3/21/2012 11:08:09 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
I had my profile on another dating site. A woman, who is a self-proclaimed liberal started writing me. After a couple of letters from her she said she was a war protestor back in the seventies. She said she love Obama and all he stood for. I wrote her back and said I detested Obama and everything he stands for. I also told her I was a proud Viet Nam Veteran. She said she couldn't be with someone whose values made them proud of being a Viet Nam Veteran and who supported our involvement over there.
Can you imagine anyone with that mindset after all these years?
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3/22/2012 12:39:17 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Lorton, VA
40, joined Feb. 2012

3/22/2012 3:11:09 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Ocala, FL
45, joined Apr. 2011
Yes, I can. They're the same people who thought they were throwing two more fights in 2008. The left despises the military. Our own Bolshevik-in-Chief had fantasies of having relatives in the Red Army("My uncle liberated Auschwitz"), not the United States Army.
I,for one, have nothing but repect for the men, and women, who served in Southeast Asia.
3/22/2012 7:46:39 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
man, are my thought going in all directions on this. on the one hand i'm a proud veteran but i cannot garner any pride in my serving in vietnam. i was simply doing what i think any good soldier does and obeyed orders. i certainly didn't appreciate some of the treatement i got back home but i can appreciate that people felt strongly on both sides of the issue.
jfk and lbj who are responsible for combat troops in vietnam were about as liberal as any twp presidents we've had and nixon as neocon as can be dropped more tonnage in tnt on north vietnam than all that was dropped on germany during ww2. so being a proud liberal or a proud conservative based on pacifism during wartime sounds absurd to me.
all in all i don't see than things are any different now than in the sixties. yes, soldiers are held in higher regard today but this country is not watching soldiers fighting every night on prime time tv like back in the sixties. still i see every bit as much rage and narrow minded thinking on these forums from 'proud' veterans, conservative or liberal, and just plain old 'proud' americans who never served that i saw in 1970 when i came home from vietnam. but now being retired i'll let the rest of you folks fix the country and dwell on the past.
3/22/2012 8:00:34 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
. The left despises the military. ::
who the f**k put combat troops in vietnam, korea and over the entire planet in ww2 if it wasn't presidents elected by the left wingers?
3/22/2012 11:13:18 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Carmel, IN
69, joined May. 2011
This one really causes me some inner turmoil!
My father was a Republican, a Marine DI and served "the duration" in the Pacific including Guadacanal and Bloody Tarawa..He was wounded twice.
When I came home from Vietnam in April 70 after two tours I was very much against the war I had been fighting.When students were killed that very month at Kent State my dad and I had a major blow up. When vets began to protest the war I sided with them opnely.My problem was with those protesting because it was "hip" and fashionable.To me they were just chickenshits motivated by their own self interests.
While attending college I (more than once) got into fierce debates with grad students and profs shooting their mouths off about the war with no insight to the battlefield--those sorts who despised soldiers like me and encouraged others to do it.
I was both very proud of my time in Vietnam--and very ashamed of it.Thats because I knew of the heroism and courage of those fighting--and the horror, waste and tragedy it was.
After I re-enlisted and became an officer I can say that within the military Vietnam vets,especially those who served in combat, were highly respected.Because I had been a NCO there I got lots of respect from my contemporaries.During Ranger School I had more time in -country than some of my instructors--and a CIB to boot. Darby, Merril ,Rudder, (crawl,walk, run) those stages were nothing compared to the Cav in I Corp...The jungle phase in Florida was easy....nobody was shooting at me!
But I witnessed something over those years and later.I noticed lots of my friends who never served, never went, later making excuses for it. Some of them used deferments etc to avoid service and went out of their way to get out of serving. The shame that I sometimes felt earlier shifted to them.
3/22/2012 11:48:08 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Beaverton, OR
71, joined Apr. 2011
I find it interesting, and a bit disturbing, that when I mention being a Viet Nam Vet they feel obliged to let me know that they protested the war. My reply is that they had the right to protest but the SOB that spit on me in San Francisco because of my uniform did not have that right.
I do not have the CIB but the nature of my work saved a lot of those that do have it. And I am damned proud of that!
3/22/2012 12:00:11 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Nicely put Skysoldier.
