Thread |
Starter |
Replies |
Last Post |
New to this group? Introduce yourself here! Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
dustin |
1,986 |
12/2/2015 8:02:25 AM
by live4jesus |
how important is looks when you are in your sixties |
kaddo |
36 |
9/3/2011 10:00:08 PM
by musicianforever |
It`s that time again Happy Birthday ooohman !!! |
coffeetime |
28 |
9/3/2011 9:51:15 PM
by tauruslady45 |
Irene gone here comes Katia |
rangerguy3 |
29 |
9/3/2011 7:54:37 PM
by moon_is_rising |
what makes you feel romantic guys. |
dream46 |
22 |
9/2/2011 3:59:55 PM
by jadedo |
Dates only 65 to 80 year old men? She,s 46! |
sunlaker7411 |
23 |
9/2/2011 10:07:18 AM
by char7138 |
Dang, Dang, Dang Gosh Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
igayle |
210 |
8/31/2011 12:30:14 PM
by cuddly101a |
Enduring Friendship |
angela_1 |
24 |
8/31/2011 10:53:09 AM
by cherishlife47 |
what is proper way to handle messages |
wlh144 |
15 |
8/30/2011 11:13:33 AM
by moon_is_rising |
Hot Diggity Dog -- It is 10snut's BIRTHDAY! |
nenebubbles |
45 |
8/30/2011 9:49:45 AM
by sharsea |
Say it with a sign Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
duchessa |
261 |
8/29/2011 2:32:45 PM
by duchessa |
Me, me , me and me Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
cuddly101 |
2,517 |
8/29/2011 2:11:56 PM
by cuddly101a |
How would you do it |
62bobo |
9 |
8/29/2011 8:38:50 AM
by stargazzer |
Hello to all hope U are having a great evening |
m271960 |
9 |
8/28/2011 11:18:21 PM
by altje |
Sassy are you there?? See You tomorrow |
m271960 |
1 |
8/28/2011 8:20:22 PM
by sassy_lassy |
Either Or...Make a Choice and Leave 2 Choices For the Next Person Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
delideliteful |
480 |
8/28/2011 4:56:54 PM
by cherishlife47 |
Please read this about Irene!! |
rangerguy3 |
57 |
8/28/2011 8:29:27 AM
by sweetsugar57 |
What Happened To Them? |
gentlebear1949 |
5 |
8/27/2011 9:06:00 PM
by cuddly101a |
~~~~Happiness Is~~~~ Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
sunny_ |
2,127 |
8/25/2011 11:05:07 PM
by marvelousmizm |
***** I'm Leaving It Up To You ***** |
bill_43 |
47 |
8/24/2011 7:32:02 PM
by hamaker |
Old folks' humor... |
duchessa |
34 |
8/24/2011 10:19:19 AM
by sugarplum1958 |
Get Together |
snugglyangel56 |
2 |
8/23/2011 9:21:16 PM
by snugglyangel56 |
Ted is the Birthday Star Today..Happy Celebration! |
sharsea |
27 |
8/23/2011 5:56:00 AM
by newlady2 |
discounts for seniors |
elmsap |
11 |
8/23/2011 12:29:42 AM
by silvercee |
Wouldent it be better to sek a partner in crime Vs Marriage? |
ziggysdad2 |
23 |
8/22/2011 9:44:54 PM
by ziggysdad2 |
Travel companion wanted.- no strings attached.-= |
digitaldog |
16 |
8/22/2011 3:47:35 PM
by nenebubbles |
Wishing Bill_43 Happy Birthday Aug. 21st. |
tauruslady45 |
29 |
8/21/2011 6:51:05 PM
by sassy_lassy |
Household hints-Victorian era |
walksnshadows |
2 |
8/18/2011 4:46:06 AM
by sharsea |
Do You Remember The Fashions Or Slang Of The 50's &60's Page: 1 2 3 |
bill_43 |
158 |
8/17/2011 10:31:31 PM
by walksnshadows |
Happy Birthday to IAMAQTPIE better known as candyapple |
10snut |
17 |
8/17/2011 7:18:00 PM
by iamaqtpie |
To all I have met. |
angela_1 |
1 |
8/17/2011 4:36:01 PM
by ursalaannreas |
Why change is so ...? |
duchessa |
10 |
8/17/2011 2:31:03 PM
by duchessa |
The Household ABC |
walksnshadows |
2 |
8/17/2011 1:15:47 PM
by walksnshadows |
snow birds, here and there |
62bobo |
1 |
8/16/2011 6:22:44 AM
by gentlebear1949 |
Happy Birthday Jadeo.. Page: 1 2 |
sassy_lassy |
62 |
8/14/2011 5:47:43 PM
by bill_43 |
Name someone on DHU alphabetically |
wating2bfound |
32 |
8/14/2011 4:07:45 PM
by denimjeans |
Deal breakers in womens profiles. Page: 1 2 3 |
sunlaker7411 |
123 |
8/14/2011 3:41:52 PM
by dancer7237 |
