7/28/2011 7:39:08 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

Rochester, MN
31, joined Jul. 2011
I am a fan of the fantasy genre and I was wondering of any of you have suggestions on what I should read next. I am a huge fan the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings and Song of Fire and Ice series.
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7/28/2011 8:48:51 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

Creighton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2011
I really liked the "Dune" series by Frank Herbert.
"Stranger in a Strange Land"
Anything written by Ray Bradbury
I haven't been reading much fantasy books for adults as of late, but there are some very good ones for young adults and children...I try to keep track of children's literature, since I have headed discussion groups with kids and like to share my love of reading with any child who is interested.
"The Golden Compass" series was fantastic.
"Inkheart" and the next 2 in this series were enjoyable.
I read, with a preteen group, "The Dirt Eaters,' which was very good and made me want to read the next in the series.
Just a few off the top of my head...I'll look over my books and get back later....Also, as I said in another post, I'm reading Mary Shelly's, "The Last Man".....very old SciFi.
One more! "Weave World," by Clive Barker is remembered fondly...it held me spellbound.
[Edited 7/28/2011 8:50:04 PM ]
7/28/2011 11:00:52 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

Rochester, MN
31, joined Jul. 2011
I have been thinking about reading the Dune series but I have never gotten around to it. Everyone I know that has read says its very good. I have heard of the "Golden Compass" and "Inkheart" but nobody I know has read so I do not know if they are any good. I will have to check them out though. Thanks.
8/4/2011 1:22:15 AM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
How about Robert Jordan? The Wheel of Time series?
8/4/2011 4:34:36 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |
Washington, DC
39, joined Aug. 2011
8/4/2011 4:48:51 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |
Reynoldsburg, OH
64, joined Jul. 2011
I agree Discworld is great!
8/9/2011 12:10:39 AM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |
Petal, MS
27, joined Oct. 2009
R.A Salvatore is another great author. I would say go to the local bookstore or online and do some searching there is so many good books and a lot aren't as popular as they should be
8/11/2011 12:57:29 AM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

New Rochelle, NY
32, joined Jun. 2011
The Dark Tower series by Stephen King
8/12/2011 9:32:51 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |
Farmington, ME
37, joined May. 2011
no the dark tower turned to crap 3rd book in
Sword of truth series by terry goodkind is a paragon of its genre.
8/16/2011 1:29:12 AM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

Orlando, FL
33, joined Aug. 2011
A few authors I truly enjoy are... R. A. Salvador, Robert Jordan, Garth Nix (Abhorsen trilogy), Brent Weeks, Branding Anderson and Terry Goodkind to name a few.
9/1/2011 1:29:24 AM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

Adamstown, PA
33, joined Aug. 2011
Try Terry Brooks, R.A. Salvatore, and Margret Weis/Tracy Hickman. All are great fantasy writers. I'm a huge fan of Salvatore's Drizzt series and the Cleric Quintet
9/1/2011 1:31:22 AM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

Adamstown, PA
33, joined Aug. 2011
I have been thinking about reading the Dune series but I have never gotten around to it. Everyone I know that has read says its very good. I have heard of the "Golden Compass" and "Inkheart" but nobody I know has read so I do not know if they are any good. I will have to check them out though. Thanks.
my sister and mom said the Inkheart series is great
9/5/2011 12:18:47 AM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |


Point Reyes Station, CA
35, joined Aug. 2011
Shannara series by terry brooks
Dragonlance series by Laura and Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis
The Earthsea Cycle by Ursula Le Guin
The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb
Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson
The Duncton Chronicles by William Horwood
The First Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen R Donaldson
His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
9/23/2011 4:06:57 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |
New Britain, CT
33, joined Jul. 2011
I recommend Terry Goodkind also but if you're going to read his sword of Truth series be forewarned, it was based off of Robert Jordans Wheel of Time series. Same story different style. Goodkind is less wordy. 
9/25/2011 12:47:09 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
The Codexis Alera series was pretty good.
Jim Butcher is the author.
And speaking of Jim Butcher, the Dresden files
are pretty good to. (modern day wizzard/private investigator)
10/8/2011 8:15:54 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

San Tan Valley, AZ
31, joined Sep. 2011
I highly suggest looking into the "Runelord" series. The author is David Farland. You wont be dissappointed! I'm still working my way through the 10 book series.
10/11/2011 11:24:17 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

Denver, PA
30, joined May. 2011
Inheritance cycle by christopher paolini. A must read for fantasy lovers
10/18/2011 10:58:02 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |
Haddock, GA
61, joined Oct. 2011
Anne McCaffery The Dragonworld series are fabulous. Any book that I have read by McCaffery, alone or with other authors have been wonderful. Creates worlds 
10/20/2011 7:41:59 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |
Saint Louis, MO
40, joined Oct. 2011
Neil Gaiman - American Gods.
Gene Wolf - Sword and Citadel & Shadow and Claw.
Stephen King - The Dark Tower.
All well written, all intense, and Neil Gaiman has a writing style that's eloquent, whimsical, and fun.
10/25/2011 2:02:43 AM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

Tulsa, OK
28, joined Oct. 2011
Singin_joe knows what's up when it comes to fantasy books
11/13/2011 9:42:28 AM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |
Dallas, TX
36, joined Aug. 2011
American Gods is a must. And The Night Angel trilogy of Brent Weeks. Mark Chadbourne's triple trilogy, starts with The Age Of Misrule, I think. Sharp Teeth by Barlow, werewolves in epic poem form, how can you not get into that? Max Frei The Stranger. Good Omens by Gaiman and Pratchett. The Strain by Hogan and Del Toro. God's Demon by Barlowe. Sorry that's all I can see from where I'm sitting 
12/5/2011 10:32:23 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |
San Leandro, CA
35, joined Nov. 2011
Wheel of time series. On book four now. I think this is my third time retreading the series. Every few years when another one comes out I'll start it again. Worth the read.
12/7/2011 11:28:52 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |


Starkville, MS
41, joined May. 2011
The Eragon series is really good....Paolini finally finished the last book The Inheritance, which I'm reading now. Great read so far. The movie sucked....balls. I just had to say it, I was so disappointed.
1/10/2012 12:16:48 AM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

Council Bluffs, IA
29, joined Nov. 2011
if you wish to read fantasy books i would go with the inheratence cycle or maybe even the Dragonvarld Trilogy
1/14/2012 9:03:37 PM |
Fantasy book suggestions. |

Nashville, MI
28, joined Jan. 2012
The Dragonlance novels for one. Also Anne McCaffery's Pern series.