Never feel ashamed or apologize for being a Veitnam Veteran. I am a civilian and maybe a bit naive, but I feel that you did what was asked of you, put your lives at risk, and went with good intentions. I feel just as much honored to shake a Vietnam Veteran's hand as I do with a WWll Veteran's hand or any other Veteran.
I wonder sometimes if it was just a hippie, drug, sexual thing that some crazy people went through and had nothing to do with Vietnam War.
3/22/2012 12:59:15 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Carmel, IN
69, joined May. 2011
I guess I view this differently. I enlisted under a Democrat-but I volunteered for a second tour in Vietnam under a Republican. I went to Grenada under a Republican, Desert Storm too...also OIF and OEF..I went to Haiti under Clinton...never once did it matter to me who was in the White House!
3/22/2012 6:10:20 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
I understand the politics of the war in Viet Nam. Ho asked Ike for help and Ike said no. He said the U.S. had to stand by France. Phtt.... . SO where did Ho go? Obvious? When I went I went with a sense of pride. In my mind, I was going to serve just like my daddy did in Germany and France during WWII. Now it was my time.
Oh well, hindsight is a b*tch. We that served have a particular right and obligation to voice opinions on this war. We fought for our brothers next to us. After hearing news on our transistor radio we rigged up we got an ear full. Protestors, people hating the war, hating the warrior, riots in the streets, etc... . No matter how naive we were we knew that this wasn't.....can't find the words.
OT: I have never met anyone who didn't like both the warrior and the war. Does this fact have an effect on me? Well I guess it did or I wouldn't be discussing it.
We could go on with this discussion and disect the righteosness and visa-versa of the Viet Nam War. Who knows, it may good for everyone of us to voice opinions about the Nam.
BTW, I have ended discussion with this lady and am okay with it all. Still just a little stunned to realize that there are some left-overs that hold grudges against the warrior.
[Edited 3/22/2012 6:12:06 PM ]
3/23/2012 12:08:48 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Carmel, IN
69, joined May. 2011
gdaddy. Anyone who would insult you in that way doesnt deserve your time! Was her name Jane? (As in Fonda)?
Our generations first war was a watershed event in our lives and I guess equally so for those who didnt fight in it, but chose a side anyway. We chose our side in the tradition and history of this country--we were called or volunteered and then we left the debate and writing history to others who sat it out.
When I look back on Vietnam I do it with great sadness, but no shame. My sadness is for the loss, suffering and tragedy it became during the war and for the years and decades since. But I will never let it be said in my presence that the troops were to blame. Until our critics find themselves in a foreign land being hunted and killed they will never understand or know why we fought. For us it wasnt a political. It was survival.
US Army (ret).
[Edited 3/23/2012 12:10:01 PM ]
3/23/2012 3:07:34 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Dunnellon, FL
68, joined Mar. 2009
I didn't go to please anybody,I went to serve when my country called me(yup,I'm a US).After the first round went off personal politics went out the window.In spite of no one really wanting to be there we did our job & made Charlie think twice before he messed with us again.As far as caring about whether people agree with me going or not- "It don't mean nothing-xin loi!".
3/23/2012 3:25:02 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Carmel, IN
69, joined May. 2011
" dont mean nuthin"....thats definitely Vietnam brother! Welcome Home!
3/24/2012 4:13:23 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Ocala, FL
45, joined Apr. 2011
who the f**k put combat troops in vietnam, korea and over the entire planet in ww2 if it wasn't presidents elected by the left wingers?
The Dems weren't far-left back then. They only went far-left in the mid to late 60's.jmo
3/24/2012 7:51:09 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
you're saying fdr was not far left?
[Edited 3/24/2012 7:51:54 AM ]
3/24/2012 2:18:52 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Traverse City, MI
68, joined Dec. 2011
I was never disrespected anywhere or any time. Vietnam made me a better person. I was a liberal and always will be a liberal and will alway harrass the right wingers. I liked being a private. Didn't much care for being so damned filthy and tired all the time though. I liked carrying that damned radio that seemed to get heavier and heavier as the day went on. Nobody paid much attention until one day our FO used my radio to call in some heavy shit. It was needed. Afterward, I heard a couple guys say, man lets make sure we take good care of that guy with the radio. I laughed. I wouldn't have wanted to miss any of it. I wouldn't be who I am today, I don't think, if I hadn't gone through it. I run Vietnam tags on both my cars. Been stopped three different times and never got a ticket. Been thanked by folks in a parking lot at least a dozen times saying thanks for serving.
