5/28/2012 5:09:34 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Pacific, MO
27, joined May. 2012
You should hit me up! Would be nice to talk to some others like me Im wiccan.. 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

5/29/2012 8:55:18 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Owensboro, KY
33, joined May. 2012
Not Wiccan, but Celtic Pagan, very close. What up
6/26/2012 1:33:22 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Port Huron, MI
42, joined May. 2012
I am Pagan, as is my hubby. They are opening a new occult bookshop here in town today. Woot!!
6/26/2012 9:16:11 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Prince Frederick, MD
29, joined Apr. 2012
not even close to wiccan.
hoodooman reportin in.
6/27/2012 2:54:07 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
I am a Shamanic Priestess of Universal Spirituality, Wisdom, and Love.
I have been initiated for one, into Wiccan, many moons ago.
I am like Wolfy, ......of the Dran Rashar. 
6/27/2012 4:18:19 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010
Can one of yous change me back..??
I promise not to make fun of yous anymore..!!

Digital Dog
6/28/2012 9:34:57 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
As Woods said, I am Dran Rashar. I was Wiccan for a couple years before finding my life's path. I have a lot of respect for Wicca, but I know it is definitely not my path.
I do not really call myself "pagan" anymore, as I find it is far too limiting of a term to describe the universality of my beliefs and my path. However, most people would classify my particular way of following the Dran Rashar path as being "pagan."
What trad do you follow? Who are your main deities?
6/30/2012 10:15:01 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010
To ALL my DH friends, pals, comrades,
girlfriends, dates, five ex-wives, and enemies,
and even the Wiccans, pagans, and witches....
I wish each and every one of yous
a very joyful and safe
4th of July holiday.......
May the God of your choice smile
upon you and yours.....

___ ___
Digital Dog
7/2/2012 3:28:29 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Canyon Country, CA
29, joined Jun. 2012
Solitary Wiccan right here!
7/5/2012 6:23:23 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Prince Frederick, MD
29, joined Apr. 2012
damn that digital dog is annoying
7/5/2012 11:12:54 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Albuquerque, NM
33, joined Feb. 2012
Solo wiccan here
7/6/2012 6:50:33 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Mansfield, AR
66, joined Dec. 2011
damn that digital dog is annoying
If you just ignore him he will get tired and go away.
7/8/2012 9:18:43 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Ada, OH
23, joined Jul. 2012
I'm a Celtic pagan. I took NOD druidic and bardic courses. I have a ton of wiccan friends, and even satanist friends. Id love to talk.
7/8/2012 5:52:06 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
San Diego, CA
68, joined Aug. 2010
Not wiccan, but I have followed the Druid path for more than 40 years. I would love to make contact with like minded individuals.
7/11/2012 2:11:00 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Clarksville, TN
47, joined Jul. 2012
I am Wiccan here from clarksville TN. Could use some like minded friends to talk to as well
7/13/2012 8:22:41 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Auburn, NY
23, joined Jul. 2012
hey, I'm not wiccan yet but very allured by this path, and Iv'e always been taught it's wrong but I can't help but feel it is so right for me. Parents make it sound like I will go to hell but I don't know what to do... help? 
7/14/2012 3:18:57 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Poteet, TX
46, joined Jul. 2012
I am a solitary follower of petti witta or Scottish form of majik.
If any want to web weave friend me.
7/14/2012 10:35:08 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Noblesville, IN
29, joined Dec. 2010
new pagan. followed christianity my whole life but recently realized that deity worship is not for me.
new to my path and a lot of questions and concerns.
any one that would be kind enough to offer guidence it would be greatly appreciated. and anything on fairies is even more appreciated.
7/14/2012 11:35:43 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
new pagan. followed christianity my whole life but recently realized that deity worship is not for me.
new to my path and a lot of questions and concerns.
any one that would be kind enough to offer guidence it would be greatly appreciated. and anything on fairies is even more appreciated.
