3/16/2010 3:14:54 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Corpus Christi, TX
60, joined Nov. 2009
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/12/2010 11:35:02 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Beech Island, SC
67, joined Oct. 2009
It's all a red flag. You just can't know a person from a few lines to get what they are really about. Or from a photo. With some there are definate points of warnings. I have yet to read a profile that states any of the following......
I am an overpowering control freak b*tch that has been in an institution off and on over the years. On 4 medications to control my personality and anger issues.
I have a police record.
I have screwed anyone that would look at me.
I hate sex.
I think all men are jerks and only there for my demands.
I can't keep a relationship as all men are pigs and cheat.
I am really 450 pounds of blubber.
My photo is really 15 years old. You won't recognise me now.
My clock is ticking and time is running out. I NEED A MAN NOW..!!!
The red flags are in the writings in the forums and personal messages they write to you. That's where the truth comes out. In how your answered. In what they state they won't tolerate. General demeanor through conversation. I have yet met one that were exactly what they stated in their profiles. Or in their personal messages. When you have time to think about what you put in a profile you can make yourself appealing to others.
There have been many times where a meeting hasn't happened. The thought that comes to mind is what they wrote going to be totally different then who they really are in person? Thus chicken out, using some lame excuse why they couldn't meet. Seems kids and grandkids get blamed for a lot of things for reasons why the meeting can't take place. Rather then the truth. "I lied like hell on my profile and if we meet you'll see that." 
4/12/2010 12:17:16 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Cedar Grove, WV
74, joined Mar. 2008
Or a picture taken from such a distance, that you cannot really see their face plainly.

4/14/2010 6:43:37 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Raleigh, NC
54, joined Dec. 2009
Any of the following words or phrases:
Friends first
Kids come first
Real man
prove to me
Must have/be
Soul mate
God fearing
more than 1 pet pic
no full body pic
obviously outdated pics
sexpot screen names (XXXhotvixen4U)...apologies, if there's an actual member w/ that name.
4/18/2010 3:04:53 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Minden, NV
61, joined Sep. 2007
"A few extra pounds"
That's always a red flag. I can deal with a few extra pounds, but that line is usually indicative of dozens of extra pounds.
[Edited 4/18/2010 3:08:06 AM ]
4/19/2010 10:55:22 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Pearland, TX
57, joined Jan. 2010
Almost all women have "someone that doesn't play games"
Has anyone ever met a woman that didn't play games? Granted, some don't mean to, but it's in their nature.
[Edited 4/19/2010 10:55:45 AM ]
4/25/2010 2:49:42 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Lubbock, TX
63, joined Apr. 2010
When they mention that they have been in an "abusive" relationship. I often wonder what the other side of that story would be.
4/26/2010 7:27:41 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Beech Island, SC
67, joined Oct. 2009
Almost all women have "someone that doesn't play games"
Has anyone ever met a woman that didn't play games? Granted, some don't mean to, but it's in their nature.
That's because they don't want the competition. 
4/28/2010 9:02:57 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Phillipsburg, NJ
54, joined Feb. 2010
If she requires a picture, it tells me she is obsessed with looks.
5/18/2010 9:01:51 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Wilmington, DE
60, joined May. 2010
Red flag #1: Owns a cat (okay, well maybe, but she would have to be REALLY hot)
Red Flag #2: A few extra pounds
Red flag #3: Owns a cat AND a few extra pounds
Red flag #4: Owns more than one cat(I don't care how hot or talented she is, she's crazy)
Red flag #5: You have seen the same profile on 5 different dating sites with different ages/requirements
Red flag #6: You saw her profile 6 years ago before your last relationship, and she is still here, using the same old picture.
Red Flag #7: Involved in some obscure religion you have never heard of (I don't want to end up as the "Wicker man")
Red flag #8: Activities include walking, knitting, reading, or other sedentary stuff... (translation see #2)
5/19/2010 4:34:46 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Novi, MI
33, joined Dec. 2009
#1 Immature (Which shows up in many forms, but I think we all know it when we see it)
#2 Insecure (Same stipulation as above)
#3 Dishonest (About weight, job, kids, anything)
My biggest is dishonest. I couldn't care less if you work at Speedway as a gas pump attendant while your going to school for a degree or if your a highly paid lawyer... as long as your not ashamed of it and don't lie about it.