3/24/2012 2:26:48 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
Like anyone that doesn't respect our vets, FDR was an abomination. He was never a soldier, he was a pontificator. No different than civilians that judged those who served. What a terrible burden to send young men off to die all the while working very hard to turn America into the socialst mecca it is becoming. Regardless, none of that has shit to do with Vietnam vets.
I was an infantry squad leader with the 3/21 Inf Battalion, 196th Brigade at Da Nang. I got the CIB and am exceedingly thankful to the guys that made sure we had food, ammo, water, clothing, boots and all the other crap we needed to do those 44 day missions in the bush. Special thanks to the guys that sent us merimite cans of hot dogs, hamburgers and soggy but delicious frech fries when we did the 22's on the ridge line.
After I went to flight school and became a warrant officer that really hit home. I didn't and didn't want to fly Apaches. I was a scout pilot. But back in the late 80's and early 90's an Apache needed about 20 hours of ground support and maintenance for every hour it flew. Without AVUM and AVIM maintenance they would have spent all their time on the goround.
All vets, Vietnam or otherwise are great. Those not at the pointy end of the stick make things so much better for those who are. All deserve our consideration and respect. On the other hand, I can't think of any politician that does.
3/24/2012 2:34:28 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Traverse City, MI
68, joined Dec. 2011
FDR was an Asst Secretary of the Navy, if I remember my history correctly. Like a boss to the Admirals? I'd consider that service of the highest order.
3/24/2012 2:48:24 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
FDR was an Asst Secretary of the Navy, if I remember my history correctly. Like a boss to the Admirals? I'd consider that service of the highest order.
I don't call it service. He was a bureuacrat, a political appointee. Regardless of his authority over Admirals and all those that serve under them, he didn't earn anything. He earned no rank, no respect, nothing. He was an appointed bureuacrat and politician. He was never any kind of soldier. He was also a liberal socialist that did more damage to the country as a whole than anyone since. Even Obama pales beside FDR.
3/24/2012 3:29:31 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Carmel, IN
69, joined May. 2011
Help me here jbck. You have an invisible profile or I would have messaged you directly.You post you are 57 years old. That means you were born in 1955, correct?
You say you were a infantry squad leader in the 196 LIB in Vietnam, correct? So you were an E-5 at the time? Correct?
The 196 LIB left Vietnam in 1972, it was pulled into Da Nang in 1971 as a security force. In 1972 when it left country you would have been 17..and a E-5?
Prior to leaving the 196 was patched to AMERICAL, BTW.
So help me here...I'm 1st Cav during Vietnam.Garryowen and Hotel/1/75/1st Cav
US Army (ret)
Sua Sponte'
3/24/2012 5:23:20 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
interestingly the two presidents that presided over our two biggest wars, lincoln and fdr, never served a day in the military. but then that was the whole idea, civilian control over the military.
3/24/2012 5:32:58 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
Help me here jbck. You have an invisible profile or I would have messaged you directly.You post you are 57 years old. That means you were born in 1955, correct?
You say you were a infantry squad leader in the 196 LIB in Vietnam, correct? So you were an E-5 at the time? Correct?
The 196 LIB left Vietnam in 1972, it was pulled into Da Nang in 1971 as a security force. In 1972 when it left country you would have been 17..and a E-5?
Prior to leaving the 196 was patched to AMERICAL, BTW.
So help me here...I'm 1st Cav during Vietnam.Garryowen and Hotel/1/75/1st Cav
US Army (ret)
Sua Sponte'
can't count the number of occasions i've sat in a va waiting room listening to similar accounts. i even overheard a guy talking about his fame as a cobra pilot. after listening for awhile i concluded that perhaps he was a door gunner or possibly a UH1 crewchief but when he went into a story about getting shot down and autorotating there became not a lick of doubt in my mind that he'd never had his hands on a cyclic muh less strapped himself into the business end of an AH1. i'd never embarrass anybody over making tall tales and i just sat there silently amused as he entertained the crowd. i think some people are insecure enough in their lives without having the rug jerked completely out from under them. let them tell their stories if it makes them feel better.
