12/9/2007 3:47:28 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
52, joined Sep. 2007
you tell her professor.
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12/9/2007 4:04:11 PM |
For all the free people that protest |
Aston, PA
68, joined Oct. 2007
allyours4now..... I have cut/pasted your post below
"Get off your soap box soldier you chose your path. no one here hates you or the other military personal, its the people who give you your orders that we have a problem with. the fact you try and cloud the issue with your sentimentality is so typical of the war mongering crowd. you should be grateful that there are those of us that are fighting to bring our people home from this impasse. and how dare you claim you bring liberty! only God can grant liberty, with which we are Born with. man can only grant license."
Soldier is not on a soap box. He is telling it as it is.
Some people do hate the military. Don't you remember how the Vietnam Vets were treated when they came home? There are people in our country who hate the military. I could name several on this dating site, but I do not want to start a free-for-all.
Soldier is not clouding issues with sentimentality. Once again, he is telling it as it is. Additionally, he is not a member of the war mongering crowd; he belongs to the armed forces, which defend America.
Why should he be grateful that there are those of you who are fighting to bring our military personnel home from this "impasse." What "impasse" are you talking about? Haven't you heard of the surge? It is working! That's why the Democratics have gotten off the war issue, because there is no longer an "Impasse." THE SURGE IS WORKING!!!! 
What do you mean only God can grant liberty with which we are born? Not so! It is true that the Jeffersonian words in the Declaration of Independence declare that "God gave us certain inalienable rights, among those life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." However, if one is born into the wrong country, he/she does not have those rights. Again, even though God gave us those rights, it is GOVERNMENT THAT GRANTS THOSE RIGHTS TO US. iF YOU DON'T BELIEVE THAT, TRY LIVING SOMEWHERE ELSE OTHER THAN AMERICA. I thank God on a regular basis whenever I see how women in third word/Muslim countries are treated, because I realize that if I had been born there, I would not have liberty.
12/9/2007 4:47:39 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
44, joined Sep. 2007
get off your soapbox leah.you see, i dont have to go somewhere else. and you are completely wrong about where liberty comes from. it is granted by God, and it cannot be taken away once people realize they have it. but it does take that realization. our forefathers did realize this, which is why it is in our constitution. when a people do not understand the concept of liberty or do not know it is within their grasp, they are much less free for they have been mentally defeated. someone mentioned hypocrites earlier, i think you fit this description perfectly. the title of this thread is "for all the free people that protest", yet when someone argues against the point its "love it or leave it!". what a childish thing to do.
12/9/2007 4:49:09 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
52, joined Sep. 2007
Freedom and liberty come from God; however, if you are not willing to fight for it man can take away until some one rises up again to win it back!
12/9/2007 4:50:31 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Atlanta, GA
61, joined Nov. 2007
12/9/2007 4:53:12 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
Liberty = # freedom of choice; "liberty of opinion"; "liberty of worship"; "liberty--perfect liberty--to think or feel or do just as one pleases"; "at liberty to choose whatever occupation one wishes"
# personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression
Russia Did not have much liberty or did china or Cuba
12/9/2007 4:54:52 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
44, joined Sep. 2007
and i would like to know, how is it the surge is working? is it because there is slightly less killing going on? are you saying, that because there are a few less people being slaughtered, that it is somehow a success? i doubt you would walk down any street in Baghdad leah. maybe you should yourself see how successful the surge is. and while you are at it, why dont you tell that to the families of the men and women who have been killed in the last few weeks, that their death was a success. or tell it too the families of the innocent women and children who have been blown up or shot to ribbons, that its just one big success. you wouldnt have the guts to do that would you?
12/9/2007 4:55:01 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Atlanta, GA
61, joined Nov. 2007
Or did Salem, MA, Spanish Inquizition, tHE cRUSADES, ETC
12/9/2007 4:55:58 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Belmar, NJ
46, joined May. 2007
Holy shit i second that statement!!!

12/9/2007 4:57:06 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Saint Petersburg, FL
61, joined Jun. 2007
Holy Mackeral
dont get religious on me Troy
12/9/2007 4:57:41 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
44, joined Sep. 2007
and leah my dear, government grants license.
12/9/2007 5:05:56 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Seymour, IN
70, joined Mar. 2007
If this country were run by the christians, who claim to be the religion of America, we would not have the freedoms we have.