5/19/2010 6:45:54 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Cedar Grove, WV
74, joined Mar. 2008
If she is plug ugly .
5/20/2010 2:22:59 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Surprise, AZ
64, joined Sep. 2009
works out X number of times a week. That means that if I start dating her she's gonna want to start dragging me to the gym or b*tching about my weight!
5/20/2010 4:18:34 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Wilmington, DE
60, joined May. 2010
I know a lot of you guys are serious, but a lot of you are joking as well. The only real red flags for me are cats. I'm allergic, plus I just don't like them. Filthy animals in my book.
And as you well know, it is very difficult to write about yourself, what you like, want, etc. So I don't dismiss anyone immediately for so called "red flags" with few exceptions. An obviously old picture being one. No picture being #2. A few extra pounds means nothing to me.(within reason, a BBW doesn't work for me)
But that aside, there are things that you may not find out about someone until you have been dating them for a while. That's when the real red flags come out. A criminal past. Drug use. Kids that are criminals or druggies. A whacko ex that won't let her move on, etc You know what they are. The kinds of things that can negatively impact your relationship with that person or harm you or your future with or without them.
5/26/2010 11:18:37 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Anniston, AL
33, joined May. 2010
Red Flags:
- Not knowing the difference between 'then' and 'than'... or between 'to' 'too' and 'two'... or between 'your' and 'you're'.
- Girls who sound like they only have an elementary education with their grammar and spelling.
- Girls with too many 'MySpace' style photos (pouty lips, over head emo angles, throwing deuces, and parting their fingers with thier tongues.
- Profiles with no text.
- Women who have children that do not live with them.
- Man bashers.
- Women who are on dating web sites who are not looking to date people.
- A woman who says they are "athletic" or "thin" in build but obviously where an 18 sized dress.
- Women who only have head shots... or shots that are at least 5 years old....
I could go on for days...
5/27/2010 9:30:55 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Indianapolis, IN
36, joined May. 2010
5/31/2010 12:34:19 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Raleigh, NC
52, joined May. 2009
If their profile looks like too many others. (A Ton of them look a like)
Too Religious
Focuses on their kids
Pictures of their kids or some dude in it
Pictures of them in a bar or club
Says Dancing etc.... Key Words for they are going on your tab to have a good time.
6/1/2010 5:37:40 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Bristol, CT
47, joined Jan. 2010
When I read "I am independant and don't need anything from anybody". I met two women liked this and both of them were in financial ruin and were asking for help with in a month of dating.
"My kids come first"...All well and good and I can understand caring for children, but if you are going to date and see it go somewhere, you HAVE to make time for it and the person.
6/1/2010 6:19:00 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Raleigh, NC
52, joined May. 2009
When I read "I am independant and don't need anything from anybody". I met two women liked this and both of them were in financial ruin and were asking for help with in a month of dating.
"My kids come first"...All well and good and I can understand caring for children, but if you are going to date and see it go somewhere, you HAVE to make time for it and the person.
Yeah they use their kids against you and to get money out of you.
The 1st time I heard My Kids Come 1st I am gone because I don't give a shit.
You will hear that statement all the freaking time for as long as the relationship lasts and even if you end up getting married.
They will use those kids as the excuse for everything they do.
You will always be last to them no matter what.
Run like hell I say......
[Edited 6/1/2010 6:34:33 AM ]
6/1/2010 12:05:41 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Cape Coral, FL
54, joined Sep. 2009
I really can't say anything that was not already stated. I've been laughing my a** off because everything said is sooooo TRUE.
Here is one: Wwhen you send them an email they don't answer back but in their profile they state to talk/email/chat with them.
If you are not interested then just say so but i guess ignoring someone gets the message across...lol.
6/2/2010 1:26:13 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Raleigh, NC
52, joined May. 2009
I really can't say anything that was not already stated. I've been laughing my a** off because everything said is sooooo TRUE.
Here is one: Wwhen you send them an email they don't answer back but in their profile they state to talk/email/chat with them.