[Edited 3/24/2012 5:35:49 PM ]
3/24/2012 5:45:41 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
Help me here jbck. You have an invisible profile or I would have messaged you directly.You post you are 57 years old. That means you were born in 1955, correct?
You say you were a infantry squad leader in the 196 LIB in Vietnam, correct? So you were an E-5 at the time? Correct?
The 196 LIB left Vietnam in 1972, it was pulled into Da Nang in 1971 as a security force. In 1972 when it left country you would have been 17..and a E-5?
Prior to leaving the 196 was patched to AMERICAL, BTW.
So help me here...I'm 1st Cav during Vietnam.Garryowen and Hotel/1/75/1st Cav
US Army (ret)
Sua Sponte'
I lied about my birthday. I'll see if I can send a readable photo of my DD 214. Your profile is not invivible so it should go through. Personal info will be blanked of course. My profile is invisible for a reason.
3/24/2012 5:52:14 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
so if your personal info is blanked out it could be anybody's dd214.
3/24/2012 7:44:28 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
can't count the number of occasions i've sat in a va waiting room listening to similar accounts. i even overheard a guy talking about his fame as a cobra pilot. after listening for awhile i concluded that perhaps he was a door gunner or possibly a UH1 crewchief but when he went into a story about getting shot down and autorotating there became not a lick of doubt in my mind that he'd never had his hands on a cyclic muh less strapped himself into the business end of an AH1. i'd never embarrass anybody over making tall tales and i just sat there silently amused as he entertained the crowd. i think some people are insecure enough in their lives without having the rug jerked completely out from under them. let them tell their stories if it makes them feel better.
Garyowens asked a question and I provided an answer and proof to him. Besides, I know you from other forums and rarely agree with you. Methinks you're mostly full of crap and kind of out there so lets go head to head. I challenge you to send a photo of your DD 214 to to Garyowens. Let him be the judge Mr. supposedly UH-1 Medivac pilot from 1969-70 in Bien Hoa. Cummon froggy. You jumped now buck up.
For others out there reading these posts: Reasonably, where would you come up with a DD 214 that wasn't your own? It is not something you can go around collecting willy nilly. It also contains a lot of personal information like address, spouse name, date of birth, and Social Security Number. It's an identity theifs dream come true.
If he chooses to confrim it, I sent garryowens a photograph of the original document I took on my kitchen table with a Sony a230 about a half hour ago. I didn't send a photocopy. It is a photograph of the original and is not faked or altered in any way. It's exactly the way the Army handed it to me the day I signed out on March 31, 1991 after 20 years, 2 months and 10 days of honroable service.
3/24/2012 8:05:51 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Springdale, AR
62, joined Aug. 2007
so if your personal info is blanked out it could be anybody's dd214. 
I wonder if you are one of those guys that shot M-60 ammo out of the AK he took of a dead VC so the VC wouldn't know it was you?
3/25/2012 4:59:48 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Ocala, FL
45, joined Apr. 2011
you're saying fdr was not far left?  Not like the Dems of today. For his time, though, yes.
3/25/2012 8:09:20 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
I really hope this thread dies if it's going to turn into an arguing match.
OT: I don't think I've ever had anyone to disrespect me for being a veteran until this incident. It was surprising and interesting at the same time. Thought this would be a good topic to talk about. Nah, she or anyone of her mindset is not worth my energy to even to think of her.
3/25/2012 10:36:49 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Carmel, IN
69, joined May. 2011
I posed questions to jbck because his profile isnt visible and if you recall we've had several interlopers post in this group claiming to be Vietnam veterans etc. The worst case I know of is the writer from Las Vegas who sells fiction war story paperbacks and showed up here and was outed for his efforts. I thought this might be him again. I was wrong.
It is not my job to referee here and I wont. I erred. My curiousity in raising those questions was out of line I guess..The poster sent me his DD214.I didnt open it and I wont--and I dont care to see his or anybody elses floating around the internet. But he wrote a long ,detailed letter and it explains why his age was wrong ( its a dating site)and that what was a red flag to me. Its been cleared up. The age posted, the dates involved and my own knowledge of the 196 LIB (and Vietnam) caused me to have questions. They have been answered.
