
Andrews, NC
52, joined Jul. 2009
the best way to bring back the founders america is move to conservative alberta canada... where secession is easy to do from the liberal provinces
if in 5 yrs americas voting laws have not changed the wise will stampede out to alberta
The Clarity Act (2000) is federal legislation that enables provinces to legally secede from Canada. The act sought to clarify the legalities of Quebec seceding from Canada, but applies to all provinces. By extension, Alberta can use the Clarity Act (2000) to legally secede from Canada.
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Sturgeon Lake, MN
39, joined Aug. 2011
if you say so 

Andrews, NC
52, joined Jul. 2009
the dominos are falling and will continue falling and the wise of the WESTERN world will be moving to alberta and there is where the next GREAT Civilization will build..
[Edited 9/25/2011 9:38:06 PM ]

Sierra Vista, AZ
56, joined Oct. 2011
Are you moving to Alberta?
I was thinking of moving to Vancouver & Washington state border - or Sitka Alaska.


Andrews, NC
52, joined Jul. 2009
the correct move is to move to the most conservative province of canada.. and that would be alberta