3/5/2008 5:51:05 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Santa Barbara, CA
age: 47
I say I'm sorry if I know I was wrong, or hurt someones feelings accidently.
3/5/2008 5:54:02 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Park Rapids, MN
age: 43 online now!
OMG i sooooooo know mine was ate up, a loving baby but ate up all the same....i learned a long time ago i was the stronger person for just letting go of and letting him know i am sorry ...otherwise drama!! he would go ona and on and on about the stupidist shit...exhausting!! He was pretty good about being sorry.sometimes....but wiht him it was always the big soft lovey dovewy eyes and the words I am sorry i misundestood you...and then kissy...but I know he knows how to use the eyes so how genuine Imean i am glad he was sorry thats very cool but even what Eddy said hold water...to understand to own it...thats a great way to go too....
I just thought since the subject came up it would make agreat topic for us to learn about sincerity here. Thank you to everyone for making this a geeat thread...I see we dont have to many men...hello anyone out there...men who are not too prideful....or maybe even the ones who are....hello
3/5/2008 6:25:07 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Texarkana, TX
age: 45
hell yes
when iam worng iam worng . i set and listen to other until i clearly understand what they are saying . and once i see iam the one in the worng i say with heart felt passion iam sorry . i know iam not so perfect that i can't mess up
3/5/2008 6:27:11 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Haughton, LA
age: 31
I said it one time back in the mid 90's when I made a mistake 
3/5/2008 6:27:54 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Omaha, NE
age: 53
but of course...because if i was wrong then i AM sorry and not ashamed to admit it.
3/5/2008 7:58:43 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Broadway, VA
age: 47
Dale Carnegie Human Relationship Principles....
If you have made a mistake, admit it quickly and emphatically.
Always be sincere.
and, another rule to live by:
Always make the other person feel important.
I have learned these principles. I have taught these principles. I live by these principles.
Life is sooo much easier that way.
3/5/2008 8:07:06 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Rolla, MO
age: 50
I do say I'm sorry if I am wrong,,, and if we just cant come to an agreement on what is wrong or right,, I say I am sorry that we can't come to an agreement....
and I agree to disagree.........
3/5/2008 8:16:05 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Cherryville, NC
age: 49
In any long term meaningful relationship you will have to apologize many times and ask for forgiveness. The true mark of a person is to be able to extend that forgiveness to someone who we feel has wronged us. A great man once said we must forgive someone 7x70 times. I believed he lived 2008 years ago.
3/5/2008 8:20:44 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Fitchburg, MA
age: 22
In fear of losing my ex-boyfriend (notice I already did) I would always apologize after he had hurt my feelings he constantly made me feel as though what he did was right and I was the one at fault. Unfortunately, I really liked him so I did anything I could to keep him and now I am slowly coming to realize that he was just playing with my mind and not actually giving a damn about how I felt so I'm in some way glad he broke it off but still hurt about it.
3/5/2008 10:13:41 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Hazleton, PA
age: 41
Yes, I've said I was sorry even if I wasn't convinced I did anything wrong. It doesn't hurt much.
3/5/2008 10:17:17 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Longmont, CO
age: 48
Always do, no matter what.
3/5/2008 10:51:31 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Winchester, CA
age: 38
Saying sorry for something you didn't do is wrong.. If someone is feeling bad about something then there are other ways to go about making them feel better..
Why plead guilty to something you are innocent of?
3/5/2008 10:58:34 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Yucaipa, CA
age: 31
i dont take to apologies very well. all apologies do is make it ok to do the same thing twice. oops im sorry does not work for me, i dont like sorry people and i never apoligise when i say or do something i mean it
3/5/2008 11:15:06 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Gold River, BC
age: 46
I find that when you say your sorry it softens the mood and you get a clean slate to work with...I have had my feelings hurt by people I love and all I wanted was just for them to say those words...I would have melted. But instead it leaves a little scar.
Not that I dwell on that but ye SORRY does go a long way...
3/5/2008 11:15:44 PM |
Do you say your sorry? |

Park Rapids, MN
age: 43 online now!
I think often people can be indenial about their circle of responsility. Youknow when my son tells me anbout an incident that sounds like he did not do a thing wrong ilet him know i believe in him but I always ask" what was your cirlce oof responibilty" and he alwasy sees the turth about himself and usally can also see what he could have done differently. It was not always like this...SOmetime even as adult we learn better ways of communicating and when you say something that hurts someone even if in your mind you think you did nothing wrong...you did not say a thing for some one to be concerned or hurt over that des not naate the feelings of that person and yes since it is the case it would be there feelings and whatever you said triggered that feeling it is something that was caused by you. sometimes we dont stop and think about how our actions and our words effect otheres.
My oldest son was a teenager and he was the blunt of my ex's atupid authoritarian belittling and making Cote feel like he could never measure up...well in turn Cote Lashed out and he would displace this on his sister who they are like twins one year appart and his little brother and often his friends...well one day i had enough of correcting Cotes mouth and habits and trying to correct all the damage the ex's stupidty was driving into him so I told him get into the car we are going to the hard ware store...small town creeky wood floors barrels of nails...i asked him...if you were going to build something and it was large enough for you to climb up into and be taller how many nails would you need....well of course he get excited and started talking about the big tree out back and steps and two stories to a magnificent treehouse and began to scoop the nails from the barrel
once the larger than a lunch bag was full...i said well let see what they have in lumber...well they had no small piece so away we went with a 4x8...I took him out by the porch swing and told him i want you to nail all these nails into this board. He did...3 days later i explained ok now every nail is for every time you have said something that huret someone even when you thought it was no big deal or your sister was over reacting or your brother was being a big bay about it every nail is something yopu have done to offend someone, including me now please remove each nail...several days later....that took him longer i said look at all the damage that can not be undone...that kid has never forgot that!...and my youingest was young but olde to watch his brother do this project they shaped up and they got to build the treehouse that year.
[Edited 3/5/2008 11:16:53 PM]