Among us Vietnam Vets we are pretty sensitive to the occasional crackpot and wannabee who shows up claiming to have served in our war, one that so many of our generation ran away from. This man didnt run away. Im sure of it and I was wrong to call his service and honor into question.
3/25/2012 2:14:05 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ashland City, TN
28, joined May. 2009
some people dont like to live......some people dont like water .....some people dont like bacon and pizza......Im sure u can see where im going with this.....no matter what.....someone some where wont like anything........Thank god u put your life on the line to defend all there freedoms and for that......MOST americans...like this guy.....thanks u
3/25/2012 4:46:43 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
There will always be someone who doesn't like what everyone else does. Always someone who complains, disagrees. You can't please everyone. There will always be a few blind people who don't see what our people in uniform do for us. I just shake my head and feel sorry for them. All they need to do is look around.
And Caribo, thank you for serving. Glad you came home safely.
3/26/2012 3:37:59 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ashland City, TN
28, joined May. 2009
There will always be someone who doesn't like what everyone else does. Always someone who complains, disagrees. You can't please everyone. There will always be a few blind people who don't see what our people in uniform do for us. I just shake my head and feel sorry for them. All they need to do is look around.
And Caribo, thank you for serving. Glad you came home safely.
Im not home yet........I have a few more munths.....I just made the decidion to be done a few days ago
3/28/2012 8:49:11 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Pensacola, FL
59, joined Mar. 2012
Well i was 17 and in the Navy during the war. I know we did what we thought was right and for those who despised us you have that right because of the people who protected your rights. I was blessed because of my job and didnt see what some of my friends saw and i lost friends so we need to repect the people who fought to keep your rights to complain. 
3/28/2012 9:22:12 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
over the decades i've given alot of thought to my year in viet nam and i can't see where i was defending americans rights. i saw my main job as accoplishing the mission while keeping my crew from unnecessary danger. nothing about my mission entailed defending the constitution. americans enjoyed their just fine rights before the war and enjoyed their rights just fine after we lost it. if we'd never lost 38 thousand lives in vietnam american's rights would not have suffered one f**king bit.
[Edited 3/28/2012 9:24:29 AM ]
3/28/2012 10:38:30 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Carmel, IN
69, joined May. 2011
58K brother!!
3/28/2012 4:45:09 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
58K brother!!
right, i stand corrected. must've been thinking of that puny revolver they gave me to fly with. me banging my head against the memorial wall.
3/30/2012 11:22:52 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
but it hurts so good cuppa. 
3/30/2012 5:01:43 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Ya know.......After I came back from Nam I was tired. Come to think of it I still am.
3/30/2012 8:26:16 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Bozeman, MT
44, joined Jan. 2012
Never be ashamed of your service, just be ashamed of the people who can't appreciate the sacrifice you made. People who take for granted what you helped to provide for them. Feel sorry for them because they will never know what it really feels to be free.
3/31/2012 5:45:11 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
if you want to feel sorry for somebody, feel sorry for lbj, macnamara and westmorland if i ever were to get one of the bastards in a back alley with me. i know they're worm food but still.
3/31/2012 2:02:01 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Wheeling, WV
71, joined Feb. 2011
I had my profile on another dating site. A woman, who is a self-proclaimed liberal started writing me. After a couple of letters from her she said she was a war protestor back in the seventies. She said she love Obama and all he stood for. I wrote her back and said I detested Obama and everything he stands for. I also told her I was a proud Viet Nam Veteran. She said she couldn't be with someone whose values made them proud of being a Viet Nam Veteran and who supported our involvement over there.
Can you imagine anyone with that mindset after all these years?

A whole lot of us feel much differently as we have been attending WELCOME HOME EVENTS in many different states . Even more of us who are unable to travel to attend them in person have been lighting up FB in an effort to let you know we care 
4/1/2012 7:04:32 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Indianapolis, IN
55, joined Feb. 2012
I had my profile on another dating site. A woman, who is a self-proclaimed liberal started writing me. After a couple of letters from her she said she was a war protestor back in the seventies. She said she love Obama and all he stood for. I wrote her back and said I detested Obama and everything he stands for. I also told her I was a proud Viet Nam Veteran. She said she couldn't be with someone whose values made them proud of being a Viet Nam Veteran and who supported our involvement over there.
