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4/14/2008 11:24:17 AM |
chip on her shoulder |

Smithers, BC
age: 45
Liz, seldom have a heard such plethora of condescending tripe from one who proclaims to be so well rounded in life. Perhaps a little introspect of what it is that you truly value (or should value) may be in store. We are all but mere mortals and as such it is our nature to error, question and grow from our occasions in life, but we are to be better than the animals that judge ourselves to be superior to in that we have understanding and compassion. I am assuming you are a lawyer as your bitter and ruthless nature shines through here like an arrow through the heart of civility. I dare you to take what you have said to and of others on this forum and present it to your next potential mate. If he smiles and laughs, then be proud for you have met your Romeo. However when he turns the spotlight condemnation upon you, remember your heartless words. You reap what you sow my dear. To be a bigger, better, more understanding person is the definition of being human. I wish you happiness in life for I feel it shall be elusive. You are beautiful and that shall grant you certain shallow concessions and successes in life. You are articulate, well educated and driven, this will garner you the financial and career accolades you feel are important. However I feel your relationships will be a superficial sham and are doomed. The musing of a quiet observer.
4/14/2008 12:55:30 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

San Diego, CA
age: 46
Hmm, I have not seen elizabeth_a not post in a condescending way except when attacked in an ad hominem manner.
She appears quite clear in what she seeks, and what her attitudes toward casual physical relationships are. A tall order? Perhaps, but one to which she is entitled.
We might speculate why she is this way, but what would be the point?
I suspect some are irked because she seems to be ruled more by her head than her libido, and they know the reverse is true for them -- and find this bothersome.
If I were not dating someone now, lived closer to her, knowing all that I do about her stated requirements (including celibacy before marriage), I'd definately introduce myself to her.
Is she just a fake? Perhaps. But, I suspect that for the right fellow, she'd be a true gem of a prize.
O.K. Never mind what I wrote above (... why speculate ...). Here's my completely unsubstantiated "take" on her:
1. She has strong christian beliefs.
2. She once had the love of her life, probably lost her virginity to him on her wedding night, and lost him to death.
3. She is a die-hard romantic, deep down, but sees that many (men and women) can't think beyond their own carnal instincts for self-satisfaction.
4. She is attractive and knows it. Probably gets hit upon a lot.
5. Sexually repressed and frustrated? Maybe. But, could one blame her?
6. Smart as a whip.
4/15/2008 7:03:20 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Northport, WA
age: 43
O.K. Never mind what I wrote above (... why speculate ...). Here's my completely unsubstantiated "take" on her:
1. She has strong christian beliefs.
2. She once had the love of her life, probably lost her virginity to him on her wedding night, and lost him to death.
3. She is a die-hard romantic, deep down, but sees that many (men and women) can't think beyond their own carnal instincts for self-satisfaction.
4. She is attractive and knows it. Probably gets hit upon a lot.
5. Sexually repressed and frustrated? Maybe. But, could one blame her?
6. Smart as a whip.
1. She has strong christian beliefs. As long as the guy with her sucks a pacifier and succumbs to her whim.
2. She once had the love of her life, probably lost her virginity to him on her wedding night, and lost him to death. Unlikely. That kind of hatred generally stems from child abuse. Besides; if she has already had the "ONE" who would want to attempt to compete with that?
3. She is a die-hard romantic, deep down, but sees that many (men and women) can't think beyond their own carnal instincts for self-satisfaction. =Selfish
4. She is attractive and knows it. Probably gets hit upon a lot. Attractive? Pleasing to eye perhaps, but attraction for most people lies deeper that a nice rack.
5. Sexually repressed and frustrated? Maybe. But, could one blame her? Apparently she blames everybody else, so there isn't room for blame anyplace else.
6. Smart as a whip. At the end of it's reach. Otherwise possibly blunt as a stump.
[Edited 4/15/2008 7:29:05 PM]
4/15/2008 7:06:25 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
again, have to agree with the guy on the dozer 
4/15/2008 7:19:38 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Paris, TX
age: 41
Oldschool...I shouldn't justify that with a response, but PUHHLEEEZ! Do you think you are trying to get a little on side???? Looks like an obvious plea for affection....Oh Liz is a good "christian" girl (unlike the rest of us!), yada you know squat about only wish! Go you really think women like a man to "pretend" to know everything about us to impress us? Uhhh...No! hee hee
4/15/2008 7:45:42 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

San Diego, CA
age: 46
A little on the side? Hardly. I clearly don't met her criteria for proximity.
I'm just hypothesizing what makes her tick, and am curious how close I am.
4/15/2008 7:49:46 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Northport, WA
age: 43
She is skeered and likely won't be back.
Besides, I thought I covered that for ya?
4/15/2008 8:23:53 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

San Diego, CA
age: 46
My point was simply that elizabeth_a hadn't initated an ad hominem attack against anyone, but was vilified for her standards (no sex before marriage, etc.)
Only then did she respond.
4/15/2008 8:25:44 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Paris, TX
age: 41
Him don't know her very well do he???
4/15/2008 9:09:03 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

San Diego, CA
age: 46
Him don't know her very well do he???
Enlighten me.
4/16/2008 1:25:43 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

San Diego, CA
age: 46
Well, enlighten me.
What is it about elizabeth_a that makes her a "bad person", other than the fact that she has particular moral standards, does not seem to compromise them, and defends herself when attacked?
I'm quite willing to believe that she might very well be a high-maintenance b*tch, but I'd like to see a link to a thread that would back that allegation up, with proper context.
Methinks the fat ones hate her because she is slender and attractive, the "easy" ones hate her because she isn't easy, and the men hate her because they won't "get any".
The only negative thing I've seen about her is that she felt the need to boast of being a septiglot (someone who speaks seven languages).
4/16/2008 4:45:52 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Northport, WA
age: 43
Well, enlighten me.
Read her posts. nuff said.
4/16/2008 4:58:18 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 56
Hi Chip
I know exactly how you feel. Just get it done in your own time and way.
Anyway, would you please send justlaidback to Virginia. He sounds like my long
lost Southern Gentleman
4/16/2008 5:00:50 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

San Diego, CA
age: 46
I have read her posts. I see that she is particular about what she wants, and suffers ad hominem attacks because of it. She then responds at the level of her attacker.
Please point to a specific thread where she starts out rude.