p.s. had them for
Yea we do know better........are pets are more loyal than humans. And there is nothing distrubing about it either. What is disturbing is that someone would get rid of their pets just for a lay. Never should have had them in the first place. Its like saying your kids are in the way of you dating someone.......so you take them to child services. Thats selfish.
9/7/2008 2:33:50 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Amarillo, TX
age: 37
Every one that said no is sadly a freakin idiot! How can you compare an animal to a person? Have you lost your senses? 
9/7/2008 2:38:47 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Amarillo, TX
age: 37
Every one on here who said no is a freakin idiot! How can you compare an animal to a person? Have you lost your senses people? There is no argument valid enough.
9/9/2008 4:41:15 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Elko, NV
age: 60
Jose, anyone who truly cared for another person would never ask them to give up something they loved. You sound like a control freak and will probably turn out to be a wife beater, If you ever find a girl unlucky enough to marry you.
My animals came first. Anyone who does not at least tolerate them does not deserve me! Allergies can be controlled by antihistamine. I know because I am allergic to the cats that use me as a pillow every night.
9/12/2008 11:41:31 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 48
Every one on here who said no is a freakin idiot! How can you compare an animal to a person? Have you lost your senses people? There is no argument valid enough.
You must not have or love a pet. I would never give up my dog for anyone. She has been there for me and licked away my tears. She knows when I am hurting and will lay in my lap. She has alot of empathy. A pet doesnt lie to you, cheat on you, abuse you, call you names, now they may argue with you about going potty in the rain but hey just put their rain coat on.
They love us unconditionally even when we yell at them because of a bad day. Mine goes everywhere with me. Had a man I was chatting with say that he hated Jack Russells and I said Im sorry hope you have luck in finding what you are looking for. He called me a few choice words and told me I would be alone the rest of my life. But you know what thats ok because I wont get that kind of attitude or treatment from Rinky Dink.
So until you own a pet and have experience what all us have you have no right to judge us. Men and Women come and go in our lives but our pets will always be there when we get home so excited to see us like it has been years. Ill take that anyday.
9/13/2008 4:22:24 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Amarillo, TX
age: 37
I have a wonderful german shepard and a cat. If I was to meet someone who was allergic to either I would find them a good home. My point is this people. I'm not going to deprive myself of having a meaningful relationship with a person because of selfish reasons. In life we have to make compromises if we wish to share it with someone else. Obviously we would match better with another animal lover, and if we find ourselves involved with someone who isn't then who is the stupid one? Get a grip people, if we choose animals every single time over human beings how can we complain about being lonely. When it rains we can either stay inside of get an umbrella and face the rain. What surprises me is that the majority of the people are much older who choose animals over people, it's really quite disturbing. You figured they would know better by now.
9/13/2008 4:57:26 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Watkins Glen, NY
age: 46
I have six gorgeous cats (hence my nom de plume) and if I had a choice between them and some of the men I have dated the cats would win hands down. They love me no matter what I look like, no matter if I say the wrong thing at a party, no matter what. They dont care that Im disabled or that I have a face that could sink a thousand ships instead of launch them. I would give most anyone a shoulder to cry on or the shirt off my back if they needed me, but give up my babies...NEVER 
9/13/2008 6:21:32 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Amarillo, TX
age: 37
I have a wonderful german shepard and a cat. If I was to meet someone who was allergic to either I would find them a good home. My point is this people. I'm not going to deprive myself of having a meaningful relationship with a person because of selfish reasons. In life we have to make compromises if we wish to share it with someone else. Obviously we would match better with another animal lover, and if we find ourselves involved with someone who isn't then who is the stupid one? Get a grip people, if we choose animals every single time over human beings how can we complain about being lonely. When it rains we can either stay inside of get an umbrella and face the rain. What surprises me is that the majority of the people are much older who choose animals over people, it's really quite disturbing. You figured they would know better by now.
p.s. had them for
six years.
9/13/2008 7:58:17 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Chino Hills, CA
age: 34
NO MATTER HOW I LIKE OR LOVE A MAN,HE CAN GET LOST,BUT IM KEEPING MY DOG...MY DOG WILL ALWAYS BE LOYAL AND WILL NEVER JUDGE ME!!!...but if he accepts everythng that i have,in return,ill give him everything i can to make him happy...  
9/13/2008 10:34:19 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Rochester, NY
age: 38
9/14/2008 11:15:45 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 48
I have been in relationships since I have had my dog. And I am now still single. Why becuase they were jerks, users, boozers and made my life miserable. A pet shows their true colors 24/7, Men wait until they have hooked us to show theirs. I am sorry you gave up your pets. There are things people can take if they are allergic. I am allergic to cat and dog danger (which mine has) take an over the counter drug works just fine. I let whom ever i go out with that I have a jack russell and if they state that they dont care for them. Well they either dont come to my house or that is it the relationship is over. But I will NEVER give up my pets. Oh I am not one of the older people on here and I am not lonely. I am alone by but not lonely. Maybe if you hadnt given up your pets you would have a better attitude and be happier.
9/14/2008 11:18:54 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 48
What surprises me is that the majority of the people are much older who choose animals over people, it's really quite disturbing. You figured they would know better by now. |
9/14/2008 4:39:16 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

West Chazy, NY
age: 53
Would never give up my 2 cats they mean the world to me.....
9/16/2008 9:21:19 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Tulare, SD
age: 51
What surprises me is that the majority of the people are much older who choose animals over people, it's really quite disturbing. You figured they would know better by now. p.s. had them for six years.
Yea we do know better........are pets are more loyal than humans. And there is nothing distrubing about it either. What is disturbing is that someone would get rid of their pets just for a lay. Never should have had them in the first place. Its like saying your kids are in the way of you dating someone.......so you take them to child services. Thats selfish.
Almost forgot the first part of this quote came from Jose. I agree with Wantto and think I understand where Jose is coming from also. However the question is not a choice of saving a person or pet (sorry enemies are not part of this choice either). The question is more based on things that could be addressed without a loss of life or spirit. To me, I would try to find a way to deal with the problem -- compromise is the basis of all relationships. The other person most likely will know what he is facing before the relationship becomes very serious so there would be no healthy reason to become demanding later. However, if someone is giving me an ultimatum (does not matter if it is even for me to get rid of a dust bunny or he will leave ) I will have to say goodbye to the control freak. I speak from experience because I am trying to get over a lifetime of being with controlling people. I know from experience that if the other person expects you to get rid of animals because of their own comfort, there will be other things you will have to give up. Where does it end -- I can show you (if you want to meet) that the person would end up allowing someone else to take his/her spirit. Thus, I do not agree with Jose if he thinks it is about choosing people over animals or animals over people -- it is about loyalty, love, life's impacts.
9/17/2008 12:19:43 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Springtown, TX
age: 60
There is no way I could do that. He would just have to learn to get along with her, or find the door. She has been with me nearly 10 years, proved herself to be my very best friend, and we have been through alot together.
9/18/2008 5:33:32 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Covington, GA
age: 62
Never! In fact I just quit dating a guy who told me I should have my 11 year old lab "put down" because he is on medication for a thyroid condition. And he told me that he didn't understand anyone who would let their dog live inside!