4/10/2008 3:52:58 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

San Diego, CA
age: 46
All I said, while I respect her coming forward, she also needs to be mature enough to recognize that she was not ready for the dateing world and should have avoided the dating sites until such time she was able to get past her roadblocks.
Perhaps elizabeth_a always acts wisely and rationally. I like to think that I do as well. But sometimes, and particularly when it comes to affairs of the heart, we (and others) do not.
When chosing to pursue a potential relationship with someone, fraught with the perils of rejection, we must muster strength for ourselves, as well as for the object of our affections -- if we truly do care for someone unselfishly to consider them a potential love partner we must be willing to give them strength in their time of weakness, even if that means "letting them go". I think that is what happened here.
The OP is a stronger and wiser person for her experience, and that can't be entirely a bad thing.
4/11/2008 4:58:18 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Tampa, FL
age: 36
Thats the whole point oldschool, why do we act wisely and rationaly in most matters in life, yet when we get to the so called matters of the heart we all become brainless. The whole point here, one needs to always act wisely and rationally. If we did, we would not get scorned or burnt. It truly amazes me how one does not see that, how we continue to rationalize matters of the heart in an ill rational manner. Just look at all the continued failed marriages/relationships. How much more evidence does one need.
While OP is stronger and wiser for their experience, it is not an excuse to justify hurt or frustration to another.
[Edited 4/11/2008 5:18:23 PM]
4/11/2008 4:59:12 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Tampa, FL
age: 36
well spoken terminal, my turn to bow
4/11/2008 5:33:43 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
Doesn't she ever get tired of hearing herself talk? Lord. Ellie A - get off the soap box an dfind something to do in your real life would you? PLEASE?!?!??! 
4/11/2008 5:46:33 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Paris, TX
age: 41
Gonesailing...you took the words right out of my mouth! I got pounced for saying that I dated someone and didn't realize that I wasn't ready for a relationship until I had one put in my face. Then I was a b-word from hell.
I think the fact that she was honest with him and spoke truly of her heart speaks a lot about the type of person she is. He sounds like a great guy too.
It is just too bad that we are not all perfect like "someone else" so that we would never make mistakes.
4/11/2008 6:06:59 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Tampa, FL
age: 47
gone sailing?
Did you have a legitimate response for the post?
Or are you following Elizabeth around to kick up
some Des Moines dust?
We are here for a reason, I'm not shy to say it..loneliness.
We take chances but should always use strict caution when
doing so.
I think the OP was a very brave soul in admitting that while
she really wanted to be loved by another she has to reach
within herself and repair a few things so that she can be
whole again..very brave comment. Through her honesty she will
find "whole" men not "broken" men, for she was once there.
[Edited 4/11/2008 6:20:13 PM]
4/11/2008 6:31:33 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
terminal - you like Elli A are new to DH I'll excuse your butting in and rudeness as lack of knowledge at this time. I, like many others on DH, are not much impressed with little Miss Know it Alls poor manners, It is our combined opinions that she needs to learn very quickly how to be more gentile, respectful and mannered in her postings.
Or she will continue to be "reminded" that her opinion only matters to her....and apparently it matters to HER far too much.
You, are also a NEWBIE and as such you know nothing of DH and you certainly know nothing of me so you should perhaps butt out.
Or did Elli require you to "defend" her. Odd.
As to the OP - what more should I add....?
There wasn't a question posted in her post - so there was no required reason to post my opinion on her life or her choices. I affirm she has the right to make those choices - did she need my blessing?
Unlike Ellie A - I don't find any need to counsel others regarding their life's choices, I keep my focus on making my own choices well.
You should do the same.
As should Ellie...she needs a bit more practice in the art of writing well and accurately.
She certainly never reached the rank of magna cum laude in any pursuit of degree let alone in three seperate ones....LOL, weakling.
Wanna see some Iowa dust now?
I have no problem leaving you setting in mine.
I'm far beyond and above you both.
[Edited 4/11/2008 6:32:11 PM]
4/11/2008 6:33:06 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Tampa, FL
age: 47
"Wanna see some Iowa dust now?
I have no problem leaving you setting in mine.
I'm far beyond and above you both."
Have you considered anger management?
After all, you work with children.
Please keep in mind from my perspective.
You came to make a remark that had nothing to do with the
And I doubt very much that I need your permission to respond
to a post as you do not need mine.
I'm sure the moderator has read and heard much from you, no?
How much validity do you carry compared to what I read in "your" posts.
People in glass houses should be wary of throwing boulders, friend.
[Edited 4/11/2008 6:44:53 PM]
4/11/2008 6:44:07 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Red Springs, NC
age: 44
I couldn't help my self, Ladies, Look at all this mess,Its childish....LOL
Look at these videos, please.....OMG very funny.....
4/11/2008 6:45:30 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
Dear woman - I am possibly one of the most positive people on this site, without exception. Again - your own newness and ignorance is showing. And very revealing about YOU, lady and not me.
I have no anger nor any hostility what so ever.
Odd isn't it that you feel I require anger management while Ellii A has been a viperish snake with slicing tongue against many good people on DH.
In truth, I simply find it reprehensible and wrong to find a young woman so .... ugly inside and so very willing to beat everyone else up because SHE thinks she is better than they.
Someone apparently failed to provide her with a good female role model as she was developing.
Perhaps you're her mother?
OUT OF RESPECT FOR CHIP - I am editing my repulsion at Elli A and her over ambitious desire to make every thing ALL ABOUT HER.
Good luck and best wishes to Chip.