Have a great day// |
m271960 |
1 |
8/13/2011 2:47:35 PM
by sassy_lassy |
I've Learned So Much In My Time |
jolly_jeanie |
2 |
8/13/2011 12:12:18 PM
by cuddly101a |
do you remember your first kiss and where |
weller58 |
22 |
8/12/2011 8:50:11 PM
by cupocheer |
I am so glad it is Friday.. |
m271960 |
4 |
8/12/2011 8:29:13 PM
by nenebubbles |
I need help with a 70's song. |
jiggert |
1 |
8/12/2011 6:04:22 PM
by ted10579 |
If money were no object, where would you live? Why? |
daveintulsa |
22 |
8/11/2011 12:29:33 PM
by daveintulsa |
Honey I'm Home |
walksnshadows |
22 |
8/10/2011 8:27:57 PM
by lkavour92 |
Well hell its here, Im 60 today ! |
tusko |
25 |
8/9/2011 8:53:32 PM
by duchessa |
What makes you---you? |
walksnshadows |
34 |
8/9/2011 12:22:57 PM
by walksnshadows |
Some things never change |
sagebrushsal |
5 |
8/9/2011 5:07:59 AM
by sagebrushsal |
Helicoptor Shot down - Navy Seals Team 6 |
10snut |
4 |
8/7/2011 7:48:19 PM
by shellfishguy |
Helpful Hints |
digitaldog |
1 |
8/6/2011 11:25:52 AM
by nenebubbles |
New Names for Classic Songs |
boonie67 |
3 |
8/6/2011 9:21:11 AM
by 10snut |
how long have you been on dhp ? |
weller58 |
18 |
8/6/2011 6:56:09 AM
by aginghippy2008 |
Suggestions, please |
duchessa |
19 |
8/4/2011 5:41:27 PM
by gentlebear1949 |
Nitey Nite everyone |
walksnshadows |
17 |
8/4/2011 12:23:17 AM
by walksnshadows |
A Male Fairy Tale: |
justaman21 |
17 |
8/3/2011 9:30:15 PM
by sassy_lassy |
Events That Have IMPACTED Your Life |
10snut |
21 |
8/3/2011 5:12:42 PM
by cuddly101a |
>>>have you heard the expression..chit or get off the POT ? |
sunnyday7 |
7 |
8/3/2011 5:08:31 PM
by birthdaycake |
Happy Birthday Cherishlife47 |
coffeetime |
32 |
8/2/2011 12:57:46 PM
by walksthenight11 |
Music from the 70's Page: 1 2 3 |
jadedo |
157 |
8/2/2011 5:10:03 AM
by sharsea |
Maybe? Maybe? Maybe? |
justaman21 |
16 |
8/1/2011 10:07:30 PM
by silvercee |
A Wish Come True |
10snut |
42 |
8/1/2011 7:58:18 PM
by walksnshadows |
Truely Amazing art |
walksnshadows |
4 |
7/31/2011 8:40:19 PM
by walksnshadows |
What Is The Most Meaningful Thing You've Done In Your Life? |
gentlebear1949 |
13 |
7/29/2011 5:57:20 PM
by cuddly101a |
RAIN yesterday |
char7138 |
8 |
7/29/2011 2:58:25 PM
by cuddly101a |
By the Time this Night is Over |
asoftwhisper1 |
13 |
7/28/2011 8:09:43 AM
by greatocassion |
At This Point In My Life I Have Learned |
cuddly101a |
51 |
7/27/2011 6:40:47 PM
by cuddly101a |
what would you do with 3 wishes |
busstope |
23 |
7/25/2011 1:19:03 PM
by cuddly101a |
i am cool and happy as i can be |
notforyou |
0 |
7/24/2011 9:08:36 PM
by notforyou |
Can you live without someone? |
sparkle4evra10 |
27 |
7/24/2011 4:04:37 PM
by jadedo |
Is he/she too close to try?? |
sparkle4evra10 |
14 |
7/24/2011 3:17:46 PM
by igayle |
Manassas area get together |
mad4 |
8 |
7/23/2011 1:59:17 PM
by mad4 |
do people change? Page: 1 2 |
greatocassion |
77 |
7/23/2011 7:06:06 AM
by asoftwhisper1 |
No Comment I had NO idea |
txangel43 |
27 |
7/22/2011 8:33:14 PM
by pdforone |
If your life were a song what would the title be? Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
morningloria |
235 |
7/22/2011 6:39:12 PM
by morningloria |
what do you love |
greatocassion |
7 |
7/22/2011 9:24:44 AM
by greatocassion |
Speedy Get Well Wishes for Bill 43 |
sharsea |
56 |
7/21/2011 2:41:16 PM
by igayle |
Group warning and advisory . ! ! |
digitaldog |
14 |
7/18/2011 8:02:57 PM
by nenebubbles |
Famous or Infamous Couples Page: 1 2 3 |
cuddly101a |
125 |
7/18/2011 11:51:32 AM
by cuddly101a |
say it again, and then again |
greatocassion |
3 |
7/18/2011 11:35:28 AM
by greatocassion |
if you could change just one thing in the world |
walksnshadows |
45 |
7/17/2011 6:34:24 PM
by gentlebear1949 |