What would you like to know about fairies? I have a "fairy altar" in my home, which is kept with fresh flowers, sea shells and shiny stones and crystals. They like offerings of milk, especially heavy cream, and honey. Just a little bit in a small clam shell or, even better, in an acorn cap. Any small vessel will work, but those are preferred. Don't be surprised if you contact fairies if some of them play games, hiding things mostly and annoying cats (my cat will every so often jump as if something pierced his rump, and it's always when he got too close to the fairy altar.) If you're diplomatic, but firm, they'll usually return things they hid. Also, they're especially hyper on the full moon, and they're busy with their dances and such, so it's not a great time to contact them.
Any other questions or concerns about your new path, I'm happy to offer some insight, and I'm sure others here will as well.
So, you don't believe in any type of divinity at all, or you just don't believe in worship in the Christian sense? To me, the Divine is evident, and is present throughout all creation, all of the Universe. For me, "worshiping" the Divine means taking care of myself, trying to live in harmony with nature, being open-minded, nonjudgmental and understanding of others, and recognizing & respecting Divinity in as many forms as the Divine is expressed.
7/15/2012 12:11:27 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Noblesville, IN
29, joined Dec. 2010
i believe in deities but dont think worship for them is what im meant for.
i know fairies are meant to be pranksters but are they capable of serious damage? ive had a lot going wrong lately and im starting to worry. mostly mild nusances but there have been some serious problems in the last 6 months
any recomendation on books to read so i can better understand?
7/16/2012 1:34:28 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Galliano, LA
31, joined Jul. 2012
Solitary Celtic Wiccan here, just wish I could find someone in Louisiana who is Wiccan near me.
7/16/2012 2:42:21 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
i believe in deities but dont think worship for them is what im meant for.
i know fairies are meant to be pranksters but are they capable of serious damage? ive had a lot going wrong lately and im starting to worry. mostly mild nusances but there have been some serious problems in the last 6 months
any recomendation on books to read so i can better understand?
Fairies don't usually cause major mischief unless you've done something to really upset them. It's usually just minor stuff. Leaving offerings of milk and honey for a few nights, especially just before the full moon and on the full moon (though they often prefer mead on the full moon) usually quells their anger if they're upset.
However, it might not be fairies causing your problems. There are all kinds of explanations from the mundane to the spiritual. It could just be a run of bad luck, or maybe you're just off your game for some reason, like if something has your mind distracted. Spiritually speaking, it could be something you're being taught and not paying attention to, someone sending bad energy your way, a spirit attached to your family line (usually an angry ancestor, but sometimes someone your family wronged,) a prankster spirit that just decided you sparkle neat so it wanted to follow you. It could even just be a spirit which is ordinarily friendly, but is frustrated in trying to get your attention.
As a Shaman, I can only offer you solutions for the spiritual, while encouraging you to explore all options.
Spiritual solution:
The best thing to do is to smudge your home with white sage smoke, going counterclockwise around your home. Then go clockwise around your home with sweetgrass or with your favorite incense, and place a very thin layer of salt around the borders (inside) of your walls which face the outside. Declare your home as your home where only you (or you and anyone who lives with you, don't want to leave them out) have authority, both on the physical and the spiritual. After that, you should address the possibilities. Talk to any fairies who might be present, to any spirits of any sort. Tell them that friendly spirits are welcome as long as they obey your authority and do not cause mischief. If you welcome the fae, a potted flowering plant or fresh flowers is a good way of welcoming them in on a friendly basis. It's generally good to make friends with them.
After you have declared authority in your home, draw a small circle on the ground (clockwise) and sit within it. You don't have to use anything special to draw it, but chalk or brick dust are traditional, as is powdered clay. Some people don't even draw a physical circle, but instead imagine the circle being drawn around them. As you are sitting within the circle, declare authority over your own life, asking for guidance from good spirits and the Divine, and stating how little or much direction you wish to receive. It's a good thing at this point to also ask that wisdom be granted to you abundantly. State that spirits and other entities must be friendly to you and respond to your authority over your own life, and command them not to cause mischief. Thank the spirits, say something appropriate to close the circle (it can be in English, Latin, Lakota, or whatever language with which you are comfortable for ceremony or which means something to you. )
It is better if you approach both of these ceremonies and everything you say with a loving, understanding and kind mind-frame, but also one which is authoritative and firm on important issues. Some people like certain crystals or stones which have personal power for them in the circle with them or on their person. I like emeralds for myself, and I've recommended rose-quartz, clear quartz, amethyst, obsidian, onyx, opals, and many others, depending on the individual.