If you are not interested then just say so but i guess ignoring someone gets the message across...lol.
Well yeah most of them are full of shit I can tell you that. 
Never believe anything that is in their profiles and take everything they say with a grain of salt because most of them are liars just trying to get into the next fat wallet. 
6/8/2010 3:30:27 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
69, joined Jul. 2007
25 year old photos---6 dogs--8 kids---NO car--No electricity--5th divorce---Drama queen has been the victim of every crime except murder (obviously)---Over zealous religion type--Looking for the man to provide an immigration subsidy. Ten toes--3 on one foot--7 on the other. WALMART GOLD CARD SHOPPER. Missing front teeth. Back woods trailer park resident-- or--HARLEY DAVIDSON tattoo on her ass.
6/9/2010 1:55:07 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Brampton, ON
41, joined May. 2010
old-fashioned, traditional - She wants you to pay which makes her a wh*re, not a partner.
looking for a "real man" - She's looking for a sucker who will kiss her butt
is turned off by "cheap" men - Means she wants a sugar daddy and offers nothing
refers to herself as a princess - Means she's spoiled rotten. Rotten is the key word here.
I also love the ones who say "The one who asks the other out should pay, regardless of gender." and then never asks anyone out. She actually believes she's not sexist!
I could go on about word use all day but this next one NEEDS to be said!
I'm leery of anyone who talks themselves in circles like: "I'm soft, but hard. I'm agreeable, but argumentative. I'm proud, but humble." - I swear, that causes my "SHE'S RETARDED!" alarm to go off louder than any spelling error would!

[Edited 6/9/2010 1:58:08 AM ]
6/11/2010 8:37:27 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Raleigh, NC
52, joined May. 2009
old-fashioned, traditional - She wants you to pay which makes her a wh*re, not a partner.
looking for a "real man" - She's looking for a sucker who will kiss her butt
is turned off by "cheap" men - Means she wants a sugar daddy and offers nothing
refers to herself as a princess - Means she's spoiled rotten. Rotten is the key word here.
I also love the ones who say "The one who asks the other out should pay, regardless of gender." and then never asks anyone out. She actually believes she's not sexist!
I could go on about word use all day but this next one NEEDS to be said!
I'm leery of anyone who talks themselves in circles like: "I'm soft, but hard. I'm agreeable, but argumentative. I'm proud, but humble." - I swear, that causes my "SHE'S RETARDED!" alarm to go off louder than any spelling error would!

They are all screwed up in the head these days....
When I read most of the profiles I just start laughing because they are so full of crap it's pathetic.
6/11/2010 3:20:04 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Foley, AL
25, joined May. 2010
A few extra pounds should not even be on the menu. The choices should be narrowed down to: slender, athletic, and obese.
6/12/2010 7:50:19 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Raleigh, NC
52, joined May. 2009
Looking for a Good man...... 
That means they are looking for a sucker that they can use and drain until the next sucker comes a long.
6/12/2010 3:19:19 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Kane, PA
55, joined Jul. 2007
i have a policy that states "No pic, no me."
distance, when they live in the same state and are not willing to travel, when they can, because i am limited in that department
i hate all caps too or cutsy writing too. of corse as you can see i am just the other way using no caps.
"a few extra pounds" says to me fat so i do not want them
i cant criticize them for misuse of punctuation because i use none
*as far as misspelling goes we all misspell or more to the point its a typo not a error in spelling
looking for mr right or something like that and a good amount of those who are looking for "that one true love" have probably been married or co-habitated with a man atleast once
*as far as poor gramer goes most people type like they speak
*excuses for such things
6/13/2010 6:35:21 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Raleigh, NC
52, joined May. 2009
I have 4 kids..... 
[Edited 6/13/2010 6:36:31 AM ]
6/16/2010 12:21:16 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Sebeka, MN
36, joined Jan. 2010
You know, I don't even know anymore; I think I've relegated the responsiblity to my subconscious. If you open the profile and think "uh-no." God diggers, b*tches, users, schwankers, blue-ballers, hypocrites, snobs, Meercat Manor stars (LOL) hosers, perfectionists, narcissists...frankly I don't know what all the belly-aching is about?? We have choices up the ass. Uh!--I mean out the ass. Is there a difference today? 
