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12/29/2007 6:07:42 AM why do men say they love you when they really dont?  

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48

Personally I would have never just moved in together, but that is just me. I understand the situation with your son, my child doesn't trust dad either but doesnt have issues with other men. I've always tried to keep that relationship going and that was my is what he is. I always taught to judge a person on how they treat you. Anyways, sounds like your fella was looking for an easy meal ticket. Men say anything to get what they want and so do women I guess. I don't understand that mentality not being that way myself. Sounds like you are a good person, move on, you deserve better. Learn from the experience and beware the next time. Good luck to you.

12/29/2007 1:12:29 PM why do men say they love you when they really dont?  

Warren, MI
age: 37

I feel you on this one, I met the man I am currently in divorce proceedings now, we met 5 years on a site called Blackplanet, and he was a minister so I am thinking ok this may work, because he should be afraid to do "God" In, we got married but 1 week to be exact while riding in the car, he looked at me and told me that he never told me that he was in love with me, I cried like a dummy and asked to be taken home, he said that at moment he knew that I had deep feelings for him, when in reality I really did care for him but something in me told me he wasn't on the up and up with things, so I went along with the flow and how sorry I was for that...I had married a lying, cheating, womanizing, jive-turkey, and he was a cripple at that (claiming to have cerebral Palsy) what a liar, I caught him cheating on me twice, when for 5 yrs he let his ex-wife a pole stripper, the one who has slept with his friends, father, brother, everyone in the church the mailman, anything moving in a pair pants, she took $50,000 out of my home thru him thru child-support for a child that belongs to his brother and this fool never said a word, when all along he knew his crap was raggedy and out of order, yet he claims to have LOVED me...We have a 3 yr old son, whom I love dearly, he is my miracle child, but I am so sorry that this creep is his dad....I don't what is wrong with the minds of men, why do they feel the grass is greener on the other side, why can't they love and be faithful, why can't they be thankful when God sends them the Angels and Queens that at some point in time they prayed and asked for, yet they abuse us and our feelings...The question here is not only do they lie, but I still believe that there are some good and faithful men out there, God has to find them and send them out, the problem is how long is the wait? (LOL)...I know the pain hurts like hell, and sometimes the wounds of a broken heart takes a special someone to come along and be a REAL and TRUE friend and help you thru it...It hurts to know that u have loved someone, been supportive, understanding, giving, loyal, and faithful and it isn't returned to u...I just wish men would really step up to the plate and be all that God had intended and hoped for them to be...Nothing is more special to God than Woman, she represents the soft, senstive, loving, and nurturing part of him, alot of people get it all twisted for their own personal and selfish reasons...All I know is that at the end of the day when u are all alone with your thoughts, You have to answer to God and ask yourself if how and what u did offended or hurt anyone, because now u have put the action/law of "Cause and Effect" into action, nothing is never done without a thought first...To my sist-gurls out there, be strong and stand still don't compromise what u know is right, now true a 26-27 yr old should be trying to do something, if he can't work, then give your services some other kind of way..But for a Man to ask a woman to put their child out in a time of need so he can gain more and he not do anything...That is a SELFISH, CRAZY, FOOL...he really got it twisted, a relatiionship is 50/50 when the chips are down with one, they suppose to kick in and catch their back, if neither can help the other, then pray together, love each other, be loyal/faithful to each other, till God gets the news and it turns out for the betterment of everyone.
Sad to say, but the love in the world now is just not right and that is hurting all by itself...More to life then getting over and using someone. Be blessed and Happy New Years to all.

12/29/2007 2:04:42 PM why do men say they love you when they really dont?  

Huntington Beach, CA
age: 44 online now!

Blood is thicker than water. You support your son and have valid reasons to do so.
He lives with you as a roommate would.
It's not right for a man to come into YOUR house and expect you to change YOUR living arrangements to suit HIS needs.

Until he has the wherewithal to get HIS own place and invite you to move in with him, he has no right to exclude your son from living with you.

If he can't deal with that, F him. There are more decent men in the world. Don't give up!

( I didn't read any previous posts, so I went by what you said in your first post.)

12/29/2007 2:07:11 PM why do men say they love you when they really dont?  

Atlanta, GA
age: 52

Cheaper then booze!

12/29/2007 2:42:37 PM why do men say they love you when they really dont?  

Lynnwood, WA
age: 43

Men suck, I havent had what happened to you but I have had a man tell me that he loves me and then turn out to be a looser, I learned a long time ago take it slow if after 6mo its still real them take it to the next level, but if not then out they go before I get hurt, It really has helped. I have to agree witht he others HE WANTED A SUGAR MOMMA....

Move the boy out of the house is one way to not have it happen, no man wants to raise a womans 26 year old kid, Just a suggestion if you want to have a life.

1/3/2008 5:28:04 PM why do men say they love you when they really dont?  

Rockville, MD
age: 50

I was originally surprised by Stella's response, but after further review....

I think she has a point. Momma's not always gonna be around, so Sonny's gonna have to learn to fend for himself. Get him into some kind(s) of programs and/or halfway houses that help people in his situation.

On the Other Hand, and this was my gut don't come between a woman (or even a man) and her/his children. Blood is thicker than water. And even if he were to attempt this manuever, he can't do it without being the Main Breadwinner. He can't call the shots when he lives on her dime.

Finally, many relationships exit the Infatuation Stage somewhere between 3 and 6 months, and the problems start getting noticed.

So it's somewhere in between.

Let Me Go Qazy On You

1/3/2008 5:33:57 PM why do men say they love you when they really dont?  

Alpharetta, GA
age: 34

for the same reason reason women tell a men they had an orgasm and didn't

[Edited 1/3/2008 5:34:26 PM]

1/3/2008 5:34:52 PM why do men say they love you when they really dont?  

Cuba, MO
age: 46

there is time and place to tell someone you love them... not on the f*cking phone.

1/3/2008 5:51:08 PM why do men say they love you when they really dont?  

Clinton Township, MI
age: 38

I never use that word unless I mean it, It is a very powerful word and it means so much. Some people use it like it means nothing to them. Look it up in a dictionary. It has one of the longest definations they any other word and it is the one emotion that can cause all other emotions.

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