Maybe the patriot act is not effecting us right now but we should have learned from the past that when we give up a right it will be misused sometime in the future. Try the illigal income tax as one example. To this day it has not been ratified by the 2/3 of the states as required by the constitution.
12/9/2007 5:09:55 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
52, joined Sep. 2007
This is directly from the Declaration of Independence.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
So the founding Fathers were stupid when they wrote this is suppose?
12/9/2007 5:11:33 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
44, joined Sep. 2007
gee photo why dont you go to Baghdad with leah and while she is polling people on the successful surge, you can question them on how they are enjoying their new found liberty. ask them if they believe if they will Ever have it as long as we are interfearing with the affairs of their country.
12/9/2007 5:11:36 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
And they are talking about GOD
12/9/2007 5:12:53 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Atlanta, GA
61, joined Nov. 2007
Actually, Jays, Jefferson was giving a justification for treason against the Crown, so he blamed it on God.
12/9/2007 5:13:08 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
12/9/2007 5:13:37 PM |
For all the free people that protest |
Oklahoma City, OK
43, joined Nov. 2007
all4now.... ur topics, and all ur slanders is like your picture on display lopsided so fix ur self up right, and u will understand what liberty is....
12/9/2007 5:15:59 PM |
For all the free people that protest |


Monteagle, TN
61, joined Feb. 2007
right and the sheeple blindly pay their taxes when it isn't even required because they are under duress from being intimidated, threatened and coersed into doing so from a guilt trip that isn't even real. Thanks to the mind control scare tactics they deliver to everyone free of charge on the mind sucker TV. Try and get a good nights sleep, if you can. The devil gets his rest, you better get yours...there is war on for you mind and most of you are loosing the battle.
12/9/2007 5:16:34 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Seymour, IN
70, joined Mar. 2007
Wouldn't want facts to stand in the way of a running fight now would we Kinky?
12/9/2007 5:16:59 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Belmar, NJ
46, joined May. 2007
That would be "Your Topics and all your slanders ARE like your picture"
If you are going to mock someone , use proper grammar please..
12/9/2007 5:18:15 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Rattan, OK
69, joined Jun. 2007
Governments don't grant rights governments only take away rights. Anarchy is the right to do anything you want when you want to do it. Your only deterrent is "can you get away with it."
As far as politicians go, I don't trust any of them. They are liars, thieves, scoundrels, pedophiles, perverts and the whole corrupt gamut. They make the laws that say they cannot be touched and appoint the cronies who protect each other while they are milking us dry. (I believe Jimmy Carter was honest though, bless his heart).
12/9/2007 5:18:36 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Atlanta, GA
61, joined Nov. 2007
Funny that the founding fathers could have created any kind of ole country that they wanted and saw fit not to create a theocracy. I guess they were unaware that they could have done so.
12/9/2007 5:18:42 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Seymour, IN
70, joined Mar. 2007
  Good day Caster, how is yours?
12/9/2007 5:18:54 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
52, joined Sep. 2007
So Jefferson lied just to justify?
12/9/2007 5:19:35 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Atlanta, GA
61, joined Nov. 2007
He didn't lie, he turned a phrase to give justification for a criminal act against the King.
12/9/2007 5:20:46 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Belmar, NJ
46, joined May. 2007
Seems to work great in Iran doesn't it?
Religious fanatics and sleeping masses , government and a docile work force of zombies , a match made in Illuminati heaven...Now pay your taxes and shut up!

[Edited 12/9/2007 5:28:51 PM ]
12/9/2007 5:20:49 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Saint Petersburg, FL
61, joined Jun. 2007
By declaring independence
it was an independent act
no crime against King
12/9/2007 5:22:19 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Seymour, IN
70, joined Mar. 2007
When we were still a colony of the king then it was law at the time.
12/9/2007 5:23:11 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Atlanta, GA
61, joined Nov. 2007
I would respectfully disagree Prof. The king would have gladly killed them all. When Franklin left the hes said, "We now hang together or we shall surely hang separately"!
12/9/2007 5:24:29 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Saint Petersburg, FL
61, joined Jun. 2007
if you wana split hairs on it
Dont really matter
we are free now
12/9/2007 5:26:35 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
52, joined Sep. 2007
He turned a phrase? So he just made some thing up. A man that could speak 5 languages and speak and write with incredible intellect? The best he could come up with was blaming it on God?