Can you imagine anyone with that mindset after all these years?
Brother thank you for your sevice. As a veteran I concur with you. Don't let the libs get to you, it's just another form of mental illness.
4/2/2012 5:58:40 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
Brother thank you for your sevice. As a veteran I concur with you. Don't let the libs get to you, it's just another form of mental illness. 
it was libs that sent me to vietnam.
4/2/2012 9:30:53 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
truman sent the first military advisers to viet nam. when ike left office there were three hundred advisers in vietnam. when jfk was assasinated there were 12,000 troops and by the time lbj left office nearly 600,000 troops were in country. no, ike was not a democrat.
[Edited 4/2/2012 9:31:34 AM ]
4/2/2012 10:45:45 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Carmel, IN
69, joined May. 2011
Truman sent MAAG (Military Assistance Advisory Group) to Vietnam in Sept. of 1950. At the time they were there as non-combatants their role was to support the French legionnaires (eventually driven from the country) fighting the Viet Minh by providing weapons and training . When the Geneva Accord was signed in 1954 the country was divided north and south and under Ike that US role grew ( and later became MACV) as did our financial commitment. US ground force involovement began to increase dramatically in 1965.
jrbogie is correct to state Truman sent our first uniformed soldiers to Vietnam in non- combatant capacities, however additionally had other operatives (CIA types) on the ground involved heavily in organizing forces in opposition to the Communists led by Uncle Ho.
I do take exception to the label that "liberals" sent Americans of our generation to war in Vietnam. Its fair to say Democrats had a heavy hand on the wheels of government in the 40s and 50s, but fighting the threat of spreading communist ideaology and authority stands in diametrical opposition that the notion! Our war undertaken in Vietnam was conducted because US policy makers for years had developed a fear of a "domino theory" in which Communist China and the Soviets would expand their power in Asia and Europe as they had began to do ie; Korea, Hungary,Poland, East Germany etc...the war in Vietnam was our geo-political response and a drawing of the line on that expansionism, with the Vietnamese people caught in the middle!
[Edited 4/2/2012 10:47:44 AM ]
4/2/2012 12:03:08 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Toms River, NJ
69, joined Jun. 2009
Just my two cents: Again...... You civilians are really getting on my last nerve, We the kids who were chosen to protect you from the big bad commies, Had absolutely nothing to do with the war!! You still put into office the same a__holes that sent 1/3 of my high school class to death. The same congressman doing the same warmongering and then when the kids come home they claim we are mentally defective and can't be trusted to hold a job with "Decent People!" 
Why should a Congressman have full medical coverage after 1 Hour of service and a combat veteran have none?? Has your congressman done more to protect you? 
4/3/2012 8:20:33 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
i'm not getting this 'us vs them' when us are veterans and them are civilians. americans have jobs to do at various times in our lives and nobody, not even soldiers, go into a job for purely selfless, charitable, patriotic reasons. i didn't place myself in harms way for my country anymore than does a fireman or policeman do so for his community. sure, some of my buddies did not return from viet nam but there are unfortunates entomed withing the concrete of hoover dam too. and we vets and active duty often forget that our military is mandated to be run by civilians. now get over it.
4/8/2012 9:07:24 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Wetumpka, AL
71, joined May. 2011
No matter who they are, I am proud of all our VETs. They are part of what makes this country great and why we have freedom. Sure, some of the wars maynot be right or fair or whatever you want to call it, but these guys were there ready to fight when called upon. I had a brother in the Viet Nam war and a guy that was like a brother to me (he was killed). They really didn't know what the war was about, but their country called them and they went. I salute each one of you.  
4/8/2012 10:49:40 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Stanton, MI
70, joined Jan. 2012
WELCOME HOME all Vietnam vets!! I was one of the WACs that took care of you when you returned home. I was never 'in country' but I sure held a lot of hands through the night terrors and when you had to tell someone, just to let it out, I was there to keep your secrets. I will always respect the men and women of our military - veterans are FAMILY - the good, bad and the ugly we still remain FAMILY!! dusty1965
4/8/2012 11:29:34 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Grand Rapids, MI
26, joined Feb. 2012
Loooooove the vets. From that era.