More or less the profiles read the same (and, like a rich kid trying to screw their lives up, how the hell failure prevails is an enigma); "I have had a mostly wonderful life, I'm accomplished in everything known to humanity, I'm happy, I like meeting new people, but don't really need to, I'm working on my seventeenth doctorate, and tomorrow I'll be closing on my eleventh property on Boca Grande--yippee for me!! Anything you wanna' know, feel free to (waste yer' f**kin' time) and ask!" Hee hee hee hee hee--I'm lovin' it!
6/16/2010 12:40:55 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Raleigh, NC
52, joined May. 2009
You know, I don't even know anymore; I think I've relegated the responsiblity to my subconscious. If you open the profile and think "uh-no." God diggers, b*tches, users, schwankers, blue-ballers, hypocrites, snobs, Meercat Manor stars (LOL) hosers, perfectionists, narcissists...frankly I don't know what all the belly-aching is about?? We have choices up the ass. Uh!--I mean out the ass. Is there a difference today?
More or less the profiles read the same (and, like a rich kid trying to screw their lives up, how the hell failure prevails is an enigma); "I have had a mostly wonderful life, I'm accomplished in everything known to humanity, I'm happy, I like meeting new people, but don't really need to, I'm working on my seventeenth doctorate, and tomorrow I'll be closing on my eleventh property on Boca Grande--yippee for me!! Anything you wanna' know, feel free to (waste yer' f**kin' time) and ask!" Hee hee hee hee hee--I'm lovin' it!
Yeah that's pretty much how they all read.... 
6/17/2010 3:00:48 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Staten Island, NY
71, joined Jun. 2010
Women who write they are looking for "their first last date"! Or, "How many frogs do I have to kiss......"! Or, "My family comes first"! Or, "I enjoy the finer things in life"! Or, "I like fine dining"!
The last 2 are great because most women expect men to pay 100% for BOTH of our finer things in life and couldn't tell the difference between cheddar cheese and yellow American.
6/18/2010 9:48:24 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Raleigh, NC
52, joined May. 2009
When they start talking about Religion in their profile or posts it's a huge Red Flag....
They are the ones who are fanatics about it.... They think they are Holy... 
[Edited 6/18/2010 9:49:33 AM ]
7/18/2010 8:31:08 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Greensboro, NC
49, joined Dec. 2009
My red flags:
Number one has to be pictures of cats dressed up in outfits. Also, since I am highly allergic to cats, I have never met a women worth taking a trip to the ER for after date so I can get a shot of Epi to stop the Anaphylactic shock.
Another red flag is when all of there pics of of groups of attractive women with one ugly fat chick and they aren't ID'd in the photo - they're usually the fat ugly one.
One picture of them, 14 pics of their kids/friends/pets/beach sunsets/etc. I want to see you, not all of this other crap.
When they type in that stupid a** Up and Down typing, ie: Hi EvErYoNe! I LuV tO tYpE lIkE mY mIdDlE sChOoL DaUgHtEr BeCaUsE It MaTcHeS My MeNtAlItY....
But my favorite red flag is when they say they are a teacher and you can barely read their profile because of the EXTREMELY poor grammar and spelling. No wonder our kids can't read and write if they have morons for teachers. I guess "Hooked on Phonics" didn't work for them.
7/20/2010 11:38:51 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Pocatello, ID
57, joined Apr. 2010
I agree with "a few extra pounds" does anyone have any idea how many pounds a few extra pounds are? some say that, and look like an over grown gorilla in their picture, so it must be quite a few, ok, men lets see if we can determine how many "a few extra pounds " is 
well if you need to go to the coop and weigh them on the big scale!  
7/25/2010 6:14:30 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Fletcher, NC
49, joined May. 2010
you guys are killing me,lmfao! you see alot of profiles that say "Im not looking for just sex so if you are then go to the next profile" why do so many think we are out for that?
7/28/2010 5:22:45 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
60, joined Dec. 2009
^^^^^^ They are telling you they're easy!!! 
OK, here's my very long list along with explanations...