Ancient-Wolf Peace-Bringer
[Edited 7/16/2012 2:42:50 PM ]
7/16/2012 5:42:22 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Noblesville, IN
29, joined Dec. 2010
ok then i doubt its fairies messing with me. my s/o doesnt want altars or ceramonies in the home, and out of respect i ablidge. shes
a christian but is tolerant to a point.
ive noticed that a lot of this has started after giving away my pentacle necklace and am wondering if that might have something to do with it.
ill talk to my s/o about an offering to the faires. is an altar needed?
i tried messaging you but it wouldnt let me.
7/16/2012 8:57:25 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
ok then i doubt its fairies messing with me. my s/o doesnt want altars or ceramonies in the home, and out of respect i ablidge. shes
a christian but is tolerant to a point.
ive noticed that a lot of this has started after giving away my pentacle necklace and am wondering if that might have something to do with it.
ill talk to my s/o about an offering to the faires. is an altar needed?
i tried messaging you but it wouldnt let me.
Yeah, dh doesn't let me get all my messages. I didn't limit it in any way, but it seems to think I did. What's odd is who it blocks and who it doesn't block. Anyway, I'll send you a message, and then you can send me messages all you want. At least that's how it worked for other friends.
No, an altar isn't necessary for the offering. In fact, it's best if you leave it right outside of your house, right next to one of the doors. Other places are in trees, or in a patch of mushrooms.
7/16/2012 9:04:11 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
Yeah, dh doesn't let me get all my messages. I didn't limit it in any way, but it seems to think I did. What's odd is who it blocks and who it doesn't block. Anyway, I'll send you a message, and then you can send me messages all you want. At least that's how it worked for other friends.
No, an altar isn't necessary for the offering. In fact, it's best if you leave it right outside of your house, right next to one of the doors. Other places are in trees, or in a patch of mushrooms.
You've got the same weird settings I do, so I can't send you a message either. Oh well. There's a lot more I wanted to say, about what more likely probabilities are.
7/17/2012 12:47:16 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Noblesville, IN
29, joined Dec. 2010
thats strange. if the best place is outside then i dont need my s/o permission. any type of special bowl needed or that should be avoided?
what else might be the issue? im open to all suggestions.
7/17/2012 12:59:34 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
thats strange. if the best place is outside then i dont need my s/o permission. any type of special bowl needed or that should be avoided?
what else might be the issue? im open to all suggestions.
Acorn caps make great offering bowls, as you're only offering a tiny amount. Clam shells also work well. Any small container, nothing plastic.
The other issue is that the Divine, your spirit guide(s), etc. might just be desperately trying to get your attention, and probably feeling left out in your home. It's more likely that than fairies, but fairies could be involved as well.
7/17/2012 4:56:40 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
San Tan Valley, AZ
43, joined Jun. 2012
No dirt worship here! (I kid..I kid!)
But I do study hermeticism and the occult in general. This makes me wiccian friendly/compatible but....your 5 pointed star actually originated in the ancient middle east and not in Europe. Did you know that? Imported to the UK by the Romans who adopted it from the Greeks who got it from the Jews who got it from the Egyptians who got it from the Sumerians...
Interesting stuff..

7/17/2012 5:06:43 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
San Tan Valley, AZ
43, joined Jun. 2012
hey, I'm not wiccan yet but very allured by this path, and Iv'e always been taught it's wrong but I can't help but feel it is so right for me. Parents make it sound like I will go to hell but I don't know what to do... help? 
Not wiccia specifically, but I dabble in many things
A quote that may be applicable to your statement:
"The lips of wisdom are closed except to the ears of understanding"
Similar to the idea 'when the student is ready, the teacher will appear'
So how do you get ready? You educate yourself, online, bookstores, etc. Eventually your seeking will put you on the path you need to be on.
You wont go to hell. Hell doesnt really exist, at least not the spooky supernatural place described by your youth group pastor. That hell only exists to be used as a tool of fear/compliance.
