11/17/2007 12:53:34 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Riverdale, NJ
age: 48
Say that he/she has allergies. Or that your pet really doesnt like the person. Or he/she dislikes your pet. Or complains that pet sleeps in bed and anti social behavior. (saw that in another thread).
What would you do if your partner said 'its me or the dog, cat, ferret, etc..'
For me i would never give up my pet. has been with me for over 11 yrs. but even if i had my pet for a month, wouldnt do it. doesnt have to luv my cat but no way am gonna give him up for someone else.
11/17/2007 1:48:17 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 56
Whats next, after you give up something you love..
There's things you can take for allergies.
"your pet really doesnt like the person" You know they say Pets and kids can tell!!!
I would leave it up to the dog, cat, ferret, etc, who goes..
Later, Blu
[Edited 11/17/2007 1:50:48 PM]
11/17/2007 4:58:34 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Galion, OH
age: 47
I have a general rule. My pet knows best. If my pet doesn't like them, then he might know something I don't 
My pet is part of my lifestyle. Someone who wants to reorganize my life doesn't really belong. Been there, done that.
11/18/2007 2:08:06 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
As I said in the other thread, the guy for me would not expect me to give up my family.
11/18/2007 8:21:50 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Saylorsburg, PA
age: 41
no way i would never give up my pets, the one reason i bought this place was lots of land and woods for my cats to run and play.
11/18/2007 12:10:47 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Riverdale, NJ
age: 48
pets love us unconditionally. they dont want to give US away. how can you live with self if unload a pet cause another person doesnt want it there.
even if the pet was placed in another home and happy there.. would break my heart. would miss my markie tooo much. wouldnt do it ever.
used to volunteer at an animal shelter and had many who wanted to place their pets. moving and landlord doesnt allow. or new baby soon. or not potty trained. was very sad.
[Edited 11/18/2007 12:11:19 PM]
11/18/2007 1:28:03 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Hollywood, FL
age: 39
I would never give up my pet for anyone. Pets give you love 24/7 unlike humans.
11/18/2007 1:53:45 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 56
BIG DIFFERENT , thats why PETS are usually with us a life time..
Later, Blu
11/18/2007 8:33:16 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Overland Park, KS
age: 47
I had to leave my cat in Florida to escape from my now X husband. My now X didn't like my son but he like the cat ... go figure 
11/19/2007 12:27:11 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Everton, MO
age: 53
Jose and I are a package deal. Love me love my dog. And if he don't like you then I would say there is something wrong with the man because Jose loves everyone.
11/19/2007 8:33:57 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Spring, TX
age: 55
my little dog, peanut, is great. he's very defensive if you stand outside the door, but once you are invited in, he's in your lap in a heartbeat.
when we travel to visit a lady friend, he goes with me. sometimes he is required to stay outside or inside his travel pen. My friends have pets, cats.. etc, and Peanut loves cats as much as i do, he thinks they taste like chicken as well.
his staying inside his travel pen tells you how much i'd give up for a friend. he's important, but i need a 'people' companion. he'll learn to accept. trust me, i'm good to my dog. some jobs i travel out of town, and my dog goes with me. always.
just my opinion though...
peace... don't be hatin'
11/19/2007 6:12:03 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Riverdale, NJ
age: 48
photo, its hard to explain if never had a pet that was really attached to. their a member of the family. unconditional means that they want to be around their owners no matter what. even if you have a rotten day or smell funny.
at same time, it doesnt mean that you should allow your pet to act out badly to someone that care about. or anyone. thats irresponsible training.
its not choosing animals over people or vice versa. its about not giving up your pet member of family.
11/19/2007 6:40:00 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Omaha, NE
age: 54
My ex used to say "it is me or the cat." The kids would tell their dad that they would miss him.

11/19/2007 9:28:23 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Martinsville, VA
age: 58
no way love my dog
11/19/2007 10:40:22 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Athens, GA
age: 29
well photo this gets back to something you and I talked about once. Whether you think animals have a soul or not. A lot of animal lovers, myself included, beleive that animals do. Thus to give them away at the behest of a potential partner is like being asked to abandon our kids. For those of you who don't think animals have souls, or at least not souls that are on par with humans, it seems like it's a no brainer. It all depends on what you believe.