12/5/2007 12:50:23 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Trish: Would we be the "elderly neighbor" these days? lol A hoola hoop. Boy I'd try that one again. Do they still make em?
12/5/2007 1:01:13 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
Just thought of one Pick Up Sticks game.
12/5/2007 1:01:57 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
lol yeah that would be us! Shoot.. we cud teach dem lil whipper snappers how do hula hoop..... right? 
12/5/2007 1:04:16 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Des Moines, IA
age: 57
We had a lot of fun on the home made stilts Dad made us. What a sense of balance and achievement once you could stay up on them indefinitely. Channa
12/5/2007 1:09:27 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Appleton, WI
age: 53
Agent took my toy too..dag nab it...I loved pusing it down the stairs..oh how simple it was to amuse kids back then.
They still do have lincoln logs but none of the new take offs are made anything like the oldies..
[Edited 12/5/2007 1:10:46 PM]
12/5/2007 1:11:48 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
Just a thought.. an ex is quite a bit like a slinky... fun to push down the steps  
12/5/2007 1:13:46 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
Ant of you ladies have a "Chatty Cathy" ??? Pull the string and hear her talk..........
12/5/2007 1:45:52 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

McDonough, GA
age: 58
Watch out guys, Tru gettin a little catty here. LOL Bet that was a funny sight, though ! Here's to ya Tru 
12/5/2007 1:48:10 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
tex.. it was merely a thought lol a wonderful delightful thought.. that's all!
12/5/2007 1:57:38 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58 online now!
Well I like all of these---Hula Hoop--Slinky---Mr. Potato Head. Also remember having to have those sewn bean bags to throw on the Hop Scotch chalk layout. Loved jumping Double Dutch rope especially the "Hot Pepper" one.
And I bet one of you guys had the "stick horses" with the holsters and silver badge!!
12/5/2007 2:02:58 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
I remember the wooden horse on springs... being a horse lover since I was old enough to walk.. this was by far my favorite toy of all. I spent countless hours riding the fields in my mind
12/5/2007 2:07:39 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58 online now!
Oh yes the little paddles with a rubber band and ball at the end and the Yo Yo s
12/5/2007 2:09:27 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
Those paddles got me into trouble. With the ball on it, I would end up breaking sumptin. Mom always found them " useful" once the ball broke off and I always got the End of that stick!
12/5/2007 3:20:31 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Homosassa, FL
age: 61 online now!
Yes, they still make hoola hoops.different sizes & glittery & even
have (like) BB's in them. paddle balls & slinkys too. My gradkids love them just like we did.
12/5/2007 3:39:57 PM |
What toy do you think should make a comeback? |

Madisonville, KY
age: 58 online now!
I would love to have a set of the old jacks,the ones they sell now are plastic.