8/11/2011 3:13:16 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Phoenix, AZ
35, joined Jun. 2011
1. 10 minutes...I'm good |
2. 10 minutes...I'm pissed |
3. 1 hour...whew just enough |
4. 1 hour...just getting started |
5. 4+hours....would you finish already! |
6. 4+hours...this is great! |
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8/14/2011 6:21:36 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Omaha, NE
41, joined Aug. 2011
25-45 minutes is better.
8/14/2011 7:58:05 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |


Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
4 hours but then it depends as if the partners are great anytime is as well.  
8/14/2011 8:07:48 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Waverly, NE
44, joined Aug. 2011
Who's watching the clock while they're having sex???
You work until the job's done!!
8/15/2011 1:32:32 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
I say 30 to 45 seconds. It's a race baby, and you lose.
8/15/2011 1:34:49 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
Wait 4+ hours? Seriously? Get a job, if that's the case. Who has that much extra time??
8/15/2011 5:11:43 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Columbus, NE
38, joined Jun. 2010
as long as there's plenty of foreplay I'm good with ten minutes
8/15/2011 9:32:03 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |


Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Me, I'm retired     
8/26/2011 6:57:08 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Lincoln, NE
40, joined Aug. 2011
30mins of Fp 30 mins of pure physical exersion... unless your doin it multiple times during the day... then its 20-40mins per honestly it really depends on the woman. 4hrs+ works tho too but make sure your taking your 15m break or you know the union gets their panties in a bunch....
9/2/2011 4:47:46 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |

Bellevue, NE
51, joined Aug. 2011
LOL I hear ya on the foreplay!
9/3/2011 9:21:13 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Omaha, NE
49, joined Jul. 2011

9/5/2011 2:57:50 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |


Zion, IL
75, joined Mar. 2008
At least two hours...
All night is better...
At least an hour of foreplay...
Not done until she sees the fireworks.

Life is the journey, not the destination.
10/8/2011 9:17:11 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Talmage, NE
37, joined Sep. 2011
Who's watching the clock while they're having sex???
You work until the job's done!!
10/9/2011 8:19:26 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Fremont, NE
46, joined Oct. 2011
Are we counting foreplay here? Cause if the foreplay is good 10 minutes and I'm good...
10/9/2011 12:10:43 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Hastings, NE
43, joined Jan. 2011
What ever it takes to get the job done. If she aint happy you arent getting more later so better do it right the first time.
10/9/2011 1:42:57 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Pensacola, FL
44, joined Oct. 2011
Simple, til both parties are equally satisfied! 
10/9/2011 10:56:31 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |

Lincoln, NE
26, joined Sep. 2011
It's honestly got to at least be 20 mins to be any good for a girl, forplay included
10/10/2011 11:10:23 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |


Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
I only know about not enough. 
10/10/2011 11:18:37 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |

Fullerton, NE
27, joined Jul. 2011
It truly depends on if both ppl are satisfied me personally I could go for a very looong time with little break time but I don't mind the ten mins as long as it's done well 
10/14/2011 11:04:53 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |

Omaha, NE
40, joined Oct. 2011
Personally I believe that sex is an all day thing, foreplay starts in the morning and goes throughout the day, foreplay and sex is not all about the physical touch, its also about the mental connection, the longer you build up the anticipated night of romance throughout the day it won't matter how long the actual act is.
10/15/2011 12:53:31 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |

Omaha, NE
40, joined Oct. 2011
Obviously you are not understanding what I am saying, so I'll break it down for you, sex is not just the act. Its also the mental stimulus, and yes the mental part can last all day, it's the way you look at them, the way you talk, making small hints of what is to come later, its the gentle way you touch them or the way you pull them close and kiss them like it's the last thing your going to do.it's having a romantic candle lit dinner and then preparing them a hot bubble bath. So yes sex and foreplay can last all day. And I can say with 90% certainty that doing those things throughout the day will lead to an incredible night
10/15/2011 6:54:43 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |


Omaha, NE
38, joined Nov. 2010
Actually he is making a lot of sense mtw, just because that isn't how you do things doesn't matter.
10/15/2011 1:43:13 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
My grandmother had a saying, "Good sex starts at the breakfast table." which she didn't inform me of until her health and mental state started slipping (she was a devout Christian and never talked about certain things).
I think it's kind of the same thing.
10/15/2011 4:24:58 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
A little presumptuous to imply you have a better idea what my grandmother meant than I do, but she explained it like this: If you are in a relationship, and you treat your woman nice from the time the sun comes up, pay her a lot of attention and compliments throughout the day and treat her like the most special lady in the world, that by nightfall she will be more likely to be "in the mood" and reciprocative of your affection. Whereas if you treat her like an object and make fun of and belittle her, she isn't going to want to please you like you want later.
10/15/2011 4:47:26 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
He didn't say he was HAVING sex the whole time, either. He said it was physical and mental, and I gave a quote that my grandma used to say and said it was kind of the same thing, which it is. Your reading comprehension needs improvement.
I hardly think "Good sex starts at the breakfast table" with an explanation of how to care for a woman and get her to return that care is "in depth" or gross. She wasn't giving me pointers on doggy-style. Maybe someone should have had such a conversation with you when you were a teenager, so you would have someone that cared for you instead of a forum full of people that you haven't met, and probably will never meet, that have to suffer your endless, embittered, misogynistic tirades.
10/15/2011 5:34:41 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
10/15/2011 5:59:00 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
I can dish it out, I can take it. It wasn't me that said there's no need to get personal, remember? You fired off first, I returned fire. I think you've grossly overestimated the impact you think you had on my life. Regardless of what you say, the rest of my night is going to go well. That's what I care about.
10/15/2011 6:11:50 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
You weren't imagining reading it, but it's hard to really understand points when you have comprehensive reading skills that rival a 3rd grader. You trying to elicit an emotional response from me isn't going to work, and isn't going to magically get you a date or any other type of affection. You whine and piss and moan that women are b*tches and shallow and won't get off their fat asses to help themselves, all the while sitting on the internet to do so. Get the contradiction I'm pointing to here? You're a little too old to be rocking the emo lifestyle, bud. And if you're seriously trying to instigate a pissing contest with me over the internet, you might want to add vodka and razor blades to your grocery list.
10/15/2011 6:23:34 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
Looks like someone's gonna need an extension on their next hour at the therapist. Gonna have to push back the getting molested by your uncle topic to next week just to make room for how pissed you are at everyone on the internet.
10/15/2011 6:30:45 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
10/15/2011 6:39:44 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
How the hell would you know what ladies like? From the sounds of it, you couldn't get laid in a morgue. Women are superficial is just another way to say "Women find me repulsive". If you continue to cry to me about it, I'm going to start charging. And I'm not your man, thank you.
10/15/2011 6:50:58 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
I say these things for my amusement, not yours. I can't beat you down emotionally nearly as adequately as the rest of the world and every woman that won't give you a second glance, or the idea that not a single person on this Earth is genuinely interested in what you have to say. So that's not my intention. Just killing time until I go out later. But do keep an itemized list of all the jokes I've gone over, I'd hate to reuse them and you yawn yourself to death in between masturbation sessions.
10/15/2011 6:59:12 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
All I read that time was a bunch of blah blah blah,
That's nothing new, that's how you read everything. Then you wonder why people take issue with you. That's what happens when you read one sentence per paragraph, misinterpret it, then spout nonsensical bullshit that is only barely relevant. Seriously, it might be worth having yourself tested for Autism. Knowing is half the battle, even if it is far too late for prevention.
10/15/2011 7:11:05 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
You've been doing the same thing for the last page, just recapping the joke and saying how funny it is. This is among the myriad reasons why you're alone and bitter, you have nothing to offer the conversation. Do you go out to social gatherings and sit around repeating what everyone else says like a stenographer and then go home and cry because you don't understand why no one wants to talk to you?
10/15/2011 7:32:05 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
Sorry, got distracted with something. Where were we? I believe we left off with you playing Simon Says with me. So you claim I'm not smart or clever? What are you basing that on? How smart and clever you are? If so, then I'm pretty sure I'm well above gifted range.
10/15/2011 7:40:08 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
What the hell are you still doing on here? The people from the suicide hotline are going to think you finally did it if you don't get in touch with them soon. You don't want the police to kick down your door, do you? They can be expensive.
10/15/2011 7:50:10 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
Doors. Doors can be expensive. Just another fine point that you have trouble reading much more than the sunday comics. You got so excited, too. I kind of hated to even point it out, you thought you had a legitimate joke there. A light at the end of the tunnel. Hope that wasn't the only thing separating you from a bottle of Tylenol PM and a soft blankie, I don't know that I could bear it.
10/15/2011 8:04:57 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
By that notion, you probably don't find many jokes funny. I'd wager that if 100 people read that bit, that at least 98 of them would have understood which noun I was referring to. I can't be held accountable for your lack of sense. Still interesting how you keep up this persona of superiority. You spent the first 9 months of your life dodging a coat hanger and suddenly you're God's Chosen? Not likely.