Let's start with what I look at first and go from there:
The screen name.The screen name says soooo much. Boring screen names like their initials and a zip code show a complete lack of imagination. Screen names containing the word "mom" like stevesmom tells you her whole sense of identity is wrapped up in steve. Screen names containing the word "sweet" I have found to be a code name for "doormat" and lastly, have you ever noticed that a screen name containing the word "sexy" is rarely ever attached to a profile of a sexy woman?
What makes me message someone? How about I tell you what makes me NOT message someone?
Marital status is next, if you're seperated then you are still married and I'm not interested.
After that I look at the pictures... especially the last picture as for some reason it's usually closer to the truth than the main photo ever is. And those who dont post a full body shot, guess what... we all know they're fat. They're not fooling anyone 'cause the skinny chicks post full body shots! I also look for pictures that give a clear facial shot as again, experience has taught me that if you cant see their face, they are probably butt ugly.
After that I look for keywords like "bad boy" as that shows the woman hasn't matured into a complete woman and is still looking for someone to tame... either that or she is she only atracts the bad boys which means she's seriously co-dependent or drama based.
What age ranges is she looking for? An extreme one way or another (i.e. she's 50 looking for 30 year olds) tells me there are more issues there then I want to deal with.
After that I look for their laundry list of must haves/must not haves. Its been my experience that the longer one is out of a realtionship the shorter that list gets. Long lists come from people newly out of bad relationships.
Then I look for self-esteem... just reading "my friends say..." is an automatic click for next! Hell, they've lived with themselves their entire life and they can't do any better than tell me what their friends say? I bet those friends also say they can be an insensitive a** at times but do they tell me that part?!?!? 
Next I look for kindness and a sense for how she might be in social situations. I'm not interested in a woman with anger issues or a stick in the mud. Also I'm not interested in no class... a jeans kinda girl is fine but if she cant wear a gown to a formal she doesnt fit with me
Next I look for how well she expresses herself. Can she clearly state who she is and give me a sense of what she's about? Does she leave room for a conversation starter or does her profile leave no where to go? Is there anything clever in her profile? An interesting hobby?
Lastly I look for originality... One more "walk on the beach" profile and I'll shoot myself. Hell, if even 1/2 the women that professed to like walks on the beach actually walked on the beach then A) there wouldnt be so many fat women and B) guys wouldnt be on these sites... we'd all be at the freaking beach!
So, if after all of that she still seems interesting, I'll save her off to my favorites for a few days and go back and read her profile again and see if I'm still interested. If I am then I will drop her a note.
And the last time I posted this I got 30 emails from angry women and several follow on posts asking me how this was working for me. I wont respond to anger except maybe to pour a little gas (OK, so a LOT of gas) on their fire and this actually works quite well for me because I am looking for quality over quantity.
7/30/2010 3:25:48 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Alexander, AR
57, joined May. 2010
A big red flag is when they say they're looking for someone to make them happy. Happiness doesn't depend on finding someone to make you happy. Only yourself can make you happy. Other wise they probably have a problem with depression or a drama queen.
8/3/2010 12:25:53 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Ottawa, KS
57, joined Oct. 2009
I dont have many red flags, the main one for me is if they love the night life of the big city.
8/21/2010 9:00:39 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Amarillo, TX
58, joined Mar. 2009
Wow, did you all forget that you are on a dating site here? I can't figure out for the life of me why you all are even on this site? Bashing women is certainly NOT going to get you a date. I think you should all just delete your profile and go live under a rock.  
8/23/2010 6:20:26 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Salt Lake City, UT
47, joined Jul. 2010
Bagging on anyone. No time for haters. 
Complaining. While this might cause me to feel sorry for you. It rarely causes me to be attracted to you.
When ever I hear take me as I am. ect.
I translate it too "I'm not interested in improving myself",
although this might be unfair.
8/23/2010 7:33:41 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Salt Lake City, UT
47, joined Jul. 2010
I have a few questions, I use to help determine where their head is at.
If you won a random contest and could keep $10,000 for yourself or give away $100,000 to a stranger of your choice, which would you do.
If you could live for a year in perfect happiness but afterwords not remember any of it.
Would you do it. Why or why not?
