12/5/2007 11:36:12 AM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
About every toy we had as kids were toys that made us do the thinking and took some effort. What would you like to see come back for kids now?
12/5/2007 11:48:35 AM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Riverview, FL
age: 57
toys fer twats ,he,he,he opps you said fer kids
ok how bout a yoyo lol
[Edited 12/5/2007 11:49:44 AM]
12/5/2007 11:51:54 AM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
"Slinky"..........I still remember the tune !! Plus I'll bet we all had one at one time or another !!
12/5/2007 11:54:02 AM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
Amazing how the simpliest of toys kept us amused as kids
12/5/2007 12:07:05 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
Agent took my toy...............
12/5/2007 12:07:18 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Paradise, CA
age: 54 online now!
how about the boxes the toy came in my dad put toy in big box we had more fun with them.
toy were make to last too
12/5/2007 12:09:02 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
I may have to kill agent now I have that tune in my head. Ban enough yesterday with the ABC song.  
12/5/2007 12:09:28 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
creeple people and the incfedible edabiles.
12/5/2007 12:10:30 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
lol yeah those big boxes! My kids had a blast in them. My son's uncles never failed to send my sons toys that were LOUD or took 10 battieries lol
12/5/2007 12:21:15 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Midlothian, VA
age: 55
Agent...u r right on as usual about the slinky. My eldest son, Danny, expects one every year, if he doesn't get one... he's not a happy camper. There are so many kids in my family that we draw names of the kids around Thanksgiving and even though Danny is 22 now (he's autistic) he expects that slinky for Christmas. He likes fire trucks too. I kinda like slinkys too because of Danny.
[Edited 12/5/2007 12:22:00 PM]
12/5/2007 12:25:12 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
PKK...............geeez sorry about the "Slinky" tune !! Law, we can share the slinky post if you'd like??
Its slinky, its slinky...the toy for all the girls and boys...its slinky
12/5/2007 12:31:21 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Waimanalo, HI
age: 51
I would like to see my Barbi Doll comeback .
I lost her when I moved .
That reminds me ,Gotta Go !
12/5/2007 12:36:48 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
hula hoop
12/5/2007 12:37:53 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
Yeah... I loved the hula hoop. Be out on the sidewalk with them and an elderly neighbor would have to come out to give it a shot lol funny!
12/5/2007 12:47:14 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

McDonough, GA
age: 58
Do they still have jacks or lincoln logs ? I never got to play jacks because they were for girls, but I always thought it was cool to draw the squares on the sidewalks for the girls and watch them do that. LOL; funny the memories we have, huh ? I did have lincoln logs, though and they were fun on rainy days.