3/23/2008 3:12:26 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Miles City, MT
age: 31
it has nothing to do with that.i have never been around a good marriage in my life i was ingaged but the f*cker had pot delivered in my mail,he gambled his paychecks and cheated.so its a severe trust issue not a maturity thing jezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.   
3/23/2008 5:22:15 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 25
Good age to get married?
Proper age to get married?
Acceptable age to get married?
Comfortable age to get married?
However you phrase it, it's the same inquiry.
I had a gradeschool classmate, who hooked up through engagement before her junior prom, and supposedly got hitched just after commencement. Then I have had relatives range from mid-20's to mid30's by the timpe they got married(regardless of how many times they were married before). Similar to some of the comments before this one, I say, to wait till you feel whole, comfortable, and all the other secure fulfilling feelings with that special someone, and you might want to wait till you secure residence and employment, so that where to live, and affordability doesn't have any clout when you will inevitably argue. So, there is no comfortable proven actual age. Though with how things are today, I would likely suggest and guess late 20's. That way you can party, if you like, explore, if you like, and that does give you pleanty of time to find yourself enough to not second guess "if he/she", is the right person to commit to, and to begin a family with.
Just keep in mind, "For better or worse, till death do you part". That is repeatedly ignored and neglected after many couples do their vows.
Regardless, best wishes
3/23/2008 9:35:18 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Kingman, AZ
age: 18
a good age to get married is 21 and over!!
3/23/2008 9:56:50 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

age: 37
I think it’s depends on witch one mirage do you men? second third or …
As younger you get married first time as more marriages you get during the life

3/23/2008 10:06:07 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Lincoln, NE
age: 50
age 25 or so, or before your eggs are hard-boiled.
3/23/2008 10:36:36 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

age: 37
If I get younger one maybe I get a kid before we divorce, but then I will be old and no chance to get lest one women
But if I get older one it’s big possibility that this will be till the end but no kids for shore
And if I will be thinking to long then maybe my destiny is live on my own?
OK I get it as older do merry as more chance that you will never divorce 85-95
I think it’s dispense on persons finical condition and if you wait to long it is always risk that you will never make it to the Church just direct to the churchyard

3/23/2008 11:18:46 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Holden, MO
age: 44
don't throw all your young tender years away, enjoy them while ya can. marriage is not all it cracks up to be now a days. take your time and let your heart lead ya.
3/23/2008 11:20:20 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Santa Barbara, CA
age: 47
I agree babygirl, as young women we think that marriage, babies and the house with the white picket fence is what we want. Oops then reality hits!
3/23/2008 11:38:36 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Holden, MO
age: 44
and it hits hard, 
3/24/2008 3:15:12 AM |
What is a good age to get married? |

age: 35
When you know deep down that it is right. If you have doubts- DON'T DO IT! If you want to because you just want to be married- DON'T DO IT! If you are given an ultimatum- DON'T DO IT! It is a very serious commitment. Not a fad.
3/24/2008 3:39:16 AM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Boulder City, NV
age: 46
60s-70s good age to get married people change I was married for 10 years he went from sweet man to drug using woman beating man ( Im 5 7 175 hes 6 6 250) hell why bother
3/24/2008 7:13:52 AM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Galveston, TX
age: 56
There is no good age.
3/25/2008 4:39:43 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Blakely, GA
age: 19
it think u should get marryed next year u are good and ready i think so do it 
3/25/2008 5:08:21 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Conway, SC
age: 41
NEVER is my opinion.
But ive noticed only happy married couples I see,no matter if its there first or fifth. Is if there in there 50s. Seem to appreciate each other and done playing games.
3/25/2008 7:03:13 PM |
What is a good age to get married? |

Blakely, GA
age: 19
how about next year or the year after to me