Old Myrtle Beach Shag Music Page: 1 2 |
scman29720 |
61 |
7/17/2011 12:50:54 PM
by scman29720 |
what Things Have You Lost Interest In That You Used To Love? |
gentlebear1949 |
28 |
7/16/2011 4:34:39 PM
by paken |
Does Home Owenership Restrict Your Retirement Happiness? |
gentlebear1949 |
59 |
7/15/2011 8:12:09 PM
by pemsit60 |
Things One Gets By With By Being Older |
gentlebear1949 |
51 |
7/13/2011 10:16:35 AM
by musicianforever |
Happy Birthday Shellfishguy! |
jadedo |
32 |
7/12/2011 4:42:20 AM
by shellfishguy |
what are you really looking for |
greatocassion |
8 |
7/8/2011 7:58:12 AM
by greatocassion |
Verdict is in on Casey Anthony |
10snut |
53 |
7/7/2011 12:19:56 PM
by 10snut |
Happlness And Joy-The Same Or Different? |
gentlebear1949 |
17 |
7/7/2011 9:54:01 AM
by pdforone |
fruites and veggies choice |
busstope |
13 |
7/6/2011 5:58:04 PM
by busstope |
the jury watch |
greatocassion |
32 |
7/6/2011 8:35:47 AM
by greatocassion |
all kinds ot sports |
busstope |
24 |
7/5/2011 4:22:46 PM
by busstope |
Is blocking the right way? |
duchessa |
13 |
7/5/2011 2:32:08 PM
by newlady2 |
Passing Judgement |
10snut |
27 |
7/5/2011 12:27:47 PM
by 10snut |
What Are The Keys To Happiness For You? |
gentlebear1949 |
48 |
7/5/2011 9:39:47 AM
by browneyz |
What Are Some Of Your Tips? |
altje |
6 |
7/4/2011 8:24:04 PM
by igayle |
Pictures that you have taken of any kind and tell the story |
morningloria |
40 |
7/4/2011 7:24:21 PM
by rangerguy3 |
Do you find people are too picky about what they're looking for ? Page: 1 2 |
patches1286 |
109 |
7/4/2011 2:24:19 PM
by browneyz |
What will you be doing this weekend? |
walksnshadows |
23 |
7/2/2011 10:37:28 PM
by igayle |
Poll for men,only. Please vote. |
sunlaker7411 |
52 |
7/2/2011 9:45:23 PM
by pdforone |
A (NON-DIET) Diet for healthy Living |
cherishlife47 |
22 |
7/2/2011 9:38:22 PM
by lkavour92 |
Country line dances for us older folks? |
musicianforever |
13 |
7/1/2011 8:45:23 AM
by margar |
Independance Day from other views |
greatocassion |
0 |
7/1/2011 8:16:49 AM
by greatocassion |
Retirement Woes Page: 1 2 |
10snut |
60 |
7/1/2011 3:57:33 AM
by walksnshadows |
food for thought |
busstope |
11 |
6/30/2011 8:54:06 PM
by busstope |
fun,fun,fun and other crazy stuff |
sassy_lassy |
15 |
6/29/2011 9:14:44 AM
by igayle |
Don't Mess With Old People |
altje |
8 |
6/28/2011 7:53:13 PM
by altje |
TRUST.How did we lose it? How do we get it back? |
sunlaker7411 |
4 |
6/28/2011 5:15:53 PM
by igayle |
It's official she's---------------today |
walksnshadows |
17 |
6/28/2011 4:22:57 PM
by tauruslady45 |
a few of my favorite things |
greatocassion |
24 |
6/28/2011 2:56:17 PM
by walksthenight11 |
everyone is different |
greatocassion |
0 |
6/28/2011 5:53:14 AM
by greatocassion |
your idea of a great escape |
greatocassion |
26 |
6/27/2011 9:24:41 AM
by greatocassion |
Handy facts to know |
justaman21 |
9 |
6/26/2011 7:38:47 PM
by kaywalker |
>>San Diego 3-day beach trip/Giant v.Padre game july 15-18 th. WOW.! |
sunnyday7 |
4 |
6/26/2011 12:16:35 PM
by sunnyday7 |
A surprise party |
duchessa |
21 |
6/25/2011 8:03:08 PM
by duchessa |
Looking for my mom |
datemymom60 |
8 |
6/24/2011 7:42:19 PM
by ted10579 |
60 and seeking interracial relationship, I'm white attracted to Black |
arley321 |
5 |
6/24/2011 2:05:23 PM
by pdforone |
I don't want to be a "Weiner" |
boonie67 |
42 |
6/24/2011 1:45:22 PM
by pdforone |
Do you think a back ground check is necessary? Page: 1 2 |
sparkle4evra10 |
68 |
6/24/2011 9:28:32 AM
by cuddly101a |
Say Goodnight Gracie |
walksnshadows |
28 |
6/23/2011 10:09:38 PM
by walksnshadows |
Wild and crazy hats |
walksnshadows |
16 |
6/23/2011 10:01:45 PM
by walksnshadows |
Who is your best friend and why? |
sparkle4evra10 |
19 |
6/22/2011 4:58:27 PM
by madmadame |