11/25/2007 5:45:51 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Appleton, WI
age: 54
No way..as stated earlier in the thread..dogs have great intuition,,if she doesnt like the person then they wernt the one for me.
11/25/2007 9:45:26 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Flint, MI
age: 56
11/25/2007 6:07:40 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Des Moines, IA
age: 58
That's a different thread Slink, by the way..where you been? Regarding this question, I would have to ask myself which one did I love the best, the pet or the person. If it was a definate choice I had to make, that's how it's going down...which one do I love the most. I'm going to be honest about it too, don't be mad, just leave. I'll find a good home for the dog if it turns out I love you more than the dog. It's a very situational question so if you've been tossed out over a pet, your probably gonna feel some pain over this, just move on forget it, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Channa
[Edited 11/25/2007 6:08:39 PM]
11/25/2007 8:03:49 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Des Moines, IA
age: 58
Sometimes all you have is a dog to stand by you, then you get very protective and loyal. It's a good trait for a human or an animal. If you won't throw your dog over for a new love, then maybe when you've established your own loyalty maybe the same person won't throw you over for something new. I think it's pretty important not to try to hook up with others who have real extreme differences in likes and dislikes. Channa
11/25/2007 10:46:10 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Des Moines, IA
age: 58
Nah, when you find the right person you will fit right in with the kids or pets or it isn't mate material. If there is mutual respect and love, drastic actions like giving up a pet don't even come into play. Something just doesn't seem right here with this topic. Not enough information to make it worth arguing over. You're right, it's stupid.
11/26/2007 12:08:33 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Des Moines, IA
age: 58
I'm not getting in any bed where someone elses dog sleeps. There, do we agree on anything yet slink?   It's just wrong that someone would want your dog in bed with them...get the heck out of there!!!
I have to go now, the dog's barking....wants me to come to bed..more mockery...bye
[Edited 11/26/2007 12:15:47 AM]
11/26/2007 12:20:05 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Des Moines, IA
age: 58
I'll never sleep with a dog unless there is no man left on earth that will have me, and I haven't asked them all yet... You are young, there is plenty of hope left for you, not to worry, just shake off the fleas and run I say...Channa
11/26/2007 1:07:02 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Des Moines, IA
age: 58
You might have some of that ESP yourself but not in this case, you got it wrong, I sort of even like you, don't give a rats a** if you care but I admire the skill at which you play your game. No insult intended. Channa
11/26/2007 8:11:18 AM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Des Moines, IA
age: 58
Okay, I've been thinkin' about this in my sleep and now I have an answer which I think is the correct one, for me. "For me" being the operative phrase here. No I wouldn't even give up a pet caterpillar in a jar, in a cocoon stage, for anyone, if that was my pet. Are we bored yet? 
11/26/2007 6:10:32 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Wauconda, IL
age: 52
hey, WOW you guys /n gals are really funny! luv that last exchange --
this is a pertinent subject: many angles to the argument. and it IS a relative situation requiring compromise.
post from Peach way back there said: <<"how much are you willing to let a potential partner dictate how your life should be lead?" If they are going to ask you to get rid of a creature you care greatly for, where will it end? As you said photo, part of finding love is compromise, although I personally think that an equal part of love should be acceptance. It's a delicate balance to make a relationship work, that's for sure, at the very least>>
compromise. acceptance. it IS a delicate balance to make it work. I've been wth this boy-to-man for 15 yrs. Now we speak of living together but First, GET RID of your CATS!
not good. we talk about it; he doesn't like the smell of the catbox. Trust me, I clean it. however, I do not notice any scent anymore; perhaps have high tolerance for it.
They pee in bathtub occasionally and that smells. yes.
So I clean it.
Then he says he won't come over to my condo because of the cat hair all over. it gets on hnis clothing and then gets in to his car, and where he sits at work.
(this is a globalized thinker we have here).
does it sound as tho there is some exagerration here? yes, I notice cat fur on my clothing, but not excessive amounts.
Is he jealous of the affection I have for my animals? is it a cleanliness issue?
He has said he just does not want ot live with animals. would be OK if we had a farmhouse . . .

11/27/2007 5:25:52 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Roberta, GA
age: 48
NO!!! Way….. I would never give up my pets. My pet love me no matter what, they are always there for me and me for them. Let’s put it this a way I had 2 marriages, one of 4 years second was 25 years , yes I SAID 25 years, And they both had girl friend……… My pets will never leave me and they will always love me. They are my Babies…..
11/27/2007 10:49:36 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Des Moines, IA
age: 58
I have found that having a pet does not make it hard to find a partner, a huge percent of the single population has pets and will hook up with other singles with pets. They're out there pet lovers, you just have to find each other, keep walking those dogs.
11/29/2007 12:39:17 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |
Des Moines, IA
age: 58
Well you're not staying on topic so I won't either...Would you leave your pet's droppings for someone else to step in? I was at the school yard with my grandson this past summer and a young couple was teaching their huge pit bull to climb the slide. He got up there and half way down the poor pooch pooped. I didn't know this until almost to late. The couple left right away then as my grandson and I approched the slide. Lucky I went to the end to catch him, got there before he got to the top and began yelling my lungs out for him to stop. "Stop, stop, stop, poop on the slide!!!! I shot a hateful glare at the car pulling away from the playground. My grandson climbed back down the stairs and we went to a couple of the other slides. Lucky we got a hell of a rain later that same day so I can only hope.... Don't let your pet be someone else's nightmare. Don't give them up, just be responsible so they don't make it a bad day for someone else. Channa
11/29/2007 1:26:42 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Elgin, TX
age: 62
I have had cats all my life. Love me- love my kitties!
11/29/2007 1:27:01 PM |
Would you give up your pet for someone else? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 56
Slinky: Do you really believe animals don't think ?
Later, Blu
[Edited 11/29/2007 1:27:52 PM]