7/17/2012 12:34:02 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
Not wiccia specifically, but I dabble in many things
A quote that may be applicable to your statement:
"The lips of wisdom are closed except to the ears of understanding"
Similar to the idea 'when the student is ready, the teacher will appear'
So how do you get ready? You educate yourself, online, bookstores, etc. Eventually your seeking will put you on the path you need to be on.
You wont go to hell. Hell doesnt really exist, at least not the spooky supernatural place described by your youth group pastor. That hell only exists to be used as a tool of fear/compliance.
Exactly. When I first started on my current path, at age 19 officially, I still had questions about Hell. I have always been strongly drawn to the Divine and spiritual things, and I was on the path to becoming a Baptist minister (taking classes with my pastor, applying to schools) when I changed. So, it was a tough transition, and the "hellfire and brimstone" was heavily engraved in my brain.
Eventually, I actually studied Christianity, even attended Seminary for a short time to find out what it was all about. I discovered what a huge, corrupt lie modern Christianity is (though that doesn't mean all modern Christians are bad.) I realized how the hellfire and brimstone was never part of Judaism, and how the character of their "devil" had warped over the centuries into a bogey-man for the purpose of manipulating people. It was a plutocratic conspiracy to convince the poor that they deserved their suffering, and it ignores so much of Yeshua's teachings in favor of warped versions of Paul's teachings.
So, to the person to whom you were responding, even if you still have some loyalty inside of you to the Christian beliefs you once held and which your parents held, that loyalty can be to the actual message of Yeshua (Jesus.) Read his actual words in his sermons and parables, especially the sermon on the mount, and understand that his message was of loving one another, respecting nature (consider the lilies of the fields...,) not judging one another, but instead just helping one another and being compassionate. These teachings are just wisdom which too many people fail to get, and the teachings transcend religious doctrine. No matter what one's religion is, even if it's no religion, it is still good wisdom.
Every time Yeshua was asked how one gets into heaven, it was never anything about his sacrifice on the cross which was yet to happen. It was always, "Love God, love each other, and take care of each other. By taking care of each other and loving each other, you're loving God."
7/17/2012 4:26:47 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Cambridge, MN
39, joined Oct. 2011
Solitary pagan. been on the path for years, recently interested in finding the path that allows me to feel empowered and bold instead of foolish. MN area. PEACE AND LOVE FOR YOU AND YOURS UPON YOUR PATH. So mote it be
7/18/2012 2:29:40 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Malone, NY
39, joined Jun. 2012
Merry meet all
7/18/2012 5:01:16 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Edison, NJ
23, joined Jul. 2012
I am a practitioner. HELLO 
7/18/2012 5:47:50 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Plattsburgh, NY
47, joined Feb. 2012
Merry meet to you
7/19/2012 8:56:58 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

West Jordan, UT
47, joined Jun. 2012
I'm pagen
7/22/2012 3:19:47 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Temecula, CA
32, joined Jun. 2012
Merry meet to you all! I'm a Pagan and have been so for many years. Looking for other Pagans to chat with.
7/22/2012 3:33:07 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Edison, NJ
23, joined Jul. 2012
Merry meet. Merry part. Merry meet again.
7/22/2012 3:54:53 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Bakersfield, CA
31, joined Jun. 2012
Nordic Pagan here.
7/23/2012 8:34:59 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Albert Lea, MN
40, joined Jul. 2012
Merry Meet friend...
7/23/2012 10:05:19 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Aurora, CO
48, joined Apr. 2010
merry meet everyone
7/24/2012 10:36:08 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
El Cajon, CA
46, joined May. 2012
Most people call me a Pagan, but my beliefs are more eclectic. Mostly derived from Paganism, but also from buddhism & new age Law of Attraction combined.
7/29/2012 12:35:51 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Buffalo, SC
25, joined Jul. 2012
my dad has been teaching me for the past 3 years about the pagan/wiccan path and if anyone would like to talk about it please feel free to talk too me if you want here's my number call me or txt me if you wish to talk 8646123928
7/29/2012 6:23:05 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Brayton, IA
58, joined Jul. 2012
i am into general witchcraft and worship the gods Odin and Thor so that also makes me a viking I guess.