It's been real and it's been fun. I'll be back later. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, because you can't do anything that I would. Later.
10/16/2011 1:32:25 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
Even your imaginary audience won't clap for you. It's not a nice feeling to be rejected by your own subconscious, is it? I do admire your witless rhetoric, though. It's an idea I've never really understood, but seems to work well. As long as you support all your ideas, that's all that matters. You're gonna be spending a lot of time with yourself, I imagine. It's good to be comfortable.
10/16/2011 1:51:53 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
All this attention is great, isn't it? Probably the most anyone has willfully interacted with you in quite some time. You've been trying to dissect my posting style for some time now, I don't know how it is that you think you can reduce it to some form that doesn't make sense.
"Uh, there's gonna be a declarative statement, probably some sort of exclamation mark to follow. Then it can sometimes be a question and it involves random words. There will probably also be some periods and commas in there, as well. High chance gonna try to sound smart or use any and all jokes regardless of how badly they hurt my feelings."
In seriousness, is there some end your working towards trying to take apart every word of every sentence? Seems like a waste of time and a lack of creativity to me.
10/16/2011 2:47:49 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
I could see that actually. You strike me as the type of guy to go on the prowl at retirement homes. Probably comforting with all the mommy issues you have, plus women that are 70+ aren't as superficial and therefore much less likely to be repulsed by you, like your middle-aged counterparts. Probably still takes a lot of roofies, though.
10/16/2011 4:36:24 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
It isn't random. Just because you can't connect the dots doesn't mean it's random.
You're like a little child that walks into a convenience store that can't see over the counter but still thinks he knows what's going on behind it. How's that working for you so far?
10/16/2011 7:07:38 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
I go to UNK, and all of my professors seem pretty satisfied with my douchebag analogies.
That last one must have struck some nerve. I got demoted from "your man" to "bro". You should do yourself and everyone else a favor and smash your keyboard, emo kid. Pretty sure no one here would miss seeing you whiny, stupid bullshit posts. Go make another post about how your cats are the one thing in this world that makes you happy. What a cry for help.
10/16/2011 8:11:43 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
You worry about your future, I'll worry about mine. I'm happy doing what I'm doing, and the people I know in the field are happy doing what they do. That's enough for me. I'd rather have the life that I have than the life of a 33 year old washout with nothing better to do than whine and troll an online forum. If you expended nearly as much energy bettering yourself as you do trying to troll heavyset girls, desperate men, and posers on the internet you might be a worthwhile person someday. But I rather doubt it.
10/16/2011 9:17:46 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
Even if you made 200k a year, you still have nothing better to do on a weekend night but sit and drool over your keyboard waiting for someone to flame. All the money in the world can't change a life of mediocrity and regret. That's assuming you're telling the truth. At least you can afford internet. Not for my sake, I haven't read a single thing you've posted worth reading, but you have to have something to do in between crushing rejections and humiliations.
10/16/2011 10:16:12 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
A man doesn't get to be like you without a lifetime of baggage, and I use the term "man" loosely in your case. You're whiny, self-righteous, bitter, immature, and overall devoid of anything useful to say or contribute. I highly doubt you act like this in your actual life, unless it's as pathetic as I could assume. You'd either end up being the best fighter in the galaxy or with frequent flier miles to the local emergency room. But yet you come here, and act like a total d*ckwad to anyone willing to read your posts, and since you haven't sank to the "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS" post, I can infer you're either a coward the likes I haven't encountered or a classy individual, but I know you aren't the latter. You are a waste of life, you are not what God, or whatever you believe in, intended when we were created. Unless you believe in evolution, in which case you are not a stepping stone, you are a step down to be avoided.
yet you're so much cooler
That's all you need to know.
10/17/2011 1:39:39 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
I really wish you weren't a complete retard and knew how to read and understand what you were reading. That would make telling you stuff so much more effective.
10/17/2011 5:26:09 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
I make fun of you for being whiny and pathetic, you make fun of me for going to UNK.
I'm content with my life and my station, which is more than you can say for yourself. Everything you've ever posted ranges from ball of insecurities to cry for help, which is bad because you have full control over what you post. There can't be any subconscious slips when you have time to type and re-read what you're posting.
Ah...reminds me of what it was like to be 18. The world was so exciting and full of promise, before the weight of the world crushed all my hope, dreams, and aspirations. I'd give anything for that again.
The world didn't crush your spirit, you did by being too stupid and weak-willed to find what you like and pursue it. Seriously, how many hours out of the day do you walk around on the verge of tears?
10/17/2011 6:28:40 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
I sense a cryfest coming on. Sorry Omaha, hope you fools have renter's insurance, it's gonna be like Waterworld with a soundtrack of a hospital nursery on repeat.
10/17/2011 6:52:21 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
Yea, actually I think that shit's hilarious. The idea of you moping around your apartment cursing under your breath and punting one of your cats out of frustration puts a big ol' smile on my face.
10/18/2011 5:26:30 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
Trying to convince me or you how happy you are?
10/19/2011 2:05:23 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |

Columbus, NE
29, joined Jul. 2011
Christinis I agree wit u man I've gone as long as 4 hours but it wasn't easy and no I'm not thinking it myers I actually did it unlike you who has never had sex and probably never will cause of premature ejaculation so ya bite me
10/19/2011 4:52:32 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
Any girl that would let you f**k her wouldn't get a second glance from me, Casper the obesity ghost.
10/19/2011 5:47:46 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |

La Vista, NE
60, joined Aug. 2010
Any girl that would let you f**k her wouldn't get a second glance from me, Casper the obesity ghost.
Can't quite understand why you felt it necessary to stoop so low to call someone a name on a forum. Please help me understand the need to put someone down.
10/19/2011 10:17:21 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
Can't quite understand why you felt it necessary to stoop so low to call someone a name on a forum. Please help me understand the need to put someone down.
Are you slow? You really have no idea why I would say that? I'm not gonna have some douche come out of left field and insult me while simultaneously feeding me some bullshit about how long he has sex, and I ESPECIALLY am not going to listen to it from a man that looks like he gets winded while eating dinner for f**k's sake.
10/19/2011 10:18:46 AM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
And not trying to be mean, but that guy doesn't look like he could walk on a treadmill for an hour, much less have sex for four hours. Let's be real.
10/19/2011 2:54:01 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
I dunno, he called me a virgin, a premature ejaculator, and then told me to bite him. I have no idea what he agreed with me about, none of that was anything close to what I've said in this thread.
10/19/2011 5:07:12 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |

La Vista, NE
60, joined Aug. 2010
I dunno, he called me a virgin, a premature ejaculator, and then told me to bite him. I have no idea what he agreed with me about, none of that was anything close to what I've said in this thread.
I am not slow and I can read...He said he agreed with you....He was speaking about someone else with the rest.
But I am concerned about your feelings of self worth. Calling others names and belittling others is what bullies and those who feel inadequate tend to do. Not someone who is confident in who they are.
10/19/2011 5:20:33 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
I thought he was agreeing with you and disagreeing with someone named myers, but again it was illiterate garbage.
For some reason when I read it, I assumed he meant "matters" when he said something about not thinking it "myers". I'm not sure. Probably hard to hit keys on the keyboard accurately when your fingers look like twinkies.
I am not slow and I can read...He said he agreed with you....He was speaking about someone else with the rest.
But I am concerned about your feelings of self worth. Calling others names and belittling others is what bullies and those who feel inadequate tend to do. Not someone who is confident in who they are.
No he did not aim that at anyone else. You're daft, lady. He called me a premature ejaculator because, if you look at my very first post in this thread, I made a joke about being one.
Thanks for your concern about my self-image, though. I totally agree about bullies and those that feel inadequate. It was really inappropriate for that guy to join the conversation just to try to make me feel bad about myself. He should be ashamed.
10/19/2011 5:31:52 PM |
How much much sex is too much? How much is just enough? |
Kearney, NE
32, joined Jul. 2009
Sounds like a group hug coming on. This is turning out to be how every "Full House" episode ended...O_o