7/26/2007 8:09:25 PM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
Cambodia bans ‘door-knocking’
AFP Published:Jul 17, 2007
PHNOM PENH - Cambodia has banned Christian groups from door-to-door proselytising and is seeking to limit other religious activities by non-Buddhist organisations, which it says disrupt society.
A directive from the Ministry of Cults and Religions obtained by AFP today said: "Christians are prohibited from visiting people’s houses by knocking on the door and waiting to say ’the Lord has arrived’."
Distribution of religious literature will also be confined to churches, which now must be approved by the ministry before they can be built, the directive said.
While the ruling applies to all non-Buddhist groups, it is aimed at curbing Christian evangelical influence in largely Buddhist Cambodia amid reports of children being tricked into converting, officials said.
Christian missionaries are reportedly offering cakes and other sweets to children in exchange for abandoning Buddhism, local media said.
Food, clothing and free English lessons are also offered by many church groups, which then introduce religion into their activities.
"It is prohibited to use money, materials and other means in order to convince followers of a religion to convert to another one," the ministry directive said.
The groups’ tactics "disturb the daily lives of the people and can cause other insecurities in society," it added.
The directive follows similar orders issued in 1999 and 2003. Groups violating the directive face possible prosecution, the ministry said.
Cambodia’s non-Buddhist minority, which is mostly Catholic but includes Mormons and other evangelical groups, lives largely at peace in the country, but tensions have flared in the past.
Last year, hundreds of villagers shouting "Long live Buddhism, destroy Christians" tore down a house belonging to a Christian teacher outside the capital.
Church houses were also attacked in 2004 and 2003. No one was hurt in the incidents.
7/26/2007 8:23:05 PM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 25
Some how it doesn't surprise me that christians are trying to buy
the poors faith. I still think ppl should have a choice to wich religion
they wanna belong to. Its the same problem everywhere you go government
tries to decide whats right for you.
7/26/2007 8:33:14 PM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I expect they are trying to protect the christians cause it sounds like they could be in danger if they keep on trying to force their belief's on the other religious people.
7/27/2007 7:04:28 PM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Houlton, ME
age: 42
We have the separation of church and state in this country, but not if a Conservative Christian sits in the White House. Then there can be no stem cell research, and other issues ad nauseum. My fear is if a divout Muslim attains the White House and brings us all to prayer five times a day with out butts in the air and our burkas fluttering in the breeze.
8/15/2007 10:18:41 AM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Wilmington, DE
age: 50
Christian missionaries have bartered food in exchange for Jeusus for a long time in many third world countries where people are desperate. It's an underhanded thing to do "I'll give you this bread if you accept Jesus as your god or you can starve to death". Would Jesus himself do this? If Jesus saw missionaries doing this he'd stop them just as he stopped the money changers. Besides, Buddism is a great religion and more sensible than Christianity.
8/15/2007 10:23:02 AM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Oddly enough, I gotta agree!
8/15/2007 10:34:27 AM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
"I'll give you this bread if you accept Jesus as your god or you can starve to death".
i dont think christian missionaries say this. maybe the Buddhists should be worried about feeding their own people instead of how christianity threatens their existance.
8/15/2007 11:04:29 AM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Wilmington, DE
age: 50
ironranger- The problem is that you don't see the differece between poor in the US and poor in, let's say Hatti, for instance. Ya see, poor people in the US have TV's, a DVD player, food stamps, a microwave oven, a refrigerator, air conditioning, heat, games, toys with lead paint, free medical care, section 8 housing and in many cases a car.
Poor people in other countries not as fortunate are lucky if they can have a raisin on a toothpick for breakfast!!
But you are unaware of this because your only preoccupation and concern is if the movie you want to watch tonight is going to be available at Blockbuster or if you can get chrome plated mag wheels for your car. You live a sheltered life and until you travel in person to these other countries you can only make foolish comments about other countries feeding their people.
You take your affluent life for granted because that's all you've known. Have you ever personally traveled beyond your local McDonalds? Maybe if you went to these countries instead of watching them on TV while sipping a soda and eating cheese curls as you relax in the comfort of your Lazyboy recliner you'd have a better insight that the US is not the world.
[Edited 8/15/2007 11:18:59 AM]
8/15/2007 11:58:37 AM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
argue the point - not the person
8/15/2007 12:04:42 PM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Wilmington, DE
age: 50
Ok, sorry, but you see my point.
