Bloomington, IL
age: 42


Milford, MI
age: 34
Sorry, I didn't read everything. I didn't want to loose my thought. Saying you are sorry after an argument or confrontation doesn't necessarily mean that you did something wrong. If the other person/people involved were hurt in some way, YOU played a part in that. YOU are responsible for their feelings. YOU need to appologize, even if you are proven to be right from the start. Someone's feelings were hurt. The appology needs to cover that. "I'm sorry that I (caused you to feel that way/hurt your feelings). Please frogive me. What can I do to help you feel better?" That's what I've been taught since I was little anyway. JMO.

[Edited 3/26/2008 8:16:42 AM]

Rolla, MO
age: 46
to my dog,
sorry I got him, pain in ass.


Aurora, CO
age: 19
I am sorry for all the sarcastic posts I have made
and if i insulted someone sorry
Boy do I feel good now

Abilene, TX
age: 39
When I apologize it is always truly sincere, though I do not expect forgiveness for what ever I f*cked up on. Doesn't stop me from doing the right thing. I know when I have done something wrong. My apologies are sincere.....but, pointless. The only way to prove an apology is to not repeat the mistake.

Bloomington, IL
age: 42
you are very sincere

North Kingstown, RI
age: 48 online now!

West New York, NJ
age: 48
Only if I'm wrong !I have no problem admitting that, I'm wrong I made an error and I shouldn't have say that to hurt your feeling ... but to say I'm sorry to make the other person feel better ..discount my own feeling no ...

San Clemente, CA
age: 38
When Im wrong... but Im never wrong. 