[Edited 4/12/2008 7:49:42 AM]
4/11/2008 6:46:44 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Tampa, FL
age: 47
That was too cute!!!!
Thank you.
4/11/2008 6:52:00 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Tampa, FL
age: 47
"If you want MORE of my resume before I leave you sitting in your own muddy hole - you can email me personally and take your little cat fight out of the public forums...
Or aren't you a big enough girl for that sort of debate?
I suggest you put this all in your pipe and blow it out you ear."
I will!---Gone SomeWhere Babe
I have to comment on both your spelling and professional writting.
I can tutor you if need a brighter light can shine upon you than has
in the past.
I am very impressed with your resume above...but I find from your posts ....
very difficult to believe.
As an "educator" please find a calculator and do the math for me to be
Elizabeth's mother? You are embarrassing yourself on this site from many things you say....
[Edited 4/11/2008 6:59:53 PM]
4/11/2008 6:53:12 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Broken Arrow, OK
age: 44
maybe this is a silly question but if the people who started this thread are gone...why is the debate still going on becasue of what they said...should you just let the thread die??
4/11/2008 6:54:28 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Biddeford, ME
age: 41
Terminal....Brutality does not equal honesty.
Try going through some more of her posts.
Calling people "dumb asses" for posting their opinions, which is only ONE of numerous examples....
I only wish I had the time...but I have priorities right now...promised my boys that story...
and Im going to go read it.
I will be back.
Gone sailing...Honey...ignore the idiocy. She sees and hears only what she wants...her only reference point is her own opinion...
Why even bother?
Sad Sad Betty....
here we go again!!!!!!!!

And HOLY CRAP Zander....Piss in your face????
and you are throwing stones at others???
[Edited 4/11/2008 6:56:58 PM]
4/11/2008 6:59:27 PM |
chip on her shoulder |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
Fakes attempting to steal and hi-jack yet another "feel good" thread on DH...the hate goes on....????
Elli A
Her momma
and Mark
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm
Good luck to Chip and to the man who got away - may you both find what you wish for in life.
I've edited this on Saturday morning to note that all of markzander's posts within this thread have been stripped and removed - ding dong maybe he's dead???
[Edited 4/12/2008 7:50:58 AM]