3/22/2008 9:16:02 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Gurdon, AR
age: 37
good point when in doubt just dont
3/22/2008 9:30:58 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Owensboro, KY
age: 44
Don't ask me I have not been married yet..and I am 44yrs old
3/22/2008 9:52:04 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
There is no set age, I was 28, as you can see it didn't work out. I waited hoping I'd make good decisions..ha! It is always a gamble..nothing ventured, nothing gained. However, both parties should be ready, be financially stable and emotionally ready. To marry just because is not a reason to marry....
3/22/2008 9:54:44 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Scarborough, ON
age: 30
DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!  
3/22/2008 9:56:55 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Edmonton, AB
age: 40
                     stop the crack man ..never is the best age
[Edited 3/22/2008 9:57:27 PM]
3/22/2008 10:08:48 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Cohoes, NY
age: 24
u r way to young I got engaged at 19 and was with the guy for 7 years and I am not married. Wait a while hun it will all work out in the end don't rush it, enjoy being young!!!! I wish I did cause maybe it would have worked out better.
3/22/2008 10:46:38 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

High Point, NC
age: 50
get a early start, marry your baby setter 
3/22/2008 10:49:17 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Ogden, UT
age: 27
31 give you time to mature and get you shit together. but at any age makes sure that you are ready to share your life with that person completely!  
3/23/2008 4:23:11 AM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 47
I would suggest late 20's into your early 30's....you will learn so much about you, your needs/desires/likes/dislikes/limits/goals/dreams, between now and then...you will learn what you are willing to compromise with and what is non negotiable in life...what your needs are for friendship w/partner, other friends in your life, whether you want kids/how many, your sexual desires/needs....sooo many things to learn and discover before you settle into a marriage. Marriage is wonderful, IF you marry your true best friend/playmate/lover/confidante, you can share anything and everything without hesitation/unconditionally/without fear of judgment, you can openly and willingly give and take constructive criticism, encourage each other towards desires/goals whether shared or not. And learn if you or your partner is jealous or trusting and learn to cope with that....hope this was helpful!!! Good luck!!! 
3/23/2008 4:36:14 AM |
What is a good age to get married? |

age: 37
Why marriage is so important? You can live together any way
When your kids kid ask you and you still together then I say: let’s get party
Other ways why?
3/23/2008 9:28:02 AM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Splendora, TX
age: 54 online now!
The perfect age to get married is about 110, by then you have a pretty good grasp on life, sex probably doesn't matter that much, and you won't be married long enough to worry about getting bored and breaking up, prior to that it's a crapshoot
3/23/2008 9:29:28 AM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Lake Dallas, TX
age: 47
When legal age, but would suggest children 25 or greater
3/23/2008 9:39:30 AM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Virginia Beach, VA
age: 53
Being that MOST here are between the ages the ages of 35 and 60, divorced after between 14 and 23 years of marriage. The best time to consider marriage is after you have lived with them more than 20 years to see if you can deal with them for the next 20 years!!!! 
3/23/2008 9:56:21 AM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
My best gf's got married right out of high school, and I got married
at 25. I had lots of fun travelling, trying different jobs, and dating
while they were raising their children.
I was married and stayed in love for 20 years after that.
I found I changed quite a bit from an insecure high school grad
to a self assured, confident woman in those 7 years before
getting married, and didn't bring any of that foolishness like
jealousy, possessiveness, neediness into the marriage.
3/23/2008 10:07:18 AM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Boulder, CO
age: 44
Don't do it! Not only is technology changing, but if you notice, marriages are changing too. We are all redifining and reshaping modern relationships. Put simply, we are evolving. Marriage is no longer mainstream, despite the illusion that media would like to convey. Marriage is a sham, it is what you make it, yes, but it's rules are guided by an idea and a neccessity, of the past, which is no longer viable. Women can and do support themselves. Marriage, was and is, in it's basic form, A CONTRACT. This is the future. Marriage can't survive the digital age, too many options, too much information, to many posibilities to be limitted, not to mention divorce is too costly, in every way.