12/9/2007 5:27:12 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
OK lets make this right,,,, Lets turn this into a country that you can do whatever you want.... and the 1st thing that happens is Queen you get killed no one cares because we can do what we want.... same things goes for anyone that think we should be liberal and do what we want,,,
BTW if you disagree with this then you want it the way it is now... So now ya can't have it both ways so what is it
U.S. or like Iran... Yea you would be free there people making like 5.00 a day in most cases people working 80hrs a week just to keep a roof and have food...
Sure lets be like china if ya Protest in public you get killed
Lets be like North Korea... Where ya can't even leave the country
Yea those countries are really great and you complain about the U.S.
12/9/2007 5:32:12 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Seymour, IN
70, joined Mar. 2007
I never said I wanted anarchy I just want the constitution to be kept and not thrown aside for every and any reason that comes along. And I do not want America to become a Theocracy. I am not a liberal by any meaning of the word.
12/9/2007 5:33:03 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Belmar, NJ
46, joined May. 2007
That is the whole point, isn't it?
IF YOU DON'T COMPLAIN , and try to do something about it , you are by default submiting to a government that has nothing to fear from the people!
Social Engineering and the virtual slaughter of our constitution are taking away every right our founding fathers died for!
And the poeple just look and smile...Wake up and smell the coffee America!
12/9/2007 5:34:49 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Belmar, NJ
46, joined May. 2007
Ammendment does nit mean disregard basic freedom does it?
And last time i looked we were all adults who are paying taxes , hardly things children do , unless you mean brainwashed adults , in which case the government will accomodate you with pleasure.
[Edited 12/9/2007 5:38:36 PM ]
12/9/2007 5:37:02 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Belmar, NJ
46, joined May. 2007
Specifically , the right to privacy
The right to concil , the right to have a jury and a lawyer
See "Patriots Act"
[Edited 12/9/2007 5:37:38 PM ]
12/9/2007 5:37:05 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
LOL your kidding right your post's is no way at all ya complain about rules So be it lets have a free society no money that way no one can say anything about the rich Why have a government Why have anything if you liberals don't like it Go to Iran or north Korea and see how well you like that country... For pete sakes no one likes everything that is passed i don't but there is always good with bad...
12/9/2007 5:38:28 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
Specifically , the right to privacy
The right to concil , the right to have a jury and a lawyer
See "Patriots Act"
Ya still have these rights Name one time that yours was violated
12/9/2007 5:38:55 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Rattan, OK
69, joined Jun. 2007
The Declaration of Independence was an act of Treason against the King. They would have been hanged, drawn and quartered and had their entrails burned.
I fought in Vietnam. I believed it was right to do as my president asked. At the time I did not know the Tonkin Gulf resolution was based on a lie (Turner Joy incident) Johnson cooked up to grab power. Bush created the lie about weapons of mass destruction. I believe he just wanted to do his daddy's bidding. Rather than commit to Osama Bin Laden's capture Bush chose to bog the world down in Iraq for his "30 pieces of silver." He is not in harms way and he has no difficulty getting our boys killed off so he can make a buck. Lies, torture, and murder. (Oh yes just check the names of those transferred to CIA custody against those listed as in our controle now) there is a difference. That is why tapes get burned.
I am a Christian and I find those abuses worth protesting.
12/9/2007 5:41:51 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Belmar, NJ
46, joined May. 2007
Now you see...how do you presume one of my specific rights have not being violated at any time?
This is a futile argument if you are going to make it personal , as you know nothing about who i am or what i stand for my friend.
Generally speaking though , it is possible for the government to wire tap , and hold anyone in this country without the right of concil or a trial , based only on the patriots act alone , is that that difficult for you to understand that this is a violation of the constitution?

[Edited 12/9/2007 5:44:39 PM ]
12/9/2007 5:43:25 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Seymour, IN
70, joined Mar. 2007
Up until the patriot act [by the way how did it get this stupid name] everyone was entitled to speedy trial and no taping phone with court order as well as attorney but now that that is changed do you really believe that someone along the way is not going to use it to their advantage and against someone the want to stop? If you think that you do not have much understanding of human nature.
12/9/2007 5:43:34 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
52, joined Sep. 2007
The funny part is when you have a real freedom from the constitution stepped on that the liberals side with they are happy as a clam. 2 cases one the right to keep and bear arms. Cities and even liberals at the federal level are always trying to take guns away and have been successful in a lot to the big cities. Most liberals droll over that.