8/28/2010 6:21:38 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Bristol, CT
47, joined Jan. 2010
1)What they write indicates no social life, which means she will be a cling-on!
2)Every picture of her is taken in a bar with a drink in her hand, which means a stint in AA isn't far behind!
3)The statement "My kids are my life!" I've heard and seen this and it was true! They were moms and nothing else. All other aspects of their life were in shambles.
4)Poor grammar!
5)She can't seem to dress her self!
6)Women who post their picture with their newborn child....seriously I've seen this one! There should be a law!
8/28/2010 1:19:56 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Las Cruces, NM
52, joined Feb. 2008
A big red flag is when they say they're looking for someone to make them happy. Happiness doesn't depend on finding someone to make you happy. Only yourself can make you happy. Other wise they probably have a problem with depression or a drama queen.
I absolutely 100% agree with you!

8/30/2010 5:54:31 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Salt Lake City, UT
47, joined Jul. 2010
I absolutely 100% agree with you!


That without a doubt is my #1 issue.
9/1/2010 11:58:03 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Wichita Falls, TX
34, joined Aug. 2010
Oh boy, where do I even begin! 
9/2/2010 9:52:09 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Cedar Grove, WV
74, joined Mar. 2008
when they have a long list of the things they require in a man. and the uglier the women are, the longer their list is. 
9/10/2010 1:35:58 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Tyler, TX
51, joined Sep. 2010
Hey I'm new hear. But I want to give you men props. I couldn't find 1 post I didn't agree with. The only thing I think I might be able to add is. A woman you start A dialog with, all of a sudden just stop communicating with you. I'm in no way vulgar..ever. But at least give me a F@%# off or something...lol
9/10/2010 5:48:54 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Seattle, WA
44, joined Jan. 2008
Thanks to all the men who posted here for this thread, I had no idea it would have such endurance when I started it....
9/12/2010 8:37:01 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Manchester, NH
49, joined Aug. 2010
When all they do is talk about their 2 or more kids...she's looking for a replacement daddy.
God this, God that...highly religious. I had one trying to convert me to Christianity in the 1st email!
Misspellings and WRITING LIKE THIS and shorthand like "u cum 2 c me."
A few extra pounds is classic...usually accompanied by no full length pics...she's likely more than a few extra pounds.
Pics are all blurry, meaning she doesn't really want to reveal that she is not as pretty as she says she is. Let's face it, most of them have faced that we are visual creatures and we wont respond if their pics don't compliment them.
Pics of the kids or animals outnumber the pics of her.
No pics at all. Some have reasonable explanations and if they say pic available on request at least we know there might be more of a reason than they are afraid that they are too ugly. This shows no confidence in themselves at all.
"Will reply to all." They just want all the emails to aid their self esteem, they rarely reply to all email, they reply to the GQ guy or don't reply at all, sometimes just all the email gives them the ego boost they wanted.
Not a single picture shows them smiling.
On the other end of the pic spectrum, they show very sexy outfits, leggy shots, etc...must be something missing in the personality to feel the need to show how hot she is...maybe her only positive trait. Plus she'll leave in in a heartbeat for Mr. GQ, rich guy.
Pics with a bunch of girls...okay which one is her? She's a partier and conducts "male bashing" regularly with her girlfriends. This will be about you.
"I work a lot and have kids, so I don't have any time to date"...so? WTF is this supposed to mean? I just go to the next profile.
Just separated not divorced yet, but wants to get her life started. Yeah, I want to be your rebound....NOT!
"I've been single for "x" years now"...she's probably pretty set in her ways and is incapable of learning to share with anyone. She will likely try to mold you into what she wants or expects you to be.
Loves all the crime/forensic shows....she'll probably pin something on you eventually because she watches all the shows that show the nice guy leading a double life...now you are that guy.
Age range...if she has a huge age range, she probably wants a hunk but may trade off for the rich older guy...either way she wants to party and the rich, older guy probably wont care because he's always busy anyway.
Well, that basically rules out every profile on this site....now what?

9/12/2010 8:39:13 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Manchester, NH
49, joined Aug. 2010
When all they do is talk about their 2 or more kids...she's looking for a replacement daddy.
