1/24/2008 8:51:43 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Park Rapids, MN
age: 43 online now!
So Guys(ladies)...You look at a woman she is pretty? she is beautiful? even sexy? age old question as been what makes a woman beautiful?
I would love to hear you response to that one too.
Over all is a woman naturally pretty?
Do you think that gentleman does all the right things that just "sends her" and she then just shines beauty.
I got a hunch gentlemen do indeed play an important role in her beauty.

ladies you opinion is valued as well
I think we have a reasponsiblity but I also think men play a huge,huge role.
GUYS??? come on
[Edited 1/25/2008 12:12:10 AM]
1/24/2008 9:10:06 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Park Rapids, MN
age: 43 online now!
Physical beauty is hers to own and she is over all responsible for he good health. Can a man have an affect on this? what about inner beauty? what brings that out?
1/24/2008 9:19:55 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
dang Mindy I'm sitting here waiting to hear what they say with my breath held....
Great question! And beautifully asked!
1/24/2008 9:25:54 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Belmont, MA
age: 43
no! you're on your own! 
1/24/2008 9:39:51 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Park Rapids, MN
age: 43 online now!

1/24/2008 9:42:25 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 49
The most beautiful women I know don't even know they are beautiful. Some women are sexy, some are pretty. But very few can be both. And it is always the women that most think are just plain Janes that are the most beautiful. These women seem to have the most heart. An example wood be Pam Anderson. While she can be attractive, she isn't very beautiful. It's her personality that makes her unattractive. Sandra Bullock is an example of a beautiful woman. She is pretty, but not drop dead gorgeous. It's a combination of her personality and her looks that make her beautiful.
Some of the most beautiful women on this site are women that most people wouldn't look twice at. While,some of the very pretty women on this site I wouldn't want to know because they are not beautiful.
I think all women can be beautiful if they really want to be. In many cases it's the men in their lives that make some women want to be beautiful.
[Edited 1/24/2008 9:43:37 AM]
1/24/2008 9:44:35 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Bedford, IN
age: 48
I know you want guys to answer but I hae to chime in....
Women have a beauty of their own, BUT...when a woman is in love & has a great guy by her side she beams.
1/24/2008 9:56:35 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Tallahassee, FL
age: 41 online now!
what makes a woman beautiful?
Ok I'll nibble the bait...
To me women are most beautiful when they APPEARED confident. Self confidence says a lot about a person and it works like a charm. The more confident you are, the sexier people will think you are. It’s like, even if you’re 10 pounds overweight and you carry yourself well, you’re still attractive. A confident woman is good in bed. A confident woman is good in the board meeting. A confident woman is stunning on stage. A confident woman looks like she’s got the world under control even if she really doesn’t. Now, THAT’s sexy! And to top that off it bolsters a guys ego knowing that other men see her confidence and then see who she's with.
But there is a downside. Confident women attract lots of competition so that guy better be up on his game.
1/24/2008 10:07:35 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Bend, OR
age: 88
Mindy, I love the insertion of the *link* album cover, play button to a great song...
Would you please post in the
GROUPS: computer area, or help section, how to do this? Thank you....
You are very talented with the audio/video side of life and I think this makes you very interesting. You are artistic with your picture and offer a creative personality.
You have something that is unique to offer to people.
Helping people, is a trait that looks beautiful on every man and woman.
Beauty is radiated in many forms...
it is in the eye of the beholder...
Some men and women just appeal to the masses...
from a photogenic point of view.
Many of us, are drawn to a flaming fire..
it feels good and warms our soul...
If a woman's radiance in like the flames of a fire,
we are drawn to the warmth. Thus she appears beautiful.
When a woman is adored by her man, she radiates a certain glow,and happiness
that is similar to the burning sun....nothing like it in the world...
she is radiant!
[Edited 1/24/2008 10:10:27 AM]
1/24/2008 10:12:48 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Park Rapids, MN
age: 43 online now!
Bassman I know exactly what your saying. When i think of someone who presence herself in the fashion of she doesn't know shes beautfiul is Joan Osbourn she is so drop dead beautiful. I look at myself and what i know about me is true unconditinal love for peole in my life, a person who reaches out and a person who really digs her giving nature is gives me great joy and that is my selfish streak ..let me give but as far as outward appearance not so much...I know the one confident thing i see about myself that is my fun side, my explosion if me, the smartass....I think its a cover because i long to be a Nancy Wilson or a Joan Osbourn...maybe someday weh I grow up I will be. I think thats why I asked this...i like whats inside, I love expressing myself in my art,writing and singing...but when is it I will become beautiful...I felt that way once and the words and sincerity gives me hope that men do say things like that and I will feel that way again...shit,...lol...leaky eyes damnit...lol So I need to understand. Guys hit on me and I just do not see it...I can not understand why? Recently I was told something that touched me deeply and I found myself to hesitant to allow myself to embrace his words. So here I am seking the council of wise men wondering how to put this puzzle together....
I think to myself I am a soulchild and I at least have that.

[Edited 1/24/2008 10:54:26 AM]
1/24/2008 10:20:12 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Park Rapids, MN
age: 43 online now!
Wine,it might not be today I am fighting a bad headache the last two days and with this little spill of emnotion it did not help...ever have those moments where you just want to be rocked...today is that day...see what happens when I knock a brick out of my wall ...lol
In the meantime...http://www.imeem.com
sign up be sure to take noteof the very small icon butons on the upper left once yu get into your work area...when doing a search lick on th emusic notes instead of the go/search over by the search box this way you get just the music..it will take awhiel toplay and see how it all works.Feel free to email me if you have trouble.enjoy
1/24/2008 10:24:33 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Park Rapids, MN
age: 43 online now!
geO...thank you for the bite...lol You mentioned some areas i have no doubt about regardng myself. I forgot about my raw side, doing all this Tapping into my sappy side here and feeling vunerable....feeling naked...anybody got a robe,bedsheet, cardboard box ...i feel the need to hide

[Edited 1/24/2008 10:44:44 AM]
1/24/2008 10:31:46 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 41
Outer beauty is only skin deep, When a woman is happy in her relationship/Marriage, when she has the feeling of constant security, and they are in love today as they were when they met for the first time, that beauty has a completely different reflection. She always carries around a million dollar smile, there is a certain mischievous twinkle in her eye, and the look of genuine happiness in here demeanor... that is priceless beauty.
So to answer your question...yes men do play a huge part.
Just my humble two cents.
1/24/2008 10:33:09 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Pottsboro, TX
age: 28
i must agree with bassman..well said! A man does not make us, we might do things they like for us to do to ourselves on the outside , but it's who we are inside that counts...
1/24/2008 10:33:19 AM |
Do men have a part in what "Beautiful" is ? Guy's I need you |

Park Rapids, MN
age: 43 online now!
I want this