You can sure teach our military something today
4/9/2012 9:04:05 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
kind words. juice, but i wouldn't put put money on the average grunt platoon in vietnam against a platoon of today's soldiers. that goes for pilots, tankers, artillerymen, engineers, you name it. fact is today's military personel in general are far better trained, equipped and motivated than were i and my fellow vietnam vets.
4/9/2012 10:45:08 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Carmel, IN
69, joined May. 2011
jrbogie. Todays military is the best educated, equipped and trained in the world to be sure. But as a total force some are in many ways less motivated. I believe some of our our officers arent as good, and I was among them for over three decades, Im referencing just the Army here. Ive seen many who dont have much taste for doing the fighting.I never experienced that in Vietnam--it was leadership by example-not by rank--and thats why reluctant draftees and scared kids followed them . JMHO
4/9/2012 2:55:18 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Traverse City, MI
68, joined Dec. 2011
it was libs that sent me to vietnam. 
The "I'm not a crook guy" sent me! He was a republican. 
4/9/2012 11:01:07 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Rolla, MO
30, joined Feb. 2012
this is ridiculous! how can people still think that?? i'm an OIF vet and i still bow down and show respect to the vietnam vets. i wont even talk about my military service cause i know its nothing compared to what hey went through. thank you, vietnam vets, for taking a path with thorns and making it easier for the majority of the idiots in uniform today. if it wasnt for you guys, wed be nowhere. scuse the typing, im on my phone. but if someone cant be happy with you they way you are, and support you in what you do or have done, whether they agree with it or not, they do not deserve you. 
4/9/2012 11:43:31 PM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Bunny, I can't understand it either. I was shocked myself but after a day it really didn't matter to me. Just thought it was interesting. People like that are lost in the 70's and have never been part of the real world. They see through rose colored glasses. Thanks for the kind words. We VN vets appreciate it. Thank you for your service. You're a sweetheart.
[Edited 4/9/2012 11:44:20 PM ]
4/10/2012 5:47:06 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
The "I'm not a crook guy" sent me!  He was a republican. 
actuall the d*ck sent me too but i thought i'd contribute to the political partisan bullshit. tricky d*ck did pull my unit out though along with several others that year.
4/10/2012 6:03:25 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
jrbogie. Todays military is the best educated, equipped and trained in the world to be sure. But as a total force some are in many ways less motivated. I believe some of our our officers arent as good, and I was among them for over three decades, Im referencing just the Army here. Ive seen many who dont have much taste for doing the fighting.I never experienced that in Vietnam--it was leadership by example-not by rank--and thats why reluctant draftees and scared kids followed them . JMHO
couldn't agree more garry. i was replying to an overly broad and general statement with an overly broad and general reply. i myself was nine years into what i thought would be a full military career when i looked around one day and thought, "do i really want to be part of this?" the time was late 1976, rifs were rampant and everybody was scurrying around trying to keep their job doing whatever they thought it would take just to stay in. and whatever they thought it would take among the middle ranks bordered on the absurd. the all volunteer army was on the way but had not yet arrived. i left to begin my civilian career and never looked back. those eleven years or more i would have put in the army for retirement i made much better use of imo. today i often say i've lived more than my fair share but i wonder if i'd be able to say those words had i hung in until retiring. whatever, like i say, i don't spend much time looking back.
4/10/2012 6:59:50 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |
Webster, MA
45, joined Mar. 2012
The hate that took place during Viet laid on the shoulders which was wrong of the people to do. You were there during what was your job! Agreeing or disagreeing with the reasoning for the war should have sent the hate to our goverment not the shoulders for most are still paying the price with all the casualities, PTSD not to mention A.O. that is killing the shoulders that were standing up for what our goverment sent them to do. Who knows where we would be today if the outcome of that war was different. I for one would not want to find out.
Thank you....
4/10/2012 9:23:42 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Toms River, NJ
69, joined Jun. 2009
4/20/2012 10:07:51 AM |
Some people still don't like us Viet Nam Veterans |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
TO ALL VIETNAM VETERANS .. OP .. "some people still don't like us" .. I believe some people have a misdirected dislike .. I do not think it is the vet who is disliked but the government policy in that era. The uniform represented the government and the service personnel were at hand to the populous instead of the lawmakers. jmo