God this, God that...highly religious. I had one trying to convert me to Christianity in the 1st email!
Misspellings and WRITING LIKE THIS and shorthand like "u cum 2 c me."
A few extra pounds is classic...usually accompanied by no full length pics...she's likely more than a few extra pounds.
Pics are all blurry, meaning she doesn't really want to reveal that she is not as pretty as she says she is. Let's face it, most of them have faced that we are visual creatures and we wont respond if their pics don't compliment them.
Pics of the kids or animals outnumber the pics of her.
No pics at all. Some have reasonable explanations and if they say pic available on request at least we know there might be more of a reason than they are afraid that they are too ugly. This shows no confidence in themselves at all.
"Will reply to all." They just want all the emails to aid their self esteem, they rarely reply to all email, they reply to the GQ guy or don't reply at all, sometimes just all the email gives them the ego boost they wanted.
Not a single picture shows them smiling.
On the other end of the pic spectrum, they show very sexy outfits, leggy shots, etc...must be something missing in the personality to feel the need to show how hot she is...maybe her only positive trait. Plus she'll leave in in a heartbeat for Mr. GQ, rich guy.
Pics with a bunch of girls...okay which one is her? She's a partier and conducts "male bashing" regularly with her girlfriends. This will be about you.
"I work a lot and have kids, so I don't have any time to date"...so? WTF is this supposed to mean? I just go to the next profile.
Just separated not divorced yet, but wants to get her life started. Yeah, I want to be your rebound....NOT!
"I've been single for "x" years now"...she's probably pretty set in her ways and is incapable of learning to share with anyone. She will likely try to mold you into what she wants or expects you to be.
Loves all the crime/forensic shows....she'll probably pin something on you eventually because she watches all the shows that show the nice guy leading a double life...now you are that guy.
Age range...if she has a huge age range, she probably wants a hunk but may trade off for the rich older guy...either way she wants to party and the rich, older guy probably wont care because he's always busy anyway.
Well, that basically rules out every profile on this site....now what?

Oh I forgot one....married 2 or more times...that's a huge flag! Poor decisions and ready to make more. The last two I dated were married 3 times...there is nothing a man can do right with these women.
9/13/2010 2:56:50 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Albuquerque, NM
55, joined Mar. 2009
Two of the catch phrases that I look for in a woman's profile are...
1. Looking for an "Honest" man... this means that she's jaded against the honesty of ANY man and won't believe your open and truthful even if you could prove it and Jesus Christ himself gave testimony that you are.
2. Looking for a "Real" man... what the f@#% kind of ambiguous statement is this? This term is just some rationalization for men to live up to their own individual code of expectations. It's based on preconceived notions of what their fantasy man would be, if he existed, and is pathologically ingrained into the psyche. When men don't meet up to this fairytale we are no longer "Real Men". This is an emasculating statement and tells me that I don't want to be around this woman. I AM real and don't want to be someone's fairytale.
I also despise unoriginality in a profile. Especially the self-centered opera singers... Me-Me-Me-Me-Me. Don't just give me a grocery list of what she likes to do and the traits she's looking for in a date. Everyone does that and it's BORING! Tell me a story, write a poem, draw me a picture of her favorite place, embed a playlist of favorite music. I can tell much better if I would like a woman from these things that break the surface of her guarded self image than anything she can say about herself. If she can't do this to get my attention, how will she ever hold it?
9/14/2010 11:45:23 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Bolivar, MO
27, joined May. 2010
women that say they party all the time im sorry but if im looking for a relationship i dont want to take care of an alchoholic i dont have a profile picture bc i dont know how to post one from my cell phone
9/15/2010 9:45:58 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Manchester, NH
49, joined Aug. 2010
If it shows they have a lot of male friends on their profile...I really see no point to this except they may like the attention. How about trying me, I will give you all the attention you need.
9/15/2010 10:19:49 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |


Litchfield, OH
65, joined Jul. 2010
Spontaneous, it usually means they are broke and looking for a banker.
Any picture with them drinking in a bar, they have been around, possibly too much, and may have issues.
More interests than it seems possible for them to have financed on their own, again the banker thing.
Too radical, on politics or religion, if god is the most important thing in your life? ask him for a date.
