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3/1/2012 10:43:14 AM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |

Summerville, SC
53, joined Dec. 2010
For those who are not aware, Sheriff Joe Arpaio formed an independent investigative group called the Cold Case Posse. Their mission was to investigate the claims that Mr. Obama (please note I REFUSE to call that man President) is not legally president. His findings will be disclosed this after noon. Go to http://www.wnd.com/arpaio-report/ for a live stream at 1:00 pm Mountain time today to see what he has dug up. It is my hope that he has enough substantial evidence that would hold up in any court to declare Obama is a fraud. Even though many do not believe with such evidence Obama still won't be impeached (which is probably true), it can have two desirable effects:
1. IF it can be proven that Obama's presidency is illegal, it can help in repealing anything and everything with his signature on it, including Obamacare.
2. This could put a real damper on Obama's bid for re-election!
I am also hoping that if such evidence were strong enough, those who knowingly and willingly participated in this fraud are charged with high crimes along with Obama. That would include Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton. I'd also go so far as to say those lawyers he put on retainer to cover up these crimes should also be charged. I know...wishful thinking. But if there IS hope, this would be it.
Yeah, Obama, how's THAT for 'hope' and 'change'?
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3/1/2012 11:19:39 AM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |


Overgaard, AZ
70, joined Oct. 2007
Sheriff Joe holds a News conference today at the MCSO training center just outside Phoenix- 1 pm Az time. I'm hoping mainstream media is rocked backward on their heels and are FORCED to report the truth.
I have the utmost respect for the office of president, but no respect whatsoever for the one currently holding that office.
3/1/2012 11:24:00 AM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |

Summerville, SC
53, joined Dec. 2010
right twoletters...when i was in the navy i had to salute officers...sometimes i was saluting the person wearing the uniform, sometimes i just saluted the uniform...well i refuse to salute the fraud in the oval office
3/1/2012 12:45:22 PM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |


Overgaard, AZ
70, joined Oct. 2007
I was a swabby for 4 years, got to see a lot of really cool places,some not so cool.
Looking back I wish I had stayed in until retirement,I would of been about 40 years old when I got out.
When I got out they offered me 1st class,$16,000.00, and up for the next chief's exam if I would ship over for 6 more years.
How young dumb and stupid we can be.
3/1/2012 12:47:38 PM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |

Summerville, SC
53, joined Dec. 2010
Not so stupid now, two letters, seeing as how this false admin is now punishing retired vets and forcing them to pay three times more in health care and cutting every other benefit...if you had stayed in, you would be paying more of a price than what you bargained for...disgusting, if you ask me, what these liberal retards are doing to our military
3/1/2012 2:06:00 PM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |


Edmonton, KY
63, joined Apr. 2010
Georgia court had proof too. Judge backed down.
Sheriff Joe will not back down. Hope it's good and knowing him I am sure it is.
While back on yahoo news, 2 weeks maybe obaMao was projected 300+ I just checked 2012 prediction now and 247;
Current 2012 Electoral College Projection (270 to win):
Barack Obama: 247 Electoral Votes
GOP Challenger: 191 Electoral Votes
Tossup: 100 Electoral Votes
Come on Sheriff Joe! Sink him!
3/1/2012 2:27:03 PM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |


Overgaard, AZ
70, joined Oct. 2007
I have a Nephew that's going on 11 years in the navy now. He's thinking about getting out just for that reason. They have to pay more every time they turn around. He's been deployed 12 times in the last 3 years and well I can't say any more than that. Lets just say he doesn't get near the pay he should and he's E-7. If he stays in he'll be up for another pay grade in a year.
Come on Joe don't let us down. Roast the imposter.
If there is something I hope congress has the balls to act. The news should come on in a minute.
3/1/2012 2:56:20 PM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |


Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Gotta love sheriff Joe.
3/1/2012 3:16:20 PM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |

Summerville, SC
53, joined Dec. 2010
he did a great job didn't he sureshot?? and did you notice how the media flipped out, putting words in sheriff joe's mouth but he wouldn't let them? GO, JOE!!!!
3/5/2012 7:50:32 AM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |

Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Continuing to beat the drum! Obama’s birth certificate doesn’t pass the sniff test with Sheriff Joe Arpiao and his investigators. Be sure to tune into Sheriff Joe when he talks to me at 8:14am about what he and his investigators found out. ~Pete
Arpaio: Obama birth certificate is a fraud | Peter Boyles
3/5/2012 9:33:58 AM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |


Edmonton, KY
63, joined Apr. 2010
Whitehouse is supposed to make the long form public in April. Gives them over a month to work up a good story and forge one.
3/5/2012 9:38:31 AM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |

Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
howdy shawn....
could you please list your source for that info???
just enough time to RE create a new more professionally done document.
3/5/2012 10:00:00 AM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |

Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
3/5/2012 4:39:01 PM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |


Edmonton, KY
63, joined Apr. 2010
 howdy shawn....
could you please list your source for that info???
just enough time to RE create a new more professionally done document.
Possibly, I'll look! There were a few sites and varying figures but less than what they were before.
3/5/2012 4:49:45 PM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |


Edmonton, KY
63, joined Apr. 2010
I'm a looking but here is one with even better prospects! Marxtard 196, Rep 181, undecided 161
Here it is.
3/6/2012 8:25:17 AM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |

Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
March 5, 2012
Time for New Look at 2008 Obama Passport Breach
By Jack Cashill
Among the unexpected findings of the Sheriff Arpaio cold case was this one:
Records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by airplane passengers arriving on international flights originating outside the United States in the month of August 1961, examined at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. are missing records for the week of President Obama's birth, including the dates Aug. 1, 1961 through Aug. 7, 1961.
This revelation evoked memories of one of the great underreported stories of the 2008 campaign: the multiple breaches of the presidential candidates' passport records in March of that year. In one of its more egregiously dishonest moments, the Washington Post headlined the story on March 22, "Rice Apologizes For Breach of Passport Data; Employees Looked at Files On Obama, Clinton, McCain."
The "Rice" in question is Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The offended party in the Post story was Barack Obama. He told reporters that he expected "a full and thorough investigation," one that "should be done in conjunction with those congressional committees that have oversight function so it's not simply an internal matter."
It is not until the thirteenth paragraph of the Post story that the reader learns that of one of the three contract employees caught in the act worked for the Analysis Corporation, the CEO of which was John Brennan, a 25-year CIA veteran. The Post does report that Brennan donated $2,300 to the Obama campaign but suggests no deeper tie. This information is offset by the revelation that the other two culpable contract employees worked for Stanley Inc., whose CEO Philip Nolan contributed $1,000 to the Clinton campaign.
Stanley, however, had been handling passport work for 15 years and had just been awarded a five-year, $570-million contract. The company had no reason to play favorites in the 2008 campaign. It promptly fired the two employees, neither of whom was likely working at the directive of Nolan or of the Clinton campaign.
Unlike Stanley Inc., a huge government contractor listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Analysis Corp. had fewer than 100 employees, and its one culpable employee escaped discipline. The Post article tells us only that "his or her employment status is under review."
Nor was Brennan a casual donor to the Obama campaign. To its credit, CNN Politics saw the real news angle in the passport scandal: "Chief of firm involved in breach is Obama adviser." As CNN reported, also on March 22, Brennan "advises the Illinois Democrat on foreign policy and intelligence issues." He had even briefed the media on behalf of the campaign early in the month.
After its initial article on the passport breach, the Post said not a single word about the incident or Brennan's connection to it. Incredibly, the Post remained mute on the subject even in its 1,300-word front-page article of January 9, 2009, "Obama Taps CIA Veteran As Adviser On Terror; Brennan Has Drawn Fire on Interrogations." The fact that an employee of Obama's new counterterrorism adviser had breached Obama's passport files just months earlier held no interest for the Post's allegedly nonpartisan editors.
A sidebar that emerged at the same time was the murder in Washington on April 18, 2008 of a fellow named Leiutenant (no misspelling) Quarles Harris. He had earlier been apprehended for taking information off passport applications to procure fraudulent credit cards. It is highly unlikely that this murder had any connection to the passport breach.
What likely did have a connection was Obama's strategic jab at the two people who stood between him and the White House at an April 2008 fundraiser in San Francisco. "Foreign policy is the area where I am probably most confident that I know more and understand the world better than Senator Clinton or Senator McCain," said the overconfident candidate.
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/03/time_for_new_look_at_2008_obama_passport_breach.html#ixzz1oLbDgxrq
3/6/2012 8:25:28 AM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |

Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Obama took particular aim at Hillary Clinton. He countered her boast of having met leaders from 80 foreign countries with his real-world experience in several key outposts.
"I traveled to Pakistan when I was in college," said Obama in the way of illustration. "I knew what Sunni and Shia was [sic -- Obama has always had problems with noun-verb agreement] before I joined the Senate Foreign Relations Committee."
This declaration took ABC reporter Jake Tapper by surprise. He thought it odd that he had not heard of this trip, especially "given all the talk of Pakistan during this campaign." Indeed, Obama had introduced the general subject of Pakistan as early as Aug. 1, 2007. As Tapper observed at the time, Obama talked about U. S. Pakistan policy as a way of challenging Hillary's perceived strength on foreign affairs.
Yet despite the strategic edge his personal Pakistan experience might have given him, Obama failed to mention his Pakistan adventure in that August 2007 speech or for the next eight months.
Had Tapper inquired further, he would have learned that Obama did not mention the Pakistan visit in either of his books, the 1995 Dreams From My Father or the 2006 Audacity of Hope. Given that Obama used both of those books, especially Audacity, to emphasize his superior knowledge of the larger world, the omission of his Pakistan experience perplexes.
When Tapper asked the Obama campaign staff about the trip, they described it as a casual stopover to visit friends on the tail end of a trip to visit his mother and sister in Indonesia. This, of course, would make a real reporter question why Obama had remained mum about the subject, at least until after his passport file had been accessed by at least one obvious sympathizer -- and possibly three.
Obama's most serious biographer, David Remnick, sheds little light on Obama's motives for going to Pakistan and none for staying quiet about it. In The Bridge, Remnick tells how Obama first visits his friends Hamid and Chandoo in Pakistan during Ramadan "and then to Indonesia to see his mother and Maya" -- a three-week trip in all. In 1981, Ramadan began on July 3 and ran for a lunar month. Remnick is likewise mum on whether the Ramadan timing was purposeful.
In A Singular Woman, Janny Scott's biography of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, Scott has Obama circling the world in the opposite direction and in a different time frame.
Scott writes of summer 1981, "Barry spent July in Jakarta, then went to Pakistan to visit a friend from Occidental [College] on his way back to the United States."
As confirmation, Scott includes a letter purportedly written in May 1981 to Dunham's employers at the Ford Foundation: "I would like to use my educational travel for dependent children to have my son, Barry, come out to visit us." I say "purportedly" because Scott provides no detail at all of Obama's 1981 Indonesian visit. She does, however, provide eyewitness testimony of a 1983 visit to Indonesia by Obama.
This seemingly gratuitous insertion of the 1981 letter to the Ford Foundation serves two purposes: it confirms the Indonesian leg of the trip, and it explains the financing behind it. It would not overly matter that Scott, a New York Times reporter, and Remnick, the editor of the New Yorker, would tell conflicting stories about this Asian junket were it routine.
But it was not. At the time they were writing, each knew the trip was controversial. Although Scott gives no hint of the controversy, Remnick does. He quotes an old girlfriend of Chandoo, who accuses Fox News of twisting the Pakistan visit "into something awful." What made the trip controversial was not so much what Obama did once he got to Pakistan, but how he got there. In 1981, Pakistan was not an easy or likely destination for an American tourist.
This prompted some noise in the blogosphere that Obama could not have traveled to Pakistan as an American citizen. Quick to Obama's defense as always, FactCheck.org made the valid case that American citizens could travel to Pakistan in 1981 and thus dismissed the travel issue as "more 'Birther' nonsense."
The fact that Obama could have traveled to Pakistan on an American passport, however, does not mean that he did. Not surprisingly, FactCheck fails to mention the variable that prompted the controversy in the first place -- namely, Obama's curious silence about the trip until April 2008. Nor, of course, does FactCheck mention the event that took place just weeks before Obama's first mention of the Pakistan visit -- namely, the passport breach. True to form, the word "passport" does not even appear in Remnick's 2010 book.
It remains to be seen whether Sheriff Arpaio and his posse will get to the bottom of Passportgate, but their effort should be applauded. The mainstream's media's beef that Obama's background has been "thoroughly vetted" and that the various "conspiracy theories" about his origins have already been debunked is just junk disinformation on top of its earlier junk misinformation.
Basta! Breitbart lives!
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/03/time_for_new_look_at_2008_obama_passport_breach.html#ixzz1oLbNMDP0
3/6/2012 11:16:16 AM |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio discloses his evidence against Obama |

Summerville, SC
53, joined Dec. 2010
yep, that little information about the microfiche from that time frame went missing did not escape my attention...something doesn't smell right at all!