6/26/2011 7:54:54 PM |
Problem with my squash |
Somerville, AL
60, joined Feb. 2011
I think I have squash bugs. Didn't until I saw a few of what I think are squash bugs this morning. Mixed up liquid seven and sprayed and then sprayed again because I saw alot of them this evening. I have not had problems until my neighbor across the road said her and her son's squash has been devistated by them. I like to do organic but wasn't sure what to do so went ahead and sprayed with liquid seven. Any suggestions? Don't want my squash killed by them.
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6/26/2011 8:16:28 PM |
Problem with my squash |
Somerville, AL
60, joined Feb. 2011
Ok, I just read this in a book but have not tried it yet but will in the morning.
It said squash bugs go by smell and to mix half and half, water and artificial
vanilla flavoring so I am going to give it a try. Anyone heard of this and tried it?
6/27/2011 10:23:48 AM |
Problem with my squash |
Homeland, CA
68, joined Apr. 2008
I haven't tried anything that worked well in getting rid of Squash Bugs. Check the underside of your leaves for eggs. They will be clustered together and are a gold/brown color. The squash bugs spread a virus that kills your plants fairly quickly.
6/27/2011 8:02:46 PM |
Problem with my squash |
Somerville, AL
60, joined Feb. 2011
Found a few this morning on my plants but sprayed again and looked a little while ago
and so far so good with not seeing any but going to check again in the morning so maybe
if no more by in the morning my squash will be ok. Planted a couple more hills out back
hoping to have some late squash is I keep them watered good.
7/27/2011 4:53:40 AM |
Problem with my squash |
Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
I try to be organic too. But so far, I haven't found anything to deal with squash bugs. Been using liquid sevin and no luck. I did boil some of my mint, like I would for tea, and used this in my sprayer and it helped until the next rain. My squash are already wiped out but going to replant. Far across the yard I have pumpkins, and just noticed a couple of squash bugs. I hand picked them off, rubbed a cluster of eggs off, and so far I don't see any more. I've tried planting marigolds to keep them away, but I haven't found a solution yet.
7/27/2011 8:24:06 AM |
Problem with my squash |
Somerville, AL
60, joined Feb. 2011
yeah I am going to replant squash too. Planted 2 hills out back and then just going
to pull my old ones up and plant some more there. I planted marigolds and mint beside
my garden to see if it helps. The grasshoppers loved the mint and stripped it. What to
do, what to do..lol..
7/28/2011 12:57:45 AM |
Problem with my squash |
Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
I've heard ducks or guinea hens are fantastic for bugs in a garden, chickens will sample most of the veggies too. I've never had anything attack my mint. I found 3 more squash bugs on my pumpkins tonight, but no more juveniles or eggs. I have hope! BTW, mine always have eggs on top of the leaves.
I've also heard the larvae lies dormant in the soil, and is best if you can skip a year and rotate squash to another area. I don't have the space and need to replant.
I'm not giving up, will keep trying stuff. I can't have birds due to HOA.
7/28/2011 7:43:19 AM |
Problem with my squash |
Somerville, AL
60, joined Feb. 2011
I would love to get me some guinea hens but don't know about my 2 cats or all
the dogs that run around here. I see other people with them though so maybe except
the ones I see that get run over they would be ok. The grasshoppers are stripping
everything I have with a bloom except my garden so far. They sure stripped the mint
7/28/2011 5:15:10 PM |
Problem with my squash |
Pipestone, MN
55, joined Dec. 2008
I would try garlic spray with mineral oil I havent had problems with sqaush bugs but i had black bugs in my raspberrys it does work for that I for sure did not want to put seven on them I have to wash them good or I will taste garlic .
7/28/2011 6:42:42 PM |
Problem with my squash |
Somerville, AL
60, joined Feb. 2011
I would try garlic spray with mineral oil I havent had problems with sqaush bugs but i had black bugs in my raspberrys it does work for that I for sure did not want to put seven on them I have to wash them good or I will taste garlic .
Something is now eating my ripe and near ripe tomatoes. Not sure if it is the grass-
hoppers or something else. small to pretty good size chunks out of them and saw
grasshoppers when I went to pick them this evening. They are driving me crazy.
I might try spraying with what you said. How much mineral oil do you use?
8/4/2011 11:07:31 AM |
Problem with my squash |
Cedar Grove, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
I have all kinds of blooms on my squash, but no squash. Is it possible for squash plants to only produce male blooms ?
8/4/2011 12:01:37 PM |
Problem with my squash |
Homeland, CA
68, joined Apr. 2008
I have all kinds of blooms on my squash, but no squash. Is it possible for squash plants to only produce male blooms ?
Louie, if you are having really hot weather right now, it will affect the pollen and render it useless til it cools down some. Don't use any high nitrogen fertilizer for the rest of the season either. (No "Miracle Grow").
8/4/2011 3:13:13 PM |
Problem with my squash |
Cedar Grove, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
that could be what it is, it has been very hot, and dry. thanks
8/14/2011 6:16:51 AM |
Problem with my squash |
Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
I'm going to replant squash this week. I have been picking and squishing the bugs from my pumpkins by hand, and it hasn't been a problem at all. I think that will be my plan on the new squash too. Will see how it goes.
8/14/2011 4:19:11 PM |
Problem with my squash |
Somerville, AL
60, joined Feb. 2011
I'm going to replant squash this week. I have been picking and squishing the bugs from my pumpkins by hand, and it hasn't been a problem at all. I think that will be my plan on the new squash too. Will see how it goes.
so it is not too late to plant squash? I have not seen any bugs since I pulled the
old plants up and poisoned with the granules I had. Don't like doing that but had to
do something. My problem now is still the grasshoppers. Nothing seems to effect them.
Been canning tomatoes.
10/25/2011 9:05:27 PM |
Problem with my squash |
Otter Lake, MI
65, joined May. 2011
Squash bugs are difficult to eradi.cage. They go by scent. Camoflage scent with strong herbal soap/oil sprays such as southernwood, rosemary,rue..
Disrupt the surrounding soil,lightly and regulary. Bug juice acts as a deterrant alonv with spraying of compost tea.
11/1/2011 2:25:08 PM |
Problem with my squash |
Chelan, WA
73, joined Nov. 2008
I have all kinds of blooms on my squash, but no squash. Is it possible for squash plants to only produce male blooms ?
You can hand pollinate, using a soft small paint brush, take pollen from male flowers as soon as it first open in the morning, and then brush on female flowers pastels, then immediately close that blossom up good with some string, so bees wont bring the wrong pollen to the squash flower. Give them vines plenty of open space and sunshine
11/1/2011 2:37:18 PM |
Problem with my squash |
Chelan, WA
73, joined Nov. 2008
so it is not too late to plant squash? I have not seen any bugs since I pulled the
old plants up and poisoned with the granules I had. Don't like doing that but had to
do something. My problem now is still the grasshoppers. Nothing seems to effect them.
Been canning tomatoes.
" BACILLUS THERAGENCEUS " < spelling) is a natural Bactria that is good for killing tomato horn worms, cabbage worms. all plant eating worms and caterpillars above ground worms.
Need to spray it about every 7-10 days or so during the bug season.
I think it also works on some other bugs ( IE: Grasshoppers) Its a natural caterpillar bug virus, mixed with water and spayed on top and underside of leaves, caterpillars / worms will ingest it, in a few days they will melt and die like wax in the sun. Its not harmful to man or animals.