The grammar, spelling and punctuation thing also, too lazy or too stupid to make an effort?
9/26/2010 5:49:30 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

Brandon, MS
63, joined May. 2010
When they have more pictures of their pets, than they do themselves. I don't want to date their pets. When they use terms like must be friends first. No players. No one night stands. Marriage minded. I thoughtht all relationships had to start as friendships. What is a player? A lot of women seem to use this term, what does it mean? You can't take a lady out on a date without her asking your views on marriage. Who said anything about a one night stand. Are there any ladies that just like to go out and have a good time. I like to go out and have a good time without having to wonder if I am a player or not. I just want to have fun. Isn't that what a date is supposed to be all about.
9/27/2010 9:08:55 AM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Manchester, NH
49, joined Aug. 2010
When they have more pictures of their pets, than they do themselves. I don't want to date their pets. When they use terms like must be friends first. No players. No one night stands. Marriage minded. I thoughtht all relationships had to start as friendships. What is a player? A lot of women seem to use this term, what does it mean? You can't take a lady out on a date without her asking your views on marriage. Who said anything about a one night stand. Are there any ladies that just like to go out and have a good time. I like to go out and have a good time without having to wonder if I am a player or not. I just want to have fun. Isn't that what a date is supposed to be all about.
Most of the younger guys are players with one thing on their minds....sex. Players are serial daters and male sluts basically. They are great at picking up women and typically get 4-5 phone #'s a night. They also f*** em and leave em. Unfortunately, many of them are quite convincing and fool many women. Then when us "nice guys" try to communicate, the women are already weary and have their guard up. Those SOB's really piss me off. They are quite slick.
9/27/2010 6:03:03 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

New York, NY
54, joined Oct. 2009
i saw one where she was calling guys over a certain age delusional for writing her and said guys should date girls who are the same looks category....yet this girl thought she herself was more attractive than she really was...i messaged her saying any guy who looks at your profile would run away and fast...funny thing is i have watched her profile and after about a year she is still here still looking...i think she is the delusional one and she comes off as delusional and that is why no guy wants her..anyways women who think they deserve better than their looks dictate and also women who say the man must show his bank statement before any date...lets not forget how many women who say "a few extra ponds" and yet weigh like 200+ pounds...i can say i am a few extra ponds as i am 6'4" and my normal weight is 180-210 pounds and i weigh 220 pounds...that is 10 extra pounds and thus "a few extra pounds"
9/27/2010 6:36:02 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

New York, NY
54, joined Oct. 2009
let's not forget..
she wants a financially secure man (she wants a suagr daddy to pay for everything)
she is independent...that means you will rarely see her and she will use the smallest excuses to avoid sex..but at the same time she expects you to hold the door, to pay for the date etc...
her DH messages keep deleting here is my yahoo messenger..translation: she is on some porn site or web cam site and is trying to get you to join and pay with promises of meeting..
she loves you (even though you have never met) and has a totally sexy picture..but she went back to her country to help her sick mom after her father died and now she needs help to get back...you know true love knows no limits...
9/27/2010 6:48:49 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |

New York, NY
54, joined Oct. 2009
oh, and here is one i have yet to see
they post pictures that are so small that you can not tell what they really look like..it is the same as posting one from a distance
9/28/2010 1:47:49 PM |
So what are your red flags when you read a womens profile? | Page 2 |
Charlotte, NC
50, joined Sep. 2010
I read a Psychology term once called "Projection" when someone projects something about themselves onto someone else. So when I read the profiles, I pay attention to the "wants and don't wants".
If there are more of one then the other, then you know if they are more positive or negative. Everything they say they don't want (ie:"Drama") means they have a lot in their lives and are usually the cause of it.   
If their wants are fantasy (Ie: Knight in shining armor) then they have unrealistic expectations.
If their wants are realistic (some one to hang out with, do things with) you see more of a normal expectation.
Pay more attention to the don't wants because that's your best red flag counter 'cause that's probably what you're going to get if you ask her out.
As far as pictures, Full body photos (current), ENOUGH over the head shots, and pictures of them and not them and their four friends where you have to figure out which one they are.