7/29/2012 8:47:06 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
i am into general witchcraft and worship the gods Odin and Thor so that also makes me a viking I guess.
What would make you a viking is if you were to use Norse boats to raid Europe in an old Norse fashion. Though, "veeking" (viking) means, "going across the water" it generally refers to the raids of the old Norse on the rest of Europe (ask the Norse and they'll say they were retaliatory raids.) Following Odin and Thor means you follow Odin and Thor. You may follow them as part of the modern religion Asatruar, the modern religion Odinism, or just as you feel they should be followed, but it doesn't make you a viking.
Anyway, I'm half Norwegian, and I've been very largely drawn to both Odin and Thor, as well as other Norse beings and concepts, and they do make a part of my beliefs.
7/31/2012 10:14:05 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Sedalia, MO
40, joined Jul. 2012
Hello I am a wiccan reverend from sedalia Missouri we should chat sometime
8/2/2012 12:52:31 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Abilene, TX
44, joined Aug. 2012
Another solo eclectic Wiccan/Pagan here. Namaste all!
8/15/2012 1:09:40 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Enid, OK
35, joined Jun. 2011
i am Wiccan i have been practicing since i was 12
8/17/2012 12:06:05 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Albuquerque, NM
33, joined Feb. 2012
<-- solitary wiccan but I sometimes practice with my younger sister
8/17/2012 2:43:12 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Aurora, CO
48, joined Apr. 2010
<- native/celtic wiccan pagan here. but i choose to find the truths in every path and add them as my own.
8/17/2012 8:24:54 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Williamsburg, VA
36, joined Aug. 2012
Practitioner of traditional witchcraft and cunning. Hello everyone!
8/25/2012 10:59:33 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
New Rochelle, NY
32, joined Jan. 2012
8/28/2012 3:11:39 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Wichita, KS
25, joined Apr. 2011
Son of Odin here! (not the racist kind)
8/28/2012 10:32:58 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Philadelphia, PA
30, joined Aug. 2012
8/28/2012 1:30:57 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Dade City, FL
58, joined Aug. 2012
Merry Meet! Eclectic/Celtic Solitary Wicca here )O(
8/28/2012 1:50:06 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Philadelphia, PA
32, joined Mar. 2012
I'm pagan. A mixture of Wiccan, Buddhist, and celtic pagan.
8/28/2012 4:54:20 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |

Newark, DE
33, joined Aug. 2012
Wondering what wiccan or pagen beliefs actually are... ??
8/30/2012 4:48:19 AM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Wichita, KS
25, joined Apr. 2011
Wondering what wiccan or pagen beliefs actually are... ??
Our beliefs are as many and varied as the stars of the night sky
9/7/2012 12:04:09 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
9/7/2012 3:25:58 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |


Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
Wondering what wiccan or pagen beliefs actually are... ??
I located this which is a good starter at least but you will find variations just as Im sure you are already aware of the myriad of individual sects Christianity can encompass.
Wicca is the largest of the Neopagan religions. Wiccans have great reverence for the Earth and for their Goddess and her consort, the horned God. Their main rule of behavior is the Wiccan Rede which forbids them from harming people, including themselves, except in some cases of self-defense.
Many, perhaps most, are solitary practitioners. Others form small groups of believers, called covens, groves, etc. Because of centuries of religious propaganda and misinformation, many conservative Christians, and others, associate Wiccans with Satanists even though the two belief systems are as different as Christianity and Atheism.
Our essays on Wicca are very different from those on Christianity.
bullet Wicca is a very decentralized religion; many Wiccans develop their own beliefs, rituals, and other practices. The latter are often not known outside the solitary practitioner or Wiccan coven. So we describe the beliefs and practices that most Wiccans hold in common.
Much of Christianity is highly centralized within denominations whose beliefs, rituals, and other practices are well documented and available to us. So we describe the diversity of Christian beliefs in great detail.
9/10/2012 11:40:20 PM |
Any Wiccan/Pagens out there?? |
Pompano Beach, FL
25, joined Sep. 2012
Merry meet to all.
Solitary wiccan here.
Blessed Be.