The next is prayer almost any where public. Not only can you pray because of "separation of church and state" but you can't even do it as freedom of speech! Read the constitution no where does it say the separation of church and state.
12/9/2007 5:43:49 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Belmar, NJ
46, joined May. 2007
Photo , let me say something here so we are on the same page , believe me or not we are not that far off in opinion here ok?
My problem is that while i agree that we need order and law , i am afraid that giving an inch away might open a pandora's box and the next thing we know , we will be living in communist Russia...
12/9/2007 5:45:00 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
That is only if you conspire against the US gee
I hear people say that all the time my rights what right don't you have now that you did b4 if ya can't say one then there is no rights violated
12/9/2007 5:45:43 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Belmar, NJ
46, joined May. 2007
Oh not very often i suppose , but one must sleep with one eye open these days...
Listen , lets be honest here...All we need is one case to have it used as precedence to open a million more...Like i said guys give away one inch...and its all gone.
[Edited 12/9/2007 5:50:06 PM ]
12/9/2007 5:46:55 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
ext thing we know , we will be living in communist Russia..
That is what liberalism is communism
12/9/2007 5:48:44 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Saint Petersburg, FL
61, joined Jun. 2007
See me, search me, look at me.
Just make sure you got a Warrant.
Probable cause
or bug off.
12/9/2007 5:49:08 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Seymour, IN
70, joined Mar. 2007
I find my eyes cannot believe that those who serve in the military think it is alright to rip up the constitution that they swore to uphold. How far is that from using the military on our own citizens?
12/9/2007 5:49:33 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
Speedy Trial HMM we still have that that was not taken away from US it was taken away from people that want to do terrorist acts to us... Now i will admit that the courts are slow and that is not because of the Patriot act it has to do with the courts are overwhelmed with case loads
12/9/2007 5:51:02 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Belmar, NJ
46, joined May. 2007
Just as example ok?
No one is allowed to carry guns anymore for the benefit of law enforcement this is no longer the old west right?
So if a citizen wants a gun , he has to go through a million screenings and background checks , and chances are he will be denied said gun , now if a criminal needs a gun , he can buy it on the streets , who does the gun laws protect now?
12/9/2007 5:53:33 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
OK look at it this way B4 the patriot act it would have been treason to plot against the US in any form Now we have the patriot act to help aid in finding people that want to kill Americans on own soil not to limit your rights No one has lost any right I again Ask this to all how many rights have you lost or at anytime the patriot act was used against you
12/9/2007 5:54:06 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Seymour, IN
70, joined Mar. 2007
When the right is taken away from anyone it is taken away from all. I AM NOT AND HAVE NEVER BEEN A LIBERAL. I hope you can see it this time. I am indendant. I do not agree with taking away the guns of the citizens. But I also do not believe in giving the crooked government the right to ripe away parts of the constitution that have been honestly ratified by 2/3 of the states as the constitution says.
12/9/2007 5:55:01 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
It was said b4 that the gun laws only stop real people from owning one not the criminals So why have gun control
12/9/2007 5:56:31 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Belmar, NJ
46, joined May. 2007
(On gun control laws)
My work is done here , thank you!

[Edited 12/9/2007 5:57:27 PM ]
12/9/2007 5:56:53 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
AGAIN what part was ripped that effected you.. I want a true answer not the BS liberal normal hand picked responses
12/9/2007 5:57:42 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
52, joined Sep. 2007
Look it up you can still have a speedy trial, however most of the time it is waved because the defense lawyer needs more time then what they would have to form a good defense. If you recently watched the arraignment of O.J. in Las Vegas he was asked if he wanted to waive his right for a speedy trial and he said yes.
Next question?
12/9/2007 6:02:55 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Belmar, NJ
46, joined May. 2007
Initiative of referendum...Whenever a new law comes up that will affect millions it should be put up for the general public to decide , i simply do not trust those morons in Washington who are bought by many interests that are not for the public benefit.
12/9/2007 6:04:09 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Seymour, IN
70, joined Mar. 2007
Cabby you are an a**hole I have told you several times I am not a liberal but since I do not follow the laid out line you have I get to be called one over and over.
I believe in America the way it was when a president could not do anything he wanted without even taking any of it to the people if you like the way things have gone the last 5 years you can have it but I am finished and will not respond to you again.
12/9/2007 6:09:28 PM |
For all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
57, joined Nov. 2007
Thank you I have one of them... and BTW FYI the presidents past never had to go to the american people