for the date. If going to a nice resturant dont wear sandles, sweat pants and a jersey.
The nose is more powerful than the eye to attract someone. So put on some perfume.
When seated at a table or booth, sit on the same side he does. Makes affectionate moves easier.
Dont always let the man win in every sport. Real men welcome the competition.
Hold his hand often.
Plan a surprise pic nic on the living room rug with wine beside the fire place.
Smile in your photos you will get more responses and appear more attractive.
Dont bring up something in your past till you really are serious about the guy.
Dont tell him one thing and do another.
Always be honest.If he ask a question that you do not wish to answer at that time. Just say - That is something my future hubby will know. And we have not progressed that far yet.
Dont have sex early on in the relationship. It only makes you appear to be easy.
Tell him you love him. And pay attention to his response. If he does not say it back then maybe this is not the right time or he is not that much into as you wish. But only say it when you mean it.
Be ready for a date on time. It shows a lack of respect for him and yourself when you are constantly late.
I have more but I tend to get wordy once I get started. SO I will end it here.
3/29/2009 6:51:11 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
WAY TO GO RETIRED FIREMAN .. I agree to some extent every thing you said .. some can apply to both sex's ..
3/30/2009 3:32:06 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |

Calvert City, KY
60, joined Nov. 2008
Open, honest and up front communication. That is the best advice I can give to both genders.
3/30/2009 6:24:57 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |

Georgetown, KY
55, joined Feb. 2009
If someone sends you a message please reply with I found someone or I don't like you, you just don't interest me If most guy's are like me they are used to rejection 
Also nothing wrong with full figured women but please don't wear the spandex pants, I won't wear a speedo as long as you don't wear those pants so tight I can count the cellulite on your thighs. 
3/30/2009 7:08:41 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
We promise
3/30/2009 7:28:13 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
65, joined Feb. 2009
Well crap...I am throwing away all my Spandex! See what you made me do? Now I feel embarrassed for wearing it to see my doctor....she was laughing and now I know why. OK...now...what to replace it with...giant condoms...one size fits all! 
I think I have a solution!
3/30/2009 8:11:34 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |

Shelbyville, KY
60, joined Nov. 2007

3/31/2009 10:38:34 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
So steer clear of assumptions about what kind of couple you two would make. Right now, you're only making a guess that you two would be good together. Wait and let time tell the whole story. Don't always make assumptions by what a picture looks like because pictures can add lbs,bad lighting,or bad angle.. if we wanted perfect we would hire a airbrusher and fix our pictures like the stars do .. then again if we had that kinda money and could be a star .. why are we looking on this site? Don't assume that if a woman has her own place,car,good job,credit,friends and family that she is too independent and doesnt need you. Maybe your would be the icing on the cake. I do so love icing. ASSUMPTION killed the cat.. no thats not right .. but I do know assumption will kill a start to what could be a beginning of a possible great realationship.
4/1/2009 9:31:46 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Owensboro, KY
49, joined Oct. 2008
How about....don't judge a book by its cover, its what's inside that counts. Translation....don't just look at the pictures you could be passing your perfect match by.
4/1/2009 9:36:55 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008

WAY TO GO gigi... very well said... 
4/1/2009 11:13:31 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Owensboro, KY
49, joined Oct. 2008
Thanks Freebird, I just called a Spade a Spade. Tired of the games people play. Ok...just tired of being played.
4/1/2009 11:19:03 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Owensboro, KY
49, joined Oct. 2008
i got one..
if you didnt like the conversation that we had then say something.. dont just blow me off because it didnt go the way you wanted it too..
also if you want me to sit and listen on how your day went then be prepared when i start ranting about the bs that went on during my day
Even though this person is no longer on the forum, they made a lot of sense in their post...
Conversations do take more than one person....unless you are listening to the voices in your head. 
4/2/2009 5:26:04 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
59, joined Mar. 2008
How about....don't judge a book by its cover, its what's inside that counts. Translation....don't just look at the pictures you could be passing your perfect match by.
With men its the pictures. With women its the 5 minute rule. Both may be equally shallow, but both are what the opposite sex has to overcome to be noticed.
4/8/2009 2:14:22 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008


4/8/2009 10:40:12 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Lawrenceburg, KY
47, joined Apr. 2009

Always look at the positive side of a person or situation! Don't forget to live, live like tommorrow will never come. Laugh like it is the first time you have ever heard the joke (or in this case Freebirds last bit of advice!). Love like you have never been hurt! And always love yourself - if you don't how can you expect others too? Almost forgot - Kiss often!
4/11/2009 5:04:24 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Lawrenceburg, KY
47, joined Apr. 2009
small print: please do not be offended if you are not Christian - it is a happy greating an not meant to offend...
4/11/2009 9:46:25 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
London, KY
51, joined Apr. 2009
Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night.. 
Love that...it's hilarious! 
4/13/2009 3:26:28 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |

Henderson, KY
36, joined Mar. 2009
Ummm...give the nice guys a fighting chance.
4/14/2009 12:23:21 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
4/22/2009 2:28:37 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Corbin, KY
66, joined Feb. 2007
As an adult act like one, it's time to stop the games and be honest, life can be good
4/25/2009 6:54:19 AM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
What's in a screen name? A lot... names like Sirhumpalot, PrincessPutOut, Hot1forU, HornyisMe, 50goingon40>>ha ha had to do it lol (JOKING), hotsexymama, hornetoadya, are some of the silly ones I have seen on here. People looking through those online personals will notice not only your photo, but your screen name. And that will probably be one of the most influential factors in whether or not they become interested in you. Whether they realize it or not, your screen name has an effect on how they view you. Keep your screen name simple and creative and perhaps even mysterious... don't make it sexually suggestive. unless that is all your looking for and if it is .. dont contact the ones that are not on here just to HOOK UP If you saying dating or long term .. then that doesnt mean put out today or lets have no delay on hitting the hay. or some put out or get out Be upfront by starting with your name.. because if I get emailed with someone that says HI my name is SIRPutOutOrgetout..HE GETTING PutoffandPutOut... 
4/30/2009 6:39:19 PM |
If You Could Give ONE Piece of Advice to the Opp Sex? |
Louisville, KY
60, joined Sep. 2008
[Edited 4/30/2009 6:40:00 PM ]