9/22/2008 3:37:06 PM |
minor anxiety/panic attacks |
Muskegon, MI
age: 52
I wish I had saw this group two days ago!! I was so miserable! the first time ever feeling so low and bad. I have been challanged with it since....well I can't remember the year now, but it was awful the first time. It hurts to know ppl see you as a freak,crazy person etc. I had a great relationship with this guy for three years and soon as the GAD began to get worse he became more distant. I have a challange now driving and taking meds.lately it's been a challange to go to my mailbox. Never took any meds for it. It's been over seven years is all I can say. Had a hysterectomy in 92. I know I'm going through menopause now and it do seem to be more often lately of feeling these symtoms. I was good for quite awhile then whoops there it is again.I have twin 15 year olds who is special children. Adopted at a year old. i want so much to have my life back,but with the challange of taking meds i wonder how to cope. have been to the emergency room when I had to force antibiotics for a respitory infection. I'm so thankful to know this group is here to have someone to help me through when times seem hard. I get so lonely not having anyone to talk to or do things with since I don't drive. I don't like having to ask anyone to take me here and there all the time. To have someone to just take a long walk with and talk to will be such a blessing for me. 
9/24/2008 3:54:58 PM |
minor anxiety/panic attacks |

Tuscaloosa, AL
age: 45
i have panic attacks/anxiety/ged . some people do not understand how we feel like going out or being around a lot of people makes it worse . i was married when i started haveing mine. one day me& my ex & my daughter was out eating in public. i started have a panic attack and he sayed do not do that here .i did not say anything i ran to the restroom a put water on my face my daughter camein and ask me if i was ok i sayed i think so .i felt like my life was over .i sat in the restroom for a while dealing with a panic attack and to top it off thing why did he say that. my ex never came to check on me.i got to feling better i wet a papertowel me and my doughter went out and my ex was sitting in the truck. he looked at me and sayed its about time do you know how embarrasing that is. i said do you kow what kind of person you are ......well after that it was over with me and him i had my life to think about you know have this kind of sickness is a bad thing. when you have the feeling your time is up you need someone there to tell you that everthing thing is going to be ok .i know how we all feelwell good luck and god bless us all
9/24/2008 5:47:10 PM |
minor anxiety/panic attacks |

Port Saint Lucie, FL
age: 51
I looked through the entire forum for this topic and didn't see one.
Would anyone care to compare notes?
Would anyone care to be a buddy and make themselves available to talk someone through one sometime?
I have anxiety disorder. Celexxa & Xanax are helpful. I want to get off of celexxa-- unpleasant side effects.
9/27/2008 4:40:28 AM |
minor anxiety/panic attacks |

Waterford, MI
age: 50
my anxiety attacks are not minor, they are major. I called my doctor for my refill, three days later I had to take my cuz. to drive me to the pharmacy, I can't go without my xanax, didn't realize it till they filled my scrip at a different location, I was loco///I hate being de[endent o n meds. but I aM. 
9/30/2008 2:35:37 AM |
minor anxiety/panic attacks |

age: 47
I suffer from genrelised anxiety disorder I used to have panic attacks but they somehow disappeared has anyone here ever suffered from desasoshiation disorder I will explain what it is its a scary feeling of not being properley grounded you just dont feel that your there like in a supermarket or where ever else you think you should be Its pretty scarey
you have to go home and go in each of your rooms at home and reground yourself its pretty awfull experience its caused from anxiety,It hasnt happened to me for ages I just hope I never experience it ever again 
9/30/2008 2:39:47 AM |
minor anxiety/panic attacks |

age: 47
hey there Im in the same boat as yourself I dont drive either and Im also loney I will contact you and give you my email if you like my name is Lorraine
10/1/2008 11:20:38 PM |
minor anxiety/panic attacks |

age: 47
having bipolar disorder can be a bit much to take in when you first here from the dr thats what you have .then you go on wondering should you tell people I have chosen not to tell anyone outside my familey as there is still the stigma attached to it but when you finalley get diagnoised for that you can sought of say to yourself at least there is a name for what you have I have other issues as well ,I went back to work after seven years of not working as the medication would make me drowsy and unable to remember things so I ended up leaving ,the onley job I found ok to do was something easy like repetative work,because the medication also makes your conerntration bad as well , But Im on medication for the rest of my life and I would rather be on medication than without it , it has changed my life completley dont have terrible thoughts anymore I can do things I could never do before but I have also found that if Im in a stressfull situation the medication doesnt work,thats when you have to take a visit to the docters but for anyone that has bipolar its not the end of the world so just try and make the best of your life as you can take care Lorraine
10/2/2008 3:51:56 AM |
minor anxiety/panic attacks |

Everett, MA
age: 47
I used to have panic attacks,awhile back.Now The anxiety still comes and go's depending on how much stress I'm under and certain situations that I worry about alot.
1.Mom fighting Breast cancer
2.My 21 yr old just got back from Iraq,and his leave is almost over,so back to his base in Hawaii
3.Evicting Tenants for non-payment of rent for 3 months,finally leaving today,but we have to pay the mover $1500.00 along with the counstable
5.Not finding anyone after being on here for 10 months,except good friends,thinking of leaving
6.No one to talk to about all this.
I could go on but I don't want to bore anyone.
Thanks for reading. Laurie
10/3/2008 2:44:02 AM |
minor anxiety/panic attacks |

Greensboro, NC
age: 46
I have GAD and have been dealing with it since 1988. It can really kill your social life, if you let it. I am currently taking paxil and it really helps a great deal. Haven't had a panic attack in quite a while. It is hard to tell someone you are dating about it, because you never know how they are going to react. I try to be up front with everyone. It is part of who I am. My faith in GOD has helped me more than I could ever put into words. I still have some nervousness in certain situations, but as I was once told by my therapist, people can't tell you are having a panic attack just by looking at you and you are not going to die...you may feel like it, but most likely it won't happen.
Lately I have had alot of stress on me... I am having some issues with my back, which led to me losing my job.... now talk about depressing... it has been pretty bad at times. From time to time, I think about suicide, but know that it is not the answer to my problems. That is where my faith in GOD saves me. I know that He will provide for me and leave it in His hands. When you hit bottom and are dealing with the anxiety, depression, panic attacks.... GOD is always there to pick you up. He will never give you more than you can handle.