Thornhill, ON
35, joined Feb. 2008
Can Long distance relationship work?
Would you be willing to go that extra mile? Or KM depending where your from?
Would you entertain the thought of trying to start something with someone in another country?
Whats your maximum distance, and how do you intend to make it work and get it off the ground and into the clouds of cosmic happiness?
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Longford Mills, ON
58, joined Sep. 2008
End of the story first is a huge NO!
Started off great, met her when she was here on vacation. She actually initiated additional contact when she returned out west. Ended up with the two of us constantly on the phone (thank goodness for long distance charge caps!) and flying back & forth for over a year ( I was being cautious believe it or not!). Finally she moved here & we set up house, planning marriage et al. HOWEVER, the "culture shock of the move" (yea right!) must have been too much for her, she turned into (for want of any polite way to say it!) a complete psychotic animal. I'll just say it ended badly, with me declaring bankruptcy as only one result amongst many I don't care to have experienced. Years later now and I'm still trying to start life over again but the memories are kinda hard to get rid of. I'm sure there's a dozen success stories to compete with this one failure. My only solace from this experience is that I can honestly say I sure have learned from it! Never again!
Windsor, ON
42, joined Oct. 2009
The farthest would be no further than Thornhill. You only live once and the universe is yours to explore. Why not enjoy it and the people around you no matter how far.

Longford Mills, ON
58, joined Sep. 2008
Kbabe, unless there is another thornhill nearer to you, it's about a 5 hour drive from where you are to the one I know of just north of Toronto. Not criticizing at all - just myself being curious about the geography. Are you suggesting that to be a reasonable distance? Would an almost 10 hour round trip by car truly not be a bit of a strain on a relationship? This assumes that the only time spent together would require such a trip of course (as in no additional reason like work to make the trip). Like I said, I'm curious about this whole subject because of what took place for me.
Windsor, ON
42, joined Oct. 2009
There are trains and planes. And when you are working on a relationship time apart sometimes help. Long distance relationships aren't for everyone. But if you are willing to work and relocate at some point than it's worth it for the right person. Frogvoice understands my point.
Also, I live in area where 20 minutes is too far people. I use to drive a total of 4 hours a day just to go to work. I know what the drive is like.
Keep an open mind life is too short!

Harrow, ON
52, joined Mar. 2008
I believe the hussle and bussle of life would not allow most people to have the time required to put forth on a dedicated relationship . 2 hour drive would be a max . LIfe and all it's complications would eventually take its toll . take care and good luck. :o)-
York, ON
36, joined Jan. 2010
Tried it, doesn't work
not planning on it unless effort is shown