8/15/2007 12:21:42 PM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
i dont see your point.
is it that christian missionaries take advantage of poor impoverished people?
are christian missionaries responsible for the plight of impoverished?
not sure which one. maybe because i dont understand world politics i dont understand how christian missionaries are undermining a fragile budhist country and way of life - im too self-centered and ignoratnt to see the true plight of these people that are being taken advantage of? afterall, it is religion that is the destroyer of man. and it is the us that has caused the plight of the world as we know it.
my point is that perhaps an act of kindness to someone who is suffering makes them feel good inside????? isnt that what humanity is all about?
you dont have to be sorry - no offense taken.
[Edited 8/15/2007 12:22:57 PM]
8/15/2007 5:09:56 PM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
From my own personal experience....I lost the last shred of respect for the missionary racket recently. 6 active preachers & missionaries on the other side of the family. My grandmother...on thier side is 97 and requires constant attending. Sweet and godly woman. Only my step mom and my Father have contributed to her upkeep for the past 14 years. Paying bills hiring a sitter to be with her during the day ect. Thier social life is gone. Those f*cking preachers and missionaries won't lift a finger to aid thier own mother......"we can't this weekend...gotta write a sermon Saturday....gotta preach Sunday." (They have all been preachers for 30-50 years) They are preaching out of one book and can't do a repeat? They refuse to pitch in on her up keep......gotta go to Africa for 2 months to visit on of thier former mission tribes.....but won't alleviate any of her expenses. BUT THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMEL'S BACK! My folks wanted to do thier once a year visit with thier grandkids out of state.....All the preachers and missionarries decided that for $100 a day they would send thier wife(s) to attend her.
My Mom cried her eyes out. My Dad sees my point. To Hell with them. If that is an example of Christianity....F*&k them and F*&k the God who loves them. Worthless no good sons of b*tches......all of them.....they should get a real job and HONOR thier Mother
8/15/2007 5:50:09 PM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Krupa....Please dont judge all Christians by the way "they" behave! There are so many good "people" in this world like youself and your parents.
You have every right to be mad,and if it was me I dont think I would not tell them all off!Im not trying to plug Christianity in any way,its just "some" people dont think about anything but whats good for them.
I do what i can to help others not because Im Christian,but because Im a good person(no Saint),there is however one thing I make "sure of" before I do for others,and that making sure "my family"is taken care of first! For what its worth,I know your pain first hand,I also had other members of my family(Christians)turn their back on me when I needed them most! Hang in there and if at all possible....YELLLLLLLLL...it always help me! Peace
8/15/2007 7:32:59 PM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Yes I understand what you are saying too Krupa. Some people are like that no matter what their beliefs. A selfish person can call themselves anything.
As far as the poor go when I was living in the streets because of breakdown, I went to the mission which was supported by the churchs and state and federal funds and you did not get to eat untill and unless you heard the sermon. I usually just got a few hands full of wild berries. I did not feel like hearing how much god loved me and how I was going to hell if I did not repent. I was already in hell.
Actually usually got better food out of the dumpster.
[Edited 8/15/2007 7:33:57 PM]
8/15/2007 8:38:19 PM |
cambodia bans 'door-knocking' |

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 48
Krupa... I am deeply sorry for the hurt you and your grandmother and parents feel. Yes, unfortunately, there are people who only think of themselves and their own interests.
It is never behavior that would be expected of a person or persons who proclaim to be followers of God.
Yes, there are a fair amount of 'bad apples' out there who are spiritually sick and just pay lipservice and their hearts are far from the God they profess to follow.
However Krupa, you cannot blame God for their unbalanced self centered behavior and blatantly blaspheme Him as you have. God did not hurt you.
God would not want anyone to neglect one's family, your family obligations or be at critical odds with somebody and at the same time... praise and worship His name and proclaim His word. Jesus wrote about that and how we are not to neglect our duties to our family.
Sometimes the people we love the most, hurt us the most and when it is someone who we expect to be 'Christlike', we are disappointed and shocked at the lack of charity.
Your missionary relatives made very unfortunate choice to turn their back away from their mother who loved them and their family who needed a break from what has to be a very exhausting, depressing situation.
For what it is worth, I promise to pray for all of you. May there be conversion of heart, repentence and forgiveness leading to reconciliation and family unity. May the hurts be erased and replaced with feelings of love. May all your sufferings be turned to joy and may there be spiritual conversion leading to faith and genuine trust in the Triune God who truly loves you and waits for your love.
[Edited 8/15/